6 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Proses pemanenan buah salak harus dikerjakan secara teliti untuk memilih buah mana yang layak panen. Untuk buah salak yang telah matang, biasanya dapat dipetik hanya menggunakan tangan. Namun, jika buah salak yang hendak dipanen berada di tengah-tengah pohonnya dan tertutup oleh duri-duri, maka proses panen salak menjadi sulit. Tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) menjawab kebutuhan mitra, dengan memberikan solusi Inovasi TTG Full Plate Armor. Untuk mencapai tujuan pengabdian, prosedur yang ditempuh meliputi 1) survey lokasi, 2) pendekatan sosial, 3) pengembangan produk, 4) penyusunan panduan, 5) penerapan ipteks/TTG melalui kegiatan sosialisasi, introduksi alat/TTG dan pelatihan; 6) tindak lanjut melalui percontohan dan pendampingan; 7) monev: presentasi kemajuan dan laporan akhir, dan 8) memenuhi kewajiban luaran. Hasil PKM: 1) produk berfungsi dengan baik serta bermanfaat bagi pemakainya: a) melindungi tubuh dari duri pohon salak, b) memotong buah salak yang terjepit dengan mudah, c) dapat memangkas bagian pohon salak yang sudah tidak ada gunanya; dan 2) meningkatkan efisiensi proses panen salak dari 15 pohon menjadi 20, 23, 25 pohon dalam sehari. Abstract: The process of harvesting salak fruit must be done carefully to choose which fruit is suitable for harvesting. For ripe salak fruit, it can usually be picked only by hand. However, if the salak fruit to be harvested is in the middle of the tree and covered with thorns, then the salak harvesting process becomes difficult. The community service implementation team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Malang (UM) answered the needs of partners, by providing TTG Full Plate Armor Innovation solutions. To achieve the goal of service, the procedures taken include 1) site survey, 2) social approach, 3) product development, 4) preparation of guidelines, 5) application of science and technology/TTG through socialization activities, introduction of tools/TTG and training; 6) follow-up through pilots and mentoring; 7) monev: presentation of progress and final reports, and 8) fulfill external obligations. The results of PKM: 1) the product functions properly and is beneficial for the wearer: a) protects the body from the thorns of the salak tree, b) cuts the pinched salak fruit easily, c) can trim the part of the salak tree that is no longer useful; and 2) increasing the efficiency of the salak harvesting process from 15 trees to 20, 23, 25 trees in a day.

    Violin Education Kit (VOEDK) Alat Bantu Belajar Biola Berbasis Aplikasi Android

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    In this student creativity competition karsa cipta division, we would like to create an application tool to learn violin instrument named Violin Education Kit (VOEDK), by using application on android to execute scoring process. The main goal of this tool is to help those who wanted to learn violin, especially for children. Also, it could help those who have not be able to read nots, because it has a basic music tutorial. The method uses an Arduino microcontroller to convert digital signal (Digital Signal Processing) from silent violin, then the converted digital signal would be transmitted to Android Tab by using bluetooth. The application on Android Tab would synchronised the digital signal with a certain note, then the result will appear like on a game fiture. This tool is also completed with sound effect and monitor sound, so hopefully user would not be bored in learning. Applicable for solo concert

    Pelatihan Desain Poster Menggunakan Canva Bagi Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Surabaya

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    The rapid development of science and technology has resulted in various applications that can help various human needs, including in terms of design. Currently, there are various online-based design applications that provide a variety of attractive designs that can be accessed for free or for a fee, including Canva. This community service aims to increase the design creativity of SMAN 1 Surabaya students, especially in making poster designs with the Canva application. The results of the training showed that SMA Negeri 1 Surabaya students agreed that the training could increase students' knowledge and skills in making poster designs using Canva, as seen from the results of the questionnaire where 81.33% of students gave very good predicates to the training they had attended. The knowledge gained during the training is expected to be useful for students in the short and long term, namely in the wider scope of student life in the future

    Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Sampah Organik di Kelurahan Pejarakan Karya

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    One of the health problems in Indonesia today which is also a global pandemic is the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 cases. The Indonesian government through Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Public Health Emergencies for Corona Virus Disease 2019 has stated that COVID-19 is a public health emergency that is prevention efforts must be made. The fairly dense population living in this area can cause the spread of the COVID-19 virus to accelerate if comprehensive prevention efforts are not made. Every individual needs to make efforts to prevent the development and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Actions that can be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Pejarakan Karya Village are by consuming healthy and nutritious food which is realized by creating a Sustainable Home Yard Socialization (P2L) program and to support the Sustainable Home Yard program a P2L pilot area and fertilizer manufacturing plant have been created. organic liquid made from household waste that can be used by the surrounding community. Keywords: Penjarakan Karya, COVID-19 prevention, yard, liquid organic fertilize


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    Enzim papain dapat membantu sistem pencernaan dan merangsang fungsi kekebalan tubuh, untuk mempermudah penggunaan enzim papain maka dibuat menjadi sediaan granul. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui variasi kombinasi Mannitol dan Sorbitol sebagai bahan pengisi pada granul enzim papain secara granulasi basah memenuhi syarat secara farmasetika. Penelitian ini dibuat dalam 5 formula (F) uji dengan perbandingan Mannitol dan Sorbitol sebagai bahan pengisi yang terdiri dari F1 (Mannitol 100% : Sorbitol 0%), F2 (Mannitol 75% : Sorbitol 25%), F3 (Mannitol 50% : Sorbitol 50%), F4 (Mannitol 25% : Sorbitol 75%), dan F5 (Mannitol 0% : Sorbitol 100%). Granul dilakukan evaluasi meliputi waktu alir, sudut diam, dan kompresibilitas. Hasil evaluasi granul F1-F5 dari waktu alir (5,73 detik-3,96 detik), dari sudut diam (29,9545o -27,3901o ), dan dari kompresibilitas (1,3264%-3,6585%). Hasil evaluasi granul dianalisa statistik One-Way ANOVA dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05) dan diperoleh nilai signifikasi <0,05 yang menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna sehingga dilanjutkan dengan Uji Tukey HSD. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin menurun Mannitol dan meningkat Sorbitol yang digunakan maka waktu alir granul semakin cepat, sudut diam granul yang terbentuk semakin kecil dan kompresibilitas granul semakin meningkat. Kata Kunci: Enzim Papain, Granul, Mannitol, Sorbitol, PV