16 research outputs found


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    Sansevieria trifasciata L. (Agavaceae) is a plant that can be grown in all places, both in lowland and highland. Malang with its heights ranging from the coast to 1,200 m asl is interesting to be studied because it has great potential for the diversity of Sansevieria. Altitude affects the soil and climatic conditions, so that the altitude affects the phenotype of the plant. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of abiotic factors on the relationship of Sansevieria trifasciata L. that grow at different altitude. Sansevieria samples were taken from 23 locations in Malang in lowland and highland. The observation was on the morphology, and it abiotic factors, ie altitude, temperature, humidity, soil pH, precipitation, and light intensity. The results showed that the abiotic factors have little effect on the morphology of Sansevieria trifasciata L. that grows in the highlands and lowlands


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    Sansevieria trifasciata L. (Agavaceae) is a plant that can be grown in all places, both in lowland and highland. Malang with its heights ranging from the coast to 1,200 m asl is interesting to be studied because it has great potential for the diversity of Sansevieria. Altitude affects the soil and climatic conditions, so that the altitude affects the phenotype of the plant. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of abiotic factors on the relationship of Sansevieria trifasciata L. that grow at different altitude. Sansevieria samples were taken from 23 locations in Malang in lowland and highland. The observation was on the morphology, and it abiotic factors, ie altitude, temperature, humidity, soil pH, precipitation, and light intensity. The results showed that the abiotic factors have little effect on the morphology of Sansevieria trifasciata L. that grows in the highlands and lowlands


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    Problem Based Learning model is a way of presenting the lesson material by making the problem as a starting point for discussion to be analyzed and synthesized in an attempt to find solutions or answers by students. Problem Based Learning helps the media of visual aids can create a more enjoyable learning atmosphere, make students active and make students have the motivation in following the learning. This study aims to determine the effect of model problem based learning (PBL) assisted visual media aids to student learning motivation on the circulatory system material XI Science class the one of the MA in Palembang. This type of research is quantitative with research design using non-equivalent control group design. The sample of this research is the students of class XI Science 2 as much as 43 people (experimental class) and 36 students of class XI Science 1 (control class) selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in the form of documentation, observation, and questionnaire motivation to learn students. Based on the data analysis, there is a difference between learning motivation of experimental class and control class, hence can be concluded alternative hypothesis (Ha) accepted, meaning that problem based learning model (PBL) assisted by visual aids media influence to student learning motivation. The conclusion of this research is based on questionnaire and questionnaire analysis of learning motivation revealed that model of problem based learning assisted by visual aids media influence student learning motivation on blood circulation system class XI. It is proved that the students 'learning motivation has differences in the questionnaire value of students' learning motivation between classes treated with 81,9 with classes not treated with an average of 71,0. &nbsp


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    Kopi (coffea arabica ) merupakan salah satu penghasil sumber devisa Indonesia dan memegang peranan penting dalam pengembangan industri perkebunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi di media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kopi dan mengetahui konsentrasi optimal penggunaan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kopi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Lapangan kebun kopi desa tetew Kabupaten Empat Lawang dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen dan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan perlakuan yaitu: P0 = Tanpa penambahan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi (kontrol), P1 = Menambahkan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi (Coffea robusta) sebanyak 5 % (100 gram), P2 = Menambahkan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi sebanyak 10 % (200 gram), P3 = Penambahan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi sebanyak 15 % (300 gram), P4 = Penambahan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi sebanyak 20 % (400 gram). Data dianalisis dengan uji F diikuti oleh Uji Duncan (uji beda nyata Duncan). Parameter dari penelitian ini adalah tinggi tanaman, dan lebar daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi 400 gram (P4) memberikan efek yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, dan lebar daun. Kesimpulannya adalah pupuk organik limbah kulit kopi 400 gram memberikan pertumbuhan maksimum terhadap tanaman kopi. Kata Kunci : Bibit Kopi Arabica (Coffee arabica L), Pupuk organik dari limbah kulit kopi


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    Students' learning motivation in one of the high schools at Southern OKU is still categorized as low. Based on the results of observation and interview, the cause of low student learning motivation because the teacher does not use the learning model or teaching methods that exist in the teaching and learning process so that students feel bored and saturated. Based on these problems, this study aims to determine whether there is influence of learning model experiential learning on learning motivation. This research was conducted in May 2017. The research method used is experimental method with the research design used is quasi experimental design. Population in this study was all students of class X consisting of 3 classes there are X1, X2, X3 with the number of each class on average 37 students. Class X3 is as experiment class and X1 as control class. Sampling is done by purposive sampling technique. Data collection is using motivation questionnaire as primary data and observation of student learning motivation as secondary data. The results showed that H 0 rejected Ha accepted so that the hypothesis states that experiential learning model influence on learning motivation. Keywords: learning model, experiential learning, learning motivation, ecosyste


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    This study aims to determine the effect of learning strategy the power of two on the activity of students in Biology learning. This research design uses posttest-only control design with quasi experimental method. The population in this study is the entire class in X class in one high school at Palembang consisting of 5 classes, with 141 students. Sampling is using purposive technique. The sample of this study is X IPA 3 class with 36 students as experimental class and X IPA 2 class with 36 students as control class. In the learning process, the experimental class is taught by using the power of two learning strategy and control class using conventional method (lecture). Data collection is from observation sheet and questionnaire of student learning activity which have been tested its validity by using Aiken's V formula. The result of this study shows that the average of student learning activity in the experimental class in 2 meetings is 83,05% of the students who have been active in very active category. In control class, the percentage of active students 55,46% is active category. Result of data analysis that is using t-test with significant level 0,05 obtained tarithmetic = 9,693 while ttable = 1,994 seen that tarithmetic > ttable. Therefore, Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected thus it can be concluded that the power of two's learning strategy can have an effect on student's learning activeness. Increasing the liveliness of learners can optimize the motivation, cooperation, responsibility, reading interest, and learner activity in the learning process. Keywords: learning strategy, learning, the power of two, student activit


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    The aims of this research is to know the effect of liquid wastes on vegetative growth of red spinach plants. This research used Factorial Random Design (RAL). Objeks in this research are nutrient solution (L) and planting medium (M). The data was analyzed using two way ANOVA. The treatment in this research is nutrient solution (L) and planting medium (M). There are 2 types of nutrients used, the aquadest and the tofu liquid waste. There are 2 types of medium used, the cocopeat media and sand media. From result of research it is known that, at treatment L1M1 which is treatment with tofu liquid waste on cocopeat planting medium technique obtained high yield of planting with average 7,70 cm. Likewise on the observation of the number of leaves on L1M1 treatment also obtained an average yield of 4.00 pieces. Similarly, at the roots of red spinach plants obtained the highest average, namely the treatment of L1M1 with an average root length of 23.75 cm. Conclusion the use of tofu liquid waste as an additional nutrient for the growth of red spinach vegetable plants has an effect on the vegetative growth of red spinach plants

    Peran Etnobotani Sebagai Upaya Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Oleh Berbagai Suku di Indonesia

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    Keanekaragaman vegetasi di Indonesia tersebar di seluruh kepulauan Nusantara. Masing-masing wilayah memiliki ciri khas yang tidak sama dengan wilayah lain. Masyarakat berbagai suku di Indonesia telah lama memanfaatkan tumbuhan dalam berbagai aktivitas. Pengaruh suku-suku dengan keragaman pengalaman, sudut pandang dan persepsi terhadap alam mempengaruhi dan menghasilkan beragam bentuk dan karakter lansekap.

    Plant Diversity On Protected Forest Vegetation Of Dempo Mountains, Pagar Alam, South Sumatera

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    Vegetation is a collection of plants that usually consist of several species and live together in one place. Vegetation analysis is a way of studying the composition (component type) and the shape (structure) of vegetation or vegetation communities. Forests are the most important habitat component of life, hence the condition of plant communities within the forest, whether plant species composition, species dominance, density or closure of the canopy should be measured. The island of Sumatra is one of the most diverse ecoregion regions in the world. World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) as one of the world's conservation organizations incorporates mountainous rainforest as a conservation area. The Sumatra mountain forests are one of the 200 critically endorsed ecoregions and a priority of global conservation. Mount Dempo is a protected forest area located on a cluster of hills line the island of Sumatra. This mountain has a height of 3159 asl (above sea level) and is the highest mountain in the area of South Sumatra. This study aims to determine the diversity of plants in the protected forest vegetation of Mount Dempo, Pagar Alam City, South Sumatera. Vegetation analysis was done by purposive sampling with bitterlich method, i.e measurement done on plot measuring 2x2, 5x5, 10x10, and 20x20 m. Analyzes were performed on two plots of different locations, and all plant species found in each plot were recorded of the type and amount. The parameters measured include the type name, the individual number of each type, the diameter, the height, and the height of the free branch. The results obtained at the Importance Value Index (INP) in Gunung Dempo, Pagar Alam of 294 stated that Mount Dempo has a high vegetation that is still preserving the existing plant, but it is also able to used as tourist visit as the stage of environmental and nature care.Vegetation is a collection of plants that usually consist of several species and live together in one place. Vegetation analysis is a way of studying the composition (component type) and the shape (structure) of vegetation or vegetation communities. Forests are the most important habitat component of life, hence the condition of plant communities within the forest, whether plant species composition, species dominance, density or closure of the canopy should be measured. The island of Sumatra is one of the most diverse ecoregion regions in the world. World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) as one of the world's conservation organizations incorporates mountainous rainforest as a conservation area. The Sumatra mountain forests are one of the 200 critically endorsed ecoregions and a priority of global conservation. Mount Dempo is a protected forest area located on a cluster of hills line the island of Sumatra. This mountain has a height of 3159 asl (above sea level) and is the highest mountain in the area of South Sumatra. This study aims to determine the diversity of plants in the protected forest vegetation of Mount Dempo, Pagar Alam City, South Sumatera. Vegetation analysis was done by purposive sampling with bitterlich method, i.e measurement done on plot measuring 2x2, 5x5, 10x10, and 20x20 m. Analyzes were performed on two plots of different locations, and all plant species found in each plot were recorded of the type and amount. The parameters measured include the type name, the individual number of each type, the diameter, the height, and the height of the free branch. The results obtained at the Importance Value Index (INP) in Gunung Dempo, Pagar Alam of 294 stated that Mount Dempo has a high vegetation that is still preserving the existing plant, but it is also able to used as tourist visit as the stage of environmental and nature care

    Locomotion Index and Retinal Thickness of the Eye Anguilla bicolor bicolor in its Developmental Stage

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    When migrating to the deep sea, the eye of the eel which functions for locomotion will adapt to the deep environment. This study is the first study to identify the locomotion index and the retinal structure at the stage glass eel, elver, yellow, and silver eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor. Character and habitat information for each stage of eel can be used as a conservation strategy. Seventeen eel fish samples were collected from the Pasir Puncu River in Purworejo. Observation of the Locomotion Index is done by comparing the Eye Index (EI), Pectoral Fin Index (PFI), Anal Fin Index (AFI), and Dorsal Fin Index (DFI) at several stages of development of eel, while histologically the observations were carried out with analyzing the retina structure and the thickness of Rod and Cone Layer (RCL), Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), Ganglion Layer (GL) and Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL). Based on these observations it can be seen that the retina (RC, ONL, INL, GL, NFL) will have increased from yellow to the silver stage, this is due to adaptation eels that adapt to new habitats. The locomotion index shows that the more developed the pectoral fins, the greater the thickness of the NFL, which indicates the greater the number of nerves used for adaptation in the ocean. In the early elver stage, eels tend to swim on the surface of the water in brackish waters. At the yellow eel stage, the eels have started swimming on the bottom of the water that is rich in the substrate with darker environmental characteristics, while at the silver stage, the eel will begin to adjust to the darker deep sea