66 research outputs found

    The Guide and the Lion and the Jewel: The Peace-Making Efforts of R. K. Narayan and Wole Soyinka

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    The paper will unveil how both R K Narayan and Wole Soyinka contributed much to establish peace in their respective countries through their literary works They have engaged themselves in a journey to protect traditionalism and the practices of their cultures from any kind of foreign intrusion Almost all their literary works bear the testimony to their peace-making efforts However amid them The Guide by R K Narayan and The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka make it clear that both writers have prioritized traditionalism over modernity This research discovers how the characters of the above-mentioned texts engage themselves in different deeds to find out the auspicious of traditionalism and the negative aspects of modernity and how they succeed in doing so At last the paper will bring out how both R K Narayan and Wole Soyinka have emerged as peace-makers through their literary contribution

    Sultanas Dream The Eco-Feminist Vision of Freedom

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    This paper aims at conn ect ing the relationship between feminist fantasy and Eco - feminism One of the major traits that S ultana s Dream inc orporates is overwhelmingly simple and precise solution to phallocentric oppression Gendered reversal and scientific progress in this story have provided us with the aura of freedom envisioned by Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain Representing Sultana in this story which incubates the atmosphere where womanhood is fully observed in full rhythm in the lady land where the story is set is the embod iment of science and gendered exploration has given us a better view of harnessing the energy of nature The ge ndered structure reshaped recreated reversed and relocated by the author have left us with the interpretation of the role of power in the first plac


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    Objective: The objective of this study was assessing the diverse pharmacological efficacies of methanolic extracts of the whole plant of Gardenia coronaria Buch-Ham This study illustrates the phytochemicals, antioxidants and thrombolytic activity which have the possibility to be used in the coming future to open a new line of investigation. The Gardenia coronaria, one of the necessary traditional medicinal plants in Bangladesh. In the rural area this plant is used by a lot of people as a treatment from various disease. Methods: Total sum of the flavonoids was spectrophotometrically ascertained with the help of aluminum chloride colorimetric assay as total phenolic and tannin content by Folin Chiocalteu’s reagent. Antioxidant activity, ascertained by DPPH (α, α-diphenyl-ÎČ-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging assay giving some comparison between the resultant activity with the standard. The thombolytic activity was assessed based on the method of minor alterations. Results: The percentage of clot lysis was 87.58% when 100 ÎŒl of streptokinase (30,000 I.U.), and the methanolic extract displayed the least clot lysis activity (26.79%), much less compared to the standard. It can be elicited that the extract of Gardenia coronaria Buch-Ham contains antioxidant and thrombolytic activity. The potential of these activities probably because of the availability of most of the phytochemicals supporting previous claims and verify its uses as an expected folk medicine.                                        Peer Review History: Received 9 January 2020;   Revised 25 January; Accepted 4 March, Available online 15 March 20200 Academic Editor: Dr. Amany Mohamed Alboghdadly, Princess Nourah bint abdulrahman university, Riyadh, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 4.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Gehan Fawzy Abdel Raoof Kandeel, Pharmacognosy Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, 12622,  Giza, Egypt, [email protected]  Dr. Marwa A. A. Fayed, University of Sadat City, Egypt, [email protected] Similar Articles: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS OF LEAF, STEM-BARK AND ROOT OF AZADIRACHTA INDICA (NEEM) EXTRACTION AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF NOVEL POTENT MUCOADHESIVE BIO-MATERIAL OBTAINED FROM THE FRESH FRUITS PULP OF ACHRAS ZAPOTILL

    Investigation of Drug Distribution Process and Pharmacy Practices on Model Pharmacy in Dhaka City, Bangladesh

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    Objectives: In Bangladesh, Drug distribution process is very important cause of our increasing economic and development. In the recent days Model pharmacy has become an important theme of study for the student in pharmacy. In Bangladesh the introduction of the model pharmacy practice likes other skilled and semi-skilled health professionals will certainly improve primary health care system. The aim of the study was to develop a strategy to improve the overall services of model pharmacy in Bangladesh. Methodology: A total of 20 model pharmacies were the study subject. The study cover the model pharmacy located in Dhaka city, where each pharmacy was accounted through a questioner on random basis. The form includes their facilities, management system, drug distribution process and counseling system. Results: Study showed that, out of 20 Pharmacists, 95% of them used Software tools for their drug dispensing system. There was a helpline system for individual, online order within a short time of delivery system, discount system and membership card. The most important significant factors are counseling by “A grade” pharmacists, patient database system, affordable price and quality of medicine. Conclusions: If we improve those model pharmacies and if the aim is successful, then it will be spread across Bangladesh and model pharmacy will be established gradually with digitalization. Keyword: Model pharmacy, Bangladesh, Dhaka city, Pharmacist, Drug distribution proces

    In Vivo Antidiarrheal and Cytotoxic Potential of Different Fractions of Pandanus Foetidus Leaves

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    Abstract This study investigated the antidiarrheal and cytotoxic effects of methanol, petroleum ether, chloroform and aqueous fractions of Pandanus foetidus leaf extract. Antidiarrheal effect was measured in castor oil induced-diarrhea, -enteropooling and -gastrointestinal motility (GI) test models in albino mice. Cytotoxicity was investigated in brine shrimp lethality bioassay. All data were analyzed by the software, statistical package for social science (SPSS), Version 18.0. The extracts (200 mg/kg) showed a remarkable antidiarrheal activity by reducing the number of defecation and maintaining the consistency of feces. The petroleum ether, chloroform and aqueous fraction of the extract significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited the diarrheal incidence at the dose of 200 mg/kg. Castor oil induced enteropooling and fluid accumulation was significantly reduced by methanol and chloroform fraction, whereas gastrointestinal motility was shrunk by the aqueous fraction only. Loperamide was used as a reference drug in the above mentioned models. In cytotoxicity test, the lowest LC 50 was found to be 106.97 ÎŒg/ml by the chloroform fraction of the extract. The results demonstrated that Pandanus foetidus extract could be used as pharmaceutical preparation of antidiarrheal and cytotoxic agent obtained from appropriate solvent system

    A Comparative Study of Analgesic, Antidiarrhoeal and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanol and Acetone Extracts of Fruits Peels of Limonia acidissima L. (Rutaceae)

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    Objectives: Present study was designed to evaluate Analgesic, Antidiarrhoeal and Antimicrobial activities of methanol and acetone extracts of fruit peels of Limonia acidissima L. by different methods. Method: The analgesic activity of the samples was studied using acetic acid- induced writhing model in mice. Castor oil-induced antidiarrheal activity was observed by Thomas method and antimicrobial activity was monitored by disc diffusion method. Results: Limonia acidissima L. inhibited 60.53 % and 59.65 % writhing of methanol as well as acetone fruit peels extracts, respectively, compared to standard drug Diclofenac Na inhibited 78.07 % writhing. At higher dose (500 mg/kg) of the methanol and acetone fruit peels extracts, significant inhibition 47.13 and 44.83 % of characteristic diarrhoeal feces was observed, respectively, as well as at lower dose (250 mg/kg) of the both extracts, inhibition 34.45 and35.63 %. Mention able on average 12mm zone of inhibition was observed of both extract at 250”g/disc and 500”g/disc compare to zone of inhibition 36mm of ciprofloxacin at 50”g/disc. Conclusion: From the above results, it will be very much possible source for an isolating lead compound for curing the numerous disorders. Keywords: Limonia acidissima L. Fruit peels, Diclofenac sodium, Loperamide, Ciprofloxacin

    Exploring the nutritional and health benefits of pulses from the Indian Himalayan region: A glimpse into the region’s rich agricultural heritage

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    Pulses have been consumed worldwide for over 10 centuries and are currently among the most widely used foods. They are not economically important, but also nutritionally beneficial as they constitute a good source of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, folate and magnesium. Pulses, but particularly species such as Macrotyloma uniflorum, Phaseolus vulgaris L., Glycine max L. and Vigna umbellate, are essential ingredients of the local diet in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). Consuming pulses can have a favourable effect on cardiovascular health as they improve serum lipid profiles, reduce blood pressure, decrease platelet activity, regulate blood glucose and insulin levels, and reduce inflammation. Although pulses also contain anti-nutritional compounds such as phytates, lectins or enzyme inhibitors, their deleterious effects can be lessened by using effective processing and cooking methods. Despite their great potential, however, the use of some pulses is confined to IHR regions. This comprehensive review discusses the state of the art in available knowledge about various types of pulses grown in IHR in terms of chemical and nutritional properties, health effects, accessibility, and agricultural productivity.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Impact of taxes on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development: Evidence from organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD) countries

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    Multiple ecological and socioeconomic problems have occurred worldwide, raising the awareness of sustainability. This study aims to examine the impact of taxes on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the context of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. This research used effective average tax (EAT), tax on personal income (TPI), tax on corporate profits (TCP), and tax on goods and services (TGS) as the variables of taxes, and employed secondary data from 38 OECD countries covering 2000–2021. The study also used Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier (LM), Pesaran Scaled LM, Bias-Corrected Scaled LM, and Pesaran Cross-sectional dependence (CSD) tests to analyze the existence of cross-sectional dependency. Then, we established the stationarity of variables through second-generation panel unit root tests (Cross-sectional Augmented Dickey-Fuller (CADF) and Cross-sectional Im, Pesaran, and Shin (CIPS)), and confirmed the long-run cointegration of the variables by using second-generation panel cointegration test (Westerlund cointegration test). The results showed that EAT, TPI, TCP, and TGS are positively associated with SDGs. However, the change in TPI has a smaller effect on SDGs than the change in EAT or TCP or TGS. The result of panel causality indicated that EAT, TPI, and TGS have a unidirectional causal relationship with SDGs. The study also found that TCP has a bi-directional causal relationship with SDGs. Moreover, the finding indicated that the OECD countries need to focus on tax policies to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This study is based on the theory of optimal taxation (TOT), which suggests that tax systems should be designed to maximize social welfare. Finally, we suggests the importance of taking a comprehensive approach for the managers and policy-makers when analyzing the impact of taxes on SDGs

    In vivo characterization of Hsp104 variants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Cell stress, caused by misfolded or aggregated proteins or exposure to certain environmental stressors, activates stress detectors and selected analysis processes within the cell, resulting intranscriptional regulation and synthesis of factors that influence appropriate folding or removal of misaligned proteins to recover proteostasis. Yeasts are given a sophisticated and interconnected system to restore from the disruption of proteostasis, which involves molecular chaperones and protein degradation pathways as significant participants. Hsp104 is a stress response protein that, through an unknown mechanism, stimulates the reactivation of heatdamaged proteins in yeast. The aim of this thesis study is to learn more about Hsp104 function and location in young and old yeast cells. On the one hand, we aim to see how Hsp104 wildtype vs. mutant forms are distributed in young vs. elderly yeast cells. As a negative control, we employed the mutant variant of this protein. We also wanted to stress Hsp104 wildtype and mutant versions to see whether there are any variations in behaviour or protein levels. All research was carried out in yeast, with biochemical tests and high-throughput technologies like flow cytometry. Hsp104GFP signal were increased in the nucleus of Hsp104 wildtype cells with the increasing of cellular age. As well as, after heatshock treatment the Hsp104GFP aggregation was raised in Hsp104 wildtype and mutant forms. The results data demonstrated that Hsp104 protein levels were increased with cellular age and heatshock treatment enhanced the Hsp104 aggregation in Hsp104 wildtype and mutant forms

    Intermingling of History and Politics in The God of Small Things

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    Suzanna Arundhati Roy is a post-modern sub-continental writer famous for her first novel The God of Small Things. This novel tells us the story of Ammu who is the mother of Rahel and Estha. Through the story of Ammu, the novel depicts the socio-political condition of Kerala from the late 1960s and early 1990s. The novel is about Indian culture and Hinduism is the main religion of India. One of the protagonists of this novel, Velutha, is from a low-caste community representing the dalit caste. Apart from those, between the late 1960s and early 1990s, a lot of movements took place in the history of Kerala. The Naxalites Movement is imperative amid them. Kerala is the place where communism was established for the first time in the history of the world through democratic election. Some vital issues of feminism have been brought into focus through the portrayal of the character, Ammu. In a word, this paper tends to show how Arundhati Roy has successfully manifested the multifarious as well as simultaneous influences of politics in the context of history and how those affected the lives of the marginalized. Overall, it would minutely show how historical incidents and political ups and downs go hand in hand during the political upheavals of a state
