18 research outputs found

    Message Design of Printed and Digital Material to Meaningful Learning

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    This article reports on research a message design of printed and digital message in Learning Theory course at Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). Survey was conducted to collect data on the utilization of instructional materials by students who ware active in the semester in January-June. The results indicated that the print instructional materials written by lecturers have started to consider the design principles message, but still needs to be improved. That principle has not been carried out for digital teaching materials. Digital teaching materials need to be developed to familiarize students studying in 21st century environments by optimizing the campus e-learning facility to be able to perform generative learning, and meaningful learnin

    Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Studi Kasus di Perguruan Tinggi; Upaya Implementasi Merdeka Belajar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan bahan ajar digital berbasis studi kasus di perguruan tinggi sebagai upaya untuk mengimplementasikan merdeka belajar di Indonesia. Kemampuan analisa kasus yang dilakukan dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir mahasiswa untuk mencapai kemerdekaan berpikir. Penelitian dilakukan pada mata kuliah Dasar-dasar Imu Pendidikan sebagai mata kuliah wajib di Perguruan Tinggi Lembaga Penghasil Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK). Bahan ajar telah tersedia dalam bentuk cetak dan digital namun bagaimana kebutuhan bahan ajar yang berbasis studi kasus? Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mix metode. Mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti mata kuliah Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pendidikan dimintai mengisi angket dan diwawancarai terkait kebutuhan terhadap bahan ajar berbasis studi kasus. Data tersebut dianalisis teknik analisis data deskriptif dan triangulasi data. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa membutuhkan bahan ajar digital berbasis studi kasus. Bahan ajar berbasis studi kasus ini direkomendasikan juga untuk dikembangkan pada mata kuliah lain sebagai upaya mencapai kemerdekaan berpikir

    Blog Folio in Blended Learning: a Development of Students’ Information Processing Skills in Digital Age

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    Paradigm shift in educational context support to instructional innovation, such as online learning, blended learning, and mobile learning. Researcher implemented the blended learning by using blog as portfolios for students. The purpose in this research was to identify the effects of using a blog in blended learning to improve collage student’s information processing skill in virtual environment. The facilitation given to college students in order to familiar with through search, collect, manages, and communicates information in digital age. Research subject is collage students in Development of Innovation Instructional Model course on period January-June 2017 at Educational Technology in Universitas Negeri Padang. This research used three instruments, consist of 1) the rubrics for identify information processing skill, 2) questionnaire for using blog folio, and 3) interview guided about advantages, challenges and obstacles to use a blog in blended learning. The result show that using blog folio can help collage students to improved information processing skills because they understood and tried the steps of that skill. Furthermore, they admitted by using blog folio can increased motivation, participation and give advantages

    Pengaruh Model Kooperatif Tipe Think Talk Write Berbantuan Video Animasi Terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar TIK Kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Palalawan

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    The beginning of this research was due to students' problems with activities and student learning outcomes. During the passive student learning process,no one asked or contributed to the learning activity. Many student learning outcomes are less than the predetermined KKM value. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of using the Think Talk Write type learning model with the help of learning videos in ICT learning on the activities and learning outcomes of class VIII students. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Pangkalan Kuras. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a population of all class VIII SMPN 1 Pangkalan Kuras for the academic year 2021/2022 which opens seven classes. The sample is represented by class 8B as the experimental class and 8F as the control class. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The instruments used for data collection are questionnaires and tests. Data analysis used normality test and homogeneity test and t-test was performed to prove the hypothesis. The result is a significant effect of the use of the Think Talk Write cooperative learning model on activities and learning outcomes on basic computer operating materials taught using cooperative learning models and assisted by animated videos which are higher than student learning outcomes and learning motivation taught by learning models conventional video-assisted animation


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    The Training of E-Learning as ICT Integration in Instructional for Senior High School TeachersAbstract. Schools have supporting facilities for implementing e-learning such as computer laboratories, internet networks, wireless access points, and microtia routers. However, the teachers and the school are not ready from the side of human resources. In other words, the school needs training and workshops for teachers to optimize the use of ICT in learning. The purpose of this activity is to train SMA N 4 Kota Pariaman teachers to prepare e-learning to integrate ICT in the learning process. This activity involved all of the 4 SMA N Pariaman teachers in a number of stages, namely a) introduction to the concepts of e-learning and LMS, b) workshops managing LMS, and c) simulations of e-learning applications that had been prepared by each teacher. The results of this training activity are a) the teachers have been able to design learning materials and activities in e-learning and produce learning material packages, b) the teacher readiness in integrating ICT in learning is increasingly increasing, and c) the school readiness to create smart classes with the application of e-learning.Keywords: e-learning, integrate ICT, LMS, teachersAbstrak.Sekolah-sekolah telah memiliki fasilitas pendukung untuk pelaksanaan e-learning seperi laboratorium komputer, jaringan internet, wireless access point, dan microtic router. Namun guru dan pihak sekolah belum siap dari sisi sumberdaya manusia. Sederhananya, pihak sekolah membutuhkan pelatihan dan workshop bagi guru-guru untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah melatih guru-guru SMA N 4 Kota Pariaman untuk mempersiapkan e-learning dapat mengintegrasikan TIK dalam proses pembelajaran. Kegiatan ini melibatkan seluruh guru SMA N 4 Kota Pariaman dengan tiga tahap, yaitu a) pengenalan konsep e-learning dan LMS, b) workshop mengelola LMS, dan c) simulasi aplikasi e-learning yang telah disiapkan untuk masing-masing guru. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah a) guru telah mampu merancang materi dan aktifitas belajar di e-learning dan menghasilkan paket materi pembelajaran, b) kesiapan guru dalam mengintegrasikan TIK dalam pemebelajaran semangkin meningkat, dan c) kesiapan sekolah untuk menciptakan smart class dengan penerapan e-learning.Kata Kunci: e-learning, integrasi TIK, LMS, gur


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    Abstract. Nowadays, Indonesia is preparing for a crucial and profitable period, namely the demographic bonus which is expected to reach the point in the years of 2025-2030, but the number of unemployed are increase every year. Regarding the problem, the government has also encouraged the public to open employment opportunities with entrepreneurship. Daron Labs is a group of people who form a learning community to develop beginner entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurial skills transmitted by Daron Labs to prepare the community to become digital entrepreneurs, including: video makers, web designers, graphic design, and programmers. Members of this learning community are free to choose the material of interest according to the needs of each member. In this Community Service, the learning community of Daron Labs chose the location of Padang City with the consideration that the city of Padang represented the people of West Sumatra. The Daron Labs Padang community accepts members of the learning community from all community groups to develop their entrepreneurial skills. The methods offered for organizing the Daron Labs learning community through a blended learning for three months. Face-to-face meetings are twice a month and material is sent every week. Participants' responses indicate that this program is expected to continue and provide debriefing in other fields of digital entrepreneurship. Abstrak. Indonesia pada saat ini mempersiapkan diri untuk masa yang krusial sekaligus menguntungkan yaitu bonus demografi yang diperkirakan akan terjadi puncaknya pada tahun 2025-2030, namun jumlah pengangguran terus meningkat. Terkait masalah tersebut, pemerintah mendorong masyarakat membuka lapangan pekerjaan dengan berwirausaha. Daron Labs merupakan sekelompok masyarakat yang membentuk komunitas belajar untuk mengembangkan keterampilan wirausaha. Keterampilan berwirausaha yang dilakukan oleh Daron Labs untuk mempersiapkan wirausahawan digital meliputi videomaker, webdesigner, desain grafis, dan programer. Anggota komunitas belajar ini bebas memilih materi yang diminati sesuai dengan kebutuhan anggota. Pada Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini komunitas belajar Daron Labs memilih lokasi Kota Padang dengan pertimbangan bahwa kota Padang merepresentasikan masyarakat Sumatera Barat. Komunitas Daron Labs Padang menerima anggota komunitas belajar dari seluruh kalangan masyarakat. Metode yang ditawarkan untuk penyelenggaraan komunitas belajar Daron Labs melalui sistem blended learning yang diselenggarakan selama tiga bulan. Pertemuan tatap muka diselenggarakan dua kali dalam satu bulan dan setiap minggunya dikirimkan materi kepada peserta belajar. Respon peserta menunjukkan bahwa program ini diharapkan terus berlanjut dan memberikan pembekalan pada bidang wirausaha digital lainnya

    Analyzing the Issues in the Implementation of Authentic Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum

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    The  implemention of authentic assessment  in the   2013 Ccurriculum  has been encountered by various challenges. Teacher have to use numerious instruments, which made them quite which are regarded more complicated. this study focused on the analysis of issues experienced by teachers in implementingng theauthentic assessment within the 2013 curriculum. This study used quantitatif method in which questionnaire was  distributed to the teachers. Population included all teachers in Padang whose schools are applying the 2013 curriculum. 120 teacher were randomly taken as the sample.  The results show that in terms of the affective aspect, the teachers had not yet been optimal in conducting self- and peer assessment for the students, thus the further improvement is seriously recomended. In light of the the cognitive aspect, the teachers had done a very good assessment. They had made a variety of assessment types, especially in the essay and oral tests. However, the assessment of psychomotor aspect was not also optimally done need some improvement. From these results, it is hoped that the teachers can further enhance the assessment procedures of the three criteria for better learning outcomes. The school principals should be able to create opportunities for the teachers to take training in the Applying authentic assessment


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    The problem encountered at SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya is that teachers still need to develop the skills to design, compose, and provide for implementing blended learning. The problems faced by SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya were overcome by providing a blended learning activity design workshop for optimizing learning resources at SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya. This activity is designed for five months, from July to November 2022. The activity scenario consists of three steps. The first step is an introduction to the concept of blended learning activity design and the components that support it. Second, introducing the LMS platform as a communication medium between teachers and students while implementing blended learning, how the LMS system works, the available features, and steps to use the LMS. In the third step, the teachers submit a blended learning activity. The indicator of the workshop's success for teachers at SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya is that each teacher at least produces a blended learning activity plan and can simulate it. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, there is a difference in knowledge between before and after the workshop. This means that, through this training, teachers can design blended learning activities that can be utilized and applied in learning. Applying this activity design can create a learning atmosphere and actively increase student involvement.  ---  Permasalahan yang ditemui di SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya bahwa guru-guru belum memiliki keterampilan untuk merancang, mengkomposisikan serta menyediakan kebutuhan dalam penyelenggaraan pembelajaran secara blended learning. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya diatasi dengan memberikan workshop desain aktivitas blended learning untuk optimalisasi sumberdaya pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya. Kegiatan ini dirancang dalam waktu lima bulan, mulai dari Juli-November 2022. Skenario kegiatan terdiri dari tiga langkah. Langkah pertama adalah pengenalan konsep desain aktivitas blended learning dan komponen yang mendukungnya. Kedua, pengenalan platform LMS sebagai media komunikasi guru dengan siswa selama menerapkan blended learning dan bagaimana sistem kerja LMS, fitur-fitur yang tersedia dan langkah menggunakan LMS tersebut. Langkah ketiga, guru-guru menyerahkan rancangan aktivitas blended learning. Indikator keberhasilan workshop bagi guru-guru di SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya ini adalah setiap guru minimal menghasilkan sebuah rancangan aktivitas blended learning serta mampu mensimulasikannya. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test, terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan antara sebelum dan setelah workhshop. Ini berarti bahwa melalui pelatihan ini, guru-guru mampu merancang aktivitas blended learning yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Penerapan rancangan aktivitas ini mampu menciptakan suasana belajar dan meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa secara aktif

    The Development of Message-Design Model in Blended Learning

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    . The researcher found a problem in designing an instruction often ignore the message design because it is focused on syntax and learning systems, including the design of innovative learning such as e-learning, online learning, blended learning and mobile learning. Based on these problems, the researcher develops a model of design message in blended learning. The goal is to help the educators to facilitate learners to interpret and construct teaching materials. The development used ADDIE models. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests in order to produce a model of message design. The validity of this products was tested by expert and the practicality and effectivity testing by the user in the course of Theory of Learning and instruction. The result of this development consists of (1) the book of model design messages in blended learning, and (2) the learning tool that consists of teaching materials, media presentations, e-learning, syllabus, SAP that is valid, practical and effective. The Book model can be used by designers of instruction, learning consultant, and lecturer/educator in helping learners to interpret and construct learning message so that they have an ability to generalize the learning and become independent learners

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa dengan Bercerita di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi dari kenyataan di Sekolah Dasar, bahwa kemampuan berbicara siswa masih rendah. Siswa tidak berani mengeluarkan pendapat, malu berbicara di depan kelas, grogi, dan tersendat-sendat saat berbicara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, tahap pengamatan dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 36 Gunung Sarik Padang, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III sebanyak 30 siswa dan peneliti sebagai praktisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa dengan metode bercerita. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan siswa berbicara dengan bercerita terjadi peningkatan dari nilai 67,64 dengan taraf cukup menjadi 80,14 berada pada taraf baik. Pada siklus I hanya terdapat 12 siswa yang tuntas (40%), sedangkan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 26 siswa yang tuntas (87%). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan bercerita terbukti dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa