486 research outputs found

    Image reconstruction in fluorescence molecular tomography with sparsity-initialized maximum-likelihood expectation maximization

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    We present a reconstruction method involving maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) to model Poisson noise as applied to fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT). MLEM is initialized with the output from a sparse reconstruction-based approach, which performs truncated singular value decomposition-based preconditioning followed by fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA) to enforce sparsity. The motivation for this approach is that sparsity information could be accounted for within the initialization, while MLEM would accurately model Poisson noise in the FMT system. Simulation experiments show the proposed method significantly improves images qualitatively and quantitatively. The method results in over 20 times faster convergence compared to uniformly initialized MLEM and improves robustness to noise compared to pure sparse reconstruction. We also theoretically justify the ability of the proposed approach to reduce noise in the background region compared to pure sparse reconstruction. Overall, these results provide strong evidence to model Poisson noise in FMT reconstruction and for application of the proposed reconstruction framework to FMT imaging

    Incorporating reflection boundary conditions in the Neumann series radiative transport equation: Application to photon propagation and reconstruction in diffuse optical imaging

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    We propose a formalism to incorporate boundary conditions in a Neumann-series-based radiative transport equation. The formalism accurately models the reflection of photons at the tissue-external medium interface using Fresnel’s equations. The formalism was used to develop a gradient descent-based image reconstruction technique. The proposed methods were implemented for 3D diffuse optical imaging. In computational studies, it was observed that the average root-mean-square error (RMSE) for the output images and the estimated absorption coefficients reduced by 38% and 84%, respectively, when the reflection boundary conditions were incorporated. These results demonstrate the importance of incorporating boundary conditions that model the reflection of photons at the tissue-external medium interface

    Generalized Dice Focal Loss trained 3D Residual UNet for Automated Lesion Segmentation in Whole-Body FDG PET/CT Images

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    Automated segmentation of cancerous lesions in PET/CT images is a vital initial task for quantitative analysis. However, it is often challenging to train deep learning-based segmentation methods to high degree of accuracy due to the diversity of lesions in terms of their shapes, sizes, and radiotracer uptake levels. These lesions can be found in various parts of the body, often close to healthy organs that also show significant uptake. Consequently, developing a comprehensive PET/CT lesion segmentation model is a demanding endeavor for routine quantitative image analysis. In this work, we train a 3D Residual UNet using Generalized Dice Focal Loss function on the AutoPET challenge 2023 training dataset. We develop our models in a 5-fold cross-validation setting and ensemble the five models via average and weighted-average ensembling. On the preliminary test phase, the average ensemble achieved a Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), false-positive volume (FPV) and false negative volume (FNV) of 0.5417, 0.8261 ml, and 0.2538 ml, respectively, while the weighted-average ensemble achieved 0.5417, 0.8186 ml, and 0.2538 ml, respectively. Our algorithm can be accessed via this link: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autosegnet.Comment: AutoPET-II challenge (2023

    Quantitative PET image reconstruction employing nested expectation-maximization deconvolution for motion compensation

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    Bulk body motion may randomly occur during PET acquisitions introducing blurring, attenuation-emission mismatches and, in dynamic PET, discontinuities in the measured time activity curves between consecutive frames. Meanwhile, dynamic PET scans are longer, thus increasing the probability of bulk motion. In this study, we propose a streamlined 3D PET motion-compensated image reconstruction (3D-MCIR) framework, capable of robustly deconvolving intra-frame motion from a static or dynamic 3D sinogram. The presented 3D-MCIR methods need not partition the data into multiple gates, such as 4D MCIR algorithms, or access list-mode (LM) data, such as LM MCIR methods, both associated with increased computation or memory resources. The proposed algorithms can support compensation for any periodic and non-periodic motion, such as cardio-respiratory or bulk motion, the latter including rolling, twisting or drifting. Inspired from the widely adopted point-spread function (PSF) deconvolution 3D PET reconstruction techniques, here we introduce an image-based 3D generalized motion deconvolution method within the standard 3D maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization (ML-EM) reconstruction framework. In particular, we initially integrate a motion blurring kernel, accounting for every tracked motion within a frame, as an additional MLEM modeling component in the image space (integrated 3D-MCIR). Subsequently, we replaced the integrated model component with a nested iterative Richardson-Lucy (RL) image-based deconvolution method to accelerate the MLEM algorithm convergence rate (RL-3D-MCIR). The final method was evaluated with realistic simulations of whole-body dynamic PET data employing the XCAT phantom and real human bulk motion profiles, the latter estimated from volunteer dynamic MRI scans. In addition, metabolic uptake rate Ki parametric images were generated with the standard Patlak method. Our results demonstrate significant improvement in contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and noise-bias performance in both dynamic and parametric images. The proposed nested RL-3D-MCIR method is implemented on the Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction (STIR) open-source platform and is scheduled for public release

    PSMA PET as a predictive tool for sub-regional importance estimates in the parotid gland

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    Objective: Xerostomia (subjective dry mouth) and radiation-induced salivary gland dysfunction remain a common side effect for head-and-neck radiotherapy patients, and attempts have been made to quantify the intra-parotid dose response. Here, we aim to compare several models of parotid gland regional importance with prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET), which has high concentrations of uptake in salivary glands and has been previously suggested to relate to gland functionality. Furthermore, we develop a predictive model of Clark et al.'s relative importance using radiomic features, and demonstrate a methodology for predicting patient-specific importance deviations from the population. Approach: Intra-parotid uptake was compared with four regional importance models using [18F]DCFPyL PSMA PET images. The correlation of uptake and importance was ascertained when numerous non-overlapping sub-regions were defined, while a paired t-test was used when binary regions were defined. Radiomic PSMA PET/CT features within Clark et al.'s sub-regions were used to develop a predictive model of population importance. Main Results: Clark et al.'s relative importance regions were significantly (p < 0.02) anti-correlated with PSMA PET uptake. Van Luijk et al.'s critical regions had significantly lower (p < 0.01) uptake than in non-critical regions. Kernel Ridge Regression with principal component analysis feature selection performed best over test sets (Mean Absolute Error = 0.08. Deblurring PSMA PET images with neural blind deconvolution strengthened correlations and improved model performance. Significance: This study suggests that regions of relatively low PSMA PET concentration in parotid glands may exhibit relatively high dose-sensitivity. We've demonstrated the ability of PSMA PET radiomic features for predicting relative importance within the parotid glands.Comment: 9 Figures, 7 Table

    Standardized radiomics analysis of clinical myocardial perfusion stress SPECT images to identify coronary artery calcification

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    PURPOSE: Myocardial perfusion (MP) stress single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is an established diagnostic test for patients suspected of coronary artery disease (CAD). Meanwhile, coronary artery calcification (CAC) scoring obtained from diagnostic CT is a highly sensitive test, offering incremental diagnostic information in identifying patients with significant CAD yet normal MP stress SPECT (MPSS) scans. However, after decades of wide utilization of MPSS, CAC is not commonly reimbursed (e.g. by the CMS), nor widely deployed in community settings. We studied the potential of complementary information deduced from the radiomics analysis of normal MPSS scans in predicting the CAC score. METHODS: We collected data from 428 patients with normal (non-ischemic) MPSS ( RESULTS: Unsupervised feature selection significantly reduced 8Ă—487 features to 56. In univariate analysis, no feature survived the false-discovery rate (FDR) to directly correlate with CAC scores. Applying Fisher\u27s method to the multivariate regression results demonstrated combining radiomics with the clinical features to enhance the significance of the prediction model across all cardiac segments. Conclusions: Our standardized and statistically robust multivariate analysis demonstrated significant prediction of the CAC score for all cardiac segments when combining MPSS radiomic features with clinical features, suggesting radiomics analysis can add diagnostic or prognostic value to standard MPSS for wide clinical usage

    Neural blind deconvolution for simultaneous partial volume correction and super-sampling of PSMA PET images

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    Objective: We aimed to simultaneously mitigate partial volume effects (PVEs) in prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET) images while performing super-sampling. Approach: Blind deconvolution is a method of estimating the hypothetical "deblurred" image along with the blur kernel (related to the point spread function) simultaneously. Traditional maximum a posteriori blind deconvolution methods require stringent assumptions and suffer from convergence to a trivial solution. A promising method of modelling the deblurred image and kernel with independent neural networks, called "neural blind deconvolution" was demonstrated on 2D natural images in 2020. In this work, we adapt neural blind deconvolution for PVE correction of PSMA PET images, along with simultaneous super-sampling. We compare this methodology with several interpolation methods, using blind image quality metrics, and test the model's ability to predict kernels by re-running the model after applying artificial "pseudo-kernels" to deblurred images. Main Results: Our results demonstrate improvements in image quality over other interpolation methods in terms of blind image quality metrics and visual assessment. Predicted kernels were similar between patients, and the model accurately predicted several artificially-applied pseudo-kernels, Significance: The intrinsically low spatial resolution of PSMA PET leads to PVEs which negatively impact uptake quantification in small regions. The proposed method can be used to mitigate this issue, and can be straightforwardly adapted for other medical imaging modalities.Comment: 10 Figures, 4 Tables, 19 page

    Longitudinal clustering analysis and prediction of Parkinson\u27s disease progression using radiomics and hybrid machine learning

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    Background: We employed machine learning approaches to (I) determine distinct progression trajectories in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) (unsupervised clustering task), and (II) predict progression trajectories (supervised prediction task), from early (years 0 and 1) data, making use of clinical and imaging features. Methods: We studied PD-subjects derived from longitudinal datasets (years 0, 1, 2 & 4; Parkinson\u27s Progressive Marker Initiative). We extracted and analyzed 981 features, including motor, non-motor, and radiomics features extracted for each region-of-interest (ROIs: left/right caudate and putamen) using our standardized standardized environment for radiomics analysis (SERA) radiomics software. Segmentation of ROIs on dopamine transposer - single photon emission computed tomography (DAT SPECT) images were performed via magnetic resonance images (MRI). After performing cross-sectional clustering on 885 subjects (original dataset) to identify disease subtypes, we identified optimal longitudinal trajectories using hybrid machine learning systems (HMLS), including principal component analysis (PCA) + K-Means algorithms (KMA) followed by Bayesian information criterion (BIC), Calinski-Harabatz criterion (CHC), and elbow criterion (EC). Subsequently, prediction of the identified trajectories from early year data was performed using multiple HMLSs including 16 Dimension Reduction Algorithms (DRA) and 10 classification algorithms. Results: We identified 3 distinct progression trajectories. Hotelling\u27s t squared test (HTST) showed that the identified trajectories were distinct. The trajectories included those with (I, II) disease escalation (2 trajectories, 27% and 38% of patients) and (III) stable disease (1 trajectory, 35% of patients). For trajectory prediction from early year data, HMLSs including the stochastic neighbor embedding algorithm (SNEA, as a DRA) as well as locally linear embedding algorithm (LLEA, as a DRA), linked with the new probabilistic neural network classifier (NPNNC, as a classifier), resulted in accuracies of 78.4% and 79.2% respectively, while other HMLSs such as SNEA + Lib_SVM (library for support vector machines) and t_SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding) + NPNNC resulted in 76.5% and 76.1% respectively. Conclusions: This study moves beyond cross-sectional PD subtyping to clustering of longitudinal disease trajectories. We conclude that combining medical information with SPECT-based radiomics features, and optimal utilization of HMLSs, can identify distinct disease trajectories in PD patients, and enable effective prediction of disease trajectories from early year data

    Robust identification of Parkinson\u27s disease subtypes using radiomics and hybrid machine learning

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    OBJECTIVES: It is important to subdivide Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) into subtypes, enabling potentially earlier disease recognition and tailored treatment strategies. We aimed to identify reproducible PD subtypes robust to variations in the number of patients and features. METHODS: We applied multiple feature-reduction and cluster-analysis methods to cross-sectional and timeless data, extracted from longitudinal datasets (years 0, 1, 2 & 4; Parkinson\u27s Progressive Marker Initiative; 885 PD/163 healthy-control visits; 35 datasets with combinations of non-imaging, conventional-imaging, and radiomics features from DAT-SPECT images). Hybrid machine-learning systems were constructed invoking 16 feature-reduction algorithms, 8 clustering algorithms, and 16 classifiers (C-index clustering evaluation used on each trajectory). We subsequently performed: i) identification of optimal subtypes, ii) multiple independent tests to assess reproducibility, iii) further confirmation by a statistical approach, iv) test of reproducibility to the size of the samples. RESULTS: When using no radiomics features, the clusters were not robust to variations in features, whereas, utilizing radiomics information enabled consistent generation of clusters through ensemble analysis of trajectories. We arrived at 3 distinct subtypes, confirmed using the training and testing process of k-means, as well as Hotelling\u27s T2 test. The 3 identified PD subtypes were 1) mild; 2) intermediate; and 3) severe, especially in terms of dopaminergic deficit (imaging), with some escalating motor and non-motor manifestations. CONCLUSION: Appropriate hybrid systems and independent statistical tests enable robust identification of 3 distinct PD subtypes. This was assisted by utilizing radiomics features from SPECT images (segmented using MRI). The PD subtypes provided were robust to the number of the subjects, and features
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