9 research outputs found

    Study the Effect of pH on the Fermentation Anaerobic-Aerobic Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) Sap to Produce Acetic Acid

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    This research is to study the effect of ethanol fermentation aerobic pH on acetic acid product. Anaerobic fermentation uses saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce ethanol, and aerobic fermentation uses acetobacter acetic for acetic acid production. In aerobic ethanol fermentation using pH 3; 3.5; 4 and 5.  The ethanol concentration was evaluated using GC ULTRA Scientific Gas Chromatography, DSQ II detector, and MS 220 column. Acetic acid produced was analyzed using an alkalymetric method. Anaerobic fermentation uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae with 1-day log phase, while aerobic fermentation uses acetobacter aceti with a 5-day log phase. Fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae within 24 hours so that reduction sugar could stably decrease, optimum ethanol could be got at optimum pH 6 which could decrease 55 % of reducing sugar concentration to produce 8,20583 %v/v ethanol. Fermentation acetate acid content observed in 3 days at pH 6 and 30 ⁰C will produce 6,659 g/l also shows that pH 4-6 at 30 ⁰C will produce 6,605 g/l acetate acid. Aerobic fermentation of acetate acid in 3 days shows that pH 4-6 is highly affected by temperature at 30⁰C. Statistical analysis shows, in ethanol production pH and fermentation time give significant effect, but interaction has no significant effect

    Analisis Jenis Dan Latar Belakang Penggunaan Diksi Pada Karangan Siswa Kelas VIIIC SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan pemilihan diksi yang terdapat pada karangan siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta, (2) mendeskripsikan latar belakang penggunaan diksi pada karangan siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. Objek penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah jenis dan latar belakang penggunaan diksi pada karangan siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kalimat yang mengandung diksi dalam karangan siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta, sedangkan sumber datanya merupakan kalimatkalimat yang terdapat dalam karangan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik kepustakaan, simak, dan catat. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik perluas dan metode padan referensial. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemilihan diksi ditemukan: (a) bentuk kata khusus, (b) bentuk kata umum, (c) bentuk kata bersinonim, (d) bentuk kata idiom, (e) bentuk kata indera yang diklasifikasikan dalam 4 macam: indera peraba, indera penciuman, indera pendengaran, dan indera penglihatan, (f) bahasa asing, (g) bahasa daerah, dan (h) bentuk kata konotatif. Latar belakang penggunaan diksi ditemukan: (a) konteks ibadah, (b) konteks kegiatan, (c) konteks seni, dan (d) konteks sifat

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Whole Language

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    Ludiani Daszharah. S200200002. "Interactive Learning Media in Learning Indonesian Language Skills with a Whole Language Approach". Thesis. Master of Indonesian Language Education. Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. 2022. The use of interactive learning media in Indonesian language skills can help teachers in the learning process with a whole language approach. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify learning media used in learning Indonesian language skills, (2) to identify the needs of teachers and students regarding interactive learning media in learning Indonesian language skills with a whole language approach, and (3) to develop interactive learning media in teaching Indonesian language skills. learning Indonesian language skills with a whole language approach. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods. The research development model uses ADDIE. The data of this study were sourced from secondary and primary data at the Integrated Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Mas'ud, Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The conclusions of this study describe the first, the use of learning media so far has used print media, film frames in the form of slides, objects, and newspapers. Second, the teacher's need for learning media in the form of attractive visual and audio media and students' needs for learning media in the form of computer equipment. Third, the development of interactive learning media is seen from the needs of teachers and students, namely using interactive learning media in the form of Compact Disks (CD) in learning Indonesian language skills with a whole language approach. The results of the media expert and material expert test with an average score of 88% were declared "very feasible"

    Isomerisasi Enzimatik Tepung Sorgum Merah Untuk Pembuatan “High Fructose Syrup”

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    Sorgum merupakan tanaman serealia yang mempunyai produktivitas bersar di Indonesis (4,24 – 6,17 ton/ha). Di Jawa Timur produktivitas sorgum mencapai 1,76 ton/ha. Pemanfaatan sorgum sebagian besar diolah menjadi tepung sorgum, akan tetapi tepung sorgum memiliki beberapa kekurangan seperti masih adanya kandungan asam fitat dan tanin didalam tepung sorgum dimana kandungan bahan ini tidak baik untuk kesehatan, selain itu kandungan gluten dalam tepung sorgum tidak sebaik tepung gandum. Untuk mengoptimalkan peran tepung sorgum yaitu menjadikan tepung sorgum sebagai bahan baku pembuatan high fructose syrup, mengingat kandungan pati didalam tepung sorgum cukup tinggi yaitu mencapai 70% sehingga berpotensi untuk dikonversi menjadi high fructose syrup. HFS merupakan salah satu gula cair yang banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan dan minuman, penggunaan HFS dikarenakan HFS mempunyai tingkat kemanisan yang tinggi, tidak mudah mengkristal, dan mudah larut dalam air. Pada penelitian ini pembuatan high fructose syrup dilakukan dengan cara hidrolisa enzimatis menggunakan α-amilase, glukoamilase, dan glukoisomerase. Kondisi operasi optimal proses likuifikasi pada suhu 95 oC, pH 7 dan waktu reaksi 150 menit, pada proses sakarifikasi kondisi optimal pada suhu 60 oC, pH 5, dan waktu operasi 48 jam dengan konsentrasi gula reduksi 197,358 g/l dan yield 98,679%, sedangkan proses isomerisasi kondisi optimal pada pH 8, jumlah enzim 500 mg, dan waktu operasi 48 jam dengan konsentrasi fruktosa sebesar 29,80 g/100 ml (metode resorcinol), dan 17,47775 %b/v (HPLC). Akan tetapi jika dilihat dari produktivitasnya kondisi optimal dari proses sakarifikasi yaitu pada pH 8, jumlah enzim 500 mg dan waktu reaksi 24 jam, hal ini dikarenakan pada waktu ke 24 jam dapat menghasilkan kandungan sirup fruktosa yang hampir sama dengan waktu 48 jam. Analisa statistik menggunakan metode two-way anova general linier model menghasilkan nilai p value 90%, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa variabel yang digunakan pada ketiga step proses hidrolisa memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. ======================================================================================================================== Sorghum is a cerealia crop that has high productivity in Indonesis (4,24 - 6,17 ton / ha). In East Java the productivity of sorghum reached 1.76 tons / ha. Utilization of sorghum is mostly processed into sorghum flour, but sorghum flour has some deficiencies such as the presence of phytic acid and tannin in sorghum flour where the ingredients are not good for health, besides the gluten content in sorghum flour is not as good as wheat flour. To optimize the role of sorghum flour is to make sorghum flour as a raw material for making high fructose syrup, considering the starch content in sorghum flour was high, reaching 70% , it has the potential to be converted into high fructose syrup. HFS is one of the most widely used liquid sugar in the food and beverage industry, many industry using HFS because it has high level of sweetness, not easy to crystallize nature, and more soluble in water. In this study, high fructose syrup was made by enzymatic hydrolysis using α-amylase, glucoamylase, and glucoisomerase. The optimum operating conditions of the liquefaction process at 95 ° C, pH 7 and reaction time of 150 minutes, in the saccharification process ,optimum condition at 60 ° C, pH 5, and operating time 48 hours with the reduction sugar concentration of 197.358 g / l and yield 98.679%. Optimum conditions of Isomerization process at pH 8, enzyme 500 mg, and 48 hours operating time with fructose concentration of 29.80 g / 100 ml (resorcinol method), and 17.47775% w / v (HPLC). However, if viewed from the productivity of optimal conditions of the saccharification process is at pH 8, the amount of enzyme 500 mg and reaction time 24 hours, this is because at the time to 24 hours can produce fructose syrup content is almost equal to 48 hours. Statistical analysis using two-way anova general linear model resulted in p value 90%, so it can be said that the variables used in the three step of hydrolysis process give significant effect to the product result

    Kesenian Drumblek Sebagai Sarana Kreativitas dan Persaudaraan di Desa Dukuh Krajan, Salatiga

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang kreativitas dan persaudaraan yang terjadi dalam kesenian drumblek abiyoso yang ada di Kota Salatiga. Drumblek merupakan seni musik yang berbenuk perkusi, alat musiknya berasal dari barang-barang bekas. Kesenian drumblek pertama kali muncul di Pancuran, Salatiga dan menyebar ke wilayah sekitarnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa kesenian drumblek ini dapat memunculkan kreativitas masyarakat dan menjalin rasa persaudaran dengan sesama. Dari kreativitas dan rasa persudaraan yang muncul dapat menorehkan hasil atau prestasi dalam berkesenian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan  mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang tidak menuntut perlakuan atau manipulasi, karena peristiwanya sudah ada dan tinggal mendekripsikannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kreativitas dan persaudaraan benar-benar terjadi dalam kesenian drumblek ini, sehingga dapat diketahui kesenian tidak hanya untuk menyalurkan kreativitas tetapi juga  menjadi sarana untuk menjalin rasa persaudaraan. Dengan adanya kesenian drumblek di wilayah Kota Salatiga ternyata dapat mengasah kreativitas dan merekatkan rasa persaudaraan antar masyarakat.

    Optimization of Essential Oil Extraction of Beluntas (Pluchea Indica L.) Leaves by Using Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction

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    Beluntas (Pluchea Indica L.) which commonly used as astringent and antipyretic has a high potential for the feedstock of essential oil production. The objective of this work is to optimize solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME) of Beluntas leaves by using response surface methodology (RSM). Box-Behnken Design with the variations of extraction time (60-120 min), feed/distiller ratio (0.06-0.1 g/ml), and heating power (150-450 W) was utilized to optimize essential oil yield. The feed/distiller ratio factor had the highest significant effect on the essential oil yield (P<0.05). Essential oil yield increased as the increase of oil heating power and time extraction, and vice versa. On the other hand, the increase in the feed/distiller ratio gave a negative impact on the essential oil yield. The maximum essential oil yield using SFME method of 0.2728 b/b% was obtained for the optimized condition of extraction time of 90 min, microwave heating power of 450 W, and feed/distiller ratio of 0.06

    Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Alkali Pretreatment for Enhancement of Delignification Process of Cocoa Pod Husk

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    In this study, the optimization of microwave-assisted alkaline (MAA) pretreatment is performed to attain the optimal operating parameters for the delignification of cocoa pod husk (CPH). The MAA performance was examined by heating the CPH solid with different particle sizes (60–120 mesh) and NaOH solution with a different sample to a solvent (SS) ratio (0.02–0.05 g/L), for short irradiation time (1–4 min). Box-Behnken Design (BBD) was utilized to optimize the percentage of lignocellulose composition changes. The results show that by enlarging particle size, the content of lignin and cellulose decreased while hemicellulose increased. By prolong irradiation time, the content of lignin and hemicellulose decreased while cellulose elevated. On the other hand, increasing the SS ratio was not significant for hemicellulose content changes. From FTIR and SEM characterization, the MAA drove the removal of lignin and hemicellulose of CPH and increased cellulose slightly. Supported by kinetic study which conducted in this work, it was exhibited that MAA pretreatment technology is an effective delignification method of CPH which can tackle the bottleneck of its commercial biofuel production. Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).