646 research outputs found

    Amélioration de la qualité microbiologique des effluents secondaires par stockage en bassins

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    Microbiological quality improvement of secondary effluent by reservoir storage. Storing secondary effluents is of particular interest for water resource management. It constitutes further treatment which reduces the microbial contamination of water to a level where it can be used for the irrigation of all crops, without restriction. The storage of treated wastewater takes place during the winter, ensuring that such a resource is not lost and enabling a larger area to be irrigated during the dry season, thereby increasing agricultural production. Storage trials in reservoirs were conducted in north-eastern Tunisia. Their objective was to determine the length and conditions of secondary effluent decontamination as well as the impact of seasonal storage on water quality. The results indicate that the decontamination of effluents slows down with increased reservoir depth. For a depth of less than 150 cm, a reduction of fecal coliforms in the order of 3 log units is attained in 3 days when the average temperature of the water ranges from 22 to 25 degrees C; when this temperature is between 25.5 and 28 degrees C, the same reduction takes 8 days. Below 20 degrees C, decontamination is considerably reduced: for a mean water temperature ranging from 12.5 to 18 degrees C, the reduction of fecal coliforms reaches 3 log units only after a retention time of 17 days in the reservoir. Seasonal storage from 2 to 7 months does not affect the bacteriological quality of water: after decontamination, no proliferation of bacterial indicators occurs during storage

    Analysis of the Relaxation Period of a Multivibrator

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    An improved mathematical analysis of the relaxation periods of a free running symmetrical multivibrator has been made showing expressions for different electrode potentials and time periods. The theoretical values obtained have been compared with experimental data, part of which is also presented here


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    Collocation is a pair of group that often used together. This research aims to describe the types of lexical collocation of political news in the jakarta post. Lexical collocation is the object of this research. The subject of this research is political news in the Jakarta Post Newspaper published on 19 May – 28 May 2020. It consists of 5  news.The researcher took all of the news about politics published on 19 May 2020 – 28 May 2020. The result of this study found 27 lexical collocations,divided into 7 types of lexical collocation. The most dominantly is L3 adjective + noun type, the percentage shows 14 times or 51,9%, the second one is L5 noun + noun type, the percentage shows 8 times or 29,7 %,next one is L1 verb + noun/ pronoun type, the percentage show 3 times or 11,2%, then L2 verb + noun and L4 noun + verb types found 1 time or 3,8 %, both of them have same percentage. The last L6 adverb + adjective and L7 Verb + adverb type not found lexical collocation in the Jakarta Post Newspaper. Furthermore based on the findings, it can be concluded that type L3 adjective + noun is the dominant or highest percentage than all of the patterns

    Integrated Reliability and Sizing Optimization of a Large Composite Structure

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    In this paper, we present the application of probabilistic design modeling and reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) methodology to the sizing optimization of a composite advanced submarine sail structure under parametric uncertainty. With the help of probabilistic sensitivity analysis, the influence of individual random variables on each structural failure mode is examined, and the critical modes are treated as probabilistic design constraints under consistent lower bounds on the corresponding reliability indices. Whereas the failure modes are applied to structural components in the solution of the RBDO problem, the overall system reliability is also evaluated as a post-optimization step. The results indicate that in comparison to a deterministic optimum design, the structural mass of the probabilistic optimum design is slightly higher when consistent probabilistic constraints are imposed, and the overall structural stiffness is found to be more critical than individual component laminate ply thicknesses in meeting the specified design constraints. Moreover, the post-optimality analysis shows that the overall system failure probability of the probabilistic optimum design is more than 50% lower than that of the deterministic optimal design with less than 5% penalty in structural mass

    Aplikasi Teknik Olah Reka Latar Dengan Tema Phobia Pada Produk Fashion

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    Phobia merupakan ketakutan yang irasional, sejenis gangguan kecemasan, dimana penderitanya mengalami ketakutan tanpa henti terhadap sebuah situasi, benda, atau tempat tertentu. Fobia dapat menyerang orang-orang dari berbagai usia, jenis kelamin, dan status sosial ekonomi, dan jumlah wanita yang terserang fobia lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan laki-laki. Fobia disebabkan oleh situasi tertentu, stres, pengalaman atau peristiwa menakutkan. Beberapa psikologi mengatakan bahwa sebuah gambar atau foto dapat menjadi sebuah terapi jika itu dapat menenangkan jiwa seseorang, mengekspresikan perasaan yang dialami, dan mengarahkan seseorang ke arah yang lebih baik dan bermanfaat. Untuk mengatasi fobia juga dapat dilakukan dengan terapi exposure, dimana para penderita fobia dihadapkan dengan objek ketakutan mereka sampai rasa takut itu sendiri perlahan menghilang. Dalam tugas akhir ini, eksplorasi yang akan dilakukan adalah dengan mengangkat berbagai jenis fobia yang diderita kebanyakan orang, lalu mengolah gambaran tersebut menjadi sebuah komposisi yang baru. Eksplorasi yang akan dilakukan mencakup berbagai teknik olah reka latar, diantaranya adalah teknik transfer printing, foiling, flocking, dan embroidery. Hasil eksplorasi tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan tingkat Kenyamanan tertentu apda pemakainya dan dapat menjadi terapi bagi para penderita fobia. Selain sebagai terapi, produk yang merupakan hasil akhir dari eksplorasi ini dapat menjadi sebuah produk fashion yang unik bagi masayarakat umum

    Analisis Pengalaman Petani Organik: Eksplorasi Pengalaman Petani Organik Dengan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    The organic farming system is an agricultural system that keeps the environment-friendly. The organic farming system is expected to be a solution for building agriculture and improving the welfare of farmers. This study aims to explore and understand the experience gained by individuals in living organic farming systems. The study used the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach that aims thedepth of meaning against various backgrounds, experiences, unique events, and subject thinking through in- depth interviews. The results found that the organic farming systemapplicationled to a variety of the organic farming system experience.Organic farming systems that have been implemented at the moment are still constrained so that social capital in the form of values, norms, trusts and social networks play a role in overcoming these obstacles. Development of organic agriculture is expected to encourage economic aspects, health aspects, and ecological aspects


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    Reliability-based Optimization of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composite Bridge Deck Panels

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    A reliability-based optimization (RBO) procedure is developed and applied to minimize the weight of eight fiber-reinforced polymer composite bridge deck panel configurations. The method utilizes interlinked finite element, optimization, and reliability analysis procedures to solve the weight minimization problem with a deterministic strength constraint and two probabilistic deflection constraints. Panels are composed of an upper face plate, lower face plate, and a grid of interior stiffeners. Different panel depths and stiffener layouts are considered. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to identify significant design and random variables. Optimization design variables are panel component ply thicknesses while random variables include load and material resistance parameters. It was found that panels were deflection-governed, with the optimization algorithm yielding little improvement for shallow panels, but significant weight savings for deeper panels. The best design resulted in deep panels with close stiffener spacing to minimize local upper face plate deformations under the imposed traffic (wheel) loads

    Analisis Hubungan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi Kasus pada Kantor Wali Kota Sorong Papua Barat)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai pada kantor wali kota sorong Papua barat tahun 2018. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai kantor wali kota sorong Papua barat yang diambil sampelnya sebanyak 50 orang pegawai. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study ,Yaitu jenis penelitian untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel Dependent dan variabel independent.sedangkan analisis yang digunakan analisis univariat,bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Insentif yang diberikan kepada pegawai belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan,dimana dari 50 orang pegawai yang dijadikan sampel memiliki insentif cukup sebanyak 22 orang pegawai dengan persentase 44,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki insentif kurang sebanyak 28 orang pegawai dengan persentase 56,0 %. tunjangan yang diberikan kepada pegawai dari 50 sampel yang diambil terdapat 25 orang pegawai memiliki tunjangan cukup dengan persentase sebesar 50,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki tunjangan kurang sebesar 25 orang pegawai dengan persentase 50,0 %. penghargaan yang diberikan kepada pegawai belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan,dimana dari 50 orang pegawai yang dijadikan sampel memiliki penghargaan cukup sebanyak 22 orang pegwai dengan persentase 44,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki penghargaan kurang sebanyak 28 orang pegawai dengan persentase 56,0 %