1,462 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Performance of Indonesian State-Owned and Private Companies

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    The objectives of this study are to analyze the difference of corporate social performance between State-owned and private companies in Indonesia, and also to analyze the correlation between the corporate social performance (CSP) and the corporate financial performance by using company size, and institutional ownership as control variables. The population of this study is Indonesian state owned and private companies in the year of 2001-2004. Purposive sampling was used in this study, and final samples are 461 companies. The CSP or CSR (Corporate social responsibility) score is measured by content analysis of corporate annual report using seven item developed by Michael Research Jantzi Research Associate, Inc. The data is tested by independent t-test to determine the mean difference and by using partial correlation test to know the correlation between the corporate social performance and financial performance. The results of this study are that there is no significant difference mean of corporate social performance between state-owned and private owned companies in Indonesia. In addition, the correlation test indicates that there is no association between corporation social performance and financial performance both in SOCs and POCs

    Exploring factors that influence customer engagement in value co-creation in higher education institutions using online platforms

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    Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can be described as a container that encompasses strong knowledgeable minds and experienced individuals. It is one of the service sectors comprised of a huge number of individuals who are attached for life with Higher Education Institutions and possess resources of knowledge, experience and competency. These valuable resources are considered to be sources of innovative performance, best service quality and better community transformation. By engaging such brilliant minds in value co-creation, either with internal or external customers of these HEIs, it is believed that this engagement will help HEIs to maintain better service quality, attain reputable positions and contribute to enhance community transformation. However, the task to engage large numbers of HEIs customers in co-creation of value is not easy to be achieved without in-depth exploration of how to accomplish and sustain such engagement. Special effort is taking place to engage the inner and outer HEIs community in value co-creation process through online platforms. Yet, the level of customers engagement still low and poor. The aim of this research is to explore factors that impact HEIs customers to be engaged in any form of value co-creation through the online platforms, and to introduce a holistic value co-creation model that helps universities and other HEIs to engage customers in value co-creation activities through any means of effective online platforms. A qualitative method is adopted by interviewing ten HEIs experts from four reputable Malaysian universities. Data are collected, analyzed and synthesized with support of Nvivo10 software. Value co-creation conceptual model is established and the results reveal that there are several factors that have an impact on customer engagement in the value co-creation in HEIs. According to the nature of value co-creation and the context of this research, factors are summarized into three classifications: organizational factors that represent HEIs provider aspects and these factors are the predominant among other aspects. Then technological factors that represent the online platform characteristics and the personal factors that represent customer aspects

    Rancang bangun sistem pendeteksi banjir pada waduk menggunakan water level sensor berbasis IOT (internet Of Things)

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    Banjir merupakan bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia, terkadang banjir terjadi kapan saja saat hujan turun dan di saat penghuni sedang tidak ada di rumah yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian materil. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sistem untuk mengetahui kemungkinan terjadi banjir sebelum memasuki rumah menggunakan peringatan berupa web sistem pendeteksi banjir. Sistem pendeteksi banjir peringatan dini menggunakan Nodemcu8266 sebagai mikrokontroler berbasis internet of things (IOT) yang mengendalikan sensor ultrasonik dan sensor pendeteksi air dalam mendeteksi banjir serta ketinggiannya. website yang menginformasikan ketinggian air dan keadaan sensor pendeteksi air. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah telah dibangun sebuah sistem pendeteksi banjir peringatan dini menggunakan Nodemcu8266 dan sensor Ultrasonic yang memudahkan pengguna untuk mengetahui keadaan luapan air di waduk pengguna

    Issues and challenges in business intelligence case studies

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    Business Intelligence (BI) has embarked on decision-making setting. This has influenced many organizations from different industries that are located in diverse regions to implement BI. Critical Successful Factors (CSF) becomes the guideline for the implementer to adopt BI successfully. However, lack of BI knowledge and weak consideration of BI CSF led to the failure of BI implementation project. Several issues and challenges have been identified during the BI implementation. In addition, other researchers rarely discussed this subject. Thus, the objective of this paper is to recognize the issues and challenges on BI implementation. Through qualitative method, BI practices systematically described the purpose of BI execution on selected organizations, industries and regions. It has given the path towards the issues and challenges of BI implementation. The identified issues and challenges are defining the business goal, data management, limited funding, training and user acceptance as well as the lack of expertise issues. The findings categorized the issues and challenges into three dimensions of CSF for BI implementation, which are Organization, Process and Technology dimension. Limitation in this study requires future researchers to study in details of these issues and challenges including the solutions and the impact of BI implementation

    Comparative Study of Monosex Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Production under Different Stocking Density in Ponds

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    A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of stocking density on the growth and production of monosex male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) conducted in six ponds commencing from 7th July to 4th November, 2012. Feeding frequency were two times in a day. The mean initial weight of fry in all the treatments were 5.7±0.04 g and after completion of the experiment the mean final weight of tilapia was 321.62±1.11 g for T1, 300.12±0.87 g for T2 and 256.25±2.38 g for T3. The mean weight gain of 315.92±1.11, 294.42±0.87  and 250.552.38g and mean percent weight gain of 5542.40, 5165.20 and 4395.61% and mean FCR was 1.41±0.00, 1.46±0.01 and 1.59±0.00and mean SGRof 3.36, 3.30 and 3.17% and the survival rate was 97.67, 94.25 and 93.40% were recorded in T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The highest weight gain, percent weight gain, SGR and survival rate were found in T1 and lowest were found in T3. The production was observed to be 47.12±0.52, 56.57±0.80 and 59.84±1.10 kg/dec/4 months in T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The significant (P?0.01) highest fish production and FCR was obtained 59.84 kg/dec/4 months and 1.59 respectively in T3 under stocking density was 250 fish/decimal and production, FCR was found to be decreased significantly with the decrease in stocking density. The lowest fish production 47.12 kg/dec/4 months were observed in T1. Although higher production was obtained in T3 but individually growth performance of monosex tilapia was higher in T1. Keywords: Monosex tilapia, growth performance, stocking density, tilapia production

    Arti perlambang dan fungsi tata rias pengantin dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai budaya propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh

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    Pengetahuan tentang tata rias pengantin terutama di daerah-daerah belum diwariskan secara tradisi tulisan, warisan itu berlangsung secara lisan dan ke banyakan di antara juru rias yang baru kadang-kadang hanya dengan cara menirukannya. Tradisi mencatat atau membukukan pengetahuan tentang tata rias pengantin ini jarang sekali dijumpai bahkan dapat disebutkan tidak ada. Hal ini disebabkan karena membukukan pengetahuan ini belum merupakan kebutuhan bagi mereka yang bertindak sebagai juru rias. Pengetahuan ini rnereka ingat dan dipraktekkan berulang kali pada waktu rnenyelenggarakan upacara perkawinan dan lama-kelamaan menjadi mahir dan trampil sebagai juru rias. Penelitian ini hanya dilakukan pacta tiga kelompok etnis yang mendiami Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Pembatasan pada tiga kelompok etnis sesuai dengan Pola Penelitian dan Petunjuk Pelaksanaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah

    Women’s Access To Justice: Mediation For The Victims of Domestic Violence In Central Java, Indonesia

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    Most of women victims of domestic violence in Indonesia avoid criminal justice system in resolving their cases because criminal justice system gives financial, psychological, and social burdens for them. They accessed the Religious Court instead and other institutions that implements mediation to resolve their cases. This fact gives wider opportunity for mediation, which is a form of restorative justice system, to be a better alternative dispute resolution for domestic violence cases in Indonesia. Unlike retributive justice system that focuses on punishing the perpetrators, restorative justice system focuses on rehabilitation of the rights of the victims. This research explores mediation conducted by service providers for the victims of domestic violence in the Central Java Province, Indonesia. Data collected through interviews with judges, police, social workers, and religious figures from social organizations. This research found that mediation for the victims of domestic violence has been carried out by the services institutions for the victims of domestic violence both in the court and outside the court. However, not all mediations conducted properly as some mediators both in-court and non-court have not been trained on mediation. There is also a tendency among one service provider to proceed all cases of domestic violence in the criminal court while others want to proceed through mediation, which sparks some internal conflicts among them. This research enriches the literature on the services for the victims of domestic violence and provides some insights for alternative resolution for domestic violence cases in Indonesia and especially in Central Java

    Consumers’ Internet Shopping Decision toward Fashion Apparels and Its Impact on Satisfaction in Bangladesh

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    This paper aims to analyze the consumers’ internet shopping decision toward fashion apparels and its impact on satisfaction in Bangladesh. This paper adopts the quantitative analysis of possible factors that may affect consumers’ internet shopping decision of fashion apparels and its impact on satisfaction


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    This study investigates the differential impact that microcredit borrowers of different income classes might have experienced in their poverty condition after borrowing microcredit loans. Methods of this study consisted of a cross-sectional survey as well as unstructured interviews with the female microcredit borrowers in Bangladesh. Results show that an overwhelming majority of microcredit borrowers has experienced improvement in their poverty condition, but the degree of benefits widely varies among different groups of borrowers. Borrowers with some resource base have been benefitted most; whereas the absolute poor borrowers, with hardly any asset holding, not only have experienced least improvement in their financial condition but also have become even poorer in few instances.  Article visualizations