63 research outputs found

    Application of customized absorption heat pumps with heating capacities above 500 kW : Project: Ackermannbogen, Munich

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    Part of: Thermally driven heat pumps for heating and cooling. – Ed.: Annett KĂŒhn – Berlin: UniversitĂ€tsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7983-2686-6 (print) ISBN 978-3-7983-2596-8 (online) urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458 [http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458]A solar heating system was installed at “Ackermannbogen” in Munich, where a residential area was built in 2007. To achieve a solar fraction larger than 50%, a large seasonal storage was installed to store solar surplus during summer and supply solar thermal heat in winter. To decrease the needed volume of this storage an absorption heat pump was installed into the system. This heat pump utilises heat from the storage and is driven by heat from a district heating grid. The low temperature heat is lifted to temperatures useable within the local heating grid to provide heat and domestic hot water to the residential area. Due to the demand on temperature levels of the system a “twin” absorption heat pump - consisting of two separate absorption heat pumps within a single shell - had to be installed for this application. In order to gain maximum benefit of the stored solar thermal energy the system controls change the mode of operation depending on the temperatures of the storage and the return temperature of the solar thermal collectors. The system was monitored and the collected data (capacities and temperatures of the absorption heat pump) of a representative day is shown in this paper

    Application of customized absorption heat pumps with heating capacities above 500 kW: Project: VIVO, Warngau (near Munich)

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    Part of: Thermally driven heat pumps for heating and cooling. – Ed.: Annett KĂŒhn – Berlin: UniversitĂ€tsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7983-2686-6 (print) ISBN 978-3-7983-2596-8 (online) urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458 [http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458]In 2005 a gas fired single effect absorption heat pump was installed at the area of VIVO GmbH, who runs a local civic waste collection point. Besides other recyclable materials, biodegradable waste is collected here and composted. During the composting process heat is generated due to aerobic biological processes. As the exhaust air from the rotting heaps has to be cooled down due to process reasons, the heat has to be transferred to an auxiliary medium. Until 2005 the heat was set free to the environment by free air cooling. The thermally driven heat pump instead utilises this heat and supplies heat on a useful temperature level to a local district heating grid. The local district heating grid supplies heat to office buildings of VIVO GmbH as well as to a nearby industrial area. Hence, the heat pump has two beneficial effects on this application, it cools down a process were cooling is needed and uses this energy for fuel saving in a heating grid, which runs basically on oil burners instead

    Untersuchungen zur Synthese von Diazonamid A und Phorbazol A und C

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    Abstract Die Phorbazole und Diazonamide sind Naturstoffe marinen Ursprungs. Als strukturelle Gemeinsamkeiten zeichnen sie sich durch einen oder mehrere Oxazol-Ringe sowie durch das Vorhandensein von Chloratomen aus. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals eine Totalsynthese von Phorbazol C entwickelt, ausgehend von p-Hydroxybenzaldehyd und 2- Methylpyrrol-5-carbonsĂ€ureethylester. In den SchlĂŒsselschritten wurden die Bausteine ĂŒber eine Amidbindung verknĂŒpft und der Oxazolring durch Cyclodehydratisierung aufgebaut. FĂŒr das 4-Chloroxazol-haltige Phorbazol A wurde ein alternativer Syntheseweg gewĂ€hlt. Dieser fĂŒhrte jedoch wegen einer unerwarteten Umlagerungsreaktion zu einem neuem Konstitutionsisomeren der Zielstruktur. FĂŒr das komplex aufgebaute Diazonamid A wurde eine Retrosynthese entwickelt und entsprechende Modellreaktionen durchgefĂŒhrt. Dabei wurden Indolyl-4-Chloroxazole mit verschiedenen Substituenten synthetisiert. FĂŒr die Synthese von 2,2-DiarylessigsĂ€ureestern erwiesen sich Chromarenkomplexe als geeignete Elektrophile. Die EinfĂŒhrung eines weiteren Substituenten zum Aufbau des quartĂ€ren Kohnelstoffatoms gelang in nur mĂ€ĂŸigen Ausbeuten. Hier fĂŒhrten Bleiarylverbindungen zum Erfolg.Abstract Phorbazoles and Diazonamides are marine natural products. They share one or more oxazole rings and the presence of chloro atoms as common structural features. The present thesis describes the first total synthesis of Phorbazole C, starting from p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and 2-methylpyrrol-5-ethylcarboxylate. As key step the building blocks were connected as amide. The oxazole-ring was formed via cyclo- dehydration. An alternative synthetic approach was chosen for Phorbazole A that contains a 4-chloro- oxazole. This led to a new constitutional isomer of the lead structure due to an usual rearrangement. For the complex structure of Diazonamide A a retrosynthetic approach was developed. Different key structures were examined by model reactions. As a result, indolyl-4- chlorooxazoles with various substituents were synthesized. A second arene ring was introduced into 2-aryl-acetic acid by chromium fluoroarene complexes as electrophiles. The introduction of another substituent in order to establish the quaternary carbon atom was accomplished in low yields. Lead aryl compounds turned out to be advantageous in this reaction

    Ionic liquids as new absorbents for absorption chillers and heat pumps

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    Part of: Thermally driven heat pumps for heating and cooling. – Ed.: Annett KĂŒhn – Berlin: UniversitĂ€tsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7983-2686-6 (print) ISBN 978-3-7983-2596-8 (online) urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458 [http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458]In this paper, ionic liquids are proposed as new absorbents for absorption chillers and heat pumps. The theoretical and experimental based research of Technische UniversitĂ€t Berlin, Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bayern) and Graz University of Technology is presented and test and simulation results are discussed. The results show the suitability and promising potential of ionic liquids as absorbents but the research organizations agree in the need of further effort in R&D

    Benchmarking and Self-Assessment in the Wine Industry

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    ABSTRACT Not all industrial facilities have the staff or the opportunity to perform a detailed audit of their operations. The lack of knowledge of energy efficiency opportunities provides an important barrier to improving efficiency. Benchmarking programs in the U.S. and abroad have shown to improve knowledge of the energy performance of industrial facilities and buildings and to fuel energy management practices. Benchmarking provides a fair way to compare the energy intensity of plants, while accounting for structural differences (e.g. the mix of products produced, climate conditions) between different facilities. In California, the winemaking industry is not only one of the economic pillars of the economy; it is also a large energy consumer, with a considerable potential for energy-efficiency improvement. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Fetzer Vineyards developed the first benchmarking tool for the California wine industry called "BEST (Benchmarking and Energy and water Savings Tool) Winery 1 . BEST Winery enables a winery to compare its energy efficiency to a best practice reference winery. Besides overall performance, the tool enables the user to evaluate the impact of implementing efficiency measures. The tool facilitates strategic planning of efficiency measures, based on the estimated impact of the measures, their costs and savings. The tool will raise awareness of current energy intensities and offer an efficient way to evaluate the impact of future efficiency measures

    Multispecies Communities

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Dr. Pablo Abend und Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber*innen der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem In- und Ausland."Multispecies Communities" sind nicht mehr alleine auf den Menschen fixiert und bringen andere Akteure ins Spiel. Damit ergeben sich neue Formen der Kommunikationen und Kollaborationen, der Verantwortlichkeiten und der RĂŒcksichtnahmen (awareness), der Vergemeinschaftungen und der Teilhaben: Diese finden statt zwischen Menschen und Tieren, Pflanzen und Algorithmen, Artefakten und Biofakten, Maschinen und Medien; zwischen den Sphären von belebt und unbelebt, real und virtuell, unberührt und augmentiert. Der Umgang mit Technik ist lĂ€ngst kein menschliches Privileg mehr, wie die Ausdifferenzierungen von Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) oder Plant-Computer Interaction (PCI) verdeutlichen. Diese Ausdifferenzierungen finden ihren Niederschlag ebenso in den verschiedenen Disziplinen der Wissenschaft und in der Kunst sowie in gesellschaftlichen, sozialen, ethischen und politischen Aushandlungen des gemeinsamen Miteinanders. In dieser Ausgabe sind fĂŒr diesen Diskussionszusammenhang relevante programmatische Texte versammelt und erstmals fĂŒr den deutschsprachigen Raum zugĂ€nglich gemacht."Multispecies communities" are no longer focused on humans alone and bring other actors into play. This results in new forms of communication and collaboration, of responsibilities and awareness, of communalisation and participation: These take place between humans and animals, plants and algorithms, artefacts and biofacts, machines and media; between the spheres of animate and inanimate, real and virtual, untouched and augmented. Dealing with technology is no longer a human privilege, as the differentiations from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) into Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) or Plant-Computer Interaction (PCI) exemplify. These differentiations are also reflected in the various disciplines of science and art as well as in societal, social, ethical and political negotiations of shared interaction. In this issue, relevant programmatic texts have been collected for this discussion context and made available for the first time for the German-speaking area

    Didaktik und Methodik fĂŒr Tutorinnen und Tutoren des SkillsLab

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