765 research outputs found


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    The issue of abolition of wedding is one of issue in family. For islamic the cancellation of wedding mentioned as fasakh. Fasakh is the abolition of the agreement of marriage because of the abolition occurs when the terms and pillars of marriage uncomplete in a marriage. The effect of the abolition in a marrige made the bond between spouse is disengaged from the court of judgement. The object study of this research is number of decision from: 0457/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Plg). This research desire to explain what about to be the primary consideration from judge in the court of religious in Palembang to decide and grant suit into number of decision from: 0457.Pdt.G/2011/PA.Plg and how perspective of islamic law towards primary decision of the judge into number of decision from: 0457/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Plg. The research discover that the primary of judge’s decision to decide and grant suit of abolition of marriage from number of decision from: 0457.Pdt.G/2011/PA.Plg is due to the wedding between petitioner and defendant to be held by illegitimate guardian, which is in this issue that to be wedding guardian is the assistant of note-taker of marriage (P3N) who claim as guardian judge whereas P3N is not guardian judge. As for the perspective of islamic law towards primary of judge’s consideration to decide case of the abolition of wedding is based on Syafi’i sect, the guardian of wedding as the valid requirement, if wedding without the guardian, or wedding without the guardian’s permit or any guardian but have no right to be guardian wedding, therefore a wedding have to be abolished.   Key Words: Religious Court Decision, Cancellation of Marriage, Fasakh, Islamic Law


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    Marriage law of Indonesia not set expressly about interfaith marriage, be allowed or be forbidden. But beside that, there is other law who has set about interfaith marriage, that is the law of administration of population. In daily life, interfaith marriage still many happened and can not be avoided. As happened in the city and Malang regency, East Java.This research want to know how harmony family of interfaith marriage in the city and Malang regency. Purpose of this research is want to describe and analyze implementation of interfaith marriage in the city and Malang regency, describe and analyze how to responses of legal expert and practitioners, and describe and analyze how existence family of interfaith marriage in the city and Malang regency in hamony family perspective.This research is legal reseach, combination between normative legal research and emperical legal research. According to place, this reseach is field research. The approach using in this research is statute approach and case approach. Datas collection by interviews and documentations. Informan in this research is families interfaith marriage.Result of research found that, implementation of interfaith marriage in the city and Malang regency by two ways. First, by request decision to the district court. Second, by subduing themselves; where one of couple converting his religion. Responses of legal experts and practitioners about interfaith marriage in the city and Malang regency still different and become debate. There is allow according to Holy Qur’an, and also there is forbid according to regulations. While existence family of interfaith marriage in the city and Malang regency in hamony family perspective, according to their avowal, they are very harmony. Although they are have been married for decades, they are stay in a household together


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    Biji kopi hijau arabika (Coffea arabica L.) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder flavonoid, alkaloid, tanin dan terpenoid. Kandungan flavonoid pada biji kopi hijau arabika diduga memiliki aktifitas sebagai antioksidan dan antidiabetes. Peningkatan aktifitas senyawa aktif dapat ditingkatkan melalui proses purifikasi. Purifikasi biji kopi hijau arabika dilakukan menggunakan pelarut etil asetat melalui pemisahan cair-cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktifitas antioksidan ekstrak terpurifikasi etil asetat biji kopi hijau arabika serta menganalisis aktivitas penurunan glukosa secara in vitro. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan menggunakan metode ABTS (2,2 azinobis (3-etilbenzotiazolin)-6-asam sulfonat), sedangkan pengujian antidiabetes menggunakan metode Nelson Somogyi dengan pembacaan absorbansi menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Hasil identifikasi kualitatif menunjukkan adanya senyawa aktif flavonoid pada ekstrak biji kopi hijau arabika (EBKHA) terpurifikasi etil asetat. Kadar flavonoid total pada EBKHA terpurifikasi etil asetat sebesar 49,47 mg QE/g. Aktifitas antioksidan pada EBKHA terpurifikasi etil asetat diperoleh nilai IC50 69,95 ppm dengan kategori kuat, sedangkan  aktivitas penurunan kadar glukosa secara optimal pada konsentrasi 60 ppm dengan penurunan kadar glukosa sebesar 67,50%. Kandungan flavonoid pada EBKHA terpurifikasi etil asetat memiliki kemampuan antioksidan kuat serta berpotensi sebagai kandidat antidiabetes

    An Investigation of Online and Face-to-Face Communication in General Chemistry

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    This exploratory study investigated an online office hour and a face-to-face recitation for similarities and differences. The online office hour and face-to-face recitation were a part of general chemistry courses taught at different universities. The courses covered the same material at the same level. The results of the investigation revealed that in the online environment students must articulate their ideas clearly to convey them in a text-only medium. The written text seemed to help the instructor to identify misinterpretations made by the students. The instructor-dominated hierarchy between instructor and student is present in both environments. When comparing the percentage of total student and instructor events (the sum of questions and statements) in the online environment, students’ events were significantly greater than instructor’s events. This finding is an indication that the online environment shows promise for improving student participation


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    Objective: Every year approximately 13% (78,000) of maternal death caused by unsafe abortion. Indonesia Family Planning Association predicts 2.5 million abortions per year and 1.5 million of them committed by teenagers. Adolescent reproductive health problems are more alarming year by year. Sexual behavior tends to be permissive and bold with limited knowledge of reproductive health has increased the risk of abortion. This study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding abortion in young adults. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The subjects were young women aged 18–24 years old who were fulfilled by inclusion and exclusion criteria. The knowledge, attitudes, and behavior were assessed using questionnaire. The results were analyzed using statistical program. Results: The total subjects recruited in this study were 55 subjects. Twenty-eight (50.9%) of subjects has a good knowledge and 27 (49.1%) of subjects had a moderate knowledge. Twenty-nine (52.7%) subjects had moderate attitudes and 36.4% of subjects had good attitude. Thirty (54.5%) of subjects had a good behavior regarding abortion. Conclusion: Most of the subjects had good level of knowledge and moderate attitude toward abortion

    Tradisi Segheh Dalam Perkawinan Adat Lampung Perspektif ‘Urf dan Maslahah Mursalah

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hukum tradisi segheh menurut ‘urf dan maslahah mursalah. Tradisi segheh sendiri adalah praktik pemberian materi berupa uang, hewan (kerbau atu sapi), emas ataupun benda-benda berharga yang diberikan dari pihak laki-laki pada pihak perempuan. Segheh diberikan laki-laki pada awal mengambil gadis Lampung Pepadun  marga Anak Tuha. Segheh diberikan atas kesepakatan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dimana kedudukan segheh menurut adat disamakan dengan mahar menurut hukum Islam. Pemberian segheh didasarkan pada status sosial atau Pendidikan calon mempelai wanita. Padahal dalam ketentuan hukum Islam penentuan mahar didasarkan atas kesederhanaan dan kemudahan. Penelitian ini berbasis lapangan dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan tokoh adat dan pelaku segheh, observasi dan dokumentasi. Tradisi segheh dalam perspektif ‘urf dan maslahah mursalah dinilai ada dampak kemudaratan yang cukup banyak, seperti:  menumpuknya hutang suami istri dan juga keluarga, sebab tradisi segheh yang sifatnya wajib dalam pernikahan adat Lampung Pepadun marga Anak Tuha memaksa calon mempelai pria untuk melaksanakannya. Jika kondisinya adalah dalam keterbatasan kemampuan keuangan yang menyebabkan pihak laki-laki mencari uang dengan banyak cara diantaranya dengan berhutang, bahkan tidak sedikit yang menjual atau menggadai aset pokok. Kemudaratan yang terdapat dalam tradisi segheh menyebabkan tradisi segheh termasuk ke dalam kategori ‘urf fasid danmaslahah mulghah. Untuk itu tradisi segheh yang dipaksakan padahal secara kapasitas pihak calon mempelai pria suami tidak mampu memenuhi harus ditiadakan karna hal tersebut lebih banyak mendatang mudarat.  Jika secara finansial pihak laki-laki mampu melaksanakan tradisi segheh, maka hal tersebut diperbolehkan karena membawa manfaat bagi kehidupan rumah tangga kedua pasangan. Terutama dalam membantu menyiapkan perlengkapan rumah tangga


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    Persoalan utama wabah coronavirus disease nineteen (Covid-19) terhadap kelanggengan keluarga adalah distorsi ekonomi. Imbasnya, sejak tahun 2019-2021 angka perceraian menurut data Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Provinsi Lampung mencatat kenaikan signifikan setiap tahun 20-30% dengan motif perselisihan dan perseturuan terus menerus. Disitulah letak signifikansi dari penelitian ini yang mengawinkan problem dan solusi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berupaya menjadi tiga masalah: 1) apa dampak Covid-19 terhadap keharmonisan rumah tangga, 2) faktor-faktor apa saja yang menciptakan keharmonisan dan ketidakharmonisan keluarga di masa pandemi, 3) bagaimana cara menciptakan keharmonisan keluarga di masa Covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif analitis dengan pendekatan kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan kumulasi analisis reduksi, editing dan penarikan kesimpulan. Setelah dilkukan penelitian ditemukan temuan: 1) dampak terjadi pada perubahan sosial ekonomi. Dampak tersebut mengandung dua sisi; berdampak pada ektor ekonomi keluarga sampai batas tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan primer dan di sisi lain merubah setting sosial keluarga dengan melibatkan isteri dalam mencari nafkah. 2) faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi tingginya angka perceraian di Provinsi Lampung adalah keringnya spiritualitas, poligami tanpa izin isteri pertama, meninggalkan hak dan kewajiban, ekonomi, terjadinya pertengkaran dan perseteruan dalam keluarga secara berlarut-larut. 3) untuk membangun keluarga yang harmonis di tengah krisis ekonomi dimasa pandemi Covid-19 maka dibutuhkan langkah taktis dimulai dari kedewasaan berkeluarga oleh isteri agar mampu mengelola keuangan dengan sangat efisien
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