323 research outputs found

    Modular Cloning by Golden Gate Assembly and Possible Application in Pathway Design

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    Preparation of expression vectors using conventional cloning strategies is laborious and not suitable for the design of metabolic pathways or enzyme cascades, which usually requires the preparation of a vector library to identify productive clones. Recently, Modular Cloning as a novel cloning technique in synthetic biology has been developed. Modular Cloning relies on Golden Gate assembly and supports preparation of individual expression vectors in one-step and one-pot reactions, thus allowing rapid generation of vector libraries. A number of Modular Cloning toolkits for specific applications has been established, providing a collection of distinct genetic elements such as promoters, ribosome binding sites and tags, that can be combined individually in one-step using defined fusion sites. Modular Cloning has been successfully applied to generate various strains for producing value-added compounds. This was achieved by orchestrating complex pathways involving up to 20 enzymes. Due to the novelty of the genetic approach, industrial applications are still rare. In addition, some applications are limited due to the lack of high-throughput screening methods. This shifts the bottleneck from library preparation to screening capacity and needs to be addressed by future developments to pave the path for the establishment of Modular Cloning in industrial applications


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    Rad analizira utjecaj kohezijske politike Europske unije na regionalni razvoj Republike Hrvatske u financijskoj perspektivi 2014.-2020. godine. Republika Hrvatska kao članica Europske unije preuzela je odgovornost za provedbu ciljeva Europske unije kao podijeljenu nadleĆŸnost između drĆŸava članica i Unije. Osim toga Republika Hrvatska uskladila je zakonodavstvo u području regionalne politike s europskom pravnom stečevinom. To se manifestira i na djelotvorno koriĆĄtenje europskih proračunskih sredstava za regionalni razvoj.The paper analyzed the impact of cohesion policy on regional development in the Croatian financial perspective 2014th to 2020th year. The Republic of Croatia as a member of the European Union assumed responsibility for implementing the objectives of the European Union as a shared competence between the Member States and the Union. Additionally Republic of Croatia has aligned its legislation on regional policy with the acquis communautair. It manifests itself on the effective use of EU budget funds for regional development

    A result in asymptotic analysis for the functional of Ginzburg-Landau type with externally imposed multiple small scales in one dimension

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    In this paper we present technical improvement of results in our previous paper. We study asymptotic behavior of the functional as Δ → 0, where a is 1 × 1-periodic. We determine (rescaled) minimal asymptotic energy associated to JΔa,ÎČ,Îł as Δ → 0 where ÎČ, Îł ≄ 0, ÎČ + Îł > 0

    Quantification of Age-Related Changes in the Lateral Organization of the Lipid Portion of the Intact Membranes Isolated from the Left and Right Eye Lenses of the Same Human Donor

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    The continuous wave EPR spin-labeling method was used to evaluate age-related changes in the amounts of phospholipids (PLs) and cholesterol (Chol) in domains present in intact, cortical, and nuclear fiber cell plasma membranes isolated separately from the left and right eye lenses of the same human donor. The relative amounts of boundary plus trapped PLs were evaluated with the PL analog 12-doxylstearic acid spin label (12-SASL) and the relative amounts of trapped Chol with the Chol analog androstane spin label (ASL). The donors ranged in age from 15 to 70 years. Both the left and right eye lenses from donors aged 60, 65, and 70 years had nuclear cataracts; additionally, the right eye lens only of the 60-year-old donor had a cortical cataract. In transparent lenses, the relative amounts of boundary plus trapped PLs increase monotonously with donor age, and, at all ages, this amount was greater in nuclear compared with cortical membranes. Moreover, in transparent lenses, the relative amount of trapped Chol increases with age in nuclear membranes. However, the EPR spectrum of ASL from cortical membranes of 15- to 60-year-old donors shows only the weakly immobilized component assigned to ASL in the bulk plus Chol bilayer domain. Only the cortical membranes of 61- to 70-year-old donors contain both weakly and strongly immobilized components. The strongly immobilized component is assigned to ASL in trapped lipids. We speculate that the age of 60 years may be considered as a “threshold” for appearance of trapped lipids in cortical membranes. The relative amounts of boundary plus trapped PLs in lenses with nuclear cataracts is lower than that predicted from the tendency of the age-dependent increase observed for transparent lenses. The differences in amounts of lipids in the indicated left and right eye domains of each donor are smaller than the differences in single donors of a similar age

    Brukets brottsdimension - En komparativ studie av portugisisk och svensk narkotikalagstiftning

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    Drug legislation in Europe differs from country to country, and this paper is intended to compare the Portuguese and Swedish legislation. Although the two countries are both bound by the international conventions on the area of drugs, the three UN Conventions which regulate the criminalization of illegal drug trade, they have chosen different approaches when it comes to regulating personal consumption. Both the UN Conventions and the EU regulation let the countries decide for themselves how they choose to tackle the problem of personal consumption of drugs. Sweden has chosen the path of full criminalization, with a tough policy towards both demand and supply. Portugal, on the other hand, has chosen to put in actions against the illegal drug trade, but to decriminalize personal consumption. Nowadays, it’s merely an administrative offence, and the measurements against this usually take the form of rehabilitation programmes. The paper begins with an introduction of the topic, and then it describes the grounds for criminalization. It discusses various criminological theories, which can be applied to abuse problems, with a discussion about the reasons behind legislation. The third to fifth chapters describe the international, Swedish and Portuguese legal frameworks in this area. The last chapter, the analysis, tries to answer the initial questions and discusses the pros and cons of criminalization versus decriminalization.Narkotikalagstiftningen i de europeiska lĂ€nderna skiljer sig Ă„t, och den hĂ€r uppsatsen har som syfte att jĂ€mföra den portugisiska och den svenska lagstiftningen. Även om de tvĂ„ lĂ€nderna har anslutit sig till samma internationella konventioner pĂ„ omrĂ„det, de tre FN-konventionerna som sĂ€tter upp de yttre ramarna för kriminalisering av t.ex. illegal droghandel, sĂ„ har de valt olika tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt nĂ€r det kommer till reglering av eget bruk. BĂ„de FN-konventionerna, och EU:s rambeslut pĂ„ omrĂ„det, lĂ„ter lĂ€nderna sjĂ€lva bestĂ€mma hur de vill tackla problemet med egen konsumtion av narkotika. Sverige har valt en full kriminalisering, med hĂ„rd politik mot bĂ„de efterfrĂ„gan och utbud. Portugal, Ă„ andra sidan, har valt att bestraffa illegal droghandel hĂ„rt, men avkriminalisera det egna bruket. Det fĂ„r enligt portugisisk rĂ€ttsordning numer endast administrativa pĂ„följder, som oftast har karaktĂ€ren av rehabiliteringsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Uppsatsen inleds med en introduktion över Ă€mnet, och gĂ„r sedan in pĂ„ kriminaliseringens grunder. HĂ€r diskuteras olika kriminologiska teorier, som kan tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ missbruksproblematiken, och en övergripande diskussion om orsakerna bakom lagstiftning förs. Vidare redogör tredje till femte kapitlet för de internationella, svenska och portugisiska rĂ€ttsreglerna pĂ„ omrĂ„det. Det sista kapitlet, analysen, Ă„terkopplar till de inledande frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna och diskuterar för- och nackdelarna med en kriminalisering respektive avkriminalisering

    RĂ€ttens rykte – En undersökning av mediernas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ förtroendet för domstolarna

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    Studies show that a majority of the Swedish population has the media as their primary source regarding information about the courts. Because an individual's trust in the function of the courts correlates with his or her knowledge of the courts’ dealings, the question of to what extent the media depictions of courts affects the public’s trust in them can be asked. Trust in social institutions is important from several aspects, mainly for efficiency-related issues, but a lack of trust may also have more profound implications regarding the legitimacy of the in-stitutions and the whole social order. The purpose of this essay has been to examine how the media affects public confidence in the courts. To fulfill this purpose, questions have been answered about the importance of trust in the courts, how the courts are described in the media, and if this description in some way can be connected to what kind of trust the public holds for the courts. Based on a socio-legal method, this essay describes the definition, meaning and statistics of trust, based on the Trust Inquiry Report (Förtroendeutredningen), SOU 2008:106. It furthermore describes the relat-ionship between the media and the judicial system. The essay has also conducted a content analysis of four documentary crime shows, by looking at the conditions that precede their media content, how the current media content is designed and what effect this media content may have on its audience. The content analysis has been conducted to see if it is possible to say anything about the way in which the courts and their function are depicted in the various shows and whether it is possible to discern some attitudes or opinions that are mediated through these. The conditions of the shows have been analyzed on the basis of news values, media formats and the context in which the shows have been created. Media content has been reviewed by identifying positive, neutral and negative points and the media effects have been analyzed with the starting point in different theories on media effects, and the values that have been set up in SOU 2008:106 as particularly important for achieving and maintaining confi-dence in the courts. The survey finds that the analyzed shows depict the courts in a neutral to negative way, and that the positive portrayals are almost completely absent. The analysis that has been con-ducted of the depictions of the courts in relation to the values set up by the Trust Inquiry shows that these values are not represented to any great extent in the four different programs.Undersökningar visar att en majoritet av Sveriges invĂ„nare har medierna som sin primĂ€ra ny-hetskĂ€lla för domstolarnas verksamhet. Eftersom en individs förtroende för domstolarnas verksamhet korrelerar med den kunskap som individen har om domstolarna och deras verk-samhet, vĂ€cks frĂ„gan i hur stor utstrĂ€ckning mediernas skildringar av domstolarna pĂ„verkar allmĂ€nhetens förtroende för dem. Ett förtroende för samhĂ€llsinstitutioner Ă€r betydelsefullt ur flera olika aspekter, frĂ€mst för att institutionen ska vara vĂ€lfungerande och effektiv, men ett bristande förtroende kan Ă€ven ha mer djupgĂ„ende konsekvenser gĂ€llande institutionens och hela samhĂ€llsordningens legitimitet. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka hur medierna pĂ„verkar allmĂ€nhetens förtroende för domstolarna. För att uppfylla detta syfte har frĂ„gestĂ€llningar stĂ€llts upp om vilken betydelse förtroendet för domstolarna har och hur detta ser ut, hur domstolarna framstĂ€lls i medierna, samt om denna framstĂ€llning pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt kan kopplas till ett eventuellt stort eller litet förtro-ende. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i en rĂ€ttssociologisk metod redogör uppsatsens för förtroendets defi-nition, betydelse och statistik utifrĂ„n Förtroendeutredningens betĂ€nkande SOU 2008:106, och sambandet mellan medierna och rĂ€ttsvĂ€sendet. Utöver detta genomförs en innehĂ„llsanalys av fyra kriminaljournalistiska program, genom att titta pĂ„ de förutsĂ€ttningar som föregĂ„r deras medieinnehĂ„ll, hur det aktuella medieinnehĂ„llet Ă€r utformat och vilka effekter det kan tĂ€nkas ha pĂ„ sin publik. InnehĂ„llsanalysen har genomförts för att se om det gĂ„r att sĂ€ga nĂ„got om det sĂ€tt pĂ„ vilket domstolarna och deras verksamhet skildras i de olika programmen och om det gĂ„r att urskilja nĂ„gra attityder eller opinioner som förmedlas genom dessa. Programmens för-utsĂ€ttningar har analyserats utifrĂ„n nyhetsvĂ€rderingar och frĂ„gor om medieformat och den kontext programmen har skapats i. MedieinnehĂ„llet har granskats genom en matris med posi-tiva, neutrala och negativa poĂ€ng och mediernas effekter har analyserats med utgĂ„ngspunkt i olika teorier om mediernas effekter, samt de vĂ€rden som Förtroendeutredningen har stĂ€lls upp som sĂ€rskilt viktiga för att uppnĂ„ och upprĂ€tthĂ„lla förtroendet för domstolarna. Undersökningen konstaterar att de undersökta programmen skildrar domstolarna pĂ„ ett ne-utralt till negativt sĂ€tt, och att positiva skildringar nĂ€stan helt uteblir. Den analys som har gjorts av skildringarna i förhĂ„llande till Förtroendeutredningens vĂ€rden visar vidare att dessa vĂ€rden inte representeras i nĂ„gon större utstrĂ€ckning i de fyra olika programmen

    Assessing the impacts of Light Rail Transit on urban land in Manila

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    JTLU vol. 3, no. 1, (2010) pp 113-138This paper presents an assessment of impacts of Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT1) in terms of accessibility and distance as they relate to variables such as land values, land uses, and population densities in Manila, Philippines. Using correlations and regressions, these variables are analyzed against an accessibility index and network distances obtained from a model built within a Geographic Information System (GIS). Land values, land uses, and population densities are influenced in a limited, though consistent, way by the accessibility provided by LRT1 and the distance to it. The analysis of impacts after the construction of LRT1 found that accessibility and distance were only consistent influences for residential land values, with marginal results for the rest of the variables. These results, when contrasted with the urban configuration of Manila and the studies reviewed, show that the limited impacts may be a consequence of good accessibility before LRT1 and the lack of complementary planning and policies for taking advantage of its influence

    Implications of Education within CSR at the Example of Polish and Croatian Students at Universities of Economics

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    Still three decades ago, the concept of CSR was no subject of interest for scientists in Poland and Croatia. However, today it has become the area of interest among academic circles, exceeding beyond businesscircles. Previously, the economies overwhelmed with neo-liberal ideology attached little importance to the issues promoted by CSR, e.g. environmental, ethical and social issues.Only the 2008+ crisis revealed the need to use the normative potential within the material infrastructure of CSR at all levels of business activity.Therefore, there was an opportunity to begin effective social dialogue.More and more universities (not only universities of economics) decided to include this issue in their study programmes. However, research surveys conducted by the authors of this article revealed that so far, in Poland and Croatia, the results are not completely satisfactory.The aim of this article is to evaluate the educational outcomes within CSR under research conducted among the Polish and Croatian students at universities of economics

    Strategic management and demarketing in UNESCO WHSs: a comparative analysis of two Croatian tourist destinations

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    This paper studies the protected cultural property strategic management conducted by UNESCO, the World Heritage Sites (WHS). Its purpose is to explore the measure to which the system of such cultural property management is developed, since its meaning goes beyond the touristic purpose and indicates the world’s cultural property. Two Croatian tourist destinations are examined – Dubrovnik and Poreč. At the end of the paper, a comparative analysis of the two investigated cases is presented with the aim of presenting the research results and designing a personal model and conceptual frame of action to create a more efficient management system for protected heritage at all levels
