2,941 research outputs found

    Chapter La Forma strutturale: opportunità di articolazione topologica delle mesh geometriche al processo di conoscenza e simulazione in Architettura

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Design e narração: linguagens, estruturas e modelos de narrativa como matéria para o design

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    Every design project is the history of a transformation occurring as an answer to a certain need or opportunity. The action of narrating is therefore implicitly (and in some cases also explicitly) present in every design process. The understanding and study of the constituent elements of narration can therefore represent an instrument of conscious appropriation of techniques and methods often enacted in a spontaneous, unconscious, habitual way. Unlike design, a young discipline whose methodological apparatuses still need to be constructed and perfected, narration has a long history. It has seen a rich and articulated decoding process, which has enriched itself from time to time by having crossed the most various fields - from visual art to music, from literature to multimedia. The aim of the present paper is to underline the potential of narrative languages, formal structures and content schemata in the design field, by putting in contact the perspective of the writer-scriptwriter (who deals with narrative design) and the perspective of the designer (who deals with design as narration and with the narration of design). As exemplifi cation of such potentialities, the paper presents some projects wittingly generated and examined with a narratological approach and some methodological remarks derived from direct experiences. The reported experiences intentionally belong to two very distant worlds, the field of the Cultural Assets and the one of the Commercial brands, to emphasize the versatility and richness of the approach.Key words: design, narration, brand, cultural assets.Cada projeto de design é a história de uma transformação que ocorre como uma resposta a uma determinada necessidade ou oportunidade. A ação de narrar é, portanto, implicitamente (e em alguns casos, também explicitamente) presente em cada processo de design. Assim, a compreensão e estudo dos elementos constitutivos da narração, pode representar um instrumento de apropriação consciente de técnicas e métodos, muitas vezes adotados de forma espontânea, inconsciente e habitual. Ao contrário do design, uma disciplina jovem cujos aparelhos metodológicos ainda precisam ser construídos e aperfeiçoados, a narração tem uma longa história. Ela tem passado por um rico e articulado processo de decodificação, que enriqueceu-se com o tempo, tendo atravessado os campos mais diversos - da arte visual à música, da literatura à multimídia. O objetivo do presente trabalho é destacar o potencial das linguagens narrativas, estruturas formais e esquemas de conteúdo no campo do design, colocandoem contato a perspectiva do escritor-roteirista (que lida com o design da narrativa) e da perspectiva do designer (que lida com o design como a narração e com a narração de design). Como exemplificação das potencialidades, o trabalho apresenta alguns projetos gerados e analisados com uma abordagem narratológica e algumas observações metodológicas derivadas de experiências diretas. As experiências relatadas intencionalmente pertencem a dois mundos distantes, o campo dos bens culturais e o das marcas comerciais, para enfatizar a versatilidade e riqueza da abordagem.Palavras-chave: design, narração, marca, bens culturais

    Digital documentation of fortified urban routes in Pavia (Italy): territorial databases and structural models for the preservation of military ruins

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    [EN] The analysis of the fortified routes in the city of Pavia (Italy) clarifies the adaptation of the medieval capital in the historical politics of the Mediterranean, where the evolution of the defensive system till the Spanish bastioned walls (sixteenth century) identifies the updating of the Lombard tradition to the practices of modern military architecture. Their defensive structures survive in the urban design of the contemporary city, in the configuration of infrastructures and urban aggregates, reflecting the consequences of the great processes of their dismantling (from 1905). The comparison between historical investigations and the current ruins, fragmented into disconnected portions between the historical bastions and the monumental gates, shows a picture of abandonment of the military structures that generates repeated collapses and emerging risk factors towards the surrounding densified urban context. The experimentation of military architectural approaches of documentation at the urban scale, developed by the research laboratory DAda Lab. of University of Pavia, defines an analysis process through the digital representation of the urban remains that is suitable for the preservation of the survived city walls and the enhancement of their fortified identity. The application of different 3D LiDAR systems for morphological acquisition promotes an integrated digitation process of scansets on the fortified system controlled at the urban metric scale: the experimentation applies the use of a mobile real time scanner for the digital tracking of historical routes, on which to implement the georeferencing of detailed static scanworlds, integrated in correspondence of Bastions and Monumental Gates. The optimization of architectural data density and the integration between data contribute to finalize a 3D territorial database predisposed to the architectural modelling of volumes and scenarios of structural instability of the military ruins, defining a virtual framework of widespread knowledge for the historical conservation and urban prevention of the fortified systemDe Marco, R.; Galasso, F.; Malusardi, C. (2020). Digital documentation of fortified urban routes in Pavia (Italy): territorial databases and structural models for the preservation of military ruins. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 349-356. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11518OCS34935


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    Connettere il territorio tra patrimonio e informazione: banche dati e modelli per le Cultural Heritage Routes

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    Il contributo affronta la ‘connessione’ tra patrimonio costruito e territorio approfondendo le forme ed i ruoli della ‘rappresentazione’ multidimensionale declinata tra ‘architettura’ e ‘rotta culturale’. Le Cultural Heritage Routes [ICOMOS 2008] assumono un ruolo chiave come collettori di un patrimonio che supera i propri confini geografici e politici. Attraverso le esperienze offerte dal progetto H2020-RISE-PROMETHEUS (2019-2021) viene condotta una riflessione sul patrimonio diffuso del bacino dell’Upper Kama, in Russia, quale caso pilota sulla rotta culturale dell’architettura religiosa ed insediativa del mercato del sale tra Europa e Asia. Il progetto è indirizzato all’elaborazione di una Charta programmatica per Modelli Informativi Territoriali replicabile in contesti europei. L’obiettivo è evidenziare i molteplici livelli di conoscenza stratificati sul singolo sito-monumento, dalla fabbrica costruttiva al complesso architettonico fino alla rete di relazione territoriale con il bacino culturale, in un processo di semantizzazione morfologica, tecnologica e tipologica che permetta di coordinarne la gestione combinata di memoria, informazione ed intervento sull’opera

    Subtotal resection of vestibular schwannoma: evaluation with Ki-67 measurement, magnetic resonance imaging, and long-term observation

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the postoperative clinical and radiological data of patients with vestibular schwannomas who were initially managed by near total resection (NTR) or subtotal resection (STR). The Ki-67 analysis results were compared with tumor regrowth to determine the presence of a correlation between this proliferative index and postoperative tumor regrowth. Study Design Seventeen adult patients (7 male, 10 female) were retrospectively reviewed. Nine (52.9%) and eight (47.1%) patients underwent NTR and STR, respectively. Postoperative clinical and radiological data associated with vestibular schwannoma growth were compared with the Ki-67 immunohistochemical analysis results. Results Evidence of clinically significant regrowth was observed in four (23.5%) patients. Patients who underwent NTR had a lower rate/incidence of tumor regrowth than did patients who underwent STR. Patients with a higher Ki-67 index had the highest tumor regrowth rates. Conclusions Our study indicates that assessment of the Ki-67 index may be useful for determining the probability of regrowth of vestibular schwannomas when only partial removal is accomplished

    Spleen histology in children with sickle cell disease and hereditary spherocytosis: Hints on the disease pathophysiology

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    open2Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) and sickle cell disease (SCD) are associated with splenomegaly and spleen dysfunction in pediatric patients. Scant data exist on possible correlations between spleen morphology and function in HS and SCD. This study aimed to assess the histological and morphometric features of HS and SCD spleens, in order to get possible correlations with disease pathophysiology. In a large series of spleens from SCD, HS and control patients the following parameters were considered: (i) macroscopic features; (ii) lymphoid follicle (LF) density; (iii) presence of peri-follicular marginal zones (MZs); (iv) presence of Gamna-Gandy bodies; (v) density of CD8-positive sinusoids; (vi) density of CD34-positive microvessels; (vii) presence/distribution of fibrosis and SMA-positive myoid cells; (viii) density of CD68-positive macrophages. SCD and HS spleens have similar macroscopic features. SCD spleens had lower LF density and fewer MZs than HS spleens and controls. SCD also showed lower CD8-positive sinusoid density, increased CD34-positive microvessel density and SMA-positive myoid cells, and higher prevalence of fibrosis and Gamna-Gandy bodies. HS had lower LF and CD8-positive sinusoid density than controls. No significant differences were noted in red pulp macrophages. By multivariate analysis, the majority of HS spleens clustered with controls, while SCD grouped separately. A multi-parametric score could predict the degree of spleen changes irrespective of the underlying disease. In conclusion, SCD spleens display greater histologic effacement than HS and SCD-related changes suggest impaired function due to vascular damage. These observations may contribute to guide the clinical management of patients.embargoed_20161128Alaggio, RitaAlaggio, Rita; Gamba, Piergiorgi