77 research outputs found
Pengaruh Profitabiitas, Umur Perusahan, Tipe Perusahaan dan Kepmilikan Manajemen terhadap Pengungkapan Sosial Berdasar Iso 26000 (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Pertambangan dan Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bei Tahun 2011-2012)
ISO 26000 is an International standard that gives a direction on disclosure of corporate social performance. ISO 26000 release in 2010, one year later Indonesia has begun to try to apply the International standards. There are 37 items disclosure of 7 core subjects of ISO 26000. This study aimed to investigate the influence of profitability,company age, type of company, and management ownershipon disclosure of corporate social performance based on ISO 26000. Data collection using purposive sampling method Chosen As many as 30 mining companies and 30 financial companies used as a sample. Methods of analysis of this study using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the variables that affect the disclosure of corporate sosial performanceis age company. While the variables that do not affect the disclosure of corporate social performance is profitability, company type and management ownership
Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Pencipta Lagu yang Belum di Daftarkan ke Direktorat Jendral Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Analisis Pasal 40 Ayat 3 UU Nomor 28 Th 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta)
Hak cipta merupakan hak yang harus dilindungi karena hak cipta ini sebagai karya yang lahir dari seseorang, maupun suatu masyarakat yang menjadi penghargaan terhadap suatu karya. Di Indonesia sebagai Negara yang kaya akan budaya, seni dan lain sebagainya. Dengan begitu menjadi kewajiban pemerintah dalam melindungi hak cipta yang ada di negaranya. Data yang dimiliki Mabes Polri, ada sebanyak 251 kasus terkait pelanggaran hak cipta yang ditemukan pihak berwajib selama tahun 2004, sedangkan pada tahun 2005 dan 2006 semakin melonjak. Dengan berlakunya UU No.28 Tahun 2014 di harapkan dapat memberikan perlindungan kepada pencipta. Namun masih ada kerancuan mengenai hak cipta yang belum di daftarkan yaitu seperti yang tercantum pada Pasal 40 ayat 3 yang berbunyi Pelindungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2), termasuk pelindungan terhadap Ciptaan yang tidak atau belum dilakukan Pengumuman tetapi sudah diwujudkan dalam bentuk nyata. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian yuridis normatif. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Perundang-undangan. Pendekatan Perundang undangan dilakukan dengan menelaah semua regulasi hukum atau Perundang-undangan yang bersangkut paut dengan isu hukum yang akan diteliti, maka dari rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu; 1.Bagaimana konsep perlindungan hukum terhadap suatu Karya cipta lagu yang belum didaftarkan ke Dirjen HKI tetapi sudah terpublikasi ke masyarakat?.2.Bagaimana implikasi hukum terhadap pencipta lagu, yang lagunya terdapat unsur kesamaan atau dijiplak oleh pihak lain sedangkan lagu tersebut belum terdaftar? Sehingga untuk mengalisis permasalahan tersebut yaitu menggunakan teori perlindungan hukum. Perlindungan hukum terhadap hak cipta di Indonesia sesuai dengan amanat Undang-undang No. 28 tahun 2014. Yaitu dengan konsep tentang hak eklusif sebagai hak yang hakikat dan alami yang dimiliki oleh pencipta, sehingga hak eklusif itu menjadi jaminan bagi setiap pencipta dalam mendapat perlindungan hukum, dan sesuai dengan bunyi pasal pasal 1 ayat (1),Tidak adanya kepastian hukum yang menjamin perlindungan hukum bagi karya cipta yang tidak di daftarkan ke lembaga karya cipta.Kata Kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Hak cipt
Seni Bicara Lewat Typeface Dekoratif dan Komposisi
On this essay, the main topic is related to one of the branch in visual communication design, typography. In the early days, typography derives from hand writing, but nowadays, it has been developed digitally by means of computer. The presence of computers facilitate in making digital typefaces, especially decorative ones. This contributes to its quantities and vast distribution. Literature studies conducted to further understand the definitions and characteristics of digital typefaces. A decorative typeface owns a certain visual characteristic which in the end limits its USAge. Certain characters in decorative typefaces often associated with particular moods or impressions, which can be used to deliver a message. Next is the ideation and visualization by students and teaching staffs in typography class using both analog and digital media to produce typographic compositions using decorative typefaces. The final step is to analyze the compositions to capture its intended message
Embryo Development and Post-Hatch Performances of Kampung Chicken by in Ovo Feeding of L-Arginine
The research was conducted to evaluate embryo development, post-hatch performances, and growth rate of kampung chicken treated in-ovo feeding of L-Arginine. A total of 135 kampung chicken fertile eggs (weight 42-43 g) were used and divided into 5 treatment groups of three replications. They were placed in the semi-automatic incubator. The first group was without in-ovo feeding (negative control); the second group was in-ovo feeding of saline 0.9% (positive control); the 3, 4, and 5 groups were in-ovo feeding of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% L-Arginine, respectively. In-ovo feeding of L-Arginine were injected into albumen on day 10 of incubation period using automatic syringe in the narrow end side of egg by inserting needle through a small hole at 10 mm depth. After hatching, all day old chicks were placed in floor pens (1 x 0.5 x 0.5 m) accordance with the previous egg groups. The results showed that in-ovo feeding of L-Arginine increased weight and circumference of the embryo, but did not affect the length of embryo. In-ovo feeding of L-Arginine resulted in a higher body weight gain and a lower feed conversion even though feed intake was not significantly different compared to the control groups. The growth rate performance up to 6 weeks rearing increased significantly by increasing L-Arginine administration to 1.0%. It can be concluded that embryo development and post-hatch performances of kampung chicken were markedly increased by in-ovo feeding of L-arginine
Bayesian Credible Sets for a Binomial Proportion Based on One-Sample Binary Data Subject to One Type of Misclassification
Interval estimation for the proportion parameter in one-sample misclassified binary data has caught much interest in the literature. Recently, an approximate Bayesian approach has been proposed. This approach is simpler to implement and performs better than existing frequentist approaches. However, because a normal approximation to the marginal posterior density was used in the Bayesian approach, some efficiency may be lost. We develop a closed-form fully Bayesian algorithm which draws a posterior sample of the proportion parameter from the exact marginal posterior distribution. We conducted simulations to show that our fully Bayesian algorithm is easier to implement and has better coverage than the approximate Bayesian approach
Joblist Dokumentasi Berbasis Website dengan Ilearning Wikis
Teaching and learning process in education is a core activity. This process is the interaction that occurs between faculty and students as well as influenced by existing activities. The use of integrated information systems to process the job sector in the organization has become an absolute necessity. However, such systems generally do not provide a container to encapsulate all the information to help evaluate student performance. In addition the number of scattered data in a database system resulted in a massive copy process at any time require the data. Thus, the existence of this reality by using Wikis iLearning data can be displayed in a container that allows a work history of development and there is one report display tasks can be neatly arranged to facilitate the search. Monitoring evaluation of student performance will be more focused to achieve a successful student project. This paper attempts to describe the problems faced in an information system, especially in the documentation of student performance evaluation, explanation iLearning Wikis, architecture, program listings, as well as diagrams. In the prototype implementation is shown a graph of the data development and documentation of student work. Wikis iLearning is a website joblist documentation that provides reports and data storage facilities provide user profile information. Implementation of Wikis can be used to provide solutions to the problems in teaching and learning in particular database storag
Digestion of High Fiber Diet in Sheep and Goat of Jenepponto
Four does (goat, G) and four ewes (sheep, S) of Jeneponto were fed chaffed rice straw hay (3.7%crude protein, 63.5% cell wall constituents, 44.5% acid detergent fiber and 6.2% acid detergent lignin,all based on dry matter). The intakes and digestibility of the diet by G and S were compared. Bothspecies consumed the same level of the diet. G digested dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crudefiber, and lignin of the diet to a significant higher extent than did by S. The superiority of G over S indigesting the diet was attributable with longer retention time of ruminal fluid and particulate matters inthe rumen and the entire gut, which then resulted in higher proportion of small size particles (<1 mmsieve), higher proportions of propionic, butyric, valeric and isovaleric acid concentrations produced inthe rumen. Additionally for further studies, there were some possibilities of G having a better chewingactivity (duration and intensity), and ability to maintain higher rumen ammonia levels by a greater urearecycle to the rumen, particularly through salivation
Changes in Physiological Condition of Broiler Chickens Sprayed with Water before Transportation
Transportation to the slaughterhouse is a series of processes that can cause high levels of stress in broilers. Heat stress will increase if the distance between the farm and the slaughterhouse is far. One of the solutions to overcome heat stress due to transportation is to do watering a few minutes before the transportation so that the broilers are still able to maintain their homeostatic conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of watering methods before transportation with different distances on the haematological, hormonal, and quality status of broiler chickens. This study was arranged based on a factorial randomized block design (RAK). A total of 54 broilers of the Cobb strain aged 35 days were divided into 2 treatments, namely; without watering (P0) and watering (P1). Chickens in each treatment were transported to the poultry slaughterhouse with 2 different distances; 30km (J1) and 60km (J2), as well as 1 control treatment (without transport) (J0). Watering is done just before the transportation process. The results showed that the transportation distance increased the yellowness value (b*) of the breast meat, decreased the brightness value (L*), and increased the pH of the broiler thigh meat (P0.05). Hematocrit values, hemoglobin levels, and concentrations of the hormone triiodothyronine (T3), other meat color components, as well as the pH of the breast meat, did not change significantly, both in terms of watering, distance traveled, and the interaction between the two (P0.05). The solution of water spraying before transportation on different distances could not restore the hematology and hormonal status, as well as the meat quality of the broiler. However, the decline in meat quality was shown in transported broilers
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