310 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation of Statistical Dependence Measures

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    Measuring and testing dependence between random variables is of great importance in many scientific fields. In the case of linearly correlated variables, Pearson’s correlation coefficient is a commonly used measure of the correlation strength. In the case of nonlinear correlation, several innovative measures have been proposed, such as distance-based correlation, rank-based correlations, and information theory-based correlation. This thesis focuses on the statistical comparison of several important correlations, including Spearman’s correlation, mutual information, maximal information coefficient, biweight midcorrelation, distance correlation, and copula correlation, under various simulation settings such as correlative patterns and the level of random noise. Furthermore, we apply those correlations with the overall best performance to a real genomic data set, to study the co-expression between genes in serous ovarian cancer

    Microbiological Quality Test of Food at Market Restaurant in Gorontalo City Market

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    Market food is very popular with the people of Indonesia because the price is very affordable, tastes good and has many variations. However, market food processing often ignores cleanliness starting from the processing process to the presentation so that it can cause food to be contaminated with Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. bacteria. Food contaminated with bacteria if consumed can harm digestion so it can also cause diarrhea. The growth of these microbes can cause food to spoil making it unfit to eat and cause poisoning in humans and even death. This study aims to examine the quality of food from microbiological exposure. This research is an experimental study using the cup count method or the pour method to analyze the microbiological quality of food ingredients with 16 samples, namely Block 8 and Block 11 in the Central Market of Gorontalo City conducted from September to October 2020. Based on the test results with 3 repetitions at different times, it was obtained that samples that did not meet the requirements were in Block 8 RM 2 in the form of woku fish, and in Block 11 there were RM 1, namely chicken curry and RM 2, namely fried fish. Keyword: Bacteria, Escherichia coli, Food Market, Salmonella s


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    Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai telah menggunakan sistem informasi Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) versi 7. SliMS merupakan sistem yang terintegrasi untuk menyediakan informasi guna mendukung operasional, manajemen, dan fungsi pengambilan keputusan dalam perpustakaan. Namun masih terdapat kendala dalam penggunaanya yaitu, kurangnya perangkat dan teknologi penunjang penerapan sistem SLiMS, content SliMS yang kurang menarik, menu layanan OPAC kurang efektif dalam pencarian referensi di perpustakaan, dan koleksi buku yang jarang diupdate sehingga tidak memenuhi apa yang dibutuhkan oleh pemustaka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kualitas layanan SLiMS dari perspektif pengguna. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan metode Web Quality (WebQual), Library Quality (LibQual), dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilkan tingkat kualitas layanan sistem yang sudah baik namun masih ditemukan GAP dari persepsi kinerja yang masih bernilai <0 atau -0,63 dan tingkat kesesuaian sebesar 78%, yang artinya masih terdapat hasil ketidakpuasan pengguna terhadap kinerja yang diberikan oleh pihak layanan SLiMS Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. Hasil kuadran A merupakan prioritas utama untuk dapat ditingkatkan. variabelnya yaitu: Mudah untuk dinavigasikan (UQ3), Tampilan yang menarik (UQ5), Informasi yang tersedia terkini (SI1), Memberikan informasi yang terperinci (SI4), Menyediakan informasi yang up to date (IC3), Kebersihan dan keindahan (LP2), Pengaturan pencahayaan dan suhu (LP3), Bimbingan dari pustakawan (AS5)


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    Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai has used the information system Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) version 7. SliMS is an integrated system to provide information to support operational, management and decision-making functions in libraries. However, there are still obstacles in its use, namely, the lack of tools and technology to support the implementation of the SLiMS system, the unattractive SliMS content, the OPAC service menu is less effective in searching for references in the library, and the book collection is rarely updated so it does not meet what the user needs. This study aims to measure the service quality of SLiMS from the user's perspective. This research instrument used Web Quality (WebQual), Library Quality (LibQual), and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. The results of this study resulted in a good level of system service quality but GAP was still found from perceived performance which still had a value of &lt;0 or -0.63 and a conformity level of 78%, which meant that there were still results of user dissatisfaction with the performance provided by the service. SLiMS Hero University of Tuanku Tambusai. Quadrant A results are a top priority to be improved. the variables are: Easy to navigate (UQ3), Attractive appearance (UQ5), Latest available information (SI1), Provides detailed information (SI4), Provides up to date information (IC3), Cleanliness and beauty (LP2), Lighting and temperature settings (LP3), Guidance from the librarian (AS5)

    The Impact of Four Potential Herbal Foods on Modifying Metabolic Parameters in Hypercholesterolemic Rats Model

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    Abstract: The present investigation was performed to examine the effect of some herbal food plants (black seeds, curcumin roots, flax seeds and garlic at a level of 20 % on liver enzymes function and lipids profile in hypercholesterolemic rats model on modifying some metabolic parameters. Fourty two male male adult Wistar albino rats weighing initial mean body weight of approximately 120 ± 10g were used. The rats were divided into six groups of seven rats each with similar mean total weight. Group 1 served as normal control fed the balance diet at 14% protein level. The five groups rats were fed the the balance diet and high fat high cholesterol diet (HFHCD) at 1% cholesterol with 5% hump fat. Group 2 served as positive control. Groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 fed (HFHCD) with different types of tested herbal food plants (black seeds, curcumin roots, flax seeds and garlic at 20% level) for five weeks. Food and water were provided ad-libitum. At the end of the experiment, rats were sacrificed under ether anesthesia and blood sample was taken from orbitoocular vein from each rat. Blood samples were subjected to the determination of fasting blood glucose, serum lipid profile, serum protein and albumin, serum ALT, AST, GGT ,bilirubin, creatinine and urea. The results indicated that different types of tested herbal plants had a great effect in all parametars studied. Each of the herbal food proved to be effective to a greater extent in modifying the metabolic parameters, as compared with positive control group. Diets containing flax seed could be scored as the highest in term of modification of the metabolic parameters, from the qualitative and quantitative point of vie

    Detection of Vitamin (D) deficiency in children and adolescents suffering from bronchial asthma in Suez Canal University Hospital, Ismailia

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    Background: Recent data suggest that there is a worldwide epidemic of vitamin D deficiency and lack of vitamin D has been linked to increased incidence of asthma and increased severity of asthma in children. Therefore, the examination of relationship between vitamin D and bronchial asthma was important.Objective: To determine serum vitamin D level in children and adolescents suffering from bronchial asthma and to detect the relationship between vitamin D level and asthma severity symptoms.Methods: This case–control study was conducted on 40 asthmatic children and adolescents, their ages ranged from 2-18 years who were attending to pediatric department at Suez Canal University Hospital, and were previously diagnosed as bronchial asthma according to the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) 2007. In addition, 40 age and sex matched healthy children served as a control group. All children were subjected to history taking, clinical examination, including; anthropometric measurements, and chest examination. Serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD)[25(OH) D], total IgE level, and peripheral blood eosinophil count were evaluated.Results: The mean age of studied asthmatic children was 5.14±2.87 years. Asthma was more reported in girls than boys (55% and 45% respectively). Asthma prevalence was higher in urban than rural areas. In our study, asthmatic patients had significantly lower vitamin D levels than controls. We found that vitamin D insufficiency in 35% of studied asthmatic children. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between vitamin D level and the severity of asthma (p &lt;0.001).Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency is relatively frequent in asthmatic patients who were attending the pediatric department at Suez Canal University Hospital. There was a significant inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and the severity of asthma symptoms.Keywords: Children, adolescences, bronchial asthma, vitamin

    Did salvage ICE chemotherapy improve the outcome in primary resistant/relapsing stage III/IV neuroblastoma?

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    AbstractBackground and purposeNeuroblastoma is the most common extracranial and deadly solid tumor in children. It accounts for 15% of the deaths from cancer in the pediatric age group. Approximately half of the newly diagnosed children are at “high risk” of treatment failure.The aim of this study is to evaluate the response rate of salvage chemotherapy by the ICE (Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Etoposide) regimen when administered to previously treated primary refractory or progressive high risk neuroblastoma patients.Patients and methodsSixty-six patients from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Cairo University and the Children Cancer Hospital Egypt (CCHE) received salvage chemotherapy (ICE) either due to primary resistance in 51/66 (77.2%) or due to disease progression on primary chemotherapy in 15/66 (22.8%).ResultsThey were 40 males (60.6%) and 26 females (39.4%). Patients’ age ranged between 3months and 12.5years. The most common tumor site was suprarenal, followed by retroperitoneal mass. Two patients (3%) died from chemotherapy toxicity during ICE administration. Evaluation of tumor response in the remaining 64 patients showed the following: CR/PR in 24 patients (36.5%), SD in 11 patients (16.6%), and PD in 29 patients (43.9%).Fourteen patients (21.2%) were considered eligible for auto BMT, while 50/64 patients (78.8%) failed this second line (salvage) chemotherapy and had palliative lines of therapy.By the end of the study (May 2010), 47/66 (71.2%) of the patients were still alive, while 19/66 (28.8%) were dead. Two out of 14 patients (14.2%) who underwent HSCT died from post transplantation disease progression, while 12/14 (85.8%) were in CCR.ConclusionChemotherapy by ICE for primary resistant or progressive stage III/IV NB seems well tolerated. With a 36.6% response rate, 18% CCR, and 3% treatment mortality rate, it could be considered a good salvage therapy in the category of patients who are condemned for palliation

    Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities of ferulic acid in breast and liver cancer cell lines

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    Purpose: To explore the potential anticancer activities of ferulic acid (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid, FA) on two different human cancers cell lines, viz, breast (MCF-7) and hepatocellular (HepG2). Methods: MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) cytotoxicity, Annexin V staining, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as well as caspase-8 and -9 activation assays were used to evaluate the proapoptotic and antiproliferative potentials of ferulic acid (FA) on MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines. Results: Ferulic acid exerted cytotoxic effects on MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines with half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 75.4 and 81.38 ÎĽg/mL, respectively, at 48 h. Annexin V staining revealed evidence of apoptosis. Caspase-8 and-9 levels were elevated in both cell lines after incubation with ferulic acid. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that ferulic acid has promising therapeutic potentials for the treatment of breast and liver cancers by inducing apoptosis via activation of caspase-8 and -9 pathways

    Antimicrobial Activity of Terpenoids Extracted from Annona muricata Seeds and its Endophytic Aspergillus niger Strain SH3 Either Singly or in Combination

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    BACKGROUND: Annona muricata (Soursop) has an antimicrobial activity toward various pathogenic microorganisms which support its ethnomedicinal for the treatment of many infectious diseases. AIM: Aim of the present study to evaluate the relation between antimicrobial activities of terpenoids extracted from different soursop parts with the isolated endophytic fungi. METHODS: Endophytic fungal species of pulp and peel of Annona fruit along with those of seeds were isolated. Salkowski test was used for qualitative screening of terpenoids in plant and the isolated endophytic Aspergillus niger strain SH3. RESULTS: Endophytic A. niger strain SH3 and Annona seed extract showed high terpenoid content indicated by the high intensity of reddish-brown colour. GC/Mass analysis revealed six compounds of terpenoids from endophytic A. niger strain SH3 extract and four compounds from seed extract with different retention times. The antimicrobial assay was performed using A. niger strain SH3 extract and Annona seed extract singly or in combinations against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and C. albicans. CONCLUSION: The results revealed the significant antimicrobial activity of both extracts. However, the combined extract showed some reduction in antimicrobial activity which could be attributed to the antagonistic effect exhibited by their constituents
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