55 research outputs found

    Negative density dependence and environmental heterogeneity effects on tree ferns across succession in a tropical montane forest.

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    Although tree ferns are an important component of temperate and tropical forests, very little is known about their ecology. Their peculiar biology (e.g., dispersal by spores and two-phase life cycle) makes it difficult to extrapolate current knowledge on the ecology of other tree species to tree ferns. In this paper, we studied the effects of negative density dependence (NDD) and environmental heterogeneity on populations of two abundant tree fern species, Cyathea caracasana and Alsophila engelii, and how these effects change across a successional gradient. Species patterns harbor information on processes such as competition that can be easily revealed using point pattern analysis techniques. However, its detection may be difficult due to the confounded effects of habitat heterogeneity. Here, we mapped three forest plots along a successional gradient in the montane forests of Southern Ecuador. We employed homogeneous and inhomogeneous K and pair correlation functions to quantify the change in the spatial pattern of different size classes and a case-control design to study associations between juvenile and adult tree ferns. Using spatial estimates of the biomass of four functional tree types (short- and long-lived pioneer, shade- and partial shade-tolerant) as covariates, we fitted heterogeneous Poisson models to the point pattern of juvenile and adult tree ferns and explored the existence of habitat dependencies on these patterns. Our study revealed NDD effects for C. caracasana and strong environmental filtering underlying the pattern of A. engelii. We found that adult and juvenile populations of both species responded differently to habitat heterogeneity and in most cases this heterogeneity was associated with the spatial distribution of biomass of the four functional tree types. These findings show the effectiveness of factoring out environmental heterogeneity to avoid confounding factors when studying NDD and demonstrate the usefulness of covariate maps derived from mapped communities

    Determinación de costos de los accidentes de trabajo y de las medidas preventivas en una empresa de harina de pescado

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    Ciclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría AmbientalEl presente trabajo se encuentra orientado en determinar los costos totales de los accidentes de trabajo durante el año 2015 en una empresa de harina y aceite de pescado. La investigación de accidentes es una técnica preventiva orientada a detectar y controlar las causas raíz que originan los accidentes, con el fin de evitar la repetición de uno igual o similar, para lo cual se determinan las acciones necesarias para corregir y prevenir futuros accidentes. Los costos de los accidentes representan un factor muy importante para la empresa y el trabajador ya que representan una amenaza en la solidez financiera, en el prestigio, desorden en la vida familiar y daño psicológico. La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en una empresa productora de harina y aceite de pescado que posee diferentes sedes a lo largo del litoral peruano, la misma que no tiene establecido los costos totales que les generan los accidentes, solo asumen como costo total los subsidios. La metodología utilizada es la propuesta por el Instituto Vasco de Seguridad y Salud Laboral (OSALAN), para lo cual se elaboró un cuadro de datos para facilitar la introducción de toda la información relevante para el cálculo de los costos. El valor obtenido fue de S/. 290,722.6, que es un valor altamente significativo para la organización en mención pues representa el 6.4% del valor total de la renta neta obtenida durante el 2015. Adicional a ello se calculó el costo de las medidas preventivas, que de haberse implementado, hubiesen generado un costo de S/.113, 951.3, es decir, 60% menos que los costos generados a causa de los accidentes. Como valor adicional a esta investigación y para colaborar en la implementación de un programa de prevención integral en la organización, se ha realizado un análisis completo de todos los accidentes incapacitantes que ocurrieron durante el 2015.This paper focuses in get the total cost generated by the company's work accidents in 2015. Accident investigation is a preventive technique aimed at detecting and controlling the root causes that originated it, in order to avoid the repetition of one of the same or similar, this process determines the actions necessary to correct and prevent future accidents The costs of accidents represent a very important factor for the company and the worker, since they represent a threat in the financial solidity, in the prestige, disorder in the family life and psychological damage. This investigation took place in a company that produces fishmeal and fish oil, which has different locations along the Peruvian coast. This company has not stablished the accident total cost, instead assumes that cost as the total subsidies cost. The methodology for this study is Instituto Vasco de Seguridad y Salud Laboral’s OSALAN spreadsheet to manage relevant data and inputs for the total cost calculation. The final value obtained through this method was S/. 290,722.60, which is a meaningful value for this company, because represents 6.4% of its gross net income in 2015. Finally, it has been calculated that preventive costs would have demanded S/. 113,951.30 if implemented, resulting in a theoretical 60% less than the accidents costs. As an additional value to this research and to show the relevance of a preventive program, in this investigation we show a complete analysis of incapacitating accidents occurred in this company in 2015.Tesi

    Gerbode defect and blunt chest trauma. Presentation of a case and literature review

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    Presentamos un caso raro de comunicación ventrículo izquierdo-aurícula derecha (defecto tipo Gerbode) asociado a traumatismo torácico cerrado, que incluye los hallazgos ecocardiográficos e intraoperatorios. El paciente fue operado exitosamente. Ocasionalmente, se encuentra las comunicaciones ventrículo izquierdo-aurícula derecha adquiridas en la población adulta que pueden suceder como resultado de endocarditis o en el reemplazo de la válvula aórtica.We present a rare case of left ventricular-to-right atrial communication (Gerbode type defect) associated with blunt thoracic trauma, including echocardiogram and surgical findings. The patient had a successful intervention. Acquired left ventricular-to-right atrial shunts are encountered occasionally in the adult population as a result of aortic valve replacement endocarditis

    Genomic Features for Desiccation Tolerance and Sugar Biosynthesis in the Extremophile Gloeocapsopsis sp. UTEX B3054

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    For tolerating extreme desiccation, cyanobacteria are known to produce both compatible solutes at intracellular level and a copious amount of exopolysaccharides as a protective coat. However, these molecules make cyanobacterial cells refractory to a broad spectrum of cell disruption methods, hindering genome sequencing, and molecular studies. In fact, few genomes are already available from cyanobacteria from extremely desiccated environments such as deserts. In this work, we report the 5.4 Mbp draft genome (with 100% of completeness in 105 contigs) of Gloeocapsopsis sp. UTEX B3054 (subsection I; Order Chroococcales), a cultivable sugar-rich and hardly breakable hypolithic cyanobacterium from the Atacama Desert. Our in silico analyses focused on genomic features related to sugar-biosynthesis and adaptation to dryness. Among other findings, screening of Gloeocapsopsis genome revealed a unique genetic potential related to the biosynthesis and regulation of compatible solutes and polysaccharides. For instance, our findings showed for the first time a novel genomic arrangement exclusive of Chroococcaceae cyanobacteria associated with the recycling of trehalose, a compatible solute involved in desiccation tolerance. Additionally, we performed a comparative genome survey and analyses to entirely predict the highly diverse pool of glycosyltransferases enzymes, key players in polysaccharide biosynthesis and the formation of a protective coat to dryness. We expect that this work will set the fundamental genomic framework for further research on microbial tolerance to desiccation and to a wide range of other extreme environmental conditions. The study of microorganisms like Gloeocapsopsis sp. UTEX B3054 will contribute to expand our limited understanding regarding water optimization and molecular mechanisms allowing extremophiles to thrive in xeric environments such as the Atacama Desert

    Papel del ESAD en el tratamiento del dolor. Análisis pre-post intervención en un entorno rural

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    Objetivos: determinar la frecuencia de uso de analgésicos en pacientes terminales atendidos en domicilio, analizando factores que pudieran intervenir en la percepción del dolor, además de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo. Material y métodos: estudio analítico prospectivo e intervencional con pacientes derivados al Equipo de Soporte para Atención Domiciliaria (ESAD) de Barbastro. Variables estudiadas: edad, sexo, número de visitas, tiempo de seguimiento, presencia de dolor y de otros síntomas concomitantes, Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), diagnóstico, analgésicos previos y post intervención, dosis media previa de analgésicos y post-intervención. Estudio estadístico con SPSS 15.0. Resultados: n = 638, 53,9 % hombres (n = 344), edad media 79,64 ± 10,8 años, 56 % oncológicos (n = 357), seguimiento medio 56 ± 56,56 días, media de 2,68 ± 2,5 visitas por proceso. Dolor en primera visita 43,3 % (n = 276), EVA media 6,54 ± 1,87, dolor 47,1 % de hombres (n = 162) y 38,8 % de mujeres (n = 114) (p < 0,05), dolor en 56,6 % de oncológicos (n = 202) y en 26,3 % de crónico-dependientes (n = 74) (p < 0,001). No diferencias en EVA entre grupos. Entre analgésicos pautados en pacientes con dolor controlado y sin controlar previa intervención del ESAD encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,005) en morfina y tramadol, y con mayor significación (p < 0,001) en fentanilo transdérmico y transmucoso, paracetamol, metamizol y AINE, todos más frecuentes en dolor no controlado. Las dosis medias previas de todos estos fármacos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos, aunque eran mayores en el grupo de dolor no controlado. En estos, se pautan o modifican analgésicos, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas pre post-intervención (p < 0,001) en fentanilo transdérmico y transmucoso, tramadol, paracetamol, metamizol, AINE, pregabalina y con p < 0,05 en gabapentina. Se obtiene diferencias (p < 0,05) únicamente en las dosis posteriores a la actuación del ESAD en fentanilo transdérmico y codeína. Obtenemos correlaciones positivas entre dolor y anorexia, ansiedad, depresión e insomnio; en pacientes oncológicos entre dolor y ansiedad e insomnio, y en pacientes crónico-dependientes entre dolor, náuseas y depresión. No diferencias entre grupos en uso previo de benzodiacepinas, antidepresivos y otros tratamientos, aunque sí en clínica de depresión, ansiedad e insomnio. Tras intervención, diferencias significativas en uso de estos tratamientos y de sedación. Conclusiones: Tras la actuación del ESAD se puede apreciar el aumento progresivo de todas las medicaciones analgésicas; se debería realizar una valoración completa de la sintomatología del paciente y un tratamiento de síntomas multifactorial, además de interrogar al paciente de forma adecuada acerca de la presencia de síntomas asociados, dada la elevada correlación de los mismos

    Declive funcional y presencia de síntomas en cuidados paliativos: ¿causa o consecuencia?

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    Introducción: Diversas publicaciones han relacionado el declive funcional con la aparición de síntomas,especialmente psicológicos o psiquiátricos, como ansiedad y depresión. Por otra parte, un trastorno depre-sivo inicial o previo al declive funcional también suele empeorarlo. Nos planteamos conocer la relaciónentre la existencia de declive funcional medido mediante descenso en índice de Barthel (IB) y la presenciade síntomas. Material y métodos: Estudio analítico prospectivo con los pacientes derivados a un Equipo de Soportepara Atención Domiciliaria (ESAD).Resultados: Seiscientos treinta y ocho casos, 53,9% (N = 344) hombres, 56% (N = 357) oncológicos y 44%(N = 281) no oncológicos. La edad media fue 79,64 ± 10,8 a˜nos. Obtuvimos diferencias significativas(p < 0,001) en declive funcional medido mediante descenso medio en el IB entre pacientes oncológicos(34,4) y no oncológicos (12,12). Encontramos diferencias significativas (p < 0,001) en todos los sínto-mas registrados (dolor, disnea, anorexia, náuseas, ansiedad, depresión e insomnio) con mayor frecuenciaen pacientes oncológicos, salvo en el caso de la agitación psicomotriz. En pacientes con mayor grado dedeclive funcional, con descensos en IB superior a 20 puntos, se detectó mayor presencia de síntomas. Salvodeterminados analgésicos, no hubo diferencias en los tratamientos previos; sí encontramos diferenciasen diversos tratamientos pautados por el ESAD. Conclusiones: La existencia de declive funcional y su grado pueden verse relacionados con la apariciónde síntomas, especialmente en el paciente oncológico. Introduction Several publications have related functional decline to the appearance of symptoms, especially psychiatric or psychological ones, such as anxiety and depression. Moreover, an initial depressive disorder or prior to functional decline usually worsens it. It was decided to investigate the relationship between the presence of functional decline, measured by a decrease in the Barthel index (BI), and the presence of symptoms. Material and methods A prospective analytical study conducted on patients referred to a Home Care Support Team (HCST). Results The study included 638 cases, of which 53.9% (N = 344) were male, 56% (N = 357) with cancer and 44% (N = 281) geriatric. The mean age was 79.64 years + - 10.8. Significant differences (P<.001) were found in functional decline measured by mean decline in the BI between cancer (34.4) and non-cancer patients (12.12). Significant differences (P<.001) were also found in all recorded symptoms (pain, dyspnoea, anorexia, nausea, anxiety, depression, and insomnia), more frequently in cancer patients, except psychomotor agitation. A higher presence of symptoms was detected in patients with greater functional decline, with decreases in BI above 20 points. There were no differences in previous treatments, except in certain analgesics. Differences were found in the different treatments prescribed by HCST. Conclusions The presence of functional decline and its level may be related to the appearance of symptoms, especially in cancer patients

    Factors related to the development of high antibody titres against SARS-CoV-2 in convalescent plasma donors from the ConPlas-19 trial

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    Background and objectives: The efficacy of COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CP) associates with high titres of antibodies. ConPlas-19 clinical trial showed that CP reduces the risk of progression to severe COVID-19 at 28 days. Here, we aim to study ConPlas-19 donors and characteristics that associate with high anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels. Materials and methods: Four-hundred donors were enrolled in ConPlas-19. The presence and titres of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were evaluated by EUROIMMUN anti-SARS-CoV-2 S1 IgG ELISA. Results: A majority of 80.3% of ConPlas-19 donor candidates had positive EUROIMMUN test results (ratio ≥1.1), and of these, 51.4% had high antibody titres (ratio ≥3.5). Antibody levels decline over time, but nevertheless, out of 37 donors tested for an intended second CP donation, over 90% were still EUROIMMUN positive, and nearly 75% of those with high titres maintained high titres in the second sample. Donors with a greater probability of developing high titres of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies include those older than 40 years of age (RR 2.06; 95% CI 1.24-3.42), with more than 7 days of COVID-19 symptoms (RR 1.89; 95% CI 1.05-3.43) and collected within 4 months from infection (RR 2.61; 95% CI 1.16-5.90). Male donors had a trend towards higher titres compared with women (RR 1.67; 95% CI 0.91-3.06). Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 CP candidate donors' age, duration of COVID-19 symptoms and time from infection to donation associate with the collection of CP with high antibody levels. Beyond COVID-19, these data are relevant to inform decisions to optimize the CP donor selection process in potential future outbreaks.European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); Government of Spain, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: COV20/00072; SCReN (Spanish Clinical Research Network), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PT17/0017/0009S

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality