9 research outputs found

    Data ontherelationshipbetweenbromide contentandtheformationpotential of THMs,HAAs,andHANsuponchlorination and monochloraminationofKaroon Riverwater,Iran

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    This dataarticlereportstherelationshipbetweenofthebromide ion concentrationandtheformationpotentialofdisinfectant byproducts(DBPs)including,trihalomethanes(THMs),haloacetic acids (HAAs),andhaloacetonitriles(HANs)uponchlorinationand monochloramination oftherawwaterofKaroonRiverwaterin Iran.Watersampleswerecollectedatanintakeofadrinkingwater treatment plantduringJuly2014.Alltestswereperformedintri- plicate (n¼3) andthemeanofthreemeasurementsreported herein. ThedataoftheformationpotentialofDBPswasdeter- mined underdifferentbromideionscontent.Thedatashowthe relationship betweenbromideconcentrationandDBPsformation that willbeusefulinthefuturemanagement,operationanddesign of watertreatmentplants. & 2016TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierInc.Thisisanopen access articleundertheCCBYlicens

    Fluoride ionadsorptionontopalmstone: Optimizationthroughresponsesurface methodology,isotherm,andadsorbent characteristicsdata

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    In somepartoftheworld,groundwatersourcecanbecomeunsafe for drinkingduetothehighconcentrationof fluoride ions[1]. The low costandfacile-producedadsorbentlikepalmstonecould effectivelyremoved fluoride ionsthroughadsorptionprocess.In this dataset,theinfluence of fluoride ionconcentration,solution pH, adsorbentdosage,andcontacttimeon fluoride ionadsorption by palmstoneswastestedbycentralcompositedesign(CCD) under responsesurfacemethodology(RSM).Thedatastonecar- bonized adsorbentwaspreparedbyasimpleandfacilemethodat relativelylowtemperatureof250 °C during3h.Theadsorbenthad the mainfunctionalgroupsofO–H, –OH, Si–H, C¼O, N¼O, C–C, C– OR, C–H, andC–Br onitssurface.Attheoptimizedconditions obtained byRSM,about84.78%of fluoride ionwasremovedusing the adsorbent.TheLangmuirisothermwassuitableforcorrelation of equilibriumdata(maximumadsorptioncapacity¼ 3.95 mg/g). Overall,thedataofferafacileadsorbenttowaterandwastewater workswhichfacetohighlevelof fluoride water/wastewater content

    Urinary arsenic, cadmium, manganese, nickel, and vanadium levels of schoolchildren in the vicinity of the industrialised area of Asaluyeh, Iran

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    Asaluyeh is one of the most heavily industrialised areas in the world where gas, petrochemical, and many downstream industries are located. This study aims to survey the biomonitoring of four metals and one metalloid in children living in the vicinity of Asaluyeh area. To do this, we analysed the creatinine-adjusted urinary levels of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), vanadium (V), manganese (Mn), and nickel (Ni) in 184 elementary schoolchildren (99 boys and 85 girls) living in Asaluyeh and compared them with a reference population. The comparisons were done for two seasons (spring and fall). The results showed that in the case area (Asaluyeh), the levels of As, V, Mn, and Ni were significantly higher and that of Cd was not significantly higher than the reference city for both seasons. The mean concentration of metal(loid)s in Asaluyeh (case) and Sadabad (reference) area as μg g−1 creatinine was As 2.90 and 2.24, V 0.06 and 0.03, Mn 0.28 and 0.25, Ni 0.54 and 0.29, and Cd 0.31 and 0.28 in spring and As 3.08 and 2.28, V 0.07 and 0.03, Mn 0.30 and 0.26, Ni 0.91 and 0.30, and Cd 0.36 and 0.31 in the fall. Seasonal variations played a key role in determining urinary metal(loid) concentration, as we saw the significant level of As, Cd, V, and Ni in fall than in spring. With regard to the impact of gender on the absorption and accumulation of urinary metal(loid)s, boys showed higher levels of the studied elements, especially for As, than girls as outdoor activities are more popular among boys. Due to the values being lower than those reported in literature, more research is needed on various population groups and other exposure sources in order to judge whether living in the vicinity of the gas and petrochemical industries in Asaluyeh is a threat to nearby residents

    Data onmetalsbiomonitoringinthebody of schoolchildreninthevicinityofaheavily industrialized site

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    This dataisobtainedfromanalyzingtheconcentrationofmetals include Al,Co,Cr,Cu,Fe,Mo,Pb,andZnintheurineofschool- children inAsalouyehcityinvicinitytoaheavilyindustrializedsite and comparisonwithareferencecity.Thesignificance ofsex groups onurinemetallevelwasevaluatedthroughthisdata.The urinary contentofmetalswasmeasuredbyinductivelycoupled plasma atomicemissionspectroscopy(ICP-OES).Statisticalanalyze of dataweredonebyMann–Whitney test.Thehereinpresented date couldbeneficial forhealthassessmentofgasandpetro- chemical companies

    A novelmethodforextractionofaproteinous coagulant from Plantago ovata seeds forwater treatmentpurposes

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    Severalchemicalshavebeenappliedintheprocessofcoagulantextractionfromherbalseeds,andthebest extractionhasbeenobtainedinthepresenceofKClorNaNO3 [1–3], andNaCl [4]. However,themainchallenge posed tothesemethodsofcoagulantextractionistheirrelativelylowefficiency forwatertreatmentpurposesand the formationofdissolvedorganicmatterduringthetreatmentprocess.Inthesemethodsthesalts,whichhavea one-valancemetal(Na+ and K+), aredepositedintheinternalstructureandtheporeofthecoagulant,andmaybe useful forthecoagulation/flocculation process.Inthisresearch,wefoundthatmodified methodsproducedmore dense protein.Therefore,themodified procedurewasbetterthantheolderoneforremovalofturbidityand harness fromthecontaminatedwater.Herewedescribeamethodwhere: � AccordingtotheHardy–Schulze rule,weappliedtheFe3+ ions insteadofNa+ and K+ for theextractionofprotein from Plantago ovata seeds. � The methodwasnarrowedtoextractproteinbyethanol(defatting)andammoniumacetateandCM-Sepharose (proteinextraction). � Two consecutiveelutriationsofcrudeextractwasdirectlyperformedusing0.025-MFeCl3 and 0.05-MFeCl3 according tothebasisoftheion-exchangeprocesses

    Experimental data of biomaterial derived from Malva sylvestris and charcoal tablet powder for Hg2+ removal from aqueous solutions

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    In this experimental data article, a novel biomaterial was provided from Malva sylvestris and characterized its properties using various instrumental techniques. The operating parameters consisted of pH and adsorbent dose on Hg2+ adsorption from aqueous solution using M. sylvestris powder (MSP) were compared with charcoal tablet powder (CTP), a medicinal drug. The data acquired showed that M. sylvestris is a viable and very promising alternative adsorbent for Hg2+ removal from aqueous solutions. The experimental data suggest that the MSP is a potential adsorbent to use in medicine for treatment of poisoning with heavy metals; however, the application in animal models is a necessary step before the eventual application of MSP in situations involving humans