416 research outputs found

    Sport skills and mental health

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    From a study previously published on the occasion of the scientific meeting of the International Conference on Sports Science and Disability held in Naples at the University Naval February 15, 2014, be clear that "It is appropriate to the study of a process for the effective implementation of these activities and connected to an objective evaluation tool”. This work illustrates a practice used for a pilot project currently underway. Analysis of the practices used. Administering tests validated (FPS, POMS, tests Rockfort, measurement bmi) to an experimental group and a control group. They were also used additional assessment instruments calibrated for the specific use. Graphical representation of the data obtained. The analysis of currently available data is positive, this data will be compared with the final data to get a picture more complete. In Conclusions the data collected if confirmed by the end of the pilot project to encourage the creation of an experimental project in which they are involved more patients and more facilities in order to evaluate the results

    Basketball feint and non-verbal communication: empirical framework

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    Bodily communication has its own epistemological framework in which the message follows a process of encoding, transmission and decoding. It establishes contacts and relationships that are developed first by data processing and after by message content evaluating. It has, within it, an ethnic-social substrate that changes in different cultures and contexts. It is a dynamic flow consisting of five basic elements: context, sender, recipient, channel, code and follows a logical and analogical process. The arguments of bodily communication affect the feint, which means manifest intention of achieving a goal through the initial implementation of a plan with specific motor signs, postures, attitudes, which are later implemented in totally different pursuance It refers to the “tactics” decoding of bodily communication. In this way, non-verbal communication have to be included both in experimental and human sciences, so it can investigated by observation and data collected and get together the quantitative and qualitative aspects. The game situations in basketball are so many variables, determined from interacting behaviors engines all players, between teammates and against the opponents. The behaviors of the feints are of great importance both that quality execution technique that every player has and to choice the tactical option. In this study, it is request to recognize the main aspects in basketball, such as in volleyball in past study and to give an argumentative and deductive classification. Method is the observation by descriptive research of three experts: coach of team, experts of body communication and performance analyst. Results show some interested aspects. The body feint is always a deliberate attempt to deceive the opponent to gain an advantage in the context of the game, moreover, it is the basis of the game of basketball, along one players against one, on which is built the complex process of acquisition of tactical advantages over opponents. There are some prerequisites to be able to realize the motor actions of fake, definitely a good knowledge of the rules of the game, knowing how to hesitate (take time before changing direction) or anticipate a move (make a cut changing speed) and especially the ability to read situations game tactics. In conclusion, for young athletes, the education of these aspects becomes essential to ensure the development of the imagination and anticipation motor, which imply the ability of invention and adaptation to different situations of the game. The more a player forces the opponent to react to his feint (shooting, passing or departure dribble), instead of acting, the more likely will have to gain the benefits (time and space) in order to carry out his plan motor effectively (to make an easy score). Although, it is to highlight that, in the modern basketball defensive tactics (zone press, help and recovery, doublings, defensive switch, etc.) start to work out the following game situations: the defender must not have more behavior liabilities compared to the attacker, but in turn must perform the behavior of pretending to try to reverse the situation tactic, creating disorientation, or otherwise, creating an unexpected situation for the attacker; in order to create; an advantage for the defense (recovery of the ball on the dribble, on the steps or on the shoot)

    The Movement and Sport Science in Italy Towards the European Research Council

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    AbstractEuropean Research Council Executive Agency, (ERCEA), has the mission to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all field, on the basis of scientific excellence. In 2019, European Research Council (ERC) updates the Panel Structure in 3 areas: Social Sciences and Humanities SH, Physical Sciences and Engineering PE, Life Sciences LS, 25 panels and 333 sub-panels. Every UE countries are updating own academic body system to align to the ERC. In Italy, this alignment is not possible because Movement and sport science has been together place SH and LS as academic disciplines of Physical training and Sport sciences. This is the vexata quaestio that makes the Italian academic system different from the other EU countries with consequences on the development of Italian research in Europa. Historical review explains why this division exists and why it begun after the second great war and developed to nowadays, determining an atypical model than others European countries. Movement and sport science should to be reasonably placed in an unique scientific area or alignments coherently at the related subpanels according to the scientific evidences, even if they are placed in more ERC areas. Both options can be applied according to ERC thought to resolve the actual problem

    Testing motor skills, general and special coordinative, in young soccer

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    There is need of improvement the quality of the play and the performances continually, above all the motor skills. The tests that have been made to the male young athletes, are easy to administer and are intended to investigate two different motor skills (general coordinative and specific coordinative). The purpose of this study is to monitor and to evaluate the improvement of the performance on a sample of fifteen male young soccer players of 12-13 years old. Method is experimental and has to carry out the usual parameters for monitoring the trainings. Data were collected during eight weeks. All data detected were expressed as average ± SD on: height (162.8 ± 3.45), Weight (54.6 ± 3.21), body mass index (20.6 ± 1.72) and using some field tests (Harre test, Precision shooting test and Control test of ball). Analysis of statistical data has been conducted with Test-t to check the differences between pre-test and post-test (at the beginning and at the end of a month of specific training). The significant differences have been fixed in p < .05. The results show that there is a significant difference between the performance pre and post training, in the three tests conducted. This study analyse and evaluate the reduction or the improvement of the performance, allowing at the coaches of monitor the training process

    Teaching method of physical education and sports by prescriptive or heuristic learning

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    The didactics traditionally is imparted by the coach/trainer/teacher with tutorials that have the theoretical basis in the Cognitive approach. It means the coach/trainer/teacher illustrates in greater detail by the coach, are of Partial type, Varied, Randomized and Mental Training. It refers to the models of motor control to Open Loop, Closed Loop, and Motor Program Generalized. Teaching Methods of Physical activity is also imparted by another approach called Ecological-Dynamic where the coach does not require the tutorials, but builds a setting learning environment aimed at variety of learning. It refers to the models for the control of the Motor Imagery and Freedom Degrees. The first one could be in first person and in third person; the second one is three consecutive steps: Reduction, Exploration and Capitalization of the degrees of freedom. Aim is to study the issue of motor control theory and its relation to learning process and body knowledge. It carries out specific aspect of learning approach. Main results show two types of correspondence: 1) between cognitive approach and motor control closed loop, open loop and generalized motor program; furthermore, there is a significant correspondence among order, demand, sequence and timing on movement learning: 2) between ecological dynamic approach and motor control Motor Imagery and Freedom Degrees; furthermore, there is a significant correspondence among setting, learning environment and specific strategies of teaching method such as cooperative learning, role playing, circle time, brain storming, peer education, tutorship, focus group. In this way it can see the invasive role of the coach/trainer/teacher in cognitive approach and non-invasive role in ecological dynamic approach

    Physical activity and sports sciences between European Research Council and academic disciplines in Italy

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    Also in Italy, as well as to be in all others states European Union, the academic disciplines in university system have to change to conform to the 3 areas: SH Social Sciences and Humanities, PE Physical Sciences and Engineering, LS (Life Sciences), 25 panel and 333 sub panel of European Research Council Panel Structure 2018. Nowadays, it is compulsory to have the same language within the European Union and its European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA). This change concerns the funding of research and the recruitment of professors; currently in Italy they follow two different procedures and the reform aims to pursue the unique way. Physical activity and sports sciences are in two different scientific areas: the human and social sciences and the life sciences. The problem is therefore to choose a single scientific area or to stay in two areas, to define the declaration of the academic discipline with the protection of the professors’ rights and the relationship with the ERC Area. The academic disciplines of Physical activity and Sport sciences field could be made by the following descriptors: Health, ageing - Social aspects of learning, curriculum studies, educational policies - Science and technology studies - Cognitive basis of human development and education, developmental disorders; comparative cognition - Personality and social cognition – Emotion - Clinical and health psychology – Neuropsychology - Attention, perception, action, consciousness - Learning, memory - Cognition in ageing - Reasoning, decision-making – Intelligence - Language learning and processing - Theoretical linguistics - computational linguistics - Comparative physiology and pathophysiology - Fundamental mechanisms underlying ageing - Sensation and perception - Neural bases of cognitive processes - Other medical technologies for diagnosis and monitoring of diseases - Epidemiology and public health - Environmental health, occupational medicine - Health services, health care research, medical ethics. In Italy its declaratory could be simplified: “Theories and methods of physical education, training, health and well-being” in Life sciences area with the exception for some professors to be structured in human and social sciences for educational profil

    Video analysis in youth volleyball team

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    The aim of the study was to use video analysis in training to improve the performance of young athletes. Participants will be divided in two teams that will play the same “Under-21 championship”, but with a different average age (Team A: average age 14,41±1,66; Team B average age 18,94±1,59). Twelve matches (in 4 months) of both teams will be videotaped. Statistical data for each team will be extrapolated from them, and compared among them in order to take in correlations skills data. Only team A, the “young team”, will be given the opportunity to review errors and strong points of each match, so as to prepare for the successive match, according to the errors made in the matches. The videos will be analyzed by “Kinovea” software, while statistics analysed with “SoloStats123”. It is expected that there will be a performance improvement in young team A, around the same average level of “expert” team B. These results will be used as a starting point to analyze the differences between two teams with different average age, in a higher championship quality

    Assessment of periodization training in soccer

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    Football is a situation sport, which means the athletes are part of many dependents variables, such as field, climate conditionings, teammates, presence of ball and more. Aspects that significantly affecting the training in this sport are: conditional aspect, psychological and technical-tactical. In power words, Soccer is a sport about situation and therefore imposes high demands for technical skills and physical specifications that have to be continually stressed in training. Several key components affect the performance of athletes during the race. The thesis developed is the concept of periodization, that is the division of athlete's preparation in particular periods of time with well-defined objectives, it means the division of training season in specific periods in order to clearly defined goals. The research is made by two part, the first one is carried out with the data on 16 male athletes aged between 18 and 34 years of a football team to 11 enrolled in the championship of Campania region, with the use of physical tests for the evaluation of Resistance, Speed, Acceleration, measurement of body circumferences, height and weight. Periodization is a proposal for a Tudor Bompa and constitutes a methodological approach aimed at achieving the objectives of training required for competitive levels predetermined. The second one is characterized by High Intensity Intermittent Training (HIIT), such important in soccer as many team sports, characterized by phases of high oxygen consumption alternate by recovery series. The study is conducted on a sample of 20 male Soccer players of 16.8 ± 1 years old members of a Sub-18 team of Italian National League “Beretti”. The athletes were divided into two groups according to their results of aerobic power detected by the Cooper test carried out at the beginning of the preparatory period: a group working with an higher internal load (90% HR), and another group performing the same, but holding a lower one (80% HR.). That division was made in such a way as to obtain the desired adaptations and improvements in both groups, because having different characteristics, and in such a manner as to not create high overloads that, producing lactate they would prevent the adaptations and improvements sought. This study shows us how the intermittent training leads to a significant increase in VO2max. The research takes into account the different phases of training annually monitored for a period of 4 months using 4 measurements of physical tests. The data collected will have to demonstrate an improvement in the ability of conditional force in order to reach the peak performance of the variables under consideration within the period. The data collected were subjected to a statistical study that showed improvements in physical performance of the different athletes thanks to the use of Periodization method integrated to High Intensity Intermittent Training. Significant, according to the method of periodization, the gradual increase of the applied load which allows the central nervous system (CNS) to adapt and achieve improvements. The aim of this study was to compare effects and improvements of an HIIT in two groups of Youth Soccer Players with different fitness characteristics, monitoring the Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) as parameter of internal load

    The serve in under 12-13 Italian volleyball team

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    The serve is the technical skill with which a rally of a game of volleyball begins, and it can be performed by underhand, by a high float or drive and by a high jump. At the request of the coaches of national youth teams, the Italian Volleyball Federation (FIPAV) has adopted the mandatory underhand serve only for Under-12 and under 13 championships in order to favor the continuity of the game movement and passes of the ball over the net, which would be compromised in the event of a volleyball athlete who is particularly good at high jump serves. Although the abutment from the bottom appears to be more easily learned, not having the characteristics of offensiveness, must be abandoned as soon as it is able to perform the services more insidious. The increase in strength up to 11 years is very low and no difference between the sexes, he observes a slight increase up to 15 years, then intervenes when the phase of maximum development that leads to the peak at age 18. In this period there is also a progressive differentiation between females and males with a surge in favor of males estimated at strength of about 40% greater than that of peers. The aim of this preliminary study was to see if an experimental study can be implemented, preceded by a pilot study in order to verify the hypothesis for the accuracy of the mandatory rule for the Under-12 and Under-13

    The movement quality, before it's too late

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    The analysis of motor skills of school students is being studied all over the world and highlights very different methods of investigation. The FMS protocol is currently a widely used assessment to prevent injury risk and to understand movement quality. If this assessment represents a key to relevant performance in Ă©lite sport, in the context of physical education and youth sport, this analysis becomes indispensable
