104 research outputs found

    Pathology Reporting in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Digestive System: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Too Afraid to Ask

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    During the 5th NIKE (Neuroendocrine tumors Innovation in Knowledge and Education) meeting, held in Naples, Italy, in May 2019, discussions centered on the understanding of pathology reports of gastroenetropancreactic neuroendocrine neoplasms. In particular, the main problem concerned the difficulty that clinicians experience in extrapolating relevant information from neuroendocrine tumor pathology reports. During the meeting, participants were asked to identify and rate issues which they have encountered, for which the input of an expert pathologist would have been appreciated. This article is a collection of the most rated questions and relative answers, focusing on three main topics: 1) morphology and classification; 2) Ki67 and grading; 3) immunohistochemistry. Patient management should be based on multidisciplinary decisions, taking into account clinical and pathology-related features with clear comprehension between all health care professionals. Indeed, pathologists require clinical details and laboratory findings when relevant, while clinicians require concise and standardized reports. In keeping with this last statement, the minimum requirements in pathology datasets are provided in this paper and should be a baseline for all neuroendocrine tumor professionals

    Task 1 - Deliverable 7: Strong motion data base

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    Database dati accelerometriciProgetto DPC-INGV S6 “Data base dei dati accelerometrici Italiani relativi al periodo 1972-2004"Published5.2. TTC - Banche dati di sismologia strumentaleope

    Emerging therapies in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: Immune checkpoint inhibitors in the starting blocks

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    Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma are neuroendocrine neoplasms, originating in the adrenal medulla and in parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nervous system ganglia, respec-tively. They usually present as localized tumours curable with surgery. However, these tumours may exhibit heterogeneous clinical course, ranging from no/minimal progression to aggressive (progres-sive/metastatic) behavior. For this setting of patients, current therapies are unsatisfactory. Immune checkpoint inhibitors have shown outstanding results for several types of solid cancers. We therefore aimed to summarize and discuss available data on efficacy and safety of current FDA-approved immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. After an extensive search, we found 15 useful data sources (four full-published articles, four supplements of scientific journals, seven ongoing registered clinical trials). The data we detected, even with the limit of the small number of patients treated, make a great expectation on the therapeutic use of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Besides, the newly detected predictors of response will (hopefully) be of great helps in selecting the subset of patients that might benefit the most from this class of drugs. Finally, new trials are in the starting blocks, and they are expected to shed in the next future new light on a therapy, which is considered a milestone in oncology

    ITACA (ITalian ACcelerometric Archive): un sito web per la disseminazione dei dati accelerometrici italiani

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    La creazione del data base dei dati accelerometrici italiani è un’iniziativa nata nell’ambito della convenzione tra il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile e l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia nel biennio 2004-2006 (progetto di interesse sismologico S6 denominato Data base dei dati accelerometrici italiani relativi al periodo 1972-2004), in risposta alla crescente richiesta da parte della comunità scientifica di dati strong motion per diverse applicazioni (leggi di attenuazione, verifica di scenari di scuotimento e mappe di pericolosità, shake maps, ecc.). Scopo del progetto è stata la raccolta e l’omogeneizzazione delle forme d’onda acquisite nel corso degli anni dall’Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica (ENEL), dall’Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente (ENEA) e dal Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. In aggiunta, le registrazioni sono state qualificate attraverso l’inserimento di metadati relativi agli eventi, ai siti di registrazione e agli strumenti. Un notevole sforzo è stato compiuto per garantire la disseminazione dei dati attraverso un portale web e una serie di strumenti per la consultazione interattiva della banca dati.PublishedRoma5.2. TTC - Banche dati di sismologia strumentaleope

    Developing a computerised search to help UK General Practices identify more patients for palliative care planning:a feasibility study

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    We would like to thank all practices, patients and their carers who helped us successfully conduct this project. We are grateful for advice from Libby Morris, the eHealth Clinical Lead for NHS Scotland and a GP in Lothian. The project was funded by Marie Curie Cancer Care (ref A13575).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The impact of protein quantity during energy restriction on genome-wide gene expression analysis in adipose tissue of obese humans

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    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity is a growing health problem worldwide. The most effective strategy to reduce weight is energy restriction (ER). ER has been shown to be beneficial in disease prevention and it reduces chronic inflammation. Recent studies suggest that reducing the protein quantity of a diet contributes to the beneficial effects by ER. The organ most extensively affected during ER is white adipose tissue (WAT). OBJECTIVE: The first objective was to assess changes in gene expression between a high protein diet and a normal protein diet during ER. Secondly, the total effect of ER on changes in gene expression in WAT was assessed. METHODS: In a parallel double-blinded controlled study, overweight older participants adhered to a 25% ER diet, either combined with high protein intake (HP-ER, 1.7 g/kg per day), or with normal protein intake (NP-ER, 0.9 g/kg per 40 day) for 12 weeks. From 10 HP-ER participants and 12 NP-ER participants subcutaneous WAT biopsies were collected before and after the diet intervention. Adipose tissue was used to isolate total RNA and to evaluate whole genome gene expression changes upon a HP-ER and NP-ER diet. RESULTS: A different gene expression response between HP-ER and NP-ER was observed for 530 genes. After NP-ER a downregulation in expression of genes linked to immune cell infiltration, adaptive immune response, and inflammasome was found whereas no such effect was found after HP-ER. HP-ER resulted in upregulation in expression of genes linked to cell cycle, GPCR signalling, olfactory signalling and nitrogen metabolism. Upon 25% ER, gene sets related to energy metabolism and immune response were decreased. CONCLUSIONS: Based on gen e expression changes, we concluded that consumption of normal protein quantity compared to high protein quantity during ER has a more beneficial effect on inflammation-related gene expression in WAT