55 research outputs found

    Resistance prediction of innovative semi SWATH design concept in shallow water

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    Many analysis have been conducted to evaluate performance of High Speed Craft (HSC). One of the important analysis is resistance analysis of multihull in shallow water. Ship operating in shallow water experiences increasing of resistance due to change in potential flow and wave pattern. In this paper, shallow water performance has been studied for one type of HSC design concept, Semi SWATH hull form. The hulls are installed with fin stabilizers to reduce dynamic motion effect. Resistance component of the hull, trim and maximum wave amplitude around the hull are obtained from the calm water test in shallow water. These criteria are important in analysing pattern of Semi-SWATH resistance in shallow water flow around hull. The fore fin angle is fixed to zero degree while the aft fin angle is varied for 0, 5, 10 and 15 degree. For each configuration, the investigation is conducted with range of Depth Froude Number from 0.65 to 1.2. From the analysis, it is found that resistance, wave pattern and trim of Semi SWATH is affected by fin angle

    Innovation Adoption of New E-Scooters Service in Finland :O n Consumer Perspective

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to understand the innovation adoption of new e-scooters service in Finland on consumer perspective. The changing world, the air pollution and the greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel have led to the innovation of less polluting and more energy efficient sources of transportation. For this study, survey questionnaire was designed and distributed among the respondents. Different questions were asked from the respondents related to scooter purchase behavior, convenience, ease and whether they find it expensive or not. The findings revealed that people do not need any manual guide to use scooter, they think it will reduce environmental pollution, it is a new concept but is expensive to afford and they would want to have a tests drive before purchasing it. From the major analysis, it has been figured out that the youth are the most abundant user of this technology. The reason as indicated in the analysis is the living style and preference of the consumers. However, the findings also reflect a critical fact that almost 85 percent of the respondents prefer walking as the major mode of traveling. And only a 22.5 percent of the respondent indicated a positive attitude towards scooter as their favorite mode to travel. It is recommended that manufacturers and distributors need to create compatible and affordable new and innovative technologies and also, the company or dealer should interact or communicate information to the consumer or bring an innovative change in minds of consumers

    New Interferometer Based on Division of Wavefront

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    Preparation and Characterization of Porous Ceramic Body Using Ball Clay

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    In the past few years, porous ceramic materials having improved microstructure has become very popular due to its wide application in different fields. Now a days there are many techniques such as Polymeric Sponge Replica Technique, Starch consolidation method, Gel Casting method etc. have been developed for the preparation of porous ceramic body with controlled microstructure such as porosity, pore size, pore connectivity etc. In this project work, an effort has been made to prepare porous ceramic body (using Ball clay as raw material) by Polymeric Sponge Replica Technique. Ball clay used as major raw material with some amount of dispersant (sodium silicate) and some samples also prepared with some amount of PVA as binder and also observed the effect of binder on porosity. The optimal viscosity of the slurry for the Sponge replica technique was observed in the range 0.02-1.15 Pa.s. By the sponge replica technique, macroporous ceramic having pore size in the range 400 nm to 4 mm and the porosity 20% to 97% could be obtained. This macroporous body prepared by sponge replica technique can be used in different areas such as molten metal filtration, hot gases filtration etc. Solid loading is the main factor of the slurry was found for the preparation of porous ceramic body of different pore morphology by sponge replica technique. The porosity of the porous samples were measured by vacuum method, the porosity obtained in the range 70-85% and the strength of the samples was found 0.02-1.5 MPa. The microstructure such as pore size, pore connectivity has been analyzed by the FESEM

    Application of fuzzy logic controller to enhance the semi-SWATH performance in following seas

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    Semi-SWATH ship has a different characteristics compared to the common ship hull. The ship has a tendency to suffer bow-dive due to low restoring force at bow when running in following seas. In some conditions, the fore deck found to be immersed under the rear of wave. Acceleration motion to the trough increases the momentum force that pushing the ship to dive. The condition may cause the ship has a loss of control even the crew can feel thrown forward. In this research, fin stabilizer was applied to reduce the effect of those conditions with application of fuzzy logic controller. The controller calculates the angle for the fin stabilizer based on the pitch angle. The fin at both ends of the ship's hull increase the lift force, reduce the trim angle, and restrain the ship from dynamic high acceleration. A numeric time-domain program developed to analyze the ship sea keeping in following sea. The results showed the controller of the fin stabilizer has a significant effect in preventing the ship from the unsafe conditio

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Chemdraw Sebagai Sumber Belajar Kimia Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa pada Materi Spektroskopi NMR

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi ChemDraw sebagai sumber belajar kimia terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa pada materi Spektroskopi NMR di Universitas Samudra. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group pretest posttest. Sampel yang dipilih adalah mahasiswa pendidikan kimia semester 5 berjumlah 15 orang  dengan perlakuan pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi ChemDraw pada materi Spektroskopi NMR. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes tertulis, yakni berupa soal pretest dan posttest berbentuk essay. Data hasil tes dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus uji T berpasangan dan N-Gain. Dari hasil uji T berpasangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi ChemDraw pada materi spektroskopi NMR terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa semester 5 pendidikan kimia Universitas Samudra. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh thitung > ttabel yakni 4,94 > 1,75 dengan nilai signifikan 0,00 < 0,05 sehingga H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Pada analisis N-Gain diperoleh rerata peningkatan hasil belajar adalah 0,6 yakni termasuk kategori sedang

    Simulasi Tracking Route Kapal Menggunakan Metode Kendali Proportional Integral Derrivatif

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    Pelayaran yang efisien sangat dibutuhkan dalam navigasi kapal, tidak hanya menghemat waktu tapi juga menghemat bahan bakar. Ketika kapal sedang berlayar, kapal selalu menyimpang dari lintasan yang ditentukan akibat gaya gelombang, angin, dan gaya-gaya eksternal lainnya. Untuk berlayar efisien kapal perlu dikendalikan dengan baik. Salah satu pengendali yang telah banyak dipakai adalah kendali PID. Kendali PID (Proportional Integral Derivatif) diterapkan pada sistem autopilot untuk mengendalikan kecepatan dan arah gerak kapal. Simulasi numerik dikembangkan untuk menguji kendali kapal mengikuti lintasan yang ditetapkan. Desain kendali PID menentukan koefisien kendali Kp, Ki, Kd menggunakan metode Nicholas-Ziegler untuk optimasi nilai koefisien kendali. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan kapal mampu berlayar mengikuti lintasan dan memperkecil simpangan lintasan yang ditetapkan. Koefisien kendali heading kapal adalah Kp = 20.4, Ki = 0, dan Kd = 25.5 dengan simpangan rata-rata heading 0.000537 derajat, dan kendali kecepatan kapal Kp = 13, Ki = 0, dan Kd = 0.5 dengan nilai simpangan rata-rata sebesar 0.179 knot. Simpangan heading yang cukup besar terjadi ketika kapal berlayar pada lintasan yang ekstrim dimana kapal harus melakukan maneuver tajam pada beberapa waypoints

    Port capacity forecasting and the impact of the dredging works on port sea operations using discrete event simulation

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    Continuous capacity expansion is vital for ports to handle future growth due to the increase in volume of maritime transport and size of the vessels. Some improvements and developments are required for the port to enhance its capacity throughput. In order to accommodate huge vessels without any restrictions, there is a need to deepen the channels. Furthermore, there is also need to widen the channel to prevent congestions. Ho wever, dredging work for deepening the harbour waters will reduce the utilization of the berths and navigational areas . This will significantly affect the port capacity and hence its income. In this paper a simulation program based on queuing theory and di screte event simulation is developed and used for forecasting port throughput and simulating dredging conditions. Data from a container port and an Automatic Identification System (AIS) were utilised to develop the simulation program in MATLAB - Simulink. Us ing this tool, port capacity was simulated and the effect of dredging on port capacity was studied. An appropriate period of time needed for dredging is determined by taking into considerations the blocking of some berths and limiting the number of vessels passing the channel s during the dredging operations. The results from the simulations could then be used for planning the dredging works


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    Abstract. Student creativity and innovation are created through continuous learning processes and good environmental interactions accompanied by efforts to achieve a better. The role of the educator is an important part to enhance the creation and innovation, especially related to the technology-based automation. This activity aims to provide automation training for teachers and students for the development of creativity in the field of computing and robot automation. The training material consists of 60% practice and 40% theory, using a two-wheeled robot module, a microcontroller, and Arduino applications were applied. The trainees were divided into four groups accompanied by the trained team as a mentor for each group. The training was conducted at the campus of Pesantren IMMIM Putra Islamic Boarding School along two full days. The participants were students and a coach accompanying them. The results of the training activities were evaluated showing the participants were able to understand the basics of automation technology using two-wheeled robotic media.       Abstrakt. Daya kreasi dan inovasi pelajar tercipta melalui proses belajar berterusan dan interaksi lingkungan yang baik disertai upaya pencapaian yang lebih baik. Edukasi masyarakat pelajar dan pendidik menjadi bagian penting untuk mengejar ketertinggalan dalam kreasi dan inovasi khususnya terkait teknologi berbasis robotic dan otomasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan pelatihan robotic dan otomasi kepada Pembina kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan santri-santri untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas bidang pengetahun otomasi dan robot. Pelatihan menggabungkan teori dan praktek. Materi pelatihan terdiri atas 60% praktek dan 40% teori, menggunakan modul robot dua roda, mikrokontroller, dan aplikasi Arduino. Peserta pelatihan dibagi dalam empat kelompok didampingi oleh masing-masing satu orang mahasiswa anggota Tim pengabdian sebagai mentor dalam setiap kelompok. Pelatihan dilakukan di Pondok Pesantrin IMMIM Putra selama dua hari penuh dengan peserta santri-santri dan Pembina ekstrakurikuler. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan dievaluasi menunjukkan santri dan Pembina ekstrakurikuler memahami teknologi otomasi dasar menggunakan media robot penggerak dua roda

    Identification of Profanity in "American Ultra" Movie By Nima Nourzadeh

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    The researcher believed that the effect of profanity could be positive, negative and netral. the researcher concluded that fancion of profanity was not only given the anger expression but also it gave humor expression and the effect of profanity was not only the bad effect but it contains the good effec