297 research outputs found


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    Protease halofil dapat dimanfaatkan pada proses fermentasi makanan seperti pada pembuatan kecap ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bakteri halofilik dari isolat bittern tambak garam Madura dan mengisolasi protease halofil ekstraseluler serta menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi NaCl terhadap aktivitas spesifik protease halofil. Bakteri halofilik ditumbuhkan pada media HSB (Halophlie Synthetic Broth). Penentuan aktivitas protease dilakukan dengan menggunakan substrat azokasein dan kadar protein diukur dengan menggunakan metode Lowry. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh bakteri halofilik isolat bittern tambak garam Madura yang tumbuh optimal pada konsentrasi NaCl 4 %(b/v), dengan aktivitas spesifik protease halofil ekstraseluler tertinggi pada fraksi 4 (60-80 %) sebesar 58,537 Unit/mg protein. Adanya penambahan garam NaCl akan meningkatkan aktivitas protease halofil. Pada penelitian ini, aktivitas spesifik protease halofil meningkat menjadi 113,78 Unit/mg protein dengan konsentrasi optimal NaCl 0,750 M


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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji praktik De-politisasi isu publik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah. De-politisasi isu dan kepentingan publik memicu terjadinya deficit demokrasi suatu negara. De-politisasi melalui negasi atas akses dan pembatasan atas ruang publik dalam membahas kebijakan yang berkaitan langsung dengan kepentingan Negara. Atas dasar hal tersebut, kebijakan reklamasi Pulau Benoa di Bali-Indonesia dijadikan sebagai objek analisa jurnal ini. Reklamasi Pulau Benoa disinyalir sebagai praktek de-politisasi isu publik yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Bali.Kata Kunci: Depolitisasi, Pemerintah, Elit, Publik dan Demokrasi

    Knowledge of Fatwa, Coronavirus, and Family Factors towards Policies of Social Distancing

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    This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge of fatwa, the knowledge of coronavirus disease, and family factors on student compliance with social distancing policies to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. This study was quantitative and the data were collected through questionnaires distributed via google forms. The data were collected from 426 respondents who were students of private and public Universities in Indonesia. The tool of analysis used in this study was the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, a variance-based structural equation analysis (SEM) that can simultaneously perform the measurement and structural model testing. The study found that there was a significant influence of the family factors on the compliance of students with social distancing policies. While there was no significant influence of the knowledge of fatwa and Covid-19 variables on student compliance with social distancing. The results of this study contribute to enriching the discourse of the role of religious and social factors on student compliance with social distancing policy to reduce the spread of Covid-1

    Application of the STAD-Type Cooperative Model Assisted by Wordwall to Enhance Students Critical Thinking Ability

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    An advanced nation begins with individuals who are able to compete with other individuals based on the standards of ability needed by the world community, which are known as 21st-century abilities, one of which is the critical thinking ability. The application of the STAD-type cooperative model assisted by Wordwall aims to describe students critical thinking abilities and find differences in critical thinking abilities between control and experiment classes. The research design used nonequivalent post-test only control group. This research included all students in class X of MIPA SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru as a population. A sample of 66 students consisted of X MIPA 1 as control class and X MIPA 5 as experiment class. After the research was carried out, a critical thinking abilities post-test was given, which consisted of 12 multiple-choice questions as an instrument for data collection. Post-test results were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the experiment class was in the very good category with score 80.99, and the control class was in the good category with score 61.03. Then, in the inferential analysis, it is known that there are significant differences between experiment and control clas

    Pengaruh Media Eksperimen the Physics Classroom Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Kelas X pada Materi Momentum dan Impuls di SMA

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    Kurang efektifnya penggunaan media pembelajaran mengakibatkan siswa kurang aktif dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga menghasilkan hasil belajar yang kurang baik. Konsep yang abstrak seringkali membuat guru mengalami kesulitan dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran terutama materi momentum dan impuls. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif pada kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran menggunakan media eksperimen the Physics Classroom sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional sebagai kelas kontrol pada materi momentum dan impuls. Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian Quasi Experimental dan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Post-test Only Control Group Design yang bertempat di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. Test hasil belajar kognitif tediri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda berdasarkan tingkatan kognitif menurut taksonomi Bloom. Berdasarkan analisis hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas X pada kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran menggunakan media eksperimen the Physics Classroom pada materi momentum dan impuls lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional, dan terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran menggunakan media eksperimen the Physics Classroom dan kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media eksperimen the Physics Classroom memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada materi momentum dan impuls. &nbsp

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Talking Chips untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Siswa terhadap Sains di Kelas VII Mts Al-huda Pekanbaru

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    This reasearch aimed to determine students\u27 attitudes on science by applying cooperative learning model talking chips at junior high school science learning on Objects Classification matter. The subject of this research was the students of class VII C Mts Al-Huda Pekanbaru, that consisted of 26 students. The data of this reasearch was primary data obtained from students\u27 prestest and post-test scores using students\u27 attitudes questionnaire on science and then analyzed descriptively. It consisted of four indicators, they were interesting in science, science learning activities, the importance of science and views on science environmental. Based on data analysis with Likert scale questionnaire obtained an average of 1-4 students\u27 attitudes toward sians with initial score of 2.58 and a final score of 2.83 was obtained high category. And then students\u27 attitudes increasing on science was analyzed by using a gain an obtained score 0.17 by low category. There for it can concluded Aplication Cooperative Learning Model Type Talking Chips can improve students\u27 attitudes on science in class VIIC Mts Al-Huda Pekanbaru with low gain category

    Validasi Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Medan Magnet Menggunakan Adobe Flash sebagai Media Pembelajaran Fisika Kelas 12 SMA

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    This research aimed to design and build interactive multimedia on the magnetic field's topic using adobe flash as a physics learning mediafor twelfth grade in senior high school. The type of product is validation of multimedia interaktif. This research was a R&D research using ADDIE models. The data was needed on this research was the validation assessment score given by the validator of multimedia learning form validation and evaluation sheets with using descriptive analysis techniques by converting the data into quantitative data, that was expressed in the form of a number with a certain interval. Validator consists of 4 people as a experts construct and 3 people as a expert user that given the score by the aspects of the design, pedagogy, learning content, and users. Validation was done two times, the first validation was repairs and second validation was the votes. The final results of the validation assessment of experts construct was 3.49 with categorized as very high and ratings obtained from expert users was 3.59 categorized as very high. Based on these results, we can conclude that the interactive multimedia using adobe flash as a physics learning media for twelfth grade in senior high school declared valid and eligible for use in the process of learning and teaching

    Internalisasi Tasawuf Al-Ghazali pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This paper aims to describe, explain, and analyze by conducting an in-depth exploration of various literature that is in line with current topics, including those related to the covid-19 outbreak. Departing from the moral problems of humanity that are created from human responses to the current adult co-19 outbreak, thus forming panic and fear. The humanitarian crisis has become a fact that really happens in the field, many poor people who are starving, criminality, and of course related co-19 namely the rejection of the body is also related to the critical reasoning of a human and servant's religiosity. This research is a qualitative literature study, with a descriptive-analysis approach, which is an approach used to describe the data obtained and then analyzed and presented in the form of a description. In addition, the approach in this study uses the concept of the ‘ma'rifat’ and Sufism Al-Ghazali. The main sources of data in this study are covid-19 news and Al-Ghazali's work, for secondary sources in this study refer to articles, data, journals, and books that examine the concept of the ‘ma'rifat’ and the teachings of Sufism Al-Ghazali. The results of this study show that as a human being who is in this global pandemic, he should repent and forsake all sinful deeds. The existence of the coronavirus teaches humans to rethink worldly matters. For this reason, it is fitting for humans to know their God so that they can always be in a state of gratitude and remember their God in order to always be close and approached by their God
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