8 research outputs found

    Ruin probability and copulas : applications in insurance pricing

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    Mestrado em Actuarial ScienceNesta tese, a probabilidade de ruĂ­na do processo de risco de Lundberg Ă© usada como um critĂ©rio para determinar o carregamento do prĂȘmio. SĂŁo considerados os processos de sinistro Ășnico e agregado. O processo de reclamação agregada Ă© composto por dois processos de reclamação homogĂȘneos diferentes. Ambos os casos independentes e dependentes sĂŁo considerados. CĂłpulas de LĂ©vy sĂŁo usadas para modelar a dependĂȘncia. As cĂłpulas de LĂ©vy fornecem uma maneira elegante e flexĂ­vel de modelar dependĂȘncias e podem ser uma ferramenta Ăștil ao modelar a dependĂȘncia de processos de salto com aplicativos em seguro e gerenciamento de risco. A função de valor Ăłtimo para probabilidade mĂ­nima de ruĂ­na Ă© analisada e a teoria de controle estocĂĄstico Ă© usada para obter o carregamento Ăłtimo do princĂ­pio do prĂȘmio esperado, minimizando a probabilidade de ruĂ­na. SimulaçÔes numĂ©ricas de diferentes estudos de caso sĂŁo apresentadasIn this thesis ruin probability of the Lundberg risk process is used as a criterion for determining the security loading of premium. Both single and aggregated claim processes are considered. The aggregated claim process is composed of two different homogeneous claim processes. Both independent and dependent cases are considered. LĂ©vy copulas are used to model the dependence. LĂ©vy copulas provide an elegant and flexible manner to model dependencies and can be a useful tool when modelling dependence of jump processes with applications in insurance and risk management. The optimal value function for minimum ruin probability is analysed and stochastic control theory is used to obtain the optimal loading of the expected premium principle minimizing the probability of ruin. Numerical simulations of different case studies are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    FrÄn evidens till bÀttre praxis : tillÀmpning av evidens

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    Om vĂ„rden ska göra största möjliga nytta mĂ„ste bĂ€sta tillgĂ€ngliga vetenskapliga kunskap – evidens – tillĂ€mpas systematiskt. Ineffektiva kliniska rutiner mĂ„ste förĂ€ndras och bevisat effektiva behandlingar spridas. Men forskningen ger inget enkelt svar pĂ„ hur sĂ„dana förĂ€ndringar ska Ă„stadkommas. Studier av praxispĂ„verkan visar dels att Ă„tgĂ€rder som syftar till att förĂ€ndra praxis bör skrĂ€ddarsys efter budskap, mĂ„lgrupp och nulĂ€ge, dels att enskilda insatser oftast endast har liten eller mĂ„ttlig effekt. En effektiv praxispĂ„verkan krĂ€ver ofta ett paket av samordnade Ă„tgĂ€rder som Ă€r anpassade till sammanhanget. Dessutom krĂ€vs en strategi för att hantera tĂ€nkbara hinder för en evidensbaserad tandvĂ„rd.Is it reasonable to disregard effective methods or to use methods that result in more harm than benefits for the patients and their health? The answer is of course no! However, effective methods do not autoÂŹmatically win out over alternatives, which might be ineffective or unproven. Surveys of practice show gaps between the evidence of what clinicians should be doing, and what is actually being done. How should these gaps be dealt with? To date, no single strategy is available. DiffeÂŹrent approaches to changing clinical practice are used and most are more based on belief rather than scientific evidence. Evidence relating to the implementation of changes in health care demonstrates that changing practice seldom entails a single action. Good planÂŹning is usually demanded, which requires a multi-faÂŹceted approach with different interventions at differÂŹrent organisational levels. Evidence also emphasises the importance of developing good understanding of the barriers to change. Thus, approaches to changing to best practice should be evidence-based. To illustrate the complexity of achieving changes in health care, the case of hand hygiene is cited from a review article [7]. Despite well-established evidence on the benefits of hand washing, compliÂŹance by health-care workers is known to be poor. From the literature on changing clinical practice, we present some obstacles and strategies on how to improve hand hygiene in patient care. An example on notation of periodontal status in the patient record is also presented

    Evidensbaserad vÄrd - vad Àr det och vad Àr det inte?

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    Evidensbaserad vĂ„rd Ă€r att pĂ„ ett medvetet sĂ€tt anvĂ€nda bĂ€sta sammantagna vetenskapliga bevis – evidens – i kliniska beslut. Men evidensbaserad vĂ„rd innebĂ€r inte att man mekaniskt kan följa en "kokbok". I stĂ€llet mĂ„ste man samtidigt ta hĂ€nsyn till varje patients unika förutsĂ€ttningar och sin kliniska erfarenhet. Det kan vara svĂ„rt att vid sidan av patientarbetet hĂ„lla sig Ă  jour med den stĂ€ndigt vĂ€xande vetenskapliga litteraturen, följa nya rön och vĂ€rdera resultatens tillförlitlighet och tillĂ€mpbarhet. TandlĂ€karna mĂ„ste hitta sĂ€tt att hantera den vĂ€xande kunskapsmassan, sĂ€tt att sovra och sammanstĂ€lla informationen sĂ„ att den blir kliniskt anvĂ€ndbar. Evidensbaserad vĂ„rd innebĂ€r en sĂ„dan strĂ€van efter vĂ„rd pĂ„ sĂ€krare vetenskaplig grund och Ă€r en logisk följd av vĂ„rdens ledstjĂ€rnor – vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet.Evidence is the collection of results that have been systematically collected and scrutinized to fulfil well-established criteria on validity. Evidence-based health care is often defined as the careful, precise and systematic implementation of evidence in clinical decision-making. However, evidence alone is never enough. A more appropriate description of evidence-based health care includes a combination of the implementation of the best available clinical evidence, the consideration of the patient’s circumstances, values and preferences and the clinician's experience. The goal of evidence-based health care is to improve people’s health through the explicit use of scientific findings, which is in contrast to the concept that relies on intuition and the use of unsystematic clinical experience, as well as authoritative statements by experts. During decision-making, the clinician must combine evidence together with different preferences, such as weighing what our patients and society will gain or lose. This includes the question “Should health care resources be reserved primarily for procedures that are proven to be effective?” Evidence-based health care tries to address this question by analysing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of heath services. A number of myths are applied to evidence based health care. Firstly discarding evidence that has not been scientifically assessed, although lack of evidence does not mean lack of effect, the benefits may not yet have been assessed. Analysis of the scientific literature always reveals clinical issues that require further research. Second, is that randomised trials always generate the best evidence, this is incorrect. The research question determines which type of study design will yield the most valid answer. Third, evidence-based health care is said to be incompatible with trusting patient-clinician relationships, again false. If clinicians ignore information, patients can be misinformed and will have difficulty in actively participating in decisions that affect their health. A continuing challenge to evidence-based health care and education is the integration of new clinical research with the time-honoured craft of caring for patients and their health

    Evidensbaserad vÄrd - att anvÀnda vetenskaplig kunskap i det dagliga vÄrdarbetet

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    En av de största utmaningarna just nu Àr att Ästadkomma en evidensbaserad vÄrd i det dagliga vÄrdarbetet. I princip handlar denna utmaning om att hantera en stor mÀng förÀnderlig information, frÀmst vetenskaplig sÄdan, och att systematiskt tillÀmpa den i det dagliga arbetet. Denna artikel avser dels att tydliggöra innebörden av begreppet evidensbaserad vÄrd, dels att visa pÄ möjliga vÀgar att Ästadkomma en evidensbaserad vÄrd

    Framework for systematic identification of ethical aspects of healthcare technologies : the SBU approach

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    Objectives: Assessment of ethical aspects of a technology is an important component of health technology assessment (HTA). Nevertheless, how the implementation of ethical assessment in HTA is to be organized and adapted to specific regulatory and organizational settings remains unclear. The objective of this study is to present a framework for systematic identification of ethical aspects of health technologies. Furthermore, the process of developing and adapting the framework to a specific setting is described. Methods: The framework was developed based on an inventory of existing approaches to identification and assessment of ethical aspects in HTA. In addition, the framework was adapted to the Swedish legal and organizational healthcare context, to the role of the HTA agency and to the use of non-ethicists. The framework was reviewed by a group of ethicists working in the field as well as by a wider set of interested parties including industry, interest groups, and other potential users. Results: The framework consists of twelve items with sub-questions, short explanations, and a concluding overall summary. The items are organized into four different themes: the effects of the intervention on health, its compatibility with ethical norms, structural factors with ethical implications, and long term ethical consequences of using the intervention. Conclusions: In this study, a framework for identifying ethical aspects of health technologies is proposed. The general considerations and methodological approach to this venture will hopefully inspire and present important insights to organizations in other national contexts interested in making similar adaptations