42 research outputs found

    Model to assess the factors of 10-year future risk of coronary heart disease among people of Framingham, Massachusetts

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    In earlier decade, heart disease was the most common cause of death in the US. Among the many important risk factors such as age, number of cigarettes smoke could help in determining the odds of having corona heart disease (CHD) when modeling with other important factors. We analyzed ongoing cardiovascular study on residents of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts, US to predict the 10-year risk of future CHD. We applied the Binary logistic regression model to assess the strength of the association of factors (such as gender, age, number of cigarettes smoke, total cholesterol level) in predicting the odds of having CHD in study population. Results showed that gender, age, number of cigarette smoke, systolic blood pressure were statistically significant and the increased age and cigarettes per day increase the odds of having 10-year risk of CHD. However, the noticeable finding was that patients with Diabetes at higher glucose level have the higher odds of having 10-year risk of CHD than with low level of glucose concentration among the residents of Framingham study

    English language teacher education in Bangladesh : towards an alternative paradigm

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DX212672 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Appraisal of surface water quality for irrigation collected from Sadar upazila of Jamalpur district, Bangladesh

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    An attempt was made to assess surface water quality for irrigation collected from Sadar upazila of Jamalpur district, Bangladesh. Total 22 water samples were collected from the study area and analyzed for various physicochemical parameters following standard protocols at the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Major cation and anion chemistry showed their dominance in order of Ca > K > Na > Mg and HCO3 > Cl > SO4 > BO3 > PO4 > CO3, respectively. The study revealed that 18, 14 and 6 samples were unsuitable for irrigation in respect of HCO3, K and BO3 contents in water, respectively. Among the heavy metals, the concentration of Pb, Mn, Cd and Cu in water were comparatively higher than the standard limits, which makes 22, 14, 10 and 3 samples problematic for long term irrigation in the study area. Electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) reflected that surface water samples were low to very high salinity (C1-C4) and low alkalinity (S1) hazards classes. As regards to hardness, out of 22 water samples, 2 were very hard, 8 were hard, 11 were moderately hard and only one was soft in quality. The study results concluded that HCO3, BO3, K, Pb, Mn, Cd and Cu were the major contaminants in the surface water of Sadar upazila of Jamalpur district, Bangladesh. Finally, the study suggested that the surface water in this area needs to treat to minimize the amount of contaminants before use for irrigation

    Hand-Gesture Detection Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

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    Sign language is aĀ non-verbal languageĀ that Deaf persons exclusively count on to connect with their social environment.The problem that occurs in two-way communication using sign language is a misunderstanding when learning new terms that need to be taught to deaf and mute people. To minimize these misunderstandings, a system is needed that can assist in correcting hand gestures so that there is no misinterpretation in teaching new terms. Several optimality properties of PCA have been identified namely: variance of extracted features is maximized; the extracted features are uncorrelated; finds best linear approximation in the mean-square sense and maximizes information contained in the extracted feature. The classification uses the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) method. From the results of experiments with different image size variables, the largest accuracy was obtained with an image size of 449x449 of 76.20%. While the lowest accuracy of 52.38% is obtained through scenarios with image sizes of 57x57 and 45x45. Therefore, differences in the use of image sizes have an influence on the accuracy of hand signal prediction. The smaller the size given, the smaller the accuracy obtained. This is indicated by the decreasing accuracy value when given a smaller size in the four scenarios that have been studied


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi sudut pandang guru PAUD terhadap pola belajar dan mengajar anak usia dini di era digital. Guru PAUD dan anak didik tumbuh dan kembang bersama dengan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat saat ini.Ā  Narasumber berjumlah 15 orang guru PAUD. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Total Sampling. Ā Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah teknologi membuat anak usia dini mendapat ilmu pengetahuan terlebih dahulu sebelum diajarkan oleh gurunya. Tapi di sisi lain anak usia dini menunjukkan sikap individualistis karena lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan gawai. Hal ini membuat perubahan yang signifikan dalam pola belajar dan mengajar di sekolah. Selain dituntut untuk mengembangkan diri dan memperluas cakrawala ilmu pengetahuan secara berkala, seorang guru PAUD juga harus mempersiapkan anakĀ  didik agar menjadi individu yang mempunyai daya saing global dan berkarakter mulia

    Practices of Retailing Marketing in Bangladesh: A Study on Rangpur City

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    Retailing is a practice of providing final value to customers for their personal and family use.The study emphasizes the retailing practices of Bangladesh. The main objective of the study is to show a current picture of retailing practices in Bangladesh at the Rangpur city based. Beside this the study will try to find out the problems and opportunities of retailing in Bangladesh. For accompanying the research better various related works were given emphasized. The collection of data of the study mostly was based on primary sources. Some secondary data also will be used to prepare the report. A questionnaire has also been plumbed to selected respondents. Some statistical tools like mean, median, mode, simple and multiple correlations, regression analysis, ratio analysis have been used in analyzing data.Ā  The various data presentation tools have been used to make more understandable. Retailing practices of the Rangpur city featuring from different and make some recommendation to make it more perceivable matter of marketing. Keywords: Practices, Retailing Rangpur, Customer Satisfaction, Branding issues


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    Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Dosen dan Guru mengatur sejumlah kompetensi yang harus terus dikembangkan oleh pengajar profesional, antara lain kemampuan dan keterampilan menggunakan sarana dan prasarana teknologi sebagai pendudukung proses pembelajaran di Sekolah. Salah satu aspek pendukung utama pembelajaran seperti pembuatan dan editing video pembelajaran. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah membantu Guru di SDN Puntik Luar 2 Kecamatan Mandastana dalam membuat dan mengedit video kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi Apoweredit. Metode yang digunakan meliputi metode demonstrasi, metode pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini berhasil meningkatkan level keberdayaan mitra sebesar 71% sehingga berkontribusi dalam membantu Guru di SDN Puntik Luar 2 Kecamatan Mandastana untuk membuat dan editing video pembelajaran dengan lebih interaktif dan menarik


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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic quickly surges throughout the world including Bangladesh from the beginning of 2020. To challenge the present detrimental situations, many countries are approving several preventive measures, e.g., international travel bans, isolated office activities, country lockdown, and most importantly social distancing, even though some medications are prescribed in some extent. The government of Bangladesh also took various preventive measures to limit the thunder of corona virus disease 20019 (COVID-19) pandemic. But, the actions are not adequate to face the challenges of COVID-19 in Bangladesh, particularly in the capital city Dhaka, remarkably because of the lower-middle-income economy with one of the worldā€™s densest populations. In Dhaka city, based on the present populations, social distancing is difficult, and with the nominal resources it would be extremely challenging to implement the mitigation measures of COVID-19. Mobile sanitization facilities, temporary quarantine sites and healthcare facilities could help to improve the pandemic effect. A rapid, caring, and empathic collaboration between the government, citizens, and health experts, along with international assistance, can enable the country to minimize the impact of the pandemic. In this review, we summarize the occurrence (RT-PCR based test) and present scenarios of COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh, particularly in the Dhaka city analyzing available data in July and Augustā€™2020

    The Determinant of Job Performance for Laborers in Manufacturing Companies in Jakarta

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    This study aims to answer the determinants of job performance based on workplace spirituality, workplace climate, and compensation. Spiritual workplaces are represented by engaging work and a sense of community. By conducting multiple regression tests on respondents from manufacturing companies in Jakarta, it can be concluded that a sense of community and compensation determine the increase in the job performance of workers. The method used is descriptive and verification tests with the classical assumption test. To increase the sense of community, companies can emphasize the formation of workers' sense of belonging to an organization through informal activities such as outings and 'small talks' with employees so that they feel part of the company. Keywords: Job Performance; Workplace Spirituality; Workplace Climate; Compensation; Engaging Work; Sense of CommunityPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab faktor penentu job performance berdasarkan workplace spirituality, workplace climate, dan compensation. Workplace spirituality direpresentasikan oleh engaging work dan sense of community. Dengan melakukan uji regresi berganda pada responden buruh perusahaan manufaktur di Jakarta, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sense of community dan compensation menjadi penentu meningkatnya job performance buruh. Metode yang digunakan uji deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan uji asumsi klasik. Untuk meningkatkan sense of community, perusahaan dapat menekankan pada pembentukan rasa belonging pekerja pada suatu organisasi melalui kegiatan-kegiatan informal seperti outing dan ā€˜small talksā€™ dengan karyawannya agar mereka merasa menjadi bagian dari perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Prestasi Kerja; Spiritualitas Tempat Kerja; Iklim Tempat Kerja; Kompensasi; Pekerjaan Melibatkan; Sense of Communit