840 research outputs found

    Mappadendang: Ekspresi Rasa Syukur Oleh Masyarakat Petani di Atakka Kabupaten Soppeng

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    This study aims to determine the ritual process and the meaning and values ​​contained in the traditional mappadendang party. In this study using descriptive qualitative research methods, namely research that describes situations directly in the research place. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the process of the traditional mappadendang party ritual in Soppeng Regency is very structured and neatly arranged. Starting from determining the day of implementation and the duration or length of time for implementation. After the process of determining the time is complete, the family who will carry out the traditional party begins to arrange the arrangement of the mappadendang traditional party. For example, entertainment events and players who will pound the pestle on the mortar and the attributes used by players at the traditional party. The traditional party ended with a marked meal together by all the people who attended the traditional party. In the traditional mappadendang party there are meanings and values ​​contained in it, these meanings are applied in the form of actions such as gratitude to God and respecting and preserving the heritage of ancestors or ancestors. Likewise with the values ​​contained in the traditional mappadendang party, the values ​​of togetherness, kinship, entertainment, and religion are merged into one in a traditional party that continues to be preserved and becomes a way of life for the community

    Just-in-time adaptive similarity component analysis in nonstationary environments

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    This article introduces a just-in-time adaptive nonparametric multiclass component analysis technique for application in nonstationary environments. This generative model enables adaptive similarity-based classifiers to classify time-labeled inquiry patterns with superior accuracy in low-dimensional feature space. While there are adaptive forms of feature extraction methods, which transform training patterns to low-dimensional space and/or improve classifier accuracy, they are vulnerable to nonparametric changes in data and must continuously update their parameters. In the proposed method, an optimal transformation matrix transforms time-labeled instances from the original space to a new feature space to maximize the probability of selecting the correct class label for incoming instances using similarity-based classifiers. To this end, for a given time-labeled instance, nonparametric intra-class and extra-class distributions are proposed. The proposed method is also furnished to a temporal detector to provide the most convenient time for the adaptation phase. Experimental results on real and synthesized datasets that include real and artificial changes demonstrate the performance of the proposed method in terms of accuracy and dimension reduction in dynamic environments

    Water resources management and the law: comparative study between Kedah and Selangor state government / Razali Muhammad, Abd Rahman Ramli, Abd Hamid Abd Rahman.

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    This research is a critical analysis on the differences in water resources management between the State of Kedah and Selangor after the amendment of the 9th Schedule in Federal Constitutional The establishment of Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara in 2006, under the provision of Water Service Commission Act and employs the Water Service Industry Act (WSIA) 2006 as regulatory tools to restructure the water resources management. The new system will ensure a more sustainable and efficient water supply service in Malaysia. However, since the land and water is under the jurisdiction State Authority on the State List,many conflict occurred between the Federal and State Government. This led to question, where is the significant and effectiveness of the WSIA 2006 in protecting the interst of the stakeholders in the Kedah and Selangor?. Malaysia had applies the unitary management and many agencies including the sState organization are involve play their function for water sustainability. However, there is no single agency entrusted with overall responsibility of holistic planning and management of water. Thus,this study was conducted on order to examine the differences in water resources management in Selangor and Kedah and the important of relevant regulatory body in both States

    Preserving brightness in histogram equalization based contrast enhancement techniques

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    Histogram equalization (HE) has been a simple yet effective image enhancement technique. However, it tends to change the brightness of an image significantly, causing annoying artifacts and unnatural contrast enhancement. Brightness preserving bi-histogram equalization (BBHE) and dualistic sub-image histogram equalization (DSIHE) have been proposed to overcome these problems but they may still fail under certain conditions. This paper proposes a novel extension of BBHE referred to as minimum mean brightness error bi-histogram equalization (MMBEBHE). MMBEBHE has the feature of minimizing the difference between input and output image's mean. Simulation results showed that MMBEBHE can preserve brightness better than BBHE and DSIHE. Furthermore, this paper also formulated an efficient, integer-based implementation of MMBEBHE. Nevertheless, MMBEBHE also has its limitation. Hence, this paper further proposes a generalization of BBHE referred to as recursive mean-separate histogram equalization (RMSHE). RMSHE is featured with scalable brightness preservation. Simulation results showed that RMSHE is the best compared to HE, BBHE, DSIHE, and MMBEBHE

    Return on Assets and Covid-19: Do Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio and Operational Efficiency Ratio Matters?

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    This study aims to test the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit (LDR), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) on Return on Assets (ROA) during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study utilizes a purposive sampling method using a population of National Private Commercial Banks (NPCB) for foreign exchange listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The data used is the Annual Report for the 2019-2020 period which has been published and based on the purposive sampling method the number of samples used is 44. The analytical technique used in this study is multiple linear regression using SPSS 24. Based on the results of the study, it shows that CAR has a significant positive effect on ROA, LDR has no significant effect on ROA, and OER has a negative effect on Return on Assets (ROA)

    Isu dan Cabaran dalam Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Peringkat Rendah dan Menengah: Pendekatan Malaysia Semasa Pandemik Covid-19

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    Asas pendidikan khususnya di peringkat rendah dan menengah adalah sangat penting dalam mencorak dan membentuk generasi baharu yang seimbang dari aspek intelektual, emosi, jasmani, rohani dan sahsiah, di samping mempunyai daya pemikiran yang kreatif, kritis dan berdaya saing dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk mendepani transformasi pendidikan di peringkat pengajian tinggi dan melahirkan modal insan yang berpengetahuan dan berkemahiran tinggi serta produktif dalam menghadapi pelbagai cabaran yang mendatang di abad ke-21 selaras dengan hasrat Dasar Pendidikan Negara Walau bagaimanapun, sistem pendidikan yang dilaksanakan di negara ini mengalami perubahan drastik dan terjejas teruk apabila semua sekolah perlu ditutup sepenuhnya berikutan negara berhadapan dengan krisis penularan pandemik Covid-19 yang kini menjadi fenomena yang amat membimbangkan rakyat di seluruh dunia. Situasi ini benar-benar memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada semua pihak berkepentingan terutamanya guru-guru dan murid-murid apabila kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dahulunya dijalankan secara bersemuka perlu diubah kepada kaedah pembelajaran dari rumah (home-based learning), di samping keperluan mematuhi Standard Operation Standard (SOP) dan mempraktikkan norma-norma baharu dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Kajian ini akan membuat penelitian berhubung strategi yang telah diguna pakai oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) sebagai peneraju sistem pendidikan negara dalam melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif melalui pendekatan dan kaedah yang terbaik dalam mengatasi isu-isu dan cabaran yang timbul dalam sektor pendidikan, antaranya melaksanakan pendekatan pembelajaran dari rumah, pembatalan dan pindaan tarikh peperiksaan awam, merancang strategi pembukaan semula sekolah selepas tempoh PKP dan pindaan takwim persekolahan tahun 2020 demi memastikan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dapat diteruskan dan dalam masa yang sama membantu negara memerangi pandemik Covid-19 dalam tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang sedang dilaksanakan sehingga hari ini

    Development of a miniature robot for swarm robotic application

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    Biological swarm is a fascinating behavior of nature that has been successfully applied to solve human problem especially for robotics application. The high economical cost and large area required to execute swarm robotics scenarios does not permit experimentation with real robot. Model and simulation of the mass number of these robots are extremely complex and often inaccurate. This paper describes the design decision and presents the development of an autonomous miniature mobile-robot (AMiR) for swarm robotics research and education. The large number of robot in these systems allows designing an individual AMiR unit with simple perception and mobile abilities. Hence a large number of robots can be easily and economically feasible to be replicated. AMiR has been designed as a complete platform with supporting software development tools for robotics education and researches in the Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering, UPM. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of using this robot to implement swarm robotic applications

    Interoperability Framework for Smart Home Systems.

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    Recent advancements in smart home systems have increased the utilization of consumer devices and appliances in home environment. However, many of these devices and appliances exhibit certain degree of heterogeneity and do not adapt towards joint execution of operation. Hence, it is rather difficult to perform interoperation especially to realize desired services preferred by home users. In this paper, we propose a new intelligent interoperability framework for smart home systems execution as well as coordinating them in a federated manner. The framework core is based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) technology that provides platform independent interoperation among heterogeneous systems. We have implemented the interoperability framework with several home devices to demonstrate their effectiveness for interoperation. The performance of the framework was tested in Local Area Network (LAN) environment and proves to be reliable in smart home settin

    Isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol production by saccharomyces cerevisiae in aerobic condition

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    Alternative fuels from renewable sources are receiving public and scientific attention due to continuous depletion of petroleum fuel-reserves and environmental problem such as global warming and climate change. Higher alcohols (C3-C5) possess many advantages thus become suitable candidate in replacing gasoline as transprtation fuel. This paper investigates the production of isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol as well as the toxicity of these alcohols towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This yeast was able to produce both alcohols with the highest concentration of 92 mg/ L (isobutanol) and 245 mg/L (3-methyl-1-butanol). Saccharomyces cerevisiae was capable to grow in more than 2% isobutanol but unable in concentration of 3-methyl-1-butanol higher than 1%