212 research outputs found

    Are patients with panic disorder respiratory subtype more vulnerable to tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use?

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    CONTEXTO: Estudos anteriores têm mostrado associações entre o transtorno de pânico (TP) e o uso de tabaco, álcool e substâncias ilícitas. É conhecido que transtornos de uso de substâncias interferem negativamente no prognóstico de transtornos de ansiedade e depressão. No subtipo respiratório (SR) do TP há mais história familiar de TP e maior risco de comorbidades com transtornos de ansiedade. OBJETIVOS: Descrever os padrões de uso de tabaco, álcool e outras substâncias em pacientes com TP. Além disso, analisar se pacientes do SR usam mais essas substâncias do que os pacientes do subtipo não respiratório. MÉTODOS: Esse foi um estudo transversal com 71 pacientes com TP. As escalas Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test e Fagerstrom Tobacco Questionnaire foram aplicadas. Pacientes com quatro ou cinco sintomas respiratórios foram considerados no SR, e os demais pacientes foram considerados como do subtipo não respiratório. RESULTADOS: Na amostra estudada, 31,0% dos pacientes eram fumantes, 11,3% faziam uso perigoso de álcool e nenhum fazia uso de substâncias ilícitas. Não houve diferença entre os subtipos respiratório e não respiratório em relação a tabagismo, uso de álcool, cannabis, cocaína, estimulantes e alucinógenos. CONCLUSÃO: O SR não foi correlacionado com o uso de tabaco, álcool ou drogas ilícitas. Mais estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos focando a relação entre o TP e uso de substâncias são necessários.BACKGROUND: Studies have documented high use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs in patients with panic disorder (PD). The comorbid substance use disorders worsen the prognosis of mood and anxiety disorders. The respiratory subtype (RS) of PD seems to represent a more severe and distinct form of this disorder associated with higher familial history of PD and more comorbidity with other anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVES: Describe the patterns of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use in PD patients, and also to ascertain if patients with the RS use these substances more than those of the non-respiratory subtype. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with 71 PD patients. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and Fagerstrom Tobacco Questionnaire were used in the evaluation. Patients with four or five respiratory symptoms were classified in the RS, the remaining patients were classified as non-respiratory subtype. RESULTS: In our sample 31.0% were smokers, 11.3% were hazardous alcohol users and none of them was using illicit drugs. There were no differences between the respiratory and non-respiratory subtypes regarding the use of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, stimulants and hallucinogens. DISCUSSION: The RS was not correlated to the use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. Additional epidemiological and clinical studies focusing the relationship between PD and substance use are warranted

    Glucose levels and hemodynamic changes in patients submitted to routine dental treatment with and without local anesthesia

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to (1) observe the extent to which hemodynamic and glucose measurements change in patients submitted to a dental procedure with and without a local anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor (LAVA; 2% mepivacaine with adrenaline 1100,000) and (2) correlate those parameters with the patients' anxiety levels. METHOD: This was an unblinded, random, prospective, and observational study with paired groups. Patients were evaluated during two different consultations during which they either did or did not receive a local anesthetic/vasoconstrictor. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients ranging in age from 18 to 45 years (mean 30.4 ± 5.5 years) were evaluated. Hemodynamic parameters, including systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose levels, did not change significantly in healthy patients, regardless of whether a LAVA was administered during the dental treatment. CONCLUSION: The patients' anxiety statuses neither varied significantly nor showed any correlation with the studied hemodynamic parameters and glucose levels, regardless of whether local anesthetics were used

    Dynamics of a liquid dielectric attracted by a cylindrical capacitor

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    The dynamics of a liquid dielectric attracted by a vertical cylindrical capacitor is studied. Contrary to what might be expected from the standard calculation of the force exerted by the capacitor, the motion of the dielectric is different depending on whether the charge or the voltage of the capacitor is held constant. The problem turns out to be an unconventional example of dynamics of a system with variable mass, whose velocity can, in certain circumstances, suffer abrupt changes. Under the hypothesis that the voltage remains constant the motion is described in qualitative and quantitative details, and a very brief qualitative discussion is made of the constant charge case.Comment: To appear in European Journal of Physic

    Are patients with panic disorder respiratory subtype more vulnerable to tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use?

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    BACKGROUND: Studies have documented high use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs in patients with panic disorder (PD). The comorbid substance use disorders worsen the prognosis of mood and anxiety disorders. The respiratory subtype (RS) of PD seems to represent a more severe and distinct form of this disorder associated with higher familial history of PD and more comorbidity with other anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVES: Describe the patterns of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use in PD patients, and also to ascertain if patients with the RS use these substances more than those of the non-respiratory subtype. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with 71 PD patients. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and Fagerstrom Tobacco Questionnaire were used in the evaluation. Patients with four or five respiratory symptoms were classified in the RS, the remaining patients were classified as non-respiratory subtype. RESULTS: In our sample 31.0% were smokers, 11.3% were hazardous alcohol users and none of them was using illicit drugs. There were no differences between the respiratory and non-respiratory subtypes regarding the use of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, stimulants and hallucinogens. DISCUSSION: The RS was not correlated to the use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. Additional epidemiological and clinical studies focusing the relationship between PD and substance use are warranted

    The importance of the auditory evoked potential in acoustic neuromas

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    Reconstructive Surgical Repair of a Forth Degree Iatrogenic Burn in a Dog

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    Background: Burns are uncommon in small animal surgery routine and represents a real therapeutic challenge. Skin can be affect in different degrees of deepness as superfcial, partial thickness, full thickness and full thickness affecting underlying tissues. Each degree has individual features. Progression through degrees can occur in the frst 24 h or if treatment is inadequate. This paper aims to describe therapeutic approach and surgical technique to treat a huge dorsal iatrogenic thermal burn injury. Case: A 4-year-old female German Shepard was referred to veterinary hospital after 11 days of elective ovariosalpingohisterectomy. The patient presented a severe skin injury with crusts, eschars, purulent discharge and myiasis on dorsal cervical, thoracic and lumbar region. Beside severity of the wound, animal present good general status and normal vital signs. Complete blood count and biochemical analysis were within normal ranges. Histopathologic analysis of a wound tissue sample revealed the presence of coagulation necrosis and inflammatory response. The absence of traumatic events, histopathologic result and wound features increased suspicious of an iatrogenic burn injury from a poorly regulated thermal mattress used during surgical intervention. “Rule of Nines” was estimated as 25% of total body surface area. Systemic antibiotics and topical treatment with 0.05% chlorhexidine digluconate and 2.5% silver sulfadiazine ointment followed by wet-wet bandage was performed after initial surgical debridement. Muscle and vertebral bone explosion were evident. Topical treatment with Silver Sulfadiazine and chlorhexidine persisted twice daily until granulation tissue formation. Pain killers and sedation were often necessary during bandage changes. At 65th day proceeded to en bloc excision of scar tissue and surgical reconstruction with skin advancement and recruitment technique. Tie-over dressing was applied to cover the fnal wound. After 14 days animal received hospital discharge, and was assessed bi-weekly for 60 days. Discussion: Besides great extension of the burn injury, patient’s age, absence of systemic involvement and fluid therapy or critical care the prognosis was good. Modifed “rule of nine” are used to estimate wound size in dogs. The wound was classifed as forth degree or full thickness injury due to exposed muscular layer and bone. Early debridement, standard topical and systemic treatment protocol applied granted good recovery of wound bed. Due to be uncommon in small animal routine, main diagnosis and therapeutic recommendations for veterinary patients are based on human data. Systemic antimicrobial drugs are usually not recommended due to low concentration in burned tissues, however, prophylactic use was necessary due to highly infected tissues and possible bacterial absorption from devitalized tissues. Delayed primary closure technique was necessary due to highly infection site and extension, which turns surgical approach hard to perform. After formation of a granulation tissue bed for wound reconstruction, surgical treatment was performed. Surgical reconstruction is indicated in large full thickness defects and for better cosmetic appearance. The correct use and regulation of thermal mattress can avoid burns that can be life threatening. This case report rises the important concept that even low contact temperatures when persistent for long time can cause burn injuries. Keywords: thermal, mattress, injury, dogs, plastic