272 research outputs found

    MigrĂ€ne im Kindes- und Jugendalter — Ausblick auf innovative BehandlungsansĂ€tze im Rahmen multimodaler Therapiekonzepte

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    Although migraine is a~relevant health issue in children and adolescents, clinical care and research are still underrepresented and underfunded in this field. Quality of life can be significantly reduced when living with frequent episodes of pain. Due to the high level of vulnerability of the developing brain during adolescence, the risk of chronification and persistence into adulthood is high. In this narrative review, we describe the corner stones of a~patient-centered, multimodular treatment regimen. Further, an update on the pathophysiology of migraine is given considering the concept of a~periodically oscillating functional state of the brain in migraine patients (\textquotedblmigraine is a~brain state\textquotedbl). Besides central mechanisms, muscular structures with the symptoms of muscular pain, tenderness, or myofascial trigger points play an important role. Against this background, the currently available nonpharmacological and innovative neuromodulating approaches are presented focusing on the method of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Die MigrĂ€ne ist auch im Kindes- und Jugendalter ein hĂ€ufiges, aber in klinischer Versorgung und Wissenschaft oft unterreprĂ€sentiertes Krankheitsbild. Gerade im Kindes- und Jugendalter bestehen relevante EinschrĂ€nkungen der LebensqualitĂ€t durch das (hĂ€ufige) Schmerzerfahren. Bedingt durch die entwicklungsspezifisch hohe VulnerabilitĂ€t des adoleszenten Gehirns besteht ein hohes Chronifizierungs- und Persistenzrisiko bis ins Erwachsenenalter hinein. In diesem Beitrag werden die Bestandteile eines patientenzentrierten, multimodalen Therapiekonzepts dargestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus werden die aktuellsten Erkenntnisse zu den pathophysiologischen Grundlagen der MigrĂ€neerkrankung beleuchtet, nach denen MigrĂ€ne durch einen sich phasenweise verĂ€ndernden Funktionszustand des Gehirns entsteht (Stichwort: „migraine is a brain state“). Auch periphere Komponenten wie Muskelschmerzen, -verspannungen und -triggerpunkte spielen eine wichtige Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden nichtpharmakologische innovative TherapieansĂ€tze vorgestellt, die auf dem Prinzip der Neuromodulation beruhen, mit Fokus auf der repetitiven peripheren Magnetstimulation

    Lipid synthesis and secretion by primary cultures of rat mammary epithelial cells

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    Lipid synthesis and secretion was measured in primary rat mammary epithelial cells cultured on basement matrix in medium supplemented with lactogenic hormones. The cells grew and differentiated to form alveolar‐like structures reminiscent of lactating mammary gland. They synthesized abundant triacylglycerol, containing fatty acids characteristic of rat milk (C10:O‐C14:0), using 14C‐glucose, 14C‐oleic acid or 14C‐glycerol as precursors. Basal levels of triacylglycerol secretion were measured using 14C‐oleic acid labeling; 1.3±0.3% of the labeled cellular triacylglycerol was secreted into the medium in 24 hours. Secreted lipid droplets were surrounded by a bilayer membrane with an electron‐dense inner coat characteristic of fat globules secreted by the mammary gland. The rate of triglycerol secretion was increased to 998±98% of control (P<0.01) by the addition of phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate (PMA) in combination with staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitcn. Several other protein kinase inhibitors, when combined with PMA, also markedly stimulated secretion. Effective protein kinase inhibitors included sphingosine (has diverse cellular effects including the inhibition of protein kinase C; 13‐fold increase in secretion), and KT5823 (a cGMP dependent protein kinase inhibitor; 5‐fold increase). KT5720 (a cAMP‐dependent protein kinase inhibitor) did not alter secretion. Kinase inhibitors were effective only in the presence of a phorbol ester. 4α‐phorbol‐12,13‐didecanoate, a phorbol ester which does not activate protein kinase C (PKC), could substitute for PMA. Lipid release was not mediated by disruption of cell‐cell tight junctions, as EGTA did not release lipid. Based on these observations we suggest that two signals are needed to enable or stimulate lipid secretion in cultured rat mammary epithelial cells: (1) inhibition of a protein kinase and (2) a PKC‐independent effect of phorbol ester. We have, for the first time, characterized a cell culture model suitable for studying lipid synthesis and secretion by mammary epithelial cells

    "Zeitschriften der AufklÀrung" im Netz : Digitalisierungsprojekt an der UB Bielefeld vorerst abgeschlossen

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    Rahmsdorf S. "Zeitschriften der AufklĂ€rung" im Netz : Digitalisierungsprojekt an der UB Bielefeld vorerst abgeschlossen. BuB - Forum fĂŒr Bibliothek und Information. 2008;60(9):605

    Academic library and information services: New paradigms for the digital age. Proceedings of the 8th International Bielefeld Conference, 7-9 February 2006 Bielefeld, Germany

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    Lossau N, Rahmsdorf S, eds. Academic library and information services: New paradigms for the digital age. Proceedings of the 8th International Bielefeld Conference, 7-9 February 2006 Bielefeld, Germany. Library Hi Tech. 2006;24(4, Special Issue)

    Special Issue: “Upgrading the eLibrary: enhanced information services driven by technology and economics” – Proceedings of the 9th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February 2009, Bielefeld, Germany

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    Höppner M, Horstmann W, Rahmsdorf S, eds. Special Issue: “Upgrading the eLibrary: enhanced information services driven by technology and economics” – Proceedings of the 9th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5 February 2009, Bielefeld, Germany. Library Hi Tech. 2009;27(4)
