270 research outputs found

    Análise de artigos sobre produção textual para o ensino da escrita de sinais

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    It is important for the student to know more about the SignWriting system, which conveys the sign language. The SignWriting system was created by Valerie Sutton in 1974 and later on Marianne Stumpf started to spread this system in Brazil in 1996. It is also important to have textual production in the discipline sign writing for the deaf in the classroom. In this article, I found 2 articles for the analysis that presente the theme on textual production. All the students can develop the sign writing by reading textual productions in SignWriting.É importante o aluno conhecer mais o sistema SignWriting, que combina com a língua de sinais. O sistema SignWriting foi criado por Valerie Sutton em 1974 e depois no Brasil Marianne Stumpf começou a divulgar esse sistema em 1996. Também é importante ter produção textual dentro da disciplina de escrita de sinais. Por isso, o material didático precisa usar mais para ensinar a escrita de sinais para o surdo em sala de aula. Nesse artigo, eu encontrei 2 artigos para analisar que tem o tema de produção textual. Os alunos todos podem desenvolver a escrita de sinais com a leitura de produções textuais em SignWriting

    Neurostigma xanthopterum New, 1980 (Psocodea: Psocoptera: Epipsocidae): updated diagnosis, description of a female specimen, morphological variations and a checklist of all known species of the genus

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    The holotype of the Neurostigma xanthopterum New, 1980 is here illustrated based on photographs. We also describe and illustrate a previously unknown female individual that is assigned to this species. New records for five localities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, one in the Brazilian state of Acre and another in the Brazilian state of Amapá, are presented. The mouthparts of both sexes are here describe and illustrate. Thirteen types of variation and anomalies in the fore-hindwing veins were found. We found unique patterns in the number and shape of transverse veins in the pterostigma between individuals. We also identified a large variation in the denticles present in the lacinia. Therefore, we suggest these variable characteristics (fore-hindwing veins and lacinia denticles) are not to be used for the diagnosis of species of this genus. A revised diagnosis of N. Xanthopterum is also presented

    TrajPy: empowering feature engineering for trajectory analysis across domains

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    Trajectories, sequentially measured quantities that form a path, are an important presence in many different fields, from hadronic beams in physics to electrocardiograms in medicine. Trajectory anal-ysis requires the quantification and classification of curves either using statistical descriptors or physics-based features. To date, there is no extensive and user-friendly package for trajectory anal-ysis available, despite its importance and potential application across domains. We developed a free open-source python package named TrajPy as a complementary tool to empower trajectory analysis. The package showcases a friendly graphic user interface and provides a set of physical descriptors that help characterizing these intricate structures. In combina-tion with image analysis, it was already successfully applied to the study of mitochondrial motility in neuroblastoma cell lines and to the analysis of in silico models for cell migration. The TrajPy package was developed in Python 3 and released under the GNU GPL-3 license. Easy installation is available through PyPi and the development source code can be found in the repository https://github.com/ocbe-uio/TrajPy/. The package release is automatically archived under the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3656044.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Ultra-processed food products and fast food restaurant advertisements on Brazilian television

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    To counter growing rates of obesity, food marketing surveillance is imperative for the establishment of appropriate measures, especially in mass communication channels such as television. This one-pager provides results of analysis of types and brands of ultra-processed food products (UPP) and fast-food restaurants in Brazilian television advertisements. Soft drinks account for the majority of UPP ads, with international brands as the biggest advertisers of UPP and fast-food restaurants

    Nutrition-related advertisements on Brazilian television

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    This one-pager describes nutrition-related ads broadcasted on Brazilian television, and determines potential exposure of individuals to unhealthy food advertising in Brazil. The food marketing/ television monitoring protocol created by the International Network for Food and Obesity/Non-communicable Diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) was applied in data collection. The marketing of unhealthy foods is one of the central causes of change in food consumption patterns, thus regulation of this marketing becomes an important part of actions to combat obesity


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar as principais conceituações e os mais importantes tópicos concernentes à prova pericial e seu papel dentro da resolução de conflitos no processo civil. Em análise sucinta, foi abordado e analisado o Código de Processo Civil, bem como os principais doutrinadores da matéria, com extração e estudo pontuais, na busca de conceitos próprios e auxiliares ao tema. Algumas observações discordantes foram necessárias, observações estas que ensejaram inclusive o título do trabalho e uma abordagem mais minuciosa, referente ao caráter da prova pericial, se seria o perito um substituto do juiz, se seria a prova pericial substituta do trabalho do magistrado, ou se teria esta a intenção de contribuir, somar à visão do mesmo, e acrescentar no seu conhecimento sobre os fatos.

    Resistance of TiO2 -treated Eucalyptus botryoides Wood to the Fungus Ganoderma applanatum

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate the resistance of Eucalyptus botryoides treated with TiO2 particles to attack by the fungus Ganoderma applanatum. The Bethel treatment method was applied to wood specimens (25 × 25 × 9 mm) and compared to CCB. The wood was subjected to the accelerated decay test and characterized through Rockwell Hardness and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The TiO2-treated wood showed lower degradation and greater resistance to the penetration of a steel sphere (Rockwell Hardness) than the untreated wood. In addition, the results of the TiO2 treatment were statistically equal to those of CCB. The FT‑IR analysis showed that the fungus degraded lignin and hemicellulose in untreated samples. The present results showed the TiO2 efficiency in forming a protective layer on the cell wall and in preventing the development of microorganisms, a fact that verifies its fungicidal action on wood

    Ferrugem‑asiática da soja no Brasil: passado, presente e futuro

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    Asian soybean rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most severe disease of the crop and can cause yield losses of up to 90%. The disease was first reported in Brazil in 2001. Epidemics of the disease are common in the country, where the fungus can survive year‑round. Regulatory measures to reduce the inoculum between seasons and avoid late-season soybean have been adopted to manage the disease. Disease control has relied mainly on chemical control, but a lower sensibility of the fungus to fungicides has been reported in Brazil. Major‑resistance genes have been mapped and incorporated into the cultivars. With the reduced efficacy of the fungicides, the adoption of integrated measures to control the disease will be important for the sustainability of the crop. This review presents the main changes in the soybean crop system caused by the introduction of the fungus in Brazil, the current management strategies adopted to avoid losses, and the new trends that, together with biotechnological strategies, can improve management in the future.A ferrugem‑asiática da soja, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é a doença mais severa da cultura e pode causar perdas de produtividade de até 90%. A doença foi relatada pela primeira vez no Brasil em 2001. Epidemias da doença são comuns no País, onde o fungo pode sobreviver durante todo o ano. Medidas regulatórias para reduzir o inóculo entre safras e evitar a semeadura tardia de soja têm sido adotadas para manejar a doença. O controle da doença tem se baseado principalmente no controle químico, mas uma menor sensibilidade do fungo aos fungicidas tem sido relatada no Brasil. Genes de resistência têm sido mapeados e incorporados às cultivares. Por causa da redução da eficiência dos fungicidas, a adoção de medidas integradas para o controle da doença será importante para a sustentabilidade da cultura. Este artigo de revisão apresenta as principais mudanças no sistema de produção da soja causadas pela introdução do fungo no Brasil, as medidas de controle atualmente usadas para evitar perdas, e as novas tendências que, juntas com estratégias biotecnológicas, podem melhorar o manejo da doença no futuro

    Adiabatic Limit and the Fr\"olicher Spectral Sequence

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    Motivated by our conjecture of an earlier work predicting the degeneration at the second page of the Fr\"olicher spectral sequence of any compact complex manifold supporting an SKT metric ω\omega (i.e. such that ˉω=0\partial\bar\partial\omega=0), we prove degeneration at E2E_2 whenever the manifold admits a Hermitian metric whose torsion operator τ\tau and its adjoint vanish on Δ\Delta''-harmonic forms of positive degrees up to \mbox{dim}_\C X. Besides the pseudo-differential Laplacian inducing a Hodge theory for E2E_2 that we constructed in earlier work and Demailly's Bochner-Kodaira-Nakano formula for Hermitian metrics, a key ingredient is a general formula for the dimensions of the vector spaces featuring in the Fr\"olicher spectral sequence in terms of the asymptotics, as a positive constant hh decreases to zero, of the small eigenvalues of a rescaled Laplacian Δh\Delta_h, introduced here in the present form, that we adapt to the context of a complex structure from the well-known construction of the adiabatic limit and from the analogous result for Riemannian foliations of \'Alvarez L\'opez and Kordyukov.Comment: 32 page