274 research outputs found

    Open String Attractors

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    We present a simple example of a supersymmetric attractor mechanism in the purely open string context of D-branes embedded in curved space-time. Our example involves a class of D3-branes embedded in the 2-charge D1-D5 background of type IIB whose worldvolume contains a 2-sphere. Turning on worldvolume fluxes, these branes carry induced (p,q) string charges. Supersymmetric configurations display a flow of the open string moduli towards an attractor solution independent of their asymptotics. The equations governing this mechanism closely resemble the attractor flow equations for supersymmetric black holes in closed string theory. The BPS equations take the form of a gradient flow and describe worldvolume solitons interpolating between an AdS_2 geometry where the two-sphere has collapsed, and an attractor solution with AdS_2 x S^2 geometry. In these limiting solutions, the preserved supersymmetry is enhanced from 4 to 8 supercharges. We also discuss the interpretation of our solutions as intersecting brane configurations placed in the D1-D5 background, as well as the S-duality transformation to the F1-NS5 background.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. v2: small corrections, figure and references adde

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of mouse tumor necrosis factor

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    Quantizing higher-spin gravity in free-field variables

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    We study the formulation of massless higher-spin gravity on AdS3_3 in a gauge in which the fundamental variables satisfy free field Poisson brackets. This gauge choice leaves a small portion of the gauge freedom unfixed, which should be further quotiented out. We show that doing so leads to a bulk version of the Coulomb gas formalism for WNW_N CFT's: the generators of the residual gauge symmetries are the classical limits of screening charges, while the gauge-invariant observables are classical WNW_N charges. Quantization in these variables can be carried out using standard techniques and makes manifest a remnant of the triality symmetry of W[λ]W_\infty[\lambda]. This symmetry can be used to argue that the theory should be supplemented with additional matter content which is precisely that of the Prokushkin-Vasiliev theory. As a further application, we use our formulation to quantize a class of conical surplus solutions and confirm the conjecture that these are dual to specific degenerate WNW_N primaries, to all orders in the large central charge expansion.Comment: 31 pages + appendices. V2: typos corrected, reference adde

    Black Hole Meiosis

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    The enumeration of BPS bound states in string theory needs refinement. Studying partition functions of particles made from D-branes wrapped on algebraic Calabi-Yau 3-folds, and classifying states using split attractor flow trees, we extend the method for computing a refined BPS index, arXiv:0810.4301. For certain D-particles, a finite number of microstates, namely polar states, exclusively realized as bound states, determine an entire partition function (elliptic genus). This underlines their crucial importance: one might call them the `chromosomes' of a D-particle or a black hole. As polar states also can be affected by our refinement, previous predictions on elliptic genera are modified. This can be metaphorically interpreted as `crossing-over in the meiosis of a D-particle'. Our results improve on hep-th/0702012, provide non-trivial evidence for a strong split attractor flow tree conjecture, and thus suggest that we indeed exhaust the BPS spectrum. In the D-brane description of a bound state, the necessity for refinement results from the fact that tachyonic strings split up constituent states into `generic' and `special' states. These are enumerated separately by topological invariants, which turn out to be partitions of Donaldson-Thomas invariants. As modular predictions provide a check on many of our results, we have compelling evidence that our computations are correct.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figures. v2: minor changes. v3: minor changes and reference adde

    Cosmology of the Tachyon in Brane Inflation

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    In certain implementations of the brane inflationary paradigm, the exit from inflation occurs when the branes annihilate through tachyon condensation. We investigate various cosmological effects produced by this tachyonic era. We find that only a very small region of the parameter space (corresponding to slow-roll with tiny inflaton mass) allows for the tachyon to contribute some e-folds to inflation. In addition, non-adiabatic density perturbations are generated at the end of inflation. When the brane is moving relativistically this contribution can be of the same order as fluctuations produced 55 e-folds before the end of inflation. The additional contribution is very nearly scale-invariant and enhances the tensor/scalar ratio. Additional non-gaussianities will also be generated, sharpening current constraints on DBI-type models which already predict a significantly non-gaussian signal.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP versio

    Predicting fish community responses to environmental policy targets

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    The European Union adopted the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the year 2000 to tackle the rapid degradation of freshwater systems. However, biological, hydromorphological, and physico-chemical water quality targets are currently not met, and identifying successful policy implementation and management actions is of key importance. We built a joint species distribution model for riverine fish in Flanders (Belgium) to better understand the response of fish communities to current environmental policy goals. Environmental covariates included physico-chemical variables and hydromorphological quality indices, while waterway distances accounted for spatial effects. We detected strong effects of physico-chemistry on fish species' distributions. Evaluation of fish community responses to simulated policy scenarios revealed that targeting a 'good' status, following the WFD, increases average species richness with a fraction of species (0.13-0.69 change in accumulated occurrence probabilities). Targeting a 'very good' status, however, predicted an increase of 0.17-1.38 in average species richness. These simulations indicated that riverbed quality, nitrogen, and conductivity levels should be the focal point of policy. However, the weak response of species to a 'good' quality together with the complexity of nutrient-associated problems, suggest a challenging future for river restoration in Flanders.Peer reviewe

    Aspects of Scalar Field Dynamics in Gauss-Bonnet Brane Worlds

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    The Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations projected from the bulk to brane lead to a complicated Friedmann equation which simplifies to H2ρqH^2 \sim \rho^q in the asymptotic regimes. The Randall-Sundrum (RS) scenario corresponds to q=2q=2 whereas q=2/3q=2/3 & q=1q=1 give rise to high energy Gauss-Bonnet (GB) regime and the standard GR respectively. Amazingly, while evolving from RS regime to high energy GB limit, one passes through a GR like region which has important implications for brane world inflation. For tachyon GB inflation with potentials V(ϕ)ϕpV(\phi) \sim \phi^p investigated in this paper, the scalar to tensor ratio of perturbations RR is maximum around the RS region and is generally suppressed in the high energy regime for the positive values of pp. The ratio is very low for p>0p>0 at all energy scales relative to GB inflation with ordinary scalar field. The models based upon tachyon inflation with polynomial type of potentials with generic positive values of pp turn out to be in the 1σ1 \sigma observational contour bound at all energy scales varying from GR to high energy GB limit. The spectral index nSn_S improves for the lower values of pp and approaches its scale invariant limit for p=2p=-2 in the high energy GB regime. The ratio RR also remains small for large negative values of pp, however, difference arises for models close to scale invariance limit. In this case, the tensor to scale ratio is large in the GB regime whereas it is suppressed in the intermediate region between RS and GB. Within the frame work of patch cosmologies governed by H2ρqH^2 \sim \rho^q, the behavior of ordinary scalar field near cosmological singularity and the nature of scaling solutions are distinguished for the values of q1q 1.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figures; appendix on various scales in GB brane world included and references updated; final version to appear in PR

    Self-duality of the D1-D5 near-horizon

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    We explore fermionic T-duality and self-duality in the geometry AdS3 x S3 x T4 in type IIB supergravity. We explicitly construct the Killing spinors and the fermionic T-duality isometries and show that the geometry is self-dual under a combination of two bosonic AdS3 T-dualities, four fermionic T-dualities and either two additional T-dualities along T4 or two T-dualities along S3. In addition, we show that the presence of a B-field acts as an obstacle to self-duality, a property attributable to S- duality and fermionic T-duality not commuting. Finally, we argue that fermionic T-duality may be extended to CY2 = K3, a setting where we cannot explicitly construct the Killing spinors.Comment: 24 pages, references added, changes made to reinforce the point that S-duality and fermionic T-duality generically do not commute, version accepted to JHE