739 research outputs found

    Sistemas de control push-pull. Un estudio comparativo.

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    Un aspecto fundamental a nivel operacional en los sistemas de producción es la obtención de la cantidad deseada de unidades a producir con la mínima cantidad de inventario en proceso. Para conseguirlo podemos optar por distintos sistemas de control de

    Simulación continua y discreta de un sistema de producción con inventario en proceso constante.

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    Los sistemas pull de control del flujo de los materiales en una línea de fabricación/montaje han demostrado su utilidad por la sencillez de su operativa y pocos requerimientos del sistema de información de la empresa así como por los resultados o

    The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: water balance, nitrate leaching and soil mineral nitrogen accumulation

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    Soil salinity and salt leaching are a risk for sustainable agricultural production in many irrigated areas. This study was conducted over 3.5 years to determine how replacing the usual winter fallow with a cover crop (CC) affects soil salt accumulation and salt leaching in irrigated systems. Treatments studied during the period between summer crops were: barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), vetch (Vicia villosa L.) and fallow. Soil water content was monitored daily to a depth of 1.3 m and used with the numerical model WAVE to calculate drainage. Electrical conductivity (EC) was measured in soil solutions periodically, and in the soil saturated paste extracts before sowing CC and maize. Salt leaching was calculated multiplying drainage by total dissolved salts in the soil solution, and use to obtain a salt balance. Total salt leaching over the four winter fallow periods was 26 Mg ha−1, whereas less than 18 Mg ha−1 in the presence of a CC. Periods of salt gain occurred more often in the CC than in the fallow. By the end of the experiment, net salt losses occurred in all treatments, owing to occasional periods of heavy rainfall. The CC were more prone than the fallow to reduce soil salt accumulation during the early growth stages of the subsequent cash crop

    Evaluación Cuantitativa de la Renta Valenciana de Inclusión

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    Este trabajo presenta la primera evaluación cuantitativa de la Renta Valenciana de Inclusión, renta mínima de inserción que se desarrolla en la Comunidad Valenciana desde 2018. El trabajo se circunscribe a la ciudad de Valencia y se utilizan datos administrativos del Servicio de Información de Usuarios de Servicios Sociales (SIUSS). En primer lugar, se realiza una comparación entre el diagnóstico social realizado desde el ayuntamiento de Valencia y el perfil de los solicitantes de la prestación, pudiendo comprobar que esta renta se dirige a los colectivos más vulnerables, aunque no alcanza todavía de forma adecuada a los hogares con menores. Se completa el estudio con un análisis econométrico de regresión logística, que analiza los principales determinantes que influyen a la hora de obtener una resolución positiva de la prestación. Este análisis muestra como el proceso administrativo es un determinante fundamental a la hora de obtener una resolución positiva. Tras el análisis, han sido elaboradas unas recomendaciones que buscan mejorar el funcionamiento de esta nueva prestación.Proyecto HIECPU/2019/2 de la Conselleria de Hacienda y Modelo Económico de la Generalitat Valencian

    From Invisibility to the Public Sphere: The Hybrid Media Strategy of a New Party (Podemos, Spain, 2014–2015)

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    How does a new party manage to move from invisibility to occupying a central position in the public debate? How does it gain the attention of the mainstream media and recognition by the public and the institutions linked to sociopolitical and economic power? This article examines the media strategy followed by the Spanish party Podemos in its first year of activity. We apply quantitative and longitudinal methods to analyze the attention paid to Podemos by television channels, newspapers, online press, and digital networks. Results show that the party prioritized antagonistic talk shows, infotainment, and self-produced television programs, which combined to create a viral presence on digital networks and led to its leaders appearing on mainstream TV channels. This hybrid strategy took the party from media invisibility to the central public sphere, though traditional dependence on favorable opinion polls and electoral success were also relevant

    Cardiovascular diseases in dental practice : Practical considerations

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    Coronary heart disease is the principal cause of death in the industrialized world. Its most serious expression, acute myocardial infarction, causes 7.2 million deaths each year worldwide, and it is estimated that 20% of all people will suffer heart failure in the course of their lifetime. The control of risk cardiovascular factors, including arterial hypertension, obesity and diabetes mellitus is the best way to prevent such diseases. The most frequent and serious cardiovascular emergencies that can manifest during dental treatment are chest pain (as a symptom of underlying disease) and acute lung edema. Due to the high prevalence and seriousness of these problems, the dental surgeon must be aware of them and should be able to act quickly and effectively in the case of an acute cardiovascular event. In patients with a history of cardiovascular disease, attention must center on the control of pain, the reduction of stress, and the use or avoidance of a vasoconstrictor in dental anesthesia. In turn, caution is required in relation to the antiplatelet, anticoagulant and antihypertensive medication typically used by such patients

    Human interaction categorization by using audio-visual cues

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    Human Interaction Recognition (HIR) in uncontrolled TV video material is a very challenging problem because of the huge intra-class variability of the classes (due to large differences in the way actions are performed, lighting conditions and camera viewpoints, amongst others) as well as the existing small inter-class variability (e.g., the visual difference between hug and kiss is very subtle). Most of previous works have been focused only on visual information (i.e., image signal), thus missing an important source of information present in human interactions: the audio. So far, such approaches have not shown to be discriminative enough. This work proposes the use of Audio-Visual Bag of Words (AVBOW) as a more powerful mechanism to approach the HIR problem than the traditional Visual Bag of Words (VBOW). We show in this paper that the combined use of video and audio information yields to better classification results than video alone. Our approach has been validated in the challenging TVHID dataset showing that the proposed AVBOW provides statistically significant improvements over the VBOW employed in the related literature