404 research outputs found

    BSMBench: A flexible and scalable HPC benchmark from beyond the standard model physics

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    Lattice Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD), and by extension its parent field, Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT), make up a significant fraction of supercomputing cycles worldwide. As such, it would be irresponsible not to evaluate machines’ suitability for such applications. To this end, a benchmark has been developed to assess the performance of LGT applications on modern HPC platforms. Distinct from previous QCD-based benchmarks, this allows probing the behaviour of a variety of theories, which allows varying the ratio of demands between on- node computations and inter-node communications. The results of testing this benchmark on various recent HPC platforms are presented, and directions for future development are discussed

    Measurement errors in body size of sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) and their effect on stock assessment models

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    Body-size measurement errors are usually ignored in stock assessments, but may be important when body-size data (e.g., from visual sur veys) are imprecise. We used experiments and models to quantify measurement errors and their effects on assessment models for sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus). Errors in size data obscured modes from strong year classes and increased frequency and size of the largest and smallest sizes, potentially biasing growth, mortality, and biomass estimates. Modeling techniques for errors in age data proved useful for errors in size data. In terms of a goodness of model fit to the assessment data, it was more important to accommodate variance than bias. Models that accommodated size errors fitted size data substantially better. We recommend experimental quantification of errors along with a modeling approach that accommodates measurement errors because a direct algebraic approach was not robust and because error parameters were diff icult to estimate in our assessment model. The importance of measurement errors depends on many factors and should be evaluated on a case by case basis

    Impacto del cambio climático sobre la enfermedad roya marrón de la caña de azúcar de Argentina.

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    Resumén: Los fitopatógenos y las plagas están entre los primeros indicadores de los efectos del cambio climático por sus características poblacionales y de crecimiento. La roya marrón ( Puccinia melanocephala) es una enfermedad de caña de azúcar ampliamente distribuida a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la distribución espacio-temporal de la presencia de la roya marrón de la caña de azúcar en las principales áreas productoras (Tucumán, Salta y Jujuy) de Argentina, como consecuencia del cambio climático. Para ello, se utilizaron dos escenarios climáticos futuros proyectados (A2 y B1) a partir de la base de datos geoespaciales de variables climáticas que provee el IPCC. A2 es un escenario pesimista, mientras que B1 es un escenario más optimista. Los mapas de distribución de condiciones favorables para la enfermedad fueron construidos con una resolución de 0,5º x 0,5º de latitud y longitud. Las condiciones favorables para la infección del patógeno fueron establecidas en base a rangos de temperatura promedio mensual (de 16 a 30°C) y de duración del período de mojado foliar (> 4h/días). Las condiciones de favorabilidad climática para las ocurrencias de la enfermedad se desarrollaron mediante reglas utilizando criterios de lógica matemática de SIG, a partir de la comparación de coincidencia entre un mapa de distribución de condiciones favorables a la enfermedad (construido para el período de referencia 1961- 1990) con la incidencia real de la enfermedad reportada por fitopatólogos de la caña de azúcar. Fueron analizados tres períodos (2011-2040, 2041-2070 y 2071-2100), escenarios A2 y B1. El procesamiento de la información se realizó con el SIG. En el período de referencia las condiciones más favorables ocurrieron en los meses de marzo, abril y mayo. En los escenarios futuros evaluados, en el A2, las condiciones más favorables para la infección deP. melanocephala ocurrió en los meses de abril y mayo para 2011-2040 y en mayo para 2071-2100. Para el escenario B1, se demostró la mayor predisposición en los meses de abril y mayo en ambos períodos. Esta aproximación determinará un leve corrimiento de las condiciones favorables para la infección del patógeno, como consecuencia del incremento de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, escapando así al periodo de mayor susceptibilidad del cultivo, dado entre febrero y marzo. -- Resumo: Os fitopatógenos e as pragas estão entre os primeiros indicadores dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas por suas características populacionais e de crescimento. A ferrugem marrom (Puccinia melanocephala) é uma doença da cana-de-açúcar amplamente distribuída em nível mundial. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal da ferrugem marrom da cana-de-açúcar nas principais áreas produtoras (Tucumán, Salta e Jujuy) da Argentina, como consequência das mudanças climáticas. Para tanto, foram adotados os cenários climáticos futuros [A2 (pessimista) e B1 (otimista)], projetados pelo IPCC. Mapas de distribuição das condições favoráveis para a doença foram elaborados com SIG, mediante regras utilizando critérios de lógica matemática com base em faixas de temperatura média mensal (de 16°C a 30°C) e de duração do período de molhamento foliar (> 4h/días) - condições favoráveis para a infecção do patógeno. Foram analisados três períodos (2011-2040, 2041-2070 e 2071-2100) em comparação com o período de referência (1961-1990), com a incidência efetiva da doença reportada por fitopatologias. No período de referência, as condições mais favoráveis para P. melanocephala ocorreram em março, abril e maio. No cenário A2, as condições mais favoráveis ocorreram em abril e maio para 2011-2040 e em maio para 2071-2100; enquanto para B1, foram em abril e maio em ambos os períodos. Esta avaliação permitiu determinar uma leve mudança das condições favoráveis para a infecção do patógeno, escapando assim do período de maior susceptibilidade do cultivo, que ocorre entre fevereiro e março

    Mitogenome and Nuclear-encoded Fungicide-target Genes of Thecaphora frezii - Causal Agent of Peanut Smut

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    Background: Thecaphora frezii Carranza and Lindquist causes smut disease in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) resulting in up to 35% yield losses. Fungicides have shown ineffective in controlling the disease; whereas research on the molecular basis of that fungicide resistance has been hindered because of the lack of genetic information about T. frezii. The goal of this work was to provide molecular information about fungicide-target loci in T. frezii, including its mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) and critical nuclear-encoded genes. Results: Here we report the complete annotated mitogenome of T. frezii, a 123,773 bp molecule containing the standard 14 genes that form part of mitochondrial complexes I, III, IV and V, 22 transfer RNAs, small and large subunits of ribosomal RNA, DNA polymerase, ribonuclease P, GII-reverse transcriptase/maturase, nine hypothetical open-reading frames and homing endonucleases (LAGLIDADG, GIY-YIG, HEG). In addition, we report the full-length cDNA sequence of T. frezii cytochrome b (cob) and cytochrome oxidase 1 (cox1) genes; as well as partial sequences of T. frezii succinate dehydrogenase (sdhb), ergosterol biosynthesis (Erg4), cytochrome P450 (cyp51), and beta tubulin (β-tubulin) genes, which are respective targets of strobilurins, quinone oxidation inhibitors, triazoles and beta-tubulin inhibitor fungicides commonly used in the peanut crop. Translation of cob and sdhb genes in this particular T. frezii isolate suggests potential resistance to strobilurin and carboxamide fungicides. Conclusion: The mitogenome and nuclear-encoded gene sequences presented here provide the molecular tools to research T. frezii fungicide-target loci

    Panorama da favorabilidade da doença queima das folhas da cana-de-açúcar no Brasil e na Argentina sob efeito das mudanças climáticas.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos das mudanças climáticas sobre a doença queima das folhas da cana-de-açúcar no Brasil e na Argentina. Foi empregada a metodologia de análise integrada das projeções climáticas e do problema fitossanitário com suporte do geoprocessamento. Neste estudo foram consideradas as principais áreas produtoras no Brasil e na Argentina. Diferentes regras foram adotadas para cada país, pois elas incorporam as particularidades da doença nas áreas produtoras de cada país, como efeito da interação das características próprias do patógeno virulento, hospedeiro suscetível e ambiente favorável. Nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, a tendência no futuro é de diminuição da favorabilidade da doença. Nas áreas de cana-de-açúcar nas províncias de Salta, Jujuy e Tucumán a tendência é de aumento da favorabilidade à doença

    Ergodicity of the LLR method for the Density of States

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    The LLR method is a novel algorithm that enables us to evaluate the density of states in lattice gauge theory. We present our study of the ergodicity properties of the LLR algorithm for the model of Yang-Mills SU(3). We show that the use of the replica exchange method alleviates significantly the topological freeze-out that severely affects other algorithms

    Glueball masses in the large N limit

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    The lowest-lying glueball masses are computed in SU(NN) gauge theory on a spacetime lattice for constant value of the lattice spacing aa and for NN ranging from 3 to 8. The lattice spacing is fixed using the deconfinement temperature at temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T = 6. The calculation is conducted employing in each channel a variational ansatz performed on a large basis of operators that includes also torelon and (for the lightest states) scattering trial functions. This basis is constructed using an automatic algorithm that allows us to build operators of any size and shape in any irreducible representation of the cubic group. A good signal is extracted for the ground state and the first excitation in several symmetry channels. It is shown that all the observed states are well described by their large NN values, with modest O(1/N2){\cal O}(1/N^2) corrections. In addition spurious states are identified that couple to torelon and scattering operators. As a byproduct of our calculation, the critical couplings for the deconfinement phase transition for N=5 and N=7 and temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T=6 are determined.Comment: 1+36 pages, 22 tables, 21 figures. Typos corrected, conclusions unchanged, matches the published versio

    Climate risk scenarios of orange rust for the sugarcane - producing regions of Argentina and Brazil.

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    Risk analysis of climate change on the spatial distribution of sugarcane orange rust (Puccinia kuehnii) is a strategic study for plant protection tominimize future damages. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential risk of the occurrence of orange rust in Argentina and Brazil under the climate change scenarios. A mapping methodology integrated the data of climate projections and the phytosanitary problem supported by Geographic Information System (GIS). Normal climate 1961-1990) and future climate (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were considered.The conditions of climatic favorability for the occurrence of the disease were established by means mathematical logic criteria of GIS, based on knowledge of the authors, who incorporated the implicit effects of the interaction of the virulent Pathogen, susceptible host, and predisposing environmental characteristics. The favorability for the occurrence of sugarcane orange rust in the main sugarcane producing regions of Argentina and Brazil varied over the months considered of the cultivation cycle. For Argentina, the future climate scenarios predicted a reduction in favorability for the occurrence of sugarcane orange rust from December to February and an increase in April. In Brazil, the climatic favorability decreased from December to March and increased in May