37 research outputs found

    Chemie/Biologie an der EMPA St. Gallen

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    BTA Insurance Company SE development of activities to inoreas market share in Europe and the Baltics

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    Maģistra darbā “Apdrošināšanas tirgus segmentēšana - ieiešana Polijā” ir izpētīta Polijas apdrošināšanas tirgus nozare, Latvijas apdrošināšanas vieta pasaules, Eiropas un Baltijas valstīs. “BTA Insurance Company” SE finanšu rādītāji un tirgus segmentācija. Par pētījuma objektu izvēlēta apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība “BTA Insurance Company” SE, kura darbojas Latvijā kopš 1993.gada 1.novembra, bet no 2011. gada marta ir reģistrēta Eiropas komercsabiedrības reģistrā. Maģistra darba izstrādes laikā tika aprakstīta Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgus vieta ekonomikā, aprakstīts Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgus, kā arī tika izpētīta pasaules un Eiropas apdrošināšanas tirgus attīstība pēc parakstītajām prēmijām. Tika izpētīti galvenie BTA konkurenti Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgū un pētīts BTA paplašināšanas iespējas tendencies Polijā. Pamatojoties uz iegūtajiem pētījuma secinājumiem, nobeigumā tika izstrādāti ieteikumi BTA produkta konkurētspējas celšanai citas valsts tirgū, lai piesaistītu jaunus klientus un paplašinātu tirgus ietilpību ārpus Latvijas robežām. Maģistra darbs tika rakstīts latviešu valodā un sastāv no 93 lapaspusēm. Darbs satur 4 tabulas, 21 attēlus un 15 pielikumus. Izmantotās literatūras saraksts satur 53 avotus. Atslēgas vārdi: tirgus segmentēšana, apdrošināšana, parakstītās prēmijasThe basic objective of masters work "Insurance Market Segmentation - Entering Poland" has studied the Polish insurance market sectors, the Latvian insurance place in the world, European and Baltic countries. "BTA Insurance Company" SE's financial performance and market segmentation. For the study of objects selected insurance company "BTA Insurance Company" SE-running Latvian since November 1, 1993, but from 2011. March is registered in the commercial register. Master's work was described during the development of the Latvian insurance market place in economics, described the Latvian insurance market, as well as studied the global insurance market and the development of written premiums. Were investigated BTA main competitors in the Latvian insurance market and the BTA has been studied for expanding tendencies in Poland. Based on the findings of the study findings, recommendations were developed for the end of the BTA product competitiveness of the market in another country, to attract new customers and expand the market beyond the capacity of the Latvian border. The master work was written in Latvian language and consists of 93 pages. Work includes 4 tables, 21 depictions, 15 exhibits. The list of used literature contains 53 sources. Key - word: insurance, written premium, market segmentatio

    Promotion of communication skills among youngest pre-school children by using role playing

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    Efficiency of justice: whether demand to accept legitimate decision ensures person's right to final judgement within a reasonable period of time?

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    Proceso greitumo principas yra vienas pagrindinių principų siekiant užtikrinti asmens teises. Šis principas padeda užtikrinti teisminio proceso tikslus bei įgyvendinti jo paskirtį. Šio principo taikymas teisėje yra labai platus, todėl yra taikomas beveik visose stadijose, tiek teisminio nagrinėjimo, tiek ikiteisminio. Taip pat, svarbu jog būtų užtikrinta proceso dalyvių teisė, kad visi proceso veiksmai būtų atlikti per įmanomai trumpiausią laiko tarpą. Atsižvelgiama į tai, jog šiuo principu taip pat užtikrinami ir visuomenės interesai siekiant užtikrinti teisingumo vykdymą. Darbo tikslas yra pasitelkus darbe taikomus mokslinės analizės metodus išsanalizuoti tarptautinės ir nacionalinės teisės normas, principus bei teismų praktiką siekiant nustatyti ar reikalavimas priimti teisingą teismo sprendimą, nepažeidžia asmens teisės į greitą procesą. Taikant aprašomajį metodą darbe analizuojama Europos žmogaus teisių teismo suformuluoti proceso greitumo vertinimo kriterijai. Taip pat buvo nagrinėjamas klausimas dėl valstybės atsakomybės kylančios už delsimus teisminiame bei ikiteisminiame procesuose, vertinama užsienio valstybių praktika bei priemonės siekiant užtikrinti efektyvų bylų nagrinėjimą. Taikant loginį ir sisteminį analizės metodą buvo siekiama nustatyti teisės į greitą procesą ir teisės į teisingą teismą principų santykį tarpusavyje. Darbe nagrinėjama šio principo esmė, reikšmė bei turinys baudžiamajame procese, kadangi tai didelė problema Lietuvoje vertinant pralaimėtų bylų santykį su kitomis teisės šakomis Europos žmogaus teisių teisme. Darbe taip pat aptariama greito proceso įgyvendinimas Lietuvos baudžiamojo proceso įstatyme, analizuojamos priemonės ir priežastys lemiančios proceso delsimą. Darbe padarytos išvados: Esant reikalavimui priimti teisingą teismo sprendimą ir asmens teisės į greitą procesą įgyvendimo priešpriešai, svarbu atsižvelgti į konkretaus atvejo visumą, kadangi siekis priimti teisingą sprendimą reikalauja atitinkamo laiko. Objektyviai ir visapusiskai išnagrinėti bylą galima pateisinti ilgesnį laiką, tačiau jis turi būti adekvatus teisingumo įgyvendinimui. Valstybės pareiga yra nustatyti tokią tvarką, kuri sudarytų sąlygas, jog procesinių pažeidimų būtų kuo mažiau, o esant jiems būtų įtvirtintos tinkamos gynybos priemonės siekiant teisingo kompensavimo atitinkam pažeidimui.Efficiency of justice is a major component of fair trial and of affective remedies. The three major regional conventions speak of trials “within a reasonable time”. The old adage speaks of “justice delayed is justice denied”. The ICCPR speaks of a trial “without undue delay”. Undue delays are a major problem in the majority of national justice systems and, therefore, it is does not come as a surprise that in recent years at least one third of cases before the European Court deal with ‘reasonable time’. In order to ensure that the European Convention on Human Rights of the Republic of Lithuania law and protect human and civil rights and freedoms, society and the state, becoming a special interest which is intended to better overall . The courts of justice and in the exercise of their agency’s official pulled the responsibility and obligation of the applicable law to work in the legal system. Ratification of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms , Lithuania committed itself to every person to ensure that the case will be examined in the shortest possible time. It is therefore extremely important to adhere becomes a process value and guarantee to meet the needs of the modern rule of law . Lithuania is facing a pre-trial investigation and trial process time frame in which the court identified as a \"systematic\" problem for all countries , it is loading the Court. Proceedings against Lithuania , which is vulnerable to a rapid process of law consists of 25 per cent , of all cases of irregularities . According to statistics, the duration of the criminal proceedings - has nearly the largest Lithuanian files ECHR problem - mainly violations of the Convention ( 15) found precisely the excessive length of criminal proceedings . This problem is relevant in other fields of law and necessary in a more detailed study of each of the branches . It should be noted that a person charged with an offence must also have adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence and be given the possibilities of a proper examination of materials and witnesses. Moreover, adequate legal- and translation assistance must be provided. A trial may not be unreasonably short resulting in the parties not having time for adequate preparation and defence. Efficiency of court proceedings is without doubt one of the major challenges of national justice systems today.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Contradictions applying j. nielsen’s heuristics in human-computer interaction design

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    In the thesis the author examines drawbacks of Nielsen’s ten heuristics and the possible contradictions between heuristics in Human-Computer Interaction. First, the method of heuristic evaluation is inspected. Next, the author researched how user interfaces may or may not conform to Nielsen’s heuristics. In addition to Nielsen, the work also examines C. Pribeanu’s revised set of usability heuristics and B. Tognazzini’s first principles of interaction design. In the main part of the work, the author describes in detail the disadvantages of heuristics and the cases of user interaction design, when the designed systems follow Nielsen’s heuristics, but their implementation contradicts each other. In the practical application part, CoinGate landing page was examined according to the heuristics of Nielsen, Tognazzini, and Pribeanu, furthermore various drawbacks were found and they were represented in a comparison table. Author presented the heuristic’s contradictions of the CoinGate website and developed an interactive prototype of the CoinGate landing page using the prototyping tool Figma

    BTA Insurance Company SE development of activities to inoreas market share in Europe and the Baltics

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    Maģistra darbā “Apdrošināšanas tirgus segmentēšana - ieiešana Polijā” ir izpētīta Polijas apdrošināšanas tirgus nozare, Latvijas apdrošināšanas vieta pasaules, Eiropas un Baltijas valstīs. “BTA Insurance Company” SE finanšu rādītāji un tirgus segmentācija. Par pētījuma objektu izvēlēta apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība “BTA Insurance Company” SE, kura darbojas Latvijā kopš 1993.gada 1.novembra, bet no 2011. gada marta ir reģistrēta Eiropas komercsabiedrības reģistrā. Maģistra darba izstrādes laikā tika aprakstīta Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgus vieta ekonomikā, aprakstīts Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgus, kā arī tika izpētīta pasaules un Eiropas apdrošināšanas tirgus attīstība pēc parakstītajām prēmijām. Tika izpētīti galvenie BTA konkurenti Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgū un pētīts BTA paplašināšanas iespējas tendencies Polijā. Pamatojoties uz iegūtajiem pētījuma secinājumiem, nobeigumā tika izstrādāti ieteikumi BTA produkta konkurētspējas celšanai citas valsts tirgū, lai piesaistītu jaunus klientus un paplašinātu tirgus ietilpību ārpus Latvijas robežām. Maģistra darbs tika rakstīts latviešu valodā un sastāv no 93 lapaspusēm. Darbs satur 4 tabulas, 21 attēlus un 15 pielikumus. Izmantotās literatūras saraksts satur 53 avotus. Atslēgas vārdi: tirgus segmentēšana, apdrošināšana, parakstītās prēmijasThe basic objective of masters work "Insurance Market Segmentation - Entering Poland" has studied the Polish insurance market sectors, the Latvian insurance place in the world, European and Baltic countries. "BTA Insurance Company" SE's financial performance and market segmentation. For the study of objects selected insurance company "BTA Insurance Company" SE-running Latvian since November 1, 1993, but from 2011. March is registered in the commercial register. Master's work was described during the development of the Latvian insurance market place in economics, described the Latvian insurance market, as well as studied the global insurance market and the development of written premiums. Were investigated BTA main competitors in the Latvian insurance market and the BTA has been studied for expanding tendencies in Poland. Based on the findings of the study findings, recommendations were developed for the end of the BTA product competitiveness of the market in another country, to attract new customers and expand the market beyond the capacity of the Latvian border. The master work was written in Latvian language and consists of 93 pages. Work includes 4 tables, 21 depictions, 15 exhibits. The list of used literature contains 53 sources. Key - word: insurance, written premium, market segmentatio

    EMPA Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt: Editorial

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    The study of plasmodium falciparum glutathione reductase inhibition by nitroaromatic compounds

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    Tropical malaria, an infection vastly spread in southern countries, is caused by replication of Plasmodium falciparum parasite in human erythrocytes. It is known that homodimeric flavoenzyme glutathione reductase (GR) defends this parasite against oxidative stress by maintaining high intracellular concentration of reduced glutathione. It is characterized that nitroaromatic compounds possess antimalarial activity and inhibits GR. Since both, human erythrocyte glutathione reductase (hGR) and P. falciparum glutathione reductase (PfGR) are necessary for parasite’s survival the main aim of this study was to characterize the inhibition of PfGR by nitroaromatic compounds. It was found that these compounds act as uncompetitive GR inhibitors what corresponds to binding in the intersubunit cavity. Furthermore, there was no connection between hGR and PfGR inhibition constant logarithms and vinylquinoline- substituted nitrofurans make their own group and probably bind to the other domain. Also the logarithms of PfGR inhibition constants poorly correlate with their single-electron reduction potentials E_7^1. After conducting multiparameter analysis it was found out that it is not the hGR but the PfGR inhibition what causes antiplasmodial activity of these compounds in vitro and it increases with an increase in their single-electron reduction potential E_7^1, octanol/water partition coefficient log D and a decrease in the logarithms of inhibition constants (log Ki)

    Focal Point: Analytical Technology: Quality Assurance of Analytical Data: Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability in View of ISO 17025

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    Definition, determination and consequences of analytical measurement uncertainty were discussed. After a thorough explanation of actual procedures to handle uncertainty, the focus was switched to practical applications in process control, the meaning of qualitative analysis near the limit of detection, a case study involving doping in sports events and the problems involved in setting legal limits (e.g. ILAC rules). Five experts from academia, industry, and governmental organizations as well as from R&D-driven companies gave their interpretation from different points of view