189 research outputs found

    Discourses on Emotions: Communities, Styles, and Selves in Early Modern Mediterranean Travel Books Three Case Studies

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    The present study focuses on emotion discourses in early modern travel books. It attempts a close textual, intertextual, and contextual analysis of several embedded narratives on emotions in three late sixteenth- and seventeenth-century travel books: Kit?b N??ir al-D?n 'ala 'l-Qawm al-K?fir?n: Mukhta?ar Ri?lat al-Shih?b 'ila Liq?´ al-A?b?b by Andalusian traveller Ahmed bin Q?sim al-?ajar? (1570- c.1641), The Diary of Master Thomas Dallam by an English craftsman, Thomas Dallam (1575-1630), and Seyahâtnâme (The Book of Travels) by Ottoman traveller Evliya Çelebi (1611-1685). In these travel books, al-?ajar?, Dallam, and Evliya narrate their journeys as emotionally protean experiences. They associate emotions with the contexts of their journeys, their volition to travel, and their authorial motives to write about their journeys. They display their emotions in their dreams, humour, and other subjective experiences. Their narratives yield uncommon notions of emotions, namely the emotions of encounter. A love story between a Muslim traveller and a Catholic girl, an English craftsman's anxiety at the court of an Ottoman Sultan, a disgusting meal in a foreign land, are just a few examples of emotionally freighted situations which are unlikely to be found in any genre but a travel book. The close textual analysis aims to identify the role of the writers' cultures in shaping and regulating their discourses on emotions. The intertextual and contextual analysis of these narratives reveals that the meaning and function of these displayed emotions revolve around the traveller's community affiliation, religion, ideology, and other culture-specific discourses and practices such as Sufism, folk medicine, myths, folk traditions, natural and geographical phenomena, cultural scripts, social norms, and power relations. In a nutshell, reading the travellers' discourses on emotions means reading many cultural and historical aspects of the early modern world. To approach discourses on emotions in texts of the past, the present study draws on the theory of culture-construction of emotions. It uses three analytical notions from the fields of language, anthropology and history of emotions: 'emotional communities', 'emotional styles' and 'emotional self-fashioning'. The present study uses a theoretical framework defined by a recent wave of studies on self-narratives as sources for the history and cultural diversity of emotions in the medieval and early modern periods. Within this approach, travel writing is seen as a self-narrative, a communicative act, and a social practice. This approach to emotion discourses in Ri?la, travel journals and Seyahat genres allows us to project the transcultural and entangled history of the early modern Mediterranean, which as much it was a contested frontier between Islam and Christianity, was also a space of religious conversion and hybrid identities, the articulation of diplomacy and cultural exchange, mysticism and religious pluralism. This approach also pinpoints the diverse forms of cosmopolitanism, or rather cosmopolitanisms, in the plural


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    Biji kopi hijau arabika (Coffea arabica L.) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder flavonoid, alkaloid, tanin dan terpenoid. Kandungan flavonoid pada biji kopi hijau arabika diduga memiliki aktifitas sebagai antioksidan dan antidiabetes. Peningkatan aktifitas senyawa aktif dapat ditingkatkan melalui proses purifikasi. Purifikasi biji kopi hijau arabika dilakukan menggunakan pelarut etil asetat melalui pemisahan cair-cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktifitas antioksidan ekstrak terpurifikasi etil asetat biji kopi hijau arabika serta menganalisis aktivitas penurunan glukosa secara in vitro. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan menggunakan metode ABTS (2,2 azinobis (3-etilbenzotiazolin)-6-asam sulfonat), sedangkan pengujian antidiabetes menggunakan metode Nelson Somogyi dengan pembacaan absorbansi menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Hasil identifikasi kualitatif menunjukkan adanya senyawa aktif flavonoid pada ekstrak biji kopi hijau arabika (EBKHA) terpurifikasi etil asetat. Kadar flavonoid total pada EBKHA terpurifikasi etil asetat sebesar 49,47 mg QE/g. Aktifitas antioksidan pada EBKHA terpurifikasi etil asetat diperoleh nilai IC50 69,95 ppm dengan kategori kuat, sedangkan  aktivitas penurunan kadar glukosa secara optimal pada konsentrasi 60 ppm dengan penurunan kadar glukosa sebesar 67,50%. Kandungan flavonoid pada EBKHA terpurifikasi etil asetat memiliki kemampuan antioksidan kuat serta berpotensi sebagai kandidat antidiabetes

    Pattern of infection in children presented with obstructive uropathy: A hospital-based study

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    Background: Obstructive uropathy refers to the structural impedance to the flow of urine anywhere along the urinary tract which may result from congenital (anatomic) lesions or can be caused by trauma, neoplasia, calculi, inflatnmatory process or surgical procedure. It is responsible for about 4% of end-stage renal disease. Obstructive uropathy is invariably associated with some co-morbid conditions specially infection.Objecctive: This study was conducted in the department of pediatric nephrology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh with an objective to identify different pattern of infections in children with obstructive uropathy. Methods: A total of 55 patients of obstructive uropathy were enrolled. Thorough clinical and laboratory evaluation including hematological, biochemical, radiological and radio nucleotide imaging were done along with blood and urine culture. Result: Out of 55 cases, 42.27% of obstructive uropathy was detected between I to 5 years and 89.27% was infected. Among obstructive uropathy cases, majority had posterior urethral valve (PUV) (42.27%). Urinary tract infection was the commonest (60%) type of infections followed by septicemia and respiratory tract infection. Conclusion: Age between 1 to 5 years was the commonest age of children for hospital admission due to obstructive uropathy. Among various manifestations of obstruc­tive uropatby, infections, mostly urinary tract infection was the commonest one


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    UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemilihan Umum yang memberikan kuota sekurang-kurangnya 30% keterwakilan perempuan untuk pembentukan dan kepengurusan partai politik, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah, merupakan kebijakan positif sebagai partisipasi perempuan dalam politik. Setiap partai politik diharuskan untuk memenuhi peraturan pemilu dengan mewakilkan 30% keterwakilan perempuan di setiap daerah pemilihan. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana upaya partai politik dalam memenuhi ketentuan kuota 30% keterwakilan perempuan pada pemilihan legislatif tahun 2014 Kabupaten Ponorogo, 2) Apa yang menjadi kendala partai politik dalam memenuhi ketentuan kuota 30% pada pemilihan legislatif tahun 2014 Kabupaten Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan gabungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) upaya partai GOLKAR, PAN dan Gerindra dalam memenuhi ketentuan kuota 30% keterwakilan perempuan pada pemilihan legislatif dengan mewajibkan seluruh kader perempuan untuk menjadi caleg, melakukan kaderisasi secara ketat dan memilih kader yang berkualitas, 2) kendala yang dihadapi terletak pada sumberdaya manusia yang kurang karena partisipasi politik dari kaum perempuan masih rendah sehingga tidak all out dalam menghadapi pemilu serta keterbatasan finansial untuk terjun ke dunia politik, sehingga mengakibatkan beberapa kader perempuan hanya menjadi syarat pemenuhan kuota 30% secara administratif. Saran 1) Tuntutan untuk meningkatkan jumlah keterwakilan perempuan harus diimbangi dengan upaya untuk menjamin perempuan yang akan menjadi wakil rakyat harus benar-benar berkualitas, memahami kepentingan perempuan dan mampu memperjuangkannya, 2) Bagi kaum perempuan yang terjun ke dunia politik harus mempersiapkan diri agar mampu bersaing dengan laki-laki, diharuskan untuk aktif dalam kepengurusan partai politik dan untuk selalu meningkatkan kualitasnya sebagai warga politik, 3) Pelaksana kebijakan harus mengupayakan pendidikan gender dengan memberikan berbagai pelatihan dan pendidikan politik melalui program pemberdayaan perempuan untuk mengubah mindset bagi kaum perempuan itu sendiri yang menganggap dirinya tidak mampu bersaing dengan laki-laki. Kata kunci:Partai Politik, Kuota 30%, Keterwakilan Perempua

    Risk assessment of Occupational Safety & Heath (OSH) hazards at small and medium enterprise (SME)

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    Most of SMEs industries refuse to provide and conduct safety program for the employees in order to cut the budget. Thus, this industries are exposed to the occupational safety and health (OSH) hazards. Therefore performing the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) method are important to control the hazards. The objective of this research was to review occupational safety and health hazards related to small to medium enterprises (SMEs) industry. Besides that, this research conducted to identify the OSH hazards related to the selected SMEs industry using HIRARC method and to propose a suitable risk control to prevent the hazards. The selected SME industries are located in Rompin, Negeri Sembilan in production of cendol. For this research, two method of hazard identification were selected that are workplace inspection and hazard identification checklist. A total of 8 hazards were identified from the production process. 50% of the risk level were classified as low and 50% classified as medium risk level. The most hazardous work activity is related to ergonomic problem that is back pain as most of the activities were repetitive for a long time. As a conclusion, recommendation has been proposed to eliminate the identified hazards such as elimination, engineering control and personal protective equipment based on the hierarchy of risk control

    Which Pairs of Stocks should we Trade? Selection of Pairs for Statistical Arbitrage and Pairs Trading in Karachi Stock Exchange

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    Pairs Trading refers to a statistical arbitrage approach devised to take advantage from short term fluctuations simultaneously depicted by two stocks from long run equilibrium position. In this study a technique has been designed for the selection of pairs for pairs trading strategy. Engle-Granger 2-step Cointegration approach has been applied for identifying the trading pairs. The data employed in this study comprised of daily stock prices of Commercial Banks and Financial Services Sector. Restricted pairs have been formed out of highly liquid log share price series of 22 Commercial Banks and 19 Financial Services companies listed on Karachi Stock Exchange. Sample time period extended from November 2, 2009 to June 28, 2013 having total 911 observations for each share prices series incorporated in the study. Out of 231 pairs of commercial banks 25 were found cointegrated whereas 40 cointegrated pairs were identified among 156 pairs formed in Financial Services Sector. Furthermore a Cointegration relationship was estimated by regressing one stock price series on another, whereas the order of regression is accessed through Granger Causality Test. The mean reverting residual of Cointegration regression is modeled through the Vector Error Correction Model in order to assess the speed of adjustment coefficient for the statistical arbitrage opportunity. The findings of the study depict that the cointegrated stocks can be combined linearly in a long/short portfolio having stationary dynamics. Although for the given strategy profitability has not been assessed in this study yet the VECM results for residual series show significant deviations around the mean which identify the statistical arbitrage opportunity and ensure profitability of the pairs trading strategy. JEL classifications: C32, C53, G17 Keywords: Pairs Trading, Statistical Arbitrage, Engle-Granger 2-step Cointegration Approach, VECM

    Effects of omega-3 fatty acids and pioglitazone combination on insulin resistance through fibroblast growth factor 21 in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    AbstractFibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is an effective regulator of glucose and lipid metabolism. It is mainly regulated by peroxisome proliferator activated receptors, and is widely associated with cases of insulin resistance as obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Our study aimed to investigate the potential effects of omega-3 fatty acids, pioglitazone, and their combination on serum and liver FGF21 concentrations, and its hepatic gene expression in a rat model of T2D. We also studied the modulating effects of these treatments on blood glucose, lipid profile, and insulin resistance. T2D was induced in male Sprague–Dawley rats by combination of high fat diet and low dose streptozotocin (35 mg/kg). Diabetic rats were treated with omega-3 fatty acids (10%W/W diet), pioglitazone (20 mg/kg), and their combination for a period of 4 weeks. Serum FGF21 concentration was significantly increased in diabetic rats. In contrast, hepatic FGF21 concentration, and gene expression were significantly decreased. Omega-3 fatty acids, pioglitazone, and their combination significantly decreased serum FGF21. Omega-3 fatty acids and combination therapy significantly decreased liver FGF21 concentration, with non-significant changes in gene expression. On the other hand, pioglitazone significantly increased hepatic FGF21 concentration and gene expression. Omega-3 fatty acids, pioglitazone and their combination significantly improved lipid profile. Pioglitazone and combination significantly decreased blood glucose levels and improved insulin resistance. In conclusion, this study introduces the first evidence regarding the antidiabetic effects of omega-3 fatty acids and pioglitazone combination, such effects are mediated through FGF21

    Pesticide Exposure, Behavior of Farmer, and Activity of Cholinesterase Enzyme in Blood of Fertile Women Farmers

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    Fertile women farmers are risky of suffering decrease of cholinesterase activity due to pesticide exposure. This study aimed to analyze relation between pesticide exposure and the exposure agent to cholinesterase activity of fertile women workers at Kedunguter Village. This study used cross-sectional design on 94 fertile women farmers in 2015. Data was collected by observation, interview and cholinesterase test. Data analysis used chi-square test and analysis results showed a significant relation between pesticide types, working time, the use of gloves, hand-washing behavior to cholinesterase activity of fertile women farmers. Analysis results of this study showed that variable working time had the highest odds ratio (OR) score (OR = 14.072), so the variable working time is the most dominant variable in influencing cholinesterase enzyme. This study suggests that fertile women farmers should work not more than six hours per day

    Innovative financing through pay-for-performance for providers to improve quality of care in Bangladesh: Transforming research into action

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    To improve access to and use of facility-based obstetric and newborn care, the Government of Bangladesh is implementing two innovative performance-based financing programs, namely demand-side financing (DSF) and pay-for-performance (P4P). With the purpose of identifying the lessons learned, limitations of the P4P and DSF models, and scopes for cross learning, a two-day workshop was organized in Dhaka. This workshop report, prepared by the Population Council, resulted in several recommendations to modify DSF and P4P schemes. In Bangladesh, the need for continuing performance-based financing programs to meet MDGs and other health indicators is beyond argument, but it is urgently required to decide in what capacity the performance-based financing program should continue. The government needs to prepare itself to continue performance-based incentive programs in pursuance of achieving the MDGs of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality

    Rancang Desain Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Game Sejarah Perjalanan Jendral Soedirman dalam Perang Gerilya Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Digitalisasi pendidikan indonesia tidak lepas dari peran serta media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran menjadi tumpuan utama setelah tumpuan teknis pelaksanaan yang dibuat oleh tim pengembang pendidikan di Indonesia. Media pembelajaran bukan hanya menjadi bagian transfer visualisasi, tetapi harus memuat unsur tujuan pembelajaran, menarik, efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan, mempunyai sisi kearifan lokal dan mempunyai kepraktikalitasan produk. Akan tetapi, proses pembelajaran sejarah di Kabupaten Pacitan hanya memuat media konvensional yang kurang menarik minat siswa. Rancang desain media pembelajaran berbasis game sejarah perjalanan jendral Soedirman dalam perang gerilya Kabupaten Pacitan diimplementasikan menggunakan model ADDIE dengan hasil uji coba validasi ahli media 85% dan validasi ahli materi 90%, berkaitan dengan kedua hal tersebut uji coba perangkat lunak pengguna mendapatkan nilai 88,4% dan dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan dan diseminasika
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