4,641 research outputs found

    Development of assistive technology to operate industrial grade sewing machines for differently-abled persons

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    An assistive technology to operate the sewing machine by hand has been developed and made suitable for differentlyabledpersons. This assistive device has been developed using two variant techniques, viz Technique-A and Technique-B.Technique-A involves electromechanical potentiometer control and Technique -B involves electrical servo motor control.The sewing machine is developed individually for each technique and tested in terms of machine handling factor, energyconsumption, maintenance and productivity. Based on comparative test results, the assistive device of Technique -B ishighly suitable and suggested for differently- abled persons. The operator performance in terms of single cycle time (SCT),efficiency, earning and skill level between normal persons and differently-abled persons has also been studied. With thisnew development, differently-abled persons can work and earn in garment industry like a normal sewing operator

    Novel device to measure multi-directional wicking of elastic knitted fabric for active sportswear

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    Multi-directional liquid spreading behaviour of polyester/elastane knitted fabrics under various stretches has beenstudied. A novel device has been developed to measure the liquid spreading behaviour of elastic fabrics under variousstretches using image processing techniques. An attempt has also been made to understand the trend of the stretch behaviourof elastic knitted fabrics under different loads and the relationship between extension percentage and the liquid spreading offabrics. Polyester fabric shows high transverse wicking rate and longer saturating time than the other two samples. Also theresult shows that the area of transverse wicking of polyester/elastane knitted fabric is directly proportional to the time andinversely proportional to the load and elastane content

    An approach design and analysis of resource management software for multihoming in-vehicle of IPv6 network

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    The resource management of Multihoming in nested mobile network raises new issues in the host mobility of ipv6 network. Multihoming facilitates the possibility of switching over to the network path offering better performance. However the key factor in attaining the benefit of multihoming is to ensure that the handoff switches over from one network interface to the other interface with minimal interruption. The aim of mobility support is to make mobile nodes keep connectivity without modification when roaming. The contribution of this paper is to simulate a policy based routing protocol framework that focuses on session preservation by redundancy and Load balancing by selecting the best available interface or enabling multiple interfaces simultaneously, since their management is critical for mobile communication. To manage these two critical resources, we identify the mobility characteristics and hardware configurations of in vehicle networks. The study then proposed a policy based routing protocol using two adaptive session preservation schemes in multihoming, which is refer to as best-connected MR selections based on location and path based type to support nested network of MIPV6 which was simulated using network simulator (NS2)

    A design proposer on policy framework in IPV6 network

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    Networked systems are increasingly driven by changing business needs, their management becomes even more complex. In order to adapt to changing business requirements, distributed systems switch from the traditional client-server model to a service-driven model: The internet service driven network is a new approach to the provision of network computing that concentrates on the services you want to provide. These services range from the low-level services that manage relationships between networked devices to the value-added services provided to the end-users. The requirements for management systems identified above, can be facilitated with policy-based management approach where the support for distribution, automation and dynamic adaptation of the behaviour of the managed system is achieved by using policies. IPV6 is one of the useful delivery protocols for future fixed and wireless/mobile network environment while multihoming is the tools for delivering such protocol to the end users. This paper proposed interface selection mechanism while the study presents a policy framework in IPv6 multihomed mobile network, policy Framework Architecture, and a case study for the framework

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Proses Penyelesaian Konflik Lahan di Daerah Perbatasan (Studi Kasus Desa Pulau Jambu Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dengan Desa Selunak Kecamatan Batang Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Tahun 2011-2013)

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    The research present describe the land conflict between are Pulau Jambu Village Cerenti District Kuantan Singingi Regency and Selunak Village Batang Peranap District Indragiri Hulu Regency. This conflict reason is PT. Asia Sawit Makmur Jaya (ASMJ) come to Pulau Jambu Village Cerenti District Kuantan Singingi Regency for opened a plantation land and get permit from the regent of Kuantan Singingi Regency. But, society of Selunak Village Batang Peranap District Indragiri Hulu Regency felt are founding they land is inside to the location permit, so that society of Selunak Village to claim for return thems land because that are half of society Selunak Village occupation location. But the company is cant answered that the request from society of Selunak Village, with the reason that land to represent of the land Pulau Jambu Village Cerenti District Kuantan Singingi Regency adjust with the permit who are given of Regent of Kuantan Singingi Regency. This conflict be continue until to aroused a fight between society Selunak Village, Pulau Jambu Village and the company.The research use the method are qualitative methods that analyze problem research by describe the subject and objects condition based on real fact. This research use location in Pulau Jambu Village Cerenti District Kuantan Singingi Regency and Selunak Village Batang Peranap District Indragiri Hulu Regency and researcher collect data from books, government regulation, journal, mass media, website and deep interview with some informan. The research use the theory of conflict and district government. Purpose of this research is for finding causes factor land conflict between Pulau Jambu Village and Selunak Village, and to knowing what the expedient that doing of district government in finished this land conflict.The conclution of this research are the conflict until now still in finishing process, each of them fixed that the land are owned. Until each of them still find out solution to finding good finishing for them.Keywords : Conflict, District Government,relic land

    A dynamics-driven approach to precision machines design for micro-manufacturing and its implementation perspectives

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    Precision machines are essential elements in fabricating high quality micro products or micro features and directly affect the machining accuracy, repeatability and efficiency. There are a number of literatures on the design of industrial machine elements and a couple of precision machines commercially available. However, few researchers have systematically addressed the design of precision machines from the dynamics point of view. In this paper, the design issues of precision machines are presented with particular emphasis on the dynamics aspects as the major factors affecting the performance of the precision machines and machining processes. This paper begins with a brief review of the design principles of precision machines with emphasis on machining dynamics. Then design processes of precision machines are discussed, and followed by a practical modelling and simulation approaches. Two case studies are provided including the design and analysis of a fast tool servo system and a 5-axis bench-top micro-milling machine respectively. The design and analysis used in the two case studies are formulated based on the design methodology and guidelines

    Hysteresis-based Voltage and Current Control Techniques for Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Comparative Study

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    Solar PV system development and integration with existing grid is very fast in recent years all over the world, as they require limited maintenance, pollution free and simple structure. When observing the factors affecting the performance of the grid connected solar photovoltaic system, the inverter output voltage with harmonics add with the harmonics generated due to the non-linear loads, retain a bigger challenge to maintain power quality in the grid. To maintain grid power quality, better inverter control technique should be developed. This paper presents the two control techniques for grid-tied inverters. This study developed the hysteresis controller for the inverter. Hysteresis controller used in this work two way (i) Voltage control mode (ii) Current control mode. Matlab/Simulink model is developed for the proposed system. Further the study presents the comparative evaluation of the performance of both control techniques based on the percentage of total harmonic distortion (THD) with the limits specified by the standards such as IEEE 1547 and IEC 61727 and IEEE Std 519-201

    Vibroacoustic performance of fiber metal laminates with delamination

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    In the present work, the numerical assessment of vibroacoustic (VA) performance of fiber metal laminates (FML) with mid-plane center delamination is presented. A fluid structure interaction study has been done using finite element method (FEM). Experimental validation is performed on an aluminium (AL) panel for verifying the correctness of finite element (FE) idealization procedure to simulate the fluid-structure interaction. Delamination is introduced in the FE model of FML panel and VA analysis is subsequently carried out. Sound transmission loss (STL) is computed on the panel with center delamination and without delamination. The overall sound pressure level (OASPL) shows that the presence of delamination (40% in total area) in FML has not changed the total energy of the transmitted sound when compared to aluminium and composites. However, in the narrow frequency bands (150–200 Hz, 200–250 Hz), the sound transmission nature has been significantly affected due to local delamination modes participating in the fluid-structure interaction process