10 research outputs found

    Analys av gränssnittet påWebDB3.0

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    Webhotellsföretaget Vildmarksdata har haft för avsikt att uppdatera den kontrollpanel somderas kunder använder för att göra inställningar relaterade till saker som zoner, domäner ochepost. Kontrollpanelen har utvärderas efter webdesignprinciper, samtidigt som dess användarehar undersökts med hjälp av telefonintervjuer och webenkäter. Studien har resulterati en rad designförslag för en ny version av kontrollpanelen, en kartläggning av användarnaoch insikten att en stor del av kunderna inte känt till att kontrollpanelen funnits

    Back to work : evaluation of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program with emphasis on mental symptoms; A two-year follow up

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    Background: The aim of this investigation was to analyze temporal changes in anxiety, depression, and stress in patients with musculoskeletal pain for a period of up to 2 years after a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, in relation to sick-listing (registered with The Swedish Social Insurance Agency [Forsakringskassan] for sickness benefit). Methods: Ten persons with full-time sick leave (absence from work for medical reasons) (group 1) and 49 with part-time or no sick leave (group 2) at the end of the 2-year study period participated. It was shown in a previous study that group 1 had higher pain rating and higher subjective physical disability than group 2, with little or no improvement during and after rehabilitation. In the present study, all participants were evaluated with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale and a self-rated stress test. Results: Participants with full-time sick leave during the study period (group 1) showed improved stress levels but no change in anxiety and depression levels. Anxiety, depression, and stress changed more favorably in participants with part-time or no sick leave than in those with full-time sick leave. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that investigation and appropriate treatment of psychological symptoms, including anxiety and depression, are important in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal disorder

    Mid Sweden University Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Back to work: evaluation of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program with emphasis on mental symptoms; A two-year follow up

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    This is a published version of a paper published in Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Citation for the published paper: Sjöström, R., Asplund, R., Alricsson, M. (2012) Background: The aim of this investigation was to analyze temporal changes in anxiety, depression, and stress in patients with musculoskeletal pain for a period of up to 2 years after a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, in relation to sick-listing (registered with The Swedish Social Insurance Agency [Forsakringskassan] for sickness benefit). Methods: Ten persons with full-time sick leave (absence from work for medical reasons) (group 1) and 49 with part-time or no sick leave (group 2) at the end of the 2-year study period participated. It was shown in a previous study that group 1 had higher pain rating and higher subjective physical disability than group 2, with little or no improvement during and after rehabilitation. In the present study, all participants were evaluated with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale and a self-rated stress test. Results: Participants with full-time sick leave during the study period (group 1) showed improved stress levels but no change in anxiety and depression levels. Anxiety, depression, and stress changed more favorably in participants with part-time or no sick leave than in those with full-time sick leave. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that investigation and appropriate treatment of psychological symptoms, including anxiety and depression, are important in multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal disorders

    Kvartärgeologisk Forskning i Sverige 1946–1970

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