639 research outputs found

    Rule-Based Category Learning in Children: The Role of Inhibitory Control

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    The present study examined category learning in relation to inhibitory control and working memory in children and adults. Results revealed that categorization performance improved with age. Young children struggled with rule learning, many older children were successful at rule learning, and most adults had no difficulty with the task. Model-based analyses suggested that performance differences were due to young children’s inability to inhibit the salient, but irrelevant rule. Interestingly, when the analyses focused only on older children and adults who used the task appropriate strategy, the age-related rule-based deficit disappeared. Also, results revealed that successful performance on the categorization task was associated with better inhibitory control for older children, whereas successful performance on the categorization task was associated with greater working memory in young children. These findings suggest that the ability to learn categories varies with age and it may be partially dependent on inhibitory control and working memory

    Category Learning in Older Adulthood: Understanding and Reducing Age-Related Deficits

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    Executive functions are important for learning rule-based (RB) categories, as well as non-rule-based (NRB) categories (e.g., categories learned implicitly, without a verbal rule). However, executive functioning is known to decline with age, leading to age-related deficits in category learning. The current thesis examines RB and NRB category learning in older adults using category sets that vary in difficulty (e.g., rule complexity, number of stimulus dimensions, salience of stimulus dimensions). In Chapter 2, older adults and younger adults completed three category sets (simple single-dimensional RB, disjunctive RB, and NRB). Older adults learned the simple, single-dimensional rules quite well. In contrast to younger adults, older adults found complex disjunctive RB categories harder to learn than NRB categories because of the executive functioning demands associated with complex rule learning. In Chapter 3, I introduced a pre-training procedure prior to the disjunctive RB and NRB categorization task used in Chapter 2. This was done in an effort to reduce task demands, as to minimize age-related categorization deficits. Both RB and NRB category learning improved among older adults following pre-training, but the improvements to RB learning were more drastic, suggesting that executive functioning plays a heavier role in RB learning. In Study 1 of Chapter 4 I used a difficult, single-dimensional RB category set (i.e., the correct rule is based on the less salient stimulus dimension) and a NRB category set to further examine category learning in normal aging and to better understand the types of strategies used by older adults. Relative to younger adults, older adults struggled with learning both the RB and NRB category set because they used suboptimal rules during the RB task and a RB strategy during the NRB task. In Study 2 of Chapter 4, I used a pre-training procedure to familiarize older adults with the stimulus dimensions of the RB category set, reducing the executive function demands of the task. Pre-training improved RB accuracy and the consistency with which older adults applied the rule. Across all studies, executive functioning abilities were associated with RB and NRB category learning. Overall, the results from this thesis help to better understand the locus of age-related categorization deficits and offer a method of reducing these deficits

    Analisis Sistem Kerja Produk Smock Menggunakan Studi Waktu dan Gerakan (Studi Kasus pada Quality Control And Packing Department PT Aceplas Indonesia)

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    For made to order company such as PT Aceplas Indonesia, meet the demand with the right quantity and quality is important. But unfortunately, the company was having trouble working part-time on QC and Packing which is one of the key delivery occurrences. Therefore, conducted an analysis of the work system by using time and motion study to find out the root of the problems that exist. From the results of the study obtained six principles of motion economy that does not match the work system. From a working system that is not suitable, a new work system design is made that is more in line with the economic motion. The results obtained that the new work system that adapts to the motion economy principle have smaller working time amounted to  88%  for sealing and 28% for packing.&nbsp

    The Impact of Nutrition, Helminth Infection, and Lifestyle on Elementary School Student's Achievement

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    There is a lot of helminth infections and malnutrition cases in Indonesia. Some of the effects of helminth infection are anemia, diarrhea, malnutrition, intestinal obstruction, growth and developmental disorder, and also cognitive impairment. This study aimed to explore the impact of nutrition, helminth infection, and lifestyle on elementary school students' achievement. An observational analytical study with the cross-sectional design was used. The study was participated by 65 elementary school students grade 3, 4, and 5. The study was conducted in Pasir Panjang Elementary School, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. The data was analyzed using chi-square. There were 7 students (10.77%) having helminth infections:4 students (57.1%) had Ascarislumbricoides infection, 2 students (28.6%) had Enterobius vermicularis infection, and 1 student (14.3%) had Strongyloides stercoralis infection. There were no differences found on students' achievement between students with normal and low nutritional state (p = 0.917; p > 0.05) and between different lifestyle habit (p = 0.768; p > 0.05). However, a significant difference in students' achievement was found between students with and without helminth infection (p = 0.036; p < 0.05). Helminth infection had a significant impact on elementary school students' achievement, but no significant impact found for differences in nutritional state and lifestyle habit

    Thermal Effects on Compressive Strength of Local Limestone and Claystone

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    Limestone and claystone are widely used in rocky mountainous areas as building materials in Kurdistan region, in particular, the city of Koya. The outbreak of fire in buildings will have a great impact on strengths of building materials. The property performance of these local materials is heavenly understudied. This research investigates the impact of high temperature on the physicomechanical properties of limestone and claystone from Fatha Formation in Koya in Kurdistan region of Iraq. For this purpose, cores were taken from intact rocks; their ends were cut by a mechanical saw to obtain a cylindrical shape and immersed in water for 24 h, and then, subjected to physicomechanical tests of specific gravity, water absorption, porosity, and uniaxial compressive strength. For determining the residual compressive strength, the specimens were taken out from water, surface dried, and exposed to high temperatures of 450, and 650°C for 2 h using an electric oven. The results showed that claystone specimens show more stable mechanical properties than the limestone after exposure to high temperatures, and the high temperature causes lightening in color and significant cracks in both materials

    Pemaknaan Akun – Akun Dalam Laporan Laba Rugi Menurut UKM Di Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan pemaknaan akun oleh para wirausaha di bidang UKM dengan makna akun berdasarkan SAK ETAP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan pengambilan data menggunaakan teknik interview, dan analisis dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan objek penelitian dua toko mainan yaitu Toko “Rizky Toys”, dan Toko “Anugerah”. Penelitian ini melihat bagaimana pemilik toko memaknai akun pendapatan, beban, laba / keuntungan sesuai dengan pemahaman dan pengetahuan pemilik mengenai akun pendapatan, beban, laba / keuntungan. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis pengakuan pendapatan dan beban dari kedua toko menunjukkan pemaknaan akun pendapatan pada kedua toko sudah terdapat kesesuaian dengan SAK ETAP. Pemaknaan beban oleh kedua toko masih belum sesuai dan masih terdapat perbedaan dengan SAK ETAP. Kemudian, dari hasil analisis pengakuan laba / keuntungan, Toko “Rizky Toys” dan Toko “Anugerah” dalam pengakuan keuntungannya masih terdapat perbedaan dengan SAK ETAP

    Individualised PPI prescription in patients on combination antiplatelet therapy and upper gastrointestinal events after percutaneous coronary intervention: a cohort study

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    Zusammenfassung: GRUNDLAGEN: In einer Patientenkohorte, welche nach perkutaner koronarer Intervention (PCI) kombinierte Thrombozytenaggregationshemmung (Aspirin und Clopidogrel) erhielt, wurde die Wirksamkeit einer individualisierten PPI-Gabe zur Reduktion unerwünschter gastrointestinaler Ereignisse untersucht. METHODIK: Das gastrointestinale Risikofaktorprofil und andere Parameter wurden aus einer speziell angelegten elektronischen Datenbank extrahiert. Die Patienten wurden via standardisierten Fragebogen kontaktiert und bei Patienten mit unerwünschten gastrointestinalen Ereignissen wurde zusätzlich ein strukturiertes Telefoninterview durchgeführt. ERGEBNISSE: In einer Kohorte von 718 Patienten erhielten 87 (12,1 %) eine prophylaktische PPI-Therapie. Bei insgesamt 12 % wurden unerwünschte gastrointestinale Ereignisse gefunden, wobei 18,4 % eine PPI-Prophylaxe und 11,1 % kein PPI hatten (OR 1,80, P = 0,054). Eine Komedikation mit Steroiden war der hauptsächliche Risikofaktor für unerwünschte gastrointestinale Ereignissen (adjusted OR 5,45, P = 0,014). SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN: Die individualisierte PPI-Therapie basierend auf einer Risikoabschätzung für gastrointestinale Blutungsereignisse scheint ein effizientes Instrument zu sein, um gastrointestinale Ereignisse nach PCI zu minimiere