14 research outputs found


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    Penyelenggaraan umum yang dilaksanakan aparatur pemerintahan dalam berbagai sector pelayanan, terutama yang menyangkut kebutuhan hak - hak sipil dan kebutuhan dasar masyarakat. Sebagai warga negara yang baik, harus mentaati peraturan - peraturan yang telah di tetapkan oleh pemerintah agar terciptanya kehidupan yang harmonis di tengah - tengah masyarakat, sehingga membuat segala urusan menjadi mudah. Kecamatan merupakan wujud nyata dari suatu organisasi dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan men yelenggarakan birokrasi pemerintahan yang berada setingkat lebih tinggi dari desa atau kelurahan. Kecamatan adalah pembagian wilayah administratif di Indonesia di bawah kabupaten/kota. Berdasarkan latar belakang dan gejala yang terjadi seperti yang teranga kan di atas maka pada kesempatan ini peulis tertarik untuk meneliti lebih lanjut denagn judul penelitian “ Analisis Terhadap Minat Masyarakat Untuk Memiliki Ktp Pada Kecamatan Rubai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru (Studi kasus pada Kelurahan Libungan Baru dan Kelura han Tebing Tinggi Okura) ”. Berdasarkan uraian diatas dapat di rumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: a. Faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan kuranganya minat sebagian masyarakat di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir untuk memiliki Kartu Tanda penduduk (KTP) ? . b. Apa saja us aha yang dilakukan pihak kecamatan untuk menigkatkan minat warganya agar melengkapi administrasi kependudukan terutama KTP ? Metode penelitian yang dipilih adalah survey . Tempat yang digunakan sebagai objek penelitian ini adalah Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Pe kanbaru studi kasus pada Keluran Libungan Baru dan Keluran Tebing Tinggi Okura . populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini; NO Jumlah Populasi Sampel Persen 1 17259 jiwa 100 orang 10% Teknik Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah, dokumentasi, wawancara dan Kuesioner (Angket ). Minat msayarakat untuk membuat KTP dipengaruhi oleh tingkat ekonomi, pendidikan, fisik, dan pisikis serta kondisoinal karena 64.43 % responden menjawab bahwa keempat faktor ini memp engaruhi minat mereka untuk mengurus KTP ke Kantor Camat, karena masyarakat yang tinggal di Kelurahan Limbungan Baru, Tebing Tinggi dan Okura, masyarakatnya golongan menengah kebawah dengan tingkat pendidikan yang rendah serta mereka sibuk bekerja untuk me ncukupi kebutuhan mereka sehari - hari. Pihak Kecamatan telah berusaha untuk membuat masyakarat Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir mudah dalam pengurusan pembuatan KTP, karena 64.99 % jawaban responden berdasarkan angket yang diberikan pada responden menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat masih kurang antusias dalam membuat KTP, karena masyarakat merasakan masih banyak kekurangan dalam pembuatan KTP di Kantor Camat Rumbai Pesisir. Untuk menambah minat masyarakat dalam mengurus KTP di Kantor Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir dengan melakuk an perbaikan dalam pelayanan. Pihak kecamatan sudah memulai perbaikan dalam pelayanan guna membuat masyarakat nyaman dalam melakukan urusan di Kantor Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisi

    Gradient constitutive laws for brittle or quasi-brittle materials with micro-cracks

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    A homogenization framework is established in order to construct constitutive equations for heterogeneous materials accounting for strain or stress gradients. The micro-crack density, the micro-crack size influence directly the global constitutive behavior. This is more accurately when the size of the heterogeneity is important enough such that the influence of the gradient terms of the far macroscopic field can not be neglected

    The impact of RTGS on internal control - A comparative study between some Iraqi banks

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    The research aims to examine the impact of the Real time Gross settlement (RTGS) As an example of Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) in some Iraqi banks registered in the Iraq market for the securities and banks selected in the research sample (Iraqi Central bank, commercial Gulf Bank, United Bank for Investment of Iraq, Agricultural cooperative Bank) and researchers designed the resolution designed to achieve the objectives of research and test its hypothesis to gain access to the extent to which banks apply Sample search for internal controls of general procedures, application, security procedures and protection of proposed applications based on manuals, standards, guidelines and international frameworks, have been collected analysis of the resolution data Distributed on 89 individual research sample Vocabulary, department managers (payments, credit, IT, SWIFT and inspection and Internal control) for each bank of the research sample. In view of this, a number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which were the existence of internal controls that did not evolve, despite the development of RTGS, The weakness is uneven among the research sample banks but they are the strongest in the central bank of Iraq for being the owner and administrator of the systems. The researchers have recommended that international manuals, standards and guidelines for internal control procedures should be followed to ensure that Iraqi banks improve their electronic systems in order to reduce their vulnerabilities

    Acoustic-mode vibrational anharmonicity related to the anomalous thermal expansion of Invar iron alloys

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    Measurements of the temperature dependences of the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the velocities of ultrasonic waves propagated in single crystals of the Invars Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 verify that the negative thermal expansion in the ferromagnetic phase of these alloys is directly associated with longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening. In the paramagnetic phase of Fe 72 Pt 28 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of each of the elastic-tensor components and the bulk modulus B are positive, showing normal behavior in the sense that the long-wavelength acoustic-phonon frequencies increase under pressure. However, below the Curie temperature T C the velocities of longitudinal untrasonic waves propagated along the [100] and [110] directions in Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 decrease strongly with pressure; thus (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 , (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 , and (∂ B S /∂P ) P = 0 are negative due to the magnetoelastic interaction. These Invar alloys show the extraordinary property of becoming easier to compress as the pressure is increased. The negative signs of (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 give rise to negative values for all the longitudinal- and quasilongitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters in the ferromagnetic phase. This experimental observation is in accord with a recent prediction of negative longitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters stemming from itinerant-electron-magnetism theory. For Fe 72 Pt 28 the hydrostatic-pressure derivative (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 is negative, attains its maximum value just above room temperature, and becomes much smaller as the temperature is lowered, matching, and accounting for, the behavior of the thermal expansion, which is negative in the temperature range between about 260 K and the Curie temperature. In the case of the archetypal Invar alloy Fe 65 Ni 35 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the elastic-stiffness-tensor components are positive, but (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 are small in the ferromagnetic phase, consistent with its small but positive thermal expansion. It is concluded that longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening due to the magnetoelastic interaction is the source of the Invar behavior of each of these iron alloys. In addition, measurements of the temperature dependences of the ultrasonic wave velocities establish that the fcc-bct martensitic phase transition in Fe-Ni and Fe-Pt alloys is driven by a soft shear zone-center acoustic phonon with propagation vector 〈110〉 and polarization vector 〈11¯0〉

    Acoustic-mode vibrational anharmonicity related to the anomalous thermal expansion of Invar iron alloys

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    Measurements of the temperature dependences of the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the velocities of ultrasonic waves propagated in single crystals of the Invars Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 verify that the negative thermal expansion in the ferromagnetic phase of these alloys is directly associated with longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening. In the paramagnetic phase of Fe 72 Pt 28 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of each of the elastic-tensor components and the bulk modulus B are positive, showing normal behavior in the sense that the long-wavelength acoustic-phonon frequencies increase under pressure. However, below the Curie temperature T C the velocities of longitudinal untrasonic waves propagated along the [100] and [110] directions in Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 decrease strongly with pressure; thus (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 , (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 , and (∂ B S /∂P ) P = 0 are negative due to the magnetoelastic interaction. These Invar alloys show the extraordinary property of becoming easier to compress as the pressure is increased. The negative signs of (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 give rise to negative values for all the longitudinal- and quasilongitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters in the ferromagnetic phase. This experimental observation is in accord with a recent prediction of negative longitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters stemming from itinerant-electron-magnetism theory. For Fe 72 Pt 28 the hydrostatic-pressure derivative (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 is negative, attains its maximum value just above room temperature, and becomes much smaller as the temperature is lowered, matching, and accounting for, the behavior of the thermal expansion, which is negative in the temperature range between about 260 K and the Curie temperature. In the case of the archetypal Invar alloy Fe 65 Ni 35 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the elastic-stiffness-tensor components are positive, but (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 are small in the ferromagnetic phase, consistent with its small but positive thermal expansion. It is concluded that longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening due to the magnetoelastic interaction is the source of the Invar behavior of each of these iron alloys. In addition, measurements of the temperature dependences of the ultrasonic wave velocities establish that the fcc-bct martensitic phase transition in Fe-Ni and Fe-Pt alloys is driven by a soft shear zone-center acoustic phonon with propagation vector 〈110〉 and polarization vector 〈11¯0〉