314 research outputs found

    Application case for phase III of UAM-LWR benchmark: Uncertainty propagation of thermal-hydraulic macroscopic parameters

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    [EN] This work covers an important point of the benchmark released by the expert group on Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling of Light Water Reactors. This ambitious benchmark aims to determine the uncertainty in light water reactors systems and processes in all stages of calculation, with emphasis on multi-physics (coupled) and multi-scale simulations. The Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit methodology is used to propagate the thermal-hydraulic uncertainty of macroscopic parameters through TRACE5.0p3/PARCSv3.0 coupled code. The main innovative points achieved in this work are i) a new thermal-hydraulic model is developed with a highly-accurate 3D core discretization plus an iterative process is presented to adjust the 3D bypass flow, ii) a control rod insertion occurrence ¿which data is obtained from a real PWR test¿ is used as a transient simulation, iii) two approaches are used for the propagation process: maximum response where the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis is performed for the maximum absolute response and index dependent where the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis is performed at each time step, and iv) RESTING MATLAB code is developed to automate the model generation process and, then, propagate the thermal-hydraulic uncertainty. The input uncertainty information is found in related literature or, if not found, defined based on expert judgment. This paper, first, presents the Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit methodology to propagate the uncertainty in thermal-hydraulic macroscopic parameters and, then, shows the results when the methodology is applied to a PWR reactor.The authors of this work thank the UAM-LWR benchmark organizers without whom this work would not have been possible. Besides, the authors sincerely thank to the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad and the "Plan Nacional de I+D+i" for funding the projects NUC-MULTPHYS ENE2012-34585 and ENE2017-89029-P.Mesado, C.; Miró Herrero, R.; Verdú Martín, GJ. (2020). Application case for phase III of UAM-LWR benchmark: Uncertainty propagation of thermal-hydraulic macroscopic parameters. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 52(8):1626-1637. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2020.01.010S1626163752

    Diseño estructural de una nave metálica para uso industrial en el polígono Parc Sagunt, en Sagunto (Valencia). Solución con sistema de pórticos con dintel de tipo cercha

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    [EN] This present final master work is focused on the analyses of two typologies of structure of industrial plant, both of steel structure. The dimensions are established by functional needs, with a width of 40 meters and a total length of 84 meters. The work focuses on the comparison of both the typology of truss-type gantry system and lintel gantry system with full-soul beam. In addition, in both typologies, the comparative analysis of the ship with gates separations of 6 and 12 meters is analyzed, as the case may be. The roof is resolved by sandwich panel gabled and it has a slope of 7%. The actions and combinations to be considered are the established in the regulation, and the structure is checked and dimensioned based on the provisions of the Structural Steel Instruction. The modeling is done using SAP2000 computer software. In the case of the structure of the truss, large lights are obtained with square tubular profiles that allow to lighten the weight of the structure. In the case of the structure of full soul beams it is necessary to have intermediate pillars which increases the number of bars and does not allow the same free lights as the truss. With regard to the comparison between the equidistance of porticos of 6 or 12 meters, it has been proven that the fact of having fewer porticos does not entail the reduction of total kg of structure since one of the most important aspects has been to verify the need for increase the inertia of the belts with lights of 12 meters. Finally, it is dimensioned the foundationof both types of plants. Aspect that leads to realize the importance of the volume of the foundation in a construction. In the case of truss frames, when greater lights are obtained, it is possible to eliminate a considerable number of concrete basements with respect to the lintel porch system of full stem beams. However, it does not reduce the total foundation volume since, in spite of having more footings, the volume of these is minor. As conclusion, it has been justified that the best solution is to have trusses with separations of 6 meters, due to the influence of the weight of the straps when increasing the light. Note that the truss typology is the lightest solution, comparing according to the total weight of the structure, but there is a greater number of joints, an aspect to be taken into account.[CA] El present treball final de màster s'encofa en l'anàlisi de dos tipologies d'estructura de nau industrial, ambdós amb estructura d'acer. S'establixen les dimensions per necessitats funcionals, amb un ample de 40 metres i una longitud total de 84 metres. El treball es centra en la comparativa tant de la tipologia de sistema de pòrtics tipus cintra i sistema de pòrtics amb biga d'ànima plena. A més, en ambdós tipologies s'analitza la comparativa de la nau amb separacions de pòrtics de 6 i 12 metres, segons el cas. La coberta és resolta per mitjà de panell sàndwitx a dos aigües i té un pendent del 7%. Les accions i combinacions a considerar són les establides en la normativa, i l'estructura es comprova i dimensiona basant-se en el que disposa la Instrucció d'Acer Estructural. La modelització es realitza per mitjà del programari informàtic SAP2000. En el cas de l'estructura de la cintra, s'aconseguixen grans llums amb perfils tubulars quadrats que permeten alleugerir el pes de l'estructura. En el cas de l'estructura de bigues d'ànima plena és necessari disposar de pilars intermedis el que incrementa el nombre de barres i no permet les mateixes llums lliures que la cintra. Quant a la comparativa entre l'equidistància de pòrtics de 6 o de 12 metres, s'ha comprovat com el fet de disposar menys pòrtics no comporta la disminució de kg totals d'estructura ja que un dels aspectes més importants ha sigut comprovar la necessitat d'augmentar la inèrcia de les corretges amb llums de 12 metres Finalment es dimensiona la fonamentació d'ambdós tipologies de nau. Aspecte que porta a donar-nos compte de la importància del volum de la fonamentació en una obra. En el cas dels pòrtics de cintra al permetre aconseguir majors llums permet eliminar un número considerable de zapatas respecte al sistema de pòrtics de biga tipo IPE però no reduïx el volum total de fonamentació ja que a pesar d'haver-hi més zapates, el volum d'estes és menor. Com a conclusions, ha quedat justificat que la millor solució és disposar de cintres amb separacions de 6 metres, a causa de la influència del pes de les corretges a l'augmentar la llum. Destacar, que la tipologia de cintra és la solució més lleugera, comparant en funció de pes total de l'estructura, però hi ha major quantitat d'unions, aspecte a tindre en compte.[ES] El presente trabajo final de máster se enfoca en el análisis de dos tipologías de estructura de nave industrial, ambas con estructura de acero. Se establecen las dimensiones por necesidades funcionales, con un ancho de 40 metros y una longitud total de 84 metros. El trabajo se centra en la comparativa tanto de la tipología de sistema de pórticos tipo cercha y sistema de pórticos de dintel con viga de alma llena. Además, en ambas tipologías se analiza la comparativa de la nave con separaciones de pórticos de 6 y 12 metros, según el caso. La cubierta es resuelta mediante panel sándwich a dos aguas y tiene una pendiente del 7%. Las acciones y combinaciones a considerar son las establecidas en la normativa, y la estructura se comprueban y dimensionan en base a lo dispuesto en la Instrucción de Acero Estructural. La modelización se realiza mediante el software informático SAP2000. En el caso de la estructura de la cercha, se consiguen grandes luces con perfiles tubulares cuadrados que permiten aligerar el peso de la estructura. En el caso de la estructura de vigas de alma llena es necesario disponer de pilares intermedios lo que incrementa el número de barras y no permite las mismas luces libres que la cercha. En cuanto a la comparativa entre la equidistancia de pórticos de 6 o de 12 metros, se ha comprobado como el hecho de disponer menos pórticos no conlleva la disminución de kg totales de estructura ya que uno de los aspectos más importantes ha sido comprobar la necesidad de aumentar la inercia de las correas con luces de 12 metros. Por último se dimensiona la cimentación de ambas tipologías de nave. Aspecto que lleva a darnos cuenta de la importancia del volumen de la cimentación en una obra. En el caso de los pórticos de cercha al conseguir mayores luces permite eliminar un número considerable de zapatas respecto al sistema de pórticos de dintel de viga de alma llena pero no reduce el volumen total de cimentación ya que a pesar de haber más zapatas, el volumen de éstas es menor. Como conclusiones, ha quedado justificado que la mejor solución es disponer de cerchas con separaciones de 6 metros, debido a la influencia del peso de las correas al aumentar la luz. Destacar, que la tipología de cercha es la solución más ligera, comparando en función de peso total de la estructura, pero existe mayor número de uniones, aspecto a tener en cuenta.Cuñat Miró, RM. (2019). Diseño estructural de una nave metálica para uso industrial en el polígono Parc Sagunt, en Sagunto (Valencia). Solución con sistema de pórticos con dintel de tipo cercha. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/123356Archivo delegad

    Eficacia y tolerancia de un condroprotector oral a base de ácido hialurónico y colágeno hidrolizado sobre la funcionalidad articular en individuos activos con artrosis de rodilla

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    Introducción Se estudió la eficacia y la tolerancia de la administración diaria de un condroprotector oral conteniendo ácido hialurónico (AH) y colágeno hidrolizado (HC) sobre la funcionalidad articular, y el dolor asociado, en individuos activos afectos de osteoartrosis de rodilla. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio piloto exploratorio en fase IV, multicéntrico, abierto y no comparativo. Se incluyeron 108 sujetos afectos de osteoartrosis de rodilla que realizaban actividad física diaria. Se les administró, durante 90 días consecutivos, un vial oral con 7g de HC y 25mg de AH. La evaluación clínica de la funcionalidad articular y del dolor se realizó utilizando el índice WOMAC para incapacidad funcional y rigidez, una escala analógica visual (EAV) para dolor, y la opinión del médico y el paciente. Resultados La evolución de la escala WOMAC, en sus componentes de incapacidad funcional y rigidez, mostró un progresivo descenso a partir de la visita inicial (p<0,01). Paralelamente, se produjo una disminución del dolor articular desde el inicio del tratamiento (p<0,01). Se observó un aumento de la eficacia en las sucesivas visitas. La tolerancia al tratamiento fue valorada positivamente durante todo el estudio. Conclusiones La administración oral de un suplemento diario de AH y HC durante 90 días consecutivos es eficaz, mejorando la capacidad funcional de la articulación y disminuyendo el dolor en individuos activos con gonartrosis. El valor medio de todos los parámetros de eficacia a lo largo de las diferentes visitas indicó una clara mejoría durante todo el estudio. El tratamiento fue bien tolerado

    LVDS Serial AER Link performance

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a communication protocol for transferring asynchronous events between VLSI chips, originally developed for bio-inspired processing systems (for example, image processing). Such systems may consist of a complicated hierarchical structure with many chips that transmit data among them in real time, while performing some processing (for example, convolutions). The event information is transferred using a high speed digital parallel bus (typically 16 bits and 20ns-40ns per event). This paper presents a testing platform for AER systems that allows analysing a LVDS Serial AER link produced by a Spartan 3 FPGA, or by a commercial LVDS transceiver. The interface allows up to 0.728 Gbps (~40Mev/s, 16 bits/ev). The eye diagram ensures that the platform could support 1.2 Gbps.Commission of the European Communities IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C03-0

    Two Hardware Implementations of the Exhaustive Synthetic AER Generation Method

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a communications protocol for transferring images between chips, originally developed for bio-inspired image processing systems. In [6], [5] various software methods for synthetic AER generation were presented. But in neuro-inspired research field, hardware methods are needed to generate AER from laptop computers. In this paper two real time implementations of the exhaustive method, proposed in [6], [5], are presented. These implementations can transmit, through AER bus, images stored in a computer using USB-AER board developed by our RTCAR group for the CAVIAR EU project.Commission of the European Communities IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C03-0

    Cross-Section Generation Using TXT2NTAB Code for Uncertainty Propagation with Burnup Dependence

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    [EN] One of the challenges of studying the neutronics of reactors is to generate reliable parameterized libraries that contain information to simulate the core in all possible operational and transient conditions. These libraries must include tables of cross sections and other neutronic and kinetic parameters and are obtained by simulating all the segments in a transport code. At the lattice level, one can use branch calculations to change ¿instantaneously¿ the feedback parameters as a function of burnup. When using random sampling for the lattice calculations, one can obtain statistical information about the output parameters and use it in a core simulation to characterize the accuracy of data estimating uncertainties when simulating a heterogeneous system at different scales of detail. This work presents the methodology to generate NEMTAB libraries from data obtained in the SCALE code system to be used in PARCS simulations. The code TXT2NTAB is used to reorder the cross-section tables in NEMTAB format and generate another NEMTAB of standard deviation. With these libraries, the authors perform a steady-state calculation for a light water reactor to propagate several uncertainties at the core level. The methodology allows obtaining statistical information of the most important output parameters: multiplication factor keff, axial power peak Pz, and axial peak node Nz.This work has been partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under projects ENE2017-89029-P.Labarile, A.; Mesado, C.; Miró Herrero, R.; Verdú Martín, GJ. (2019). Cross-Section Generation Using TXT2NTAB Code for Uncertainty Propagation with Burnup Dependence. Nuclear Technology. 205(12):1675-1684. https://doi.org/10.1080/00295450.2019.16310511675168420512D’Auria, F., Camargo, C., & Mazzantini, O. (2012). The Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) approach in licensing of current nuclear reactors. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 248, 317-328. doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2012.04.002K. IVANOV et al. “Benchmarks for Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) for Design, Operation and Safety Analysis of LWRs,” NEA/NSC/DOC(2009)11, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency (2016).Wilks, S. S. (1941). Determination of Sample Sizes for Setting Tolerance Limits. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 12(1), 91-96. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177731788“SCALE: A Comprehensive Modelling and Simulation Suite for Nuclear Safety Analysis and Design,” ORNL/TM-2005/39, Version 6.1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2011).S. GOLUOGLU et al. “The Material Information Processor for SCALE,” Technical Report, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2011).Gauld, I. C., Radulescu, G., Ilas, G., Murphy, B. D., Williams, M. L., & Wiarda, D. (2011). Isotopic Depletion and Decay Methods and Analysis Capabilities in SCALE. Nuclear Technology, 174(2), 169-195. doi:10.13182/nt11-3DeHart, M. D., & Bowman, S. M. (2011). Reactor Physics Methods and Analysis Capabilities in SCALE. Nuclear Technology, 174(2), 196-213. doi:10.13182/nt174-196Williams, M. L., Ilas, G., Jessee, M. A., Rearden, B. T., Wiarda, D., Zwermann, W., … Pautz, A. (2013). A Statistical Sampling Method for Uncertainty Analysis with SCALE and XSUSA. Nuclear Technology, 183(3), 515-526. doi:10.13182/nt12-112“DAKOTA Statistical Tool”; http://www.cs.sandia.gov/DAKOTA/ (current as of Jan. 28, 2019).T. DOWNAR et al. “PARCS V3.0 U.S. NRC Core Neutronics Simulator User Manual,” Technical Report, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences. University of Michigan (2012).G. STRYDOM et al. “IAEA CRP on HTGR UAM: Propagation of Phase I Cross Section Uncertainties to Phase II Neutronics Steady State Using SCALE/SAMPLER and PHISICS/RELAP5-3D”; https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1478196 (current as of Jan. 28, 2019).B. J. ADE, “SCALE/TRITON Primer: A Primer for Light Water Reactor Lattice Physics Calculations,” NUREG/CR-7041, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2012).Ilas, G., Gauld, I. C., & Radulescu, G. (2012). Validation of new depletion capabilities and ENDF/B-VII data libraries in SCALE. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 46, 43-55. doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2012.03.01

    Exploration on continuous Gaussian process frontier maps

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    An information-driven autonomous robotic explo- ration method on a continuous representation of unknown envi- ronments is proposed in this paper. The approach conveniently handles sparse sensor measurements to build a continuous model of the environment that exploits structural dependencies without the need to resort to a fixed resolution grid map. A gradient field of occupancy probability distribution is regressed from sensor data as a Gaussian process providing frontier boundaries for further exploration. The resulting continuous global frontier surface completely describes unexplored regions and, inherently, provides an automatic stop criterion for a desired sensitivity. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulation results in the well-known Freiburg and Cave maps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Analysis of the sensible and total ventilation energy recovery potential in different climate conditions. Application to the Spanish case

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    Energy recovery elements play a major role in the efficiency and sustainability of building ventilation systems. The use of a sensible or total energy recovery ventilator is a key decision for ventilation systems designers. However, there is a lack of technical tools and developments to support this decision. The authors present a procedure to develop a simple decision tool for designers based on hourly values of the outdoor weather conditions and that can be applied to any kind of building. Results of the procedure are presented in simple-to-use isoline maps and tables. In order to assess credibility of the model used in the procedure, data published in the literature have been used as a reference, showing good accordance. As an example, the procedure has been applied to the Spanish area considering 48 different locations. Results have been presented and discussed. Their analysis shows as the market-accepted recommendation of using energy recovery ventilators in locations with high relative humidity during the summer should be reconsidered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Recreació UB Didpatri. Compromís amb la didàctica de la història i el patrimoni

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    El grup de recreació UB-DIDPATRI, estabilitzat a partir de 2016, centrat en la Guerra Civil espanyola es un dels pocs existents amb perfil universitari. En la seva breu trajectòria ha aconseguit la vinculació al món de la recreació de nombrosos estudiants i llicenciats i no ha parat de créixer quant a activitats i projecció

    A LVDS Serial AER Link

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a communication protocol for transferring asynchronous events between VLSI chips, originally developed for bio-inspired processing systems (for example, image processing). Such systems may consist of a complicated hierarchical structure with many chips that transmit data among them in real time, while performing some processing (for example, convolutions). The event information is transferred using a high speed digital parallel bus (typically 16 bits and 20ns-40ns per event). This paper presents a testing platform for AER systems that allows to analyse a LVDS Serial AER link. The interface allows up to 0.7 Gbps (~40Mev/s, 16 bits/ev). The eye diagram ensures that the platform could support 1.2 Gbps.Commission of the European Communities IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C03-0