1,442 research outputs found


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    This work is about the co-evolution of intra-organizational networks and organizational structures and behaviors, in the context of the introduction of an innovation. A number of network studies, especially those concerned with the role of social capital in organizational settings, has focused on those actors who are most important in shaping the structural features of the network. We focus on one such actors, the broker, that is the one whose ties connect otherwise disconnected sets of network nodes. Our aim is assessing the mechanisms through which the broker legitimizes himself in his own role. In fact, existing studies mainly document the consequences of the broker network position, but do not analyze the mechanisms through which this position is acquired vis a vis the other actors in the network. In this work we address both the organizational and the individual levels of analysis. At the organizational level we analyze the evolution of intra-organizational networks in the context of an important organizational change. At the individual level we analyze how personal attributes and behaviors co-evolve with the networks, as a consequence of the actors learning processes. We will focus on one specific network member who is shown to improve his own understanding of how to perform the informal role of the broker. We will see that such informal role will be turned into a formal organizational position by the end of the period observed in this study

    Comment on Grimaldi et al. Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep With Reduced Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes: Therapeutic Implications. Diabetes Care 2014;37:355–363

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    We read with great interest the article by Grimaldi et al. (1) focusing on how rapid eye movement (REM) sleep deprivation due to obstructive sleep apnea affects glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. The study meritoriously investigates the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on HbA1c levels. However, selected limitations deserve to be cited. Indeed, the authors aimed at determining the metabolic effect of reversing apneas by calculating the mean profiles of cumulative minutes of REM and non-REM (NREM)

    Accounting history as a local discipline: The Case of the Italian-speaking literature (1869-2008)

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    The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how Italian-language accounting history was one example of a local accounting discipline. For this purpose, we reviewed all historical publications edited from 1869 to 2008 and conducted an in-depth analysis on the database we built. Evidence about authorships, dates of publication, publication forms, periods of study, issues and approaches, were collected. The results show many changes in the publishing patterns of accounting history research. We also explore how the schools of accounting thought, the assessment of historical research in the recruitment system, the stimuli and opportunities coming from the Italian Society of Accounting History, the role of practitioners in conducting and financing research about the origin of their profession could have influenced authorship, publication forms, and the issues and themes during the century and a half after the Unification of Italy

    Accounting history as a local discipline: The Case of the Italian-speaking literature (1869-2008)

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    The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how Italian-language accounting history was one example of a local accounting discipline. For this purpose, we reviewed all historical publications edited from 1869 to 2008 and conducted an in-depth analysis on the database we built. Evidence about authorships, dates of publication, publication forms, periods of study, issues and approaches, were collected. The results show many changes in the publishing patterns of accounting history research. We also explore how the schools of accounting thought, the assessment of historical research in the recruitment system, the stimuli and opportunities coming from the Italian Society of Accounting History, the role of practitioners in conducting and financing research about the origin of their profession could have influenced authorship, publication forms, and the issues and themes during the century and a half after the Unification of Italy

    Global well-posedness for the non-linear Maxwell-Schr\"odinger system

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    In this paper we study the Cauchy problem associated to the Maxwell-Schr\"odinger system with a defocusing pure-power non-linearity. This system has many applications in physics, for instance in the description of a charged non-relativistic quantum plasma, interacting with its self-generated electromagnetic potential. One consequence of our analysis is to demonstrate that the Lorentz force associated with the electromagnetic field is well-defined for solutions slightly more regular than the finite energy class. This aspect is of fundamental importance since all the related physical models require the observability of electromagnetic effects. The well-posedness of the Lorentz force still seems to be a major open problem in the class of solutions which are only finite energy. We show the global well-posedness at high regularity for the cubic and sub-cubic case, and we provide polynomial bounds for the growth of the Sobolev norm of the solutions, for a certain range of non-linearities. An important role is played by appropriate a priori dispersive estimates, obtained by means of Koch-Tzvetkov type bounds for the non-homogeneous Schr\"odinger equation, which overcome the lack of Strichartz estimates for the magnetic Schr\"odinger flow. Because of the power-type non-linearity, the propagation of higher regularity, globally in time, cannot be achieved via a bootstrap argument as done in [44]. Our approach then exploits the analysis of a modified energy functional, combined with the a priori bounds coming from the dispersive estimates obtained previously

    Accounting and Psychiatric Power in Italy: The Royal Insane Hospital of Turin in the 19th Century

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    This paper identifies the importance of accounting practices in the successful operation of the Royal Insane Hospital of Turin, prior to the Italian unification, to show the importance of the lunatic asylum to our understanding of the way in which power is sustained by the State and the dependence of this process on the information and discourses created by accounting practices. The study is informed by insights from Michel Foucault's work on lunatic asylums and psychiatric power. Accounting practices of the Royal Insane Hospital of Turin allowed the State as a major contributor to the funding of the asylum to control and monitor the cost of providing the necessary facilities and care for patients. Accounting allowed the hospital to be managed more efficiently which, most importantly, allowed the hospital to provide the support and facilities which were essential for creating the environment required for new medical practices in the treatment of the mentally unwell at a time when the role of doctors was becoming increasingly important. Accounting is also shown to have played a prominent role in supporting the political and social legitimation of the institution and its claim for public and private support. Critical to this process was the social and political importance of the statistics produced by the doctors of the lunatic asylum

    Operationalizing expulsion. Jewish accountants in Fascist Italy, 1938-1943

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    In contrast to the conventional focus on social exclusion in studies of the accountancy profession, this paper examines the race-based expulsion of a group of established practitioners. It does so by analysing the removal of Jews from the profession in Fascist Italy. Drawing on Foucault’s concepts of biopolitics and race, and an array of primary and secondary sources, the paper explores the apparatuses of biopower deployed to cleanse the professional population of Jews. These included anti-Semitic legislation to define the offending population, a census to identify and locate it, and bureaucratic mechanisms to secure its removal. It is shown that following their fascistization, accountancy organisations in Italy functioned as agencies for the purification of the profession. Although the object to ‘kill’ through expulsion was activated in most cases, the existence of transitional ‘let live’ provisions indicated the complexities of activating a biopolitical project on the basis of biological racism. When parts of Italy came under German control in 1943, ‘indirect murder’ through expulsion was supplanted by the actual murder of a number of Jewish accountants

    Surgery in older patients with diabetes

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