219 research outputs found

    Forcasting Model Exsponensial Smoothing TIME Series Rata Rata Mechanical Availability Unit Off Highway Truck Cat 777d Caterpillar

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    Rendahnya nilai availability dipengaruhi oleh besarnya total downtime losses. Total downtime losses disebabkan oleh frekuensi breakdown yang sering serta lamanya waktu menganggur mesin maupun waktu penyetelan mesin. Nilai availabilty ini bisa terjadi bervariasi seiring dengan waktu yang bisa diakumulasi rata-rata tiap bulan dalam suatu periode waktu pengoperasiannya. Tingkat nilai availability ini bisa diramalkan berdasarkan data tersebut salah satunnya dengan metode Exponential Smoothing.Bersumber dari hasil kajian referensi dari jurnal dan juga tinjuan pustaka yang mendukung penelitian ini, bawah state of art permasalahan yang mendasar adalah mengaplikasikan metode exponential smoothing ini dalam aspek yang lebih luas. Dari penelitian-penelitian yang sudah dilakukan penerapan model ini banyak dilakukan di lingkungan industri, dan belum ada yang mengaplikasikannya dalam membuat model peramalan exsponential smoothing availability pada peralatan berat terutama yang dioperasikan disektor pertambangan.Pada penelitian ini, berdarkan pada aplikasi penggunaan metode exponential smoothing yang cukup luas dalam peramalan, maka cukup menarik untuk menerapkan metode peramalan ini untuk mechanical availability alat berat unit truck tambang batubara, dan membuat model regresinya dari unit tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan untuk bisa menjadi rujukan sebagai sebuah model regresi mechanical availablity truk tambangDari hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa model yang dibangun adalah layak untuk meramalkan Nilai MA dari OHT 777 D tiga tahun kedapan. 36,0% nilai Mechanical Availabilty pada masa yang akan datang dipengaruhi oleh pola data nilai Mechanical Availablity yang terjadi pada masa lampau hingga saat ini, sedangkan sisanya (64%), dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor yang lain. Tingkat akurasi rata-rata model dalam memprediksi nilai MA pada OHT 777 D adalah 81,564%.

    Penampilan Genotipe Varietas Jagung Lntroduksi di Lahan Lebak Dangkal Kalimantan Selatan

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    The problems of monotoon swamps are acid soil and macro nutrient deficient, especially P and K. To solve the problems, it can be used the tolerant and adapted varieties at monotoon swamp. Fourteen genotypes from CIMMYT (Mexico), two national varieties and two local varieties as check varieties were tested in randomized block design with three replication in dry season of 2000 at Sungai Kupang village, Hu/u Sungai Selatan district. The result of experiment indicated that two genotypes have highest yield; i.e. Cotaxtla S 9649 and Synthetic NVE - SR (TIWD). And then. there were four genotypes have lower yield than Cotaxtla S 9649 and Synthetic NVE - SR (TIWD). Yield of the other genotypes were not significantly different with local variety. The day to mature of the whole genotypes were 90 days

    Law in The Era of Digitalization and Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Legal developments in Indonesia have an impact on changes in various aspects of the law, such as changes in the form of settlement in the judiciary. Some judicial institutions have indeed implemented a modernization process, but not a few judicial institutions have still used the same litigation method for decades. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, some parts of the justice system experienced an increase in workload, while other parts experienced a decline where there was an increase in requests in the criminal justice sector to consider the repatriation of prisoners in order to reduce the population in prisons. The method used in making the paper entitled "Law in the Era of Digitalization and the Covid-19 Pandemic" is the historical method. This method relies on four activity steps, namely: Data collection (Heuristics), Source criticism (Verification), Interpretation (Interpretation), and Historical Writing (Historyography). The purpose of this journal\u27s research method is to find out the development and application of lawin the digitalization era and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The result of the conclusion of this method is that the Covid-19 pandemic cannot prevent the fairest enforcement of laws. In this digitalization era, remote trials can still be carried out despite the Covid-19 pandemic. In this era of digitalization, it is easier to implement legal processes in Indonesia


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    Desa dikenal dengan kepadatan penduduknya yang rendah namun memiliki rasa simpati serta empati yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Bukan hanya antar sesama makhluk hidup saja, dalam hal pembangunan pun masyarakat desa selalu berperan aktif menyampaikan ide dan gagasan yang mereka miliki. Begitu pentingnya peran desa bagi negara, selain tentang ekonomi, bisa dibilang lancarnya pembangunan desa menjadi bukti pemerintah pusat memiliki program yang baik. Sejatinya, memang ada empat macam kegiatan yang menunjukkan partisipasi masyarakat di dalam kegiatan pembangunan, yaitu partisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pemantauan dan evaluasi, serta partisipasi dalam pemanfaatan hasil pembangunan (Yadav, 2013:82). Salah satu contohnya adalah Desa Pusaka Rakyat yang tergolong memiliki masyarakat yang aktif. Bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat Desa Pusaka Rakyat memang patut untuk ditilik lebih dalam. Dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif serta teknik pengumpulan data secara observasi, wawancara dan dokumen-dokumen terdahulu, dirasa penelitian ini akan lebih menarik untuk dibaca dan dikaji

    New Algorithm For Detection of Spinal Cord Tumor using OpenCV

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    The spinal cord one of the most sensitive and significant parts of the human body lies protected inside the spine the backbone and contains bundles of nerves Any minor problem in the spinal cord can cause debilitation of internal and external functions of the human body One of the complications in the spinal cord is tumor - abnormal growth of tissue In this project we present a new algorithm based on OpenCV to detect spinal cord tumors from MRI sagittal image without human intervention The new algorithm can detect tumor-like substances adjacent to the spinal cord Tests carried out on spinal cord MRI images 33 cervical spinal images showed approximately 90 91 of accuracy rate in detecting tumor


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    Soft clay soils generally have unfavorable characteristics or properties, when used as a basis for a construction. The characteristics of soft clay soil are having high soil compressibility, low carrying capacity, low permeability value, being cohesive and having a high level of soil activity. One form of effort to improve the characteristics of the soil's bad properties is to carry out stabilization. Stabilization is an activity of mixing soil with certain materials, and is expected to react with the soil, so that the soil characteristics become better. The methodology applied in this study is chemical stabilization, with mineral materials in the form of marble ash waste with 4 different types of variants. Based on the test results, there was a decrease in the value of the water content and soil plasticity index (PI) of 44.94% in variant 3 (20% marble ash waste) compared to the original soil. It is estimated that there is a reaction from the marble ash on soft clay soil, namely in the form of absorption of excess water contained in the soil and voids contained in the soil filled with marble waste, so that the adhesion between particles becomes better

    Screening for microbial load and antibiotic resistance pattern in Escherichia coli isolated from paper currency circulating in Kushtia, Bangladesh

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    Background: Paper currency is used for every type of commerce and plays an important role in the life of human beings. They are exchanged and come into contact with different environments and many different individuals during their circulation. Therefore, they can become contaminated with microorganisms and transfer bacteria across environments. The present study was aimed for quantitative assessment of microorganisms in circulated paper currency from Kushtia, Bangladesh and antibiotic resistant profiles of isolated Escherichia coli.Methods: A total of 10 paper currency samples currently in circulation involving three denominations (5, 10 and 500) were randomly collected from individuals involved in various occupations including street beggar, local hotel, bus conductor, poultry seller, vegetable seller, fish seller, commercial bank, ATM booth, tea seller, grocery store in Kushtia city, Bangladesh. Selective culture and biochemical tests were performed for the isolation and identification of microbial pathogens. Antibiotic resistance profiles were evaluated for isolated Escherichia coli using Kirby-Bauer method according to CLSI guidelines.Results: Aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. were the highest in paper currency from local hotel and ATM booth. Enterobacteriaceae (including coliforms) were predominantly present in paper currencies collected from local hotel, grocery, fish seller and beggar while Pseudomonas spp. were found in currency notes obtained from ATM booth, poultry farm, vegetable seller and local hotel. Antibiotic resistant profiles of E. coli isolated from local hotel currency showed that 50% of E. coli isolates were multidrug resistant. The highest resistant profile was observed against penicillin (95%) followed by polypeptide (75%), cephalosporin (50%), quinolone (30%) and sulfonamide (5%) groups of antibiotics.Conclusions: Multiple antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria are prevalent in paper currency regardless of their sources. Paper currency could contribute in transmission of infectious disease as well as in antibiotic resistance, therefore, should be handled carefully

    An Assessment to Human Perception to the Origin of Coronavirus by the Impact of Climate Change and Preventative Management of Pandemic Coronavirus COVID-19

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    On 12 January 2020, the WHO confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, China. The aims of the study to assess the human perception to the origin of Coronavirus with relation to nature and find out preventative management about coronavirus. Primary data was collected for analyzing some factors regarding the Coronavirus microorganism formed by the impact of climate change. Primary data was collected through an online questionnaire survey. An online questionnaire survey is used for human perception for taking public opinion about the origin of Coronavirus and preventative management which are conducted in Bangladesh. SPSS software is used for Linear Regression analysis and correlation with some variables. A total of three variables were considered in the model estimation of which are dependent variables Coronavirus microorganism formed by the impact of climate change and independent variables such as Coronavirus microorganism formed by the impact of environmental pollution, Coronavirus microorganism formed by the impact of global heat and Coronavirus microorganism originated by the sources of the impact of ice melting polar region. From the analysis, it is found that the Coronavirus microorganism formed by the impact of climate change that makes a unique and statistically significant contribution to the prediction. Among 200 respondents, about 70% of peoples said “Maybe” Coronavirus microorganism formed by the impact of climate change, and it’s some factor. It is also found from the correlation analysis that the epidemic effects of COVID-19 will high on Bangladesh, if immigrant persons come, if Curfew doesn’t issue, if peoples are not conscious, if peoples are not properly using mask and hand gloves, if they are not maintaining social distance and lock down rules. In the finding that, in the polar region, there are many ice stacks where thousands of years ago, the animals are dead but the virus and bacteria are in a state of sleep. As the heat increases, all glaciers and permafrost start to melt in the Polar region. As a result, many types of viruses, bacteria are starting to live. These viruses including Coronavirus will be mixed with different environmental elements such as water, biodiversity. This will easily affect biodiversity and other animals including humans. Above all Climate change may play a significant role in the transmission of many infectious diseases including Coronavirus. Community responses are important for outbreak management during the early phase of major preventive options

    Navigating LDC graduation: modelling the impact of RCEP and CPTPP on Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh will graduate from the LDC list by 2026. Currently, Bangladesh's exports of readymade garments (RMG) benefit from international support measures which allow preferential trade in major export destinations, such as the EU. After graduation, Bangladesh's exports, particularly RMG, will face competition from mega trading blocs, such as RCEP and CPTPP. This article employs the GTAP model to estimate the impact of Bangladesh's graduation from the LDC category and how mega FTAs are likely to affect Bangladesh's exports and potential welfare. The model also considers the scenarios of either United States or the UK or both joining the CPTPP. The model results show that Bangladesh's graduation will lead to a fall in GDP and RMG exports by 1.53% and 11.8%, respectively. The negative impact is magnified when we factor in the mega-trading blocs. Further negative impacts are observed when either United States or the UK or both join the CPTPP
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