2,059 research outputs found
Manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya merupakan madrasah paling maju di Kota Palangka Raya, tapi tenaga pendidiknya terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan di mata pelajaran tertentu serta tidak semua mengajar sesuai dengan disiplin ilmu, oleh sebab itu yang menjadi fokus penelitian adalah Manajemen Tenaga Pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya.
Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, rumusan masalahnya bagaimana manajemen tenaga pendidik di madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya, dan apa faktor penghambat dalam manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya, serta bagaimana cara mengatasi faktor penghambat dalam manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya. Tujuan penelitian ini pertama untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis manajemen tenaga pendidik, kedua untuk mendeskripsipkan dan menganalisis faktor penghambat dalam manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya, ketiga untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis cara mengatasi faktor penghambat dalam manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya.
Penelitian ini bentuk kualitatif diskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sumber data yang diwawancarai yaitu kepala madrasah dan tenaga pendidik.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka ditemukan sebagai berikut: 1. Manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya adalah manajemen berbasis madrasah yang diterapkan dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan dengan mengedepankan pola pengambilan keputusan secara partisipatif dan bersifat bottom up supaya terciptan iklim kerja yang kondusif, pelaksanaan otonomi madrasah, pelaksanaan akuntabilitas pelaksanaan program, kepemimpinan yang demoratris dan profesional serta membangun kerja sama yang harmonis dengan tenaga pendidik, sehingga terwujud tujuan pendidikan madrasah. 2. Faktor penghambat dalam manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya meliputi a. Madrasah masih kurang tenaga pendidik yang profesional, b. waktu dan dana dalam melaksanakan pelatihan atau pembinaan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tenaga pendidik di madrasah kurang memadai. 3. Cara mengatasi faktor penghambat dalam manajemen tenaga pendidik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya meliputi a. Kepala madrasah menjalin kerja sama dengan tenaga pendidik dari luar dan mengangkat tenaga pendidik tidak tetap (guru honor) serta tenaga pendidik diharuskan selalu diikutsertakan dalam kegiatan meningkatkan kualitas tenaga pendidik yang diselenggarakan di madrasah maupun di lembaga-lembaga lain tingkat kota, provinsi dan nasional. b. Melaksanakan kegiatan dalam meningkatkan mutu yang lebih prioritas dan mempersingkat waktu sesuai dengan dana yang tersedia.
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Palangka Raya City is the most advanced school in Palangka Raya city. Nonetheless, the educators have the advantage and the disadvantage in certain subjects, and some of them do not teach the related subject to their discipline. Therefore, the focus of the research is The Management of Educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Palangka Raya City.
Based on the background, the formulation of the research is how the management of educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya is, what factors restrict the management of educators at Madrasah TsanawiyahNegeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya, and how to solve the restrictive factors in the management of educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Palangka Raya. The purposes of the research are to describe and to analyze (1) the management of educators, (2) the restrictive factors in the management of educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Palangka Raya City, (3) the method to solve the restrictive factors in the management of educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Palangka Raya City.
The research is qualitative descriptive. The technique of data collecting is through observation, interview, and documentation. The interviewed data sources are the principal and the educators.
Based on the result of the research and the discussion, it is found as follows: 1. The Management of educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Palangka Raya City Great is management base on applied madrasah of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling by placing forward decision making pattern partisipatively and have the character of bottom up is so that created by activity climate which is condusif, execution of autonomy of madrasah, acuating of akuntanbility, acuating of program, professional and democratic leadership and also develop; build harmonious activity with educators so that form of is target of harmonious education. 2. The restrictive factors in the management of educators at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Palangka Raya City include a. the lack of professional human resources in the school, b. the lack of fund and time in holding training and coaching to improve the quality of the inadequate educators, 3. To solve the restrictive factors in the management of educators includesa. the principal cooperates with the external educator and appoints him/her as a non-permanent teacher (honorarium), as well as the educators must be always engaged in the activity that increase the educators’ quality, which are held by the school or the other institution in local, province, and national level, b. the principal implements the intensive activity to improve the moreprioritized quality of educatorsrelating to the available fund
This study discusses four issues related to the Islamization in Kalimantan, namely the origin of the arrival of Islam, the period of the arrival of Islam, the spreader of Islam, and the channels of Islamization. These four problems are studied using a historical approach by analyzing relevant information from various sources. This study concluded that the Islamization in Kalimantan led to an Arab theory, namely that Islam came to this area directly brought by Arabs themselves from the Middle East, both by traders and professional preachers (ulama or Sufi). Furthermore, the Islamization period of the Kalimantan region is divided into four phases, namely the arrival phase in the 7th to 10th centuries; the phase of formation of the Muslim community in the 11th to 15th centuries; the great wave phase of coastal Islamization and the formation of Islamic empires in the 16th to early 17th centuries; and the phase of Islamization from the coast to the interior that occurred in the 17th to 19th centuries. The carriers of Islam at the arrival stage (7th to 12th centuries) were traders, and at the development stage (13th to 17th centuries) were brought by professional preachers (wandering Sufi scholars). Finally, Islamization in Kalimantan was carried out using the channels of da'wah, politics, trade, marriage, and education.Kajian ini membahas empat masalah terkait islamisasi kawasan Kalimantan, yaitu asal kedatangan Islam, masa kedatangan Islam, pembawa Islam dan saluran Islamisasi. Keempat masalah ini dikaji menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dengan melakukan analisis terhadap informasi yang relevant dalam berbagai sumber sejarah. Kajian ini menghasilkan simpulan bahwa Islamisasi di kawasan Kalimantan mengarah ke teori Arab, yakni Islam datang ke kawasan ini dibawa langsung oleh orang Arab sendiri dari Timur Tengah baik oleh pedagang maupun pendakwah profesional (ulama atau sufi). Selanjutnya, periodesasi islamisasi kawasan Kalimantan terjadi dalam empat fase, yaitu fase kedatangan pada abad ke-7 hingga abad ke-10, fase pembentukan komunitas muslim pada abad ke-11 hingga 15, fase gelombang besar islamisasi pesisir dan pembentukan kerajaan Islam pada abad ke-16 hingga awal abad ke-17, dan fase islamisasi dari pesisir ke pedalaman yang tejadi pada abad ke-17 hingga abad ke-19. Adapun pembawa Islam pada tahap kedatangan (abad ke-7 hingga 12) adalah para pedagang dan pada tahap perkembangan (abad ke-13 hingga 17) dibawa oleh para pendakwah profesional (ulama sufi pengembara). Terakhir, islamisasi di Kalimantan dilakukan melalui saluran dakwah, politik, perdagangan, perkawinan, dan pendidikan
Rancang Bangun Rekayasa Sistem Simulasi Pendeteksi Kinerja Base Tranceiver Station (Bts) Berbasis Short Message Service (SMS)
Kebutuhan telemonitor atau simulasi pemantauan jarak jauh sistem telah menjadi simbol dari perkembangan teknologi di sektor telekomunikasi. perangkat pemantauan terus menerus telah menjadi anoperating standar prosedur dalam industri khusus dalam teknologi, terutama di sektor telekomunikasi. perangkat telekomunikasi harus dipantau secara berkala tidak hanya untuk physicbut nya juga lingkungan perangkat. Jadi kita perlu mengembangkan instrumentasi kinerja BTS monitoring sistem simulasi yang komponen penting untuk dipantau. Pelaporan sistem simulasi untuk teknisi sampai communication.Thus pengguna sekarang hanya digunakan, penelitian ini berusaha untuk membangun BTS sistem simulasi telemonitor jarak jauh berbasis SMS. Untuk pelaksanaannya, sistem ini digunakan untuk memantau kinerja BTS. Aplikasi tersedia untuk melihat hasil pemantauan menggunakan baskom AVR yang membantu kinerja Singkat Message Service atau SMS untuk memberikan informasi dari BTS ketika listrik dan mematikan juga informasi yang terjadi pada BTS langsung totechnician'smobile telepon yang bertanggung jawab untuk berurusan dengan gangguan sistem BTS Shelter.The mengirim beberapa teks untuk memberikan informasi bahwa kekuatan adalah mematikan penampungan berupa BTS ketika mematikan dan juga mengirim data untuk memberikan informasi bahwa daya menyala. Relay pembacaan sensor, menyampaikan laporan hasil pemantauan ke teknisi membutuhkan waktu 3 detik. Jadi melaporkan hasil monitoring lebih efektif daripada sistem yang ada
This research explores the multifaceted concept of religious moderation within the context of Islamic education in Indonesia. The study investigates four primary aspects: the foundational idea of religious moderation, its diverse perspectives and approaches, the implications of religious moderation in education, and its practical implementation in Islamic educational institutions. Various perspectives on religious moderation education, including theological-normative, sociological, anthropological, and cross-cultural communication perspectives, are examined in detail. Normatively, religious moderation education is guided by the concept of "wasathiyyah" (middle path) along with its defining characteristics. In the sociological aspect, the cultivation of religious moderation is achieved through socialization, fostering individuals to become responsible members of society and citizens who exhibit religious moderation in their social interactions. In the anthropological aspect, religious moderation education is realized through processes of acculturation, encompassing enculturation, socialization, and internalization. Furthermore, the communication aspect highlights the significance of cross-cultural communication as a means to promote religious moderation by facilitating middle-ground communication between diverse cultural backgrounds. The study also underscores the presence of religious moderation content within the scientific traditions of Islamic boarding schools and colleges, emphasizing the importance of preserving and enhancing this aspect. However, it is noted that there is room for improvement in the realm of madrasas, as they still need to strengthen their focus on religious moderation. This can be achieved through deliberate efforts in socialization and fostering a civilizing environment within the madrasah setting. Additionally, incorporating character moderation into the curriculum structure, hidden curriculum, and extracurricular activities is considered vital in nurturing religious moderation among students in madrasas. In conclusion, this research offers valuable insights into the comprehensive understanding and implementation of religious moderation in Islamic education within the Indonesian context. The findings presented here are significant for educators, policymakers, and practitioners seeking to promote a balanced and moderate approach to religious education in the country
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Identifikasi Gaya Kepemimpinan pada PT. Pertani (Persero) Unit Penggilingan Padi Cabang Wonomulyo Di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi seluruh staf dan karyawan sebanyak 32 responden pada PT. Pertani (Persero) Unit Penggilingan Padi Cabang Wonomulyo Di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Metode yang diguanakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Gaya Kepemimpinan yang diterapakan oleh pimpinan PT. Pertani (Persero) Unit Penggilingan Padi Cabang Wonomulyo Di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar menerapkan dua gaya kepemimpinan sekaligus yaitu gaya kepemimpinan supportif dan gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif. Hal ini di buktikan dengan melihat nilai dan skor pada masing-masing gaya kepemimpinan, diantaranya gaya kepemimpinan supportif dan gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif memiliki skor yang paling tinggi dengan skor berturut-turut 143 dan 134, sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan Directif dan gaya kepemimpinan orientasi prestasi memiliki skor yang paling rendah berturut-turut 67,7 dan 59.4
Disparitas Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten/kota Provinsi Jambi
Sumber penerimaan 10 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi selama tahun 2005-2010 dari PAD, dana perimbangan, bagi hasil pajak, DAU, DAK dan penerimaan lain yang sah memiliki kesenjangan atau disparitas termasuk kedalam golongan antara rendah (< 0,30) dan sedang (0,30 – 0,40). Khusus penerimaan bagi hasil bukan pajak terdapat 9 Kabupaten/Kota termasuk kedalam golongan ketimpangan atau disparitas rendah, sedang dan 1 Kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Bungo termasuk kedalam golongan ketimpangan atau disparitas tinggi (> 0,40). Kata
Visual Studies: Identification of Cangkuang Temple As a Heritage Relic of Ancient Sunda Kingdom with Juxtaposing Technique
West Java has various relics of buildings and ancient artifacts that have the characteristics of buildings based on Hinduism, Buddhism and other older cultures. One of these remains is the Cangkuang Temple (8M) located in Garut, West Java. This temple is a Hindu-style temple, and is believed to be a relic of the Ancient Sundanese Kingdom. However, what is interesting about this Cangkuang Temple building is that it has quite different building characteristics from other sacred buildings of the ancient Sundanese people that were around the same era and in the surrounding area. This Cangkuang Temple has some similarities from the characteristics of the buildings generally from Ancient Sundanese, but has quite a few different distinct building features. This makes the question of whether Cangkuang Temple is really a relic from Ancient Sundanese Kingdom or by another kingdom in the different era. Therefore, in this research, the writer tries to raise the issue of these characteristics and differences. In the process, the writer compares the photo of the temple and the comparator with the Diptych and Triptych technique to identify the similarities and differences of the temples as objects. The research methodology used in this reseras is a descriptive qualitative visual study, with the data collection methods used are field observations, literature reviews and interviews. The objects that are observed are the sacred buildings of the Sundanese people of the same era and those in the surrounding area. In the end, after the photos are juxtaposed, they will be further validated to get the final conclusion. This research also includes comparisons with Gedong Songo Temple which complements the existing comparisons between the buildings of the Tarumanegara (Batujaya), Ancient Sundanese (Bojongmenje) and Galuh / Kalingga / Medang (Gedong Songo) era’s building to see their characteristics comparison
DINAMIKA INTELEKTUAL ISLAM DI KALIMANTAN SELATAN: Studi Genealogi, Referensi, dan Produk Pemikiran
This paper tries to explore the intelectual Islamic dynamic in South Kalimantan throughthe studies on many influences that become the genealogic root of Islam in this region,and then through the religious literatures that referenced by the intelectual of religiouselite and the tipology of thoughts product that emerged for more than two centuries.Here, the writer uses the history of social-intelectual approach with based on the writtentext. This writing tells us that the genealogical root, intelectual reference, and the tipologyof religious thought which was producted actually part of the trend of intelectual muslimdynamic which commonly spreaded in Nusantara and Southeast Asia
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