67 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dan hubungan antara bobot badan dan ukuran tubuh ternak kambing lokal di Kecamatan Leihitu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Metode Purposive sampling dan survei, analisis deskriptif sifat kualitatif, kuantitatif dan analisis regresi sederhana hubungan bobot badan dengan ukuran tubuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Karakteristik sifat kualitatif mulai dari profil garis muka datar, garis punggung cekung persentase 100%. Pola warna dominan hitam persentase 49% dan campuran 16%. Karakteristik sifat kuantitatif bobot badan kambing lokal rataan 26,94±2,75(10,20) kg. Tinggi pundak (54,39 cm). Panjang badan (52,23 cm). Lebar dada (24,79 cm). Lingkar dada (56,48 cm). Lingkar canon (8,18 cm). Hubungan bobot badan dan ukuran tubuh ternak nilai korelasi yang diperoleh antara bobot badan dengan variabel tersebut adalah masing-masing 0,99 (tinggi pundak), 0,74 (panjang badan),  2,28 (lebar dada), dan 0,86 (lingkar dada). Sifat kualitatif dan Kuantitatif ternak kambing lokal pada kecamatan leihitu kabupaten maluku tengah memiliki kemiripan dengan ternak Kambing Kacang, hubungan positif bobot badan dengan ukuran tubuh ternak.  ABSTRACT  This study aims to determine the characteristics of qualitative and quantitative traits, and the relationship between body weight and body size of local goats in Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency. Purposive sampling and survey methods, descriptive analysis of qualitative characteristics, quantitative and simple regression analysis of the relationship between body weight and body size. The results showed that the qualitative characteristics ranged from the profile of a flat front line to a concave back line with a percentage of 100%. The dominant color pattern is 49% black and 16% mixed. The quantitative characteristics of the local goats' body weight averaged 26.94±2.75(10.20) kg. Shoulder height (54.39 cm). Body length (52.23 cm). Chest width (24.79 cm). Bust (56.48 cm). Canon circumference (8.18 cm). In the correlation between body weight and body size of cattle, the correlation values ​​obtained between body weight and these variables were 0.99 (shoulder height), 0.74 (body length), 2.28 (chest width), and 0.86 ( chest size). Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of local goats in the Leihitu sub-district, Central Maluku district, have similarities with Peanut Goats, a positive relationship between body weight and body size

    In-vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Guiera senegalensis Leaves against Uropathogenic Microorganisms

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة لتقييم النشاط المضاد لمستخلصات اوراق نبات الغبيش المستخلصة بالميثانول والماء والهكسين ضد الميكروبات التي تصيب المسالك البولية. تم قياس النشاط المضاد للميكروبات باستخدام طريقة الانتشار في الاجار باستخدام تقنية تخفيف المستخلصات بتركيزات مختلفة. وايضآ تم تحديد الحد الادني للتركيز المثبط من المستخلص ضد الكائنات الحية باستخدام طريقة التوزيع في الاجار عن طريق اقل تركيز مثبط من المستخلص .اثبتت الدراسة ان كل المستخلصات نشطة بيولوجيا وفعالة ضد ميكروبات المسالك البولية المختبرة وهي الايشريشيا القولونية والمكورات العنقودية المعوية والمكورات العنقودية الذهبية وبكتريا الالتهاب الرئوي والسيدموموناس ايروغينوسا و الزائفة الزنجارية وفطر المبيضات البيضاء(Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Klebseilla pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudmonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans).. اعطي المستخلص المائي لاوراق نبات الغبيش فعالية تتراوح بين 12 -31.3 مم ومستخلص الميثانول بين 11.5-31.7مم والمستخلصات المتجزاة بالهكسان تتراوح بين 12.3-27.3مم) بين 10.5-27مم ضد الميكروبات المختبرة. معظم المستخلصات اعطت تركيزات مثبطة الحد الادنى يتراوح بين 3.125 -12.5ملجرام /مل والحد الادنى القاتل للبكتيريا يتراوح بين 12.5 - 25 ملجرام/ملل . تحليل المستخلص المائى و مستخلص الميثانول اظهرت وجود المواد الحيوية كالفلافونيدات ، التانيدات، الالكالويدات ، الصابونيات، الجلايكوزيدات و الاستيرويدات تايد قدرة المستخلصات الفاعلة ضد الميكروبات المختبرة.اظهرت مستخلصات الماء والميثانول فعالية اكثر عن المستخلصات المتجزأة وا ختلاف حلقات التثبيط من مستخلص لاخر يؤكد ان فعالية المستخلص تختلف باختلاف المذيب. وجود المواد الحيوية النشطة المثبطة للمكروبات والتركيزات القاتلة للبكتيريا يبرر امكانية استخدام اوراق نبات الغبيش كدواء شعبي او تقليدي. تم التاكد من السمية لهذا المستخلص عن طريق يرقات الجمبري في المختبر واثبتت الدراسة ان المستخلص أمن لذلك يمكن استخدامها كمضادات حيوية ضد بعض الميكربات . من نتائج التجارب نجد انه يمكن استخدام مستخلصات اوراق نبات الغبيش كعلاج بديل للمضادات الحيوية لمعالجة الاصابة بميكروبات المسالك البولية. ختامآ توصي الدراسة باجراء مذيدا من الدراسات والبحوث في النبات في مجالات الاحياء الدقيقة والكيمياء الحيوية والصيدلانية و اختبارات السمية باستخدام حيوانات التجارب لضمان سلامة استخدام النبات فى العلاج

    Quality Analytical Entrance Cost Applied Study in the Garments Factory of "Waladi" in Mosul

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    Spared no accountants will cost effort in trying to develop methods of analysis of cost elements, including elements of the cost of quality in order to provide information contributes to achieving the goals of the company and provide the best products at the lowest cost , so it became the analysis of the elements of quality costs within companies an essential element and an important part in the competition in the modern environmental, in order to control this elements and improve their performance as far as the strategic because the quality focus on reducing costs and working to increase customer satisfaction, therefore, this research aims to shed light on the statement of the role of the cost of quality in achieving effective products with the aim of improving the quality of production and reduce costs and enhance the company's ability compete locally and internationally, and the statement of the benefits envisaged from the analysis process and its role in achieving effective products. Keywords: Elements and appraisal cost of quality, Defects, Root cause, Pareto analysi

    HIV communication challenges faced by HIV specialist nurses in Malaysia government hospitals

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    HIV counselling is a communication process between a trained nurse and patient to discuss HIV-related problems with a view to assist the patient to manage these problems adequately and appropriately. Lack of communication about HIV-related problems exists and the fact that nurses do not address these problems appropriately could be associated with the sensitive issues involved or the lack of knowledge as how to overcome these problems. Previous studies have identified the challenges health care workers face in disseminating HIV-related information. However, there is an apparent lack of research examining the challenges faced by HIV specialist nurses in Malaysia. Hence, this paper aims to explore the communication challenges faced by HIV specialist nurses in three general hospitals in Malaysia. Five focus group discussions (25 HIV specialist nurses) have been recorded, transcribed and translated. Thirteen communication challenges have been identified and contended for further research exploring communication during HIV counselling by focusing on the impact of these challenges towards HIV specialist nurses’ advice and information giving

    Impact of Human Capital Development and Human Capital Isolation Mechanisms on Innovative Performance: Evidence from Industrial Companies in Jordan

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of human capital development mechanisms (training, incentives structure and attraction of skilled employees) and human capital isolation mechanisms (specificity of company resources and internal characteristics of knowledge in the company) on organizational human capital development and enhancement (well-educated, well-trained employees with suitable job experience). In addition, the study tried to examine the impact of organizational human capital on innovative performance (introduction of new products, replacement of old products, quality of new products and work processes innovations). A questionnaire was developed to collect data from a sample consisting of 500 managers working in selected industrial Jordanian companies at different levels of management. A total of 463 questionnaires were returned giving a response rate of 92.6%. The results found significant as well as positive impacts of human capital development mechanisms and human capital isolation mechanisms on organizational human capital, which in turn significantly affected innovative performance. The results of the study confirmed the acceptance of all hypotheses. The originality of the current study is that it tested and confirmed the important role played by different variables related to the development of organizational human capital which in turn delivers improvements in innovation performance. In light of these results, the study recommends the need to protect human capital through the use of isolation mechanisms in addition to the use of development mechanisms employed in the current study. For future studies, the study recommends the use of additional mechanisms associated with the development and isolation of human capital as this has demonstrated a positive impact in improving innovation performance. Keywords: human capital development, human capital isolation mechanisms, innovative performance. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-15-21 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Mechanism identification of Ficus Deltoidea aqueous extract in rat uterine contractions

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    Ficus deltoidea or ‘mas cotek,’ is a uterotonic herb traditionally consumed by women to improve menstrual circulation, assist labour, remove retained placenta and treat postpartum bleeding. The aim of the study was to elucidate the mechanism of F. deltoidea in uterine contraction. Crude extracts from 2 different variants of F. deltoidea were used in the study; F. deltoidea var. Deltoidea (FDD) and F. deltoidea var. Angustifolia (FDA). This study was conducted ex vivo on the strips of isolated rats uterus treated with either FDD or FDA aqueous extract with increasing concentrations ranging from 10 μg/ml until 1280 μg/ml at time intervals of 5 minutes between doses. The frequency and intensity of the uterine contractions were monitored via Powerlab software. Maximum contractions for both extracts were identified, recorded and the uterine strips samples at maximum contraction were selected and homogenized in order determine the role of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) in the mechanism of uterine contraction. Other than that, phosphorylated 42/44 (p42/44) of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) expression was also detected via immunoblotting. The results showed that the maximum contraction induced by FDD was at the concentration of 320 μg/ml, whereas for FDA was at 960 μg/ml. Both FDD and FDA increased the intensity of uterine strips contractions and there were notable trend of increased PGF2α expression as well. Further analysis revealed that the uterine contractions involved the MAPK pathway through the phosphorylation of p42/44 protein. In conclusion, Ficus deltoidea of both variants have the ability to stimulate uterine contraction through the mechanism of MAPK pathway


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C8H6N2O4, contains one half-mol­ecule; a twofold rotation axis bisects the molecule. The quinoxaline ring is planar, which can be attributed to electron delocalization. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into R 2 2(10) motifs, leading to layers, which inter­act via phen­yl–phenyl inter­actions (C⋯C distances in the range 3.238–3.521 Å)