12 research outputs found

    Perennial forage legumes as an element of sustainable systems

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    In the current intensive systems of agricultural production, many important features, i.e., functions of the agroecosystem have been degraded and disrupted. The intensification of agricultural production inevitably leads to land degradation in terms of its physical, chemical, and biological properties. The increasing presence of monocultures, reduced crop rotation, and excessive use of mineral nutrients, lead to several negative phenomena in such agroecosystems. Along with efforts to reduce energy consumption, and environmental pollution, intensify sustainable agriculture systems, and maintain biodiversity, the possibility of increasing the area under perennial forage legumes should be considered. As nitrogen fixers, these plants are minimally fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers whose residues in the soil are lost by leaching, causing pollution of groundwater as well as surface watercourses. The introduction of perennial legumes in the crop rotation can provide numerous benefits, such as increased and more stable yields of protein-rich biomass, conservation, and repair of land resources, increased yield stability, better utilization of nutrients, water, and light, as well as weed, disease, and pest control. The introduction of legumes in production systems would limit the increasingly pronounced land degradation. In order to develop sustainable agriculture, market policy should recognize the value of products obtained from leguminous plants through certain agricultural policy measures

    Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom

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    Researchers in Serbia have been trying for decades — without much success — to find the causes and factors that would unequivocally establish the origin of domestic violence as a social phenomenon. This is partly due to the fact that the Serbian society, through a dynamic development matrix, has not transformed from the traditional form into a modern one, but rather into an underdeveloped society of conspicuous social risks with prevalent re­traditionalization of collective entities, family in particular. This is why we have stud­ ied available ethnographic materials looking for sources and “roots” of culturological guidelines which still define the position of the woman and the distribution of social power within the family. The study has showed diachronic stability of the culturological inherited stereotype of the woman, its traditional founda­ tion and (ir)rational justification, the relation between social power(lessness) of the woman and domestic violence

    Security analysis and economic feasibility for virtualization usage in University datacenters

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    In this paper, authors have analyzed economic andsecurity aspects of server virtualization. The experimentalanalysis includes: the business value of virtualization and impactof virtual environments on computing and security parameters,with applying modern cryptographic systems for data protection.The experiment was designed simultaneously on the traditionalserver and virtual environment. The obtained results show thesignificant advantages of virtual environment in the form ofoptimal allocation and utilization of physical computing resources.Also, the results indicate a significant improvement of parametersin the information security, introducing of the virtual networkadapter which presents virtualized communication channelsconcept between the application server and database server


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    The aim of this study was to analyze the properties of cold pressed pumpkin and walnut oil. Pumpkin and walnut are plant crops that have a long tradition of cultivation in Serbia, but are insufficiently used for oil production. Cold pressed oils have a high nutritional and market value. The production of cold-pressed oils is more environmentally friendly, simpler, and the oils retain important nutrients, compared to producing oils by extraction and refining. Pumpkin seed oil is characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in relation to the content of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. The dominant fatty acid is oleic or linoleic. Oils with a higher proportion of oleic acid are more oxidatively stable. Specifically, pumpkin oil is dominated by the presence of ∆7 sterols, unlike other vegetable oils. Walnut oil is dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids, with a significant amount of C18:3, which makes it sensitive to oxidation. The oxidative stability of walnut oil is correlated with a decrease in the content of C18:3 fatty acids. The chemical composition of the oil varies significantly depending on the variety and growing conditions in both pumpkin and walnuts. then there is a potential in the determination of suitable genotypes with oil of greater oxidative stability.Publishe

    The catalytic effect of honey on formation of reducing sugars during sucrose hydrolysis

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    © 2017, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved. In commercial apiculture, beekepers usually remove honey from hives and replenish food reserves with sugar syrup. When honeybees use sugar syrup (sucrose solution), they break down sucrose into glucose and fructose. These processes exhaust and weaken bees. In order to prevent bee exhaustion resulting from this processing, bees should preferably be supplied with ready made food before winter, i.e., with syrup in which sucrose has already been inverted. Feeding with inverted syrups is the most popular way of honeybee feeding. Beekeepers usually prepare inverted syrups by adding a weak organic acid (citric, oxalic, acetic or lactic acid) to sucrose solution at elevated temperatures. Inverted syrup production under uncontrolled pH, temperature and time conditions can cause the formation of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (HMF), a compound harmful to bees. High quality inverted syrup can be obtained through the hydrolytic decomposition of sucrose by the enzyme invertase. Due to its invertase content, honey can be used as a biocatalyst for sucrose inversion. Invertase activity depends on the type, method and time of honey storage. This study evaluates the catalytic effect of acacia honey on formation of reducing sugars during hydrolysis of 50 wt.% sucrose solution. The ratio of reducing sugars and sucrose at 40 °C, after 5 days of hydrolysis at a concentration of honey and 10 wt.% was 0.30 g reducing sugars/g of sucrose. The highest content of reducing sugars was achieved at a temperature of 35 °C, after 48 h of invertion. In all samples of hydrolysates obtained at different temperatures (35–65 °C), HMF was detected at concentrations of less than 4.32 mg kg–1. A high degree of negative correlation (coefficient of linearity –0.94) was established between parameters of volumetric and polarimetric measurements during the hydrolysis of sucrose


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    Many farms grow pumpkins, which they use to feed people and domestic animals. A by-product of this production is pumpkin seeds. He can get very high quality salad oil from it, which has a high market price. Pumpkin seeds contain up to 55% oil. The paper analyzes 19 pumpkin genotypes originating from Central and Western Serbia. Fruit weight, dry seed weight and randman were measured. The highest fruit weight and seed weight were found in G13 and G4, while the randman was highest in G19 and G3 and was inversely proportional to fruit and seed weight. Genotypes suitable for pumpkin seed production should have a larger number of smaller fruits (2-5 kg), which have a better randman, and therefore are important for oil production.Publishe

    Foliar fertilization with phosphorus and potassium in red clover seed production on an acidic soil

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    A field trial with four red clover cultivars ('K-39', 'K-17', 'Una' and 'Viola') was conducted on a leached vertisol acid in reaction (pHH2O 4.8) to assess the effect of foliar treatment with phosphorus and potassium on seed yield and seed yield components. A single foliar application of phosphorus and potassium (P52K34) was made at the intensive growth stage during the second growth in the second year of cultivation. Seed yield and seed yield components were analyzed from the second growth in the second year of the experiment. Foliar treatment with phosphorus and potassium had a significant positive effect on seed yield and yield components in some red clover cultivars in some years. The most positive effect was recorded in 'K-17' and 'Viola'. The different effects of foliar-applied mineral fertilizers on the tested cultivars were the result of their phenotypic differences. Foliar treatment gave the best performance in 2011, when the climatic conditions were the most favorable for red clover growth and development. In general, the seed yield of red clover cultivars increased by 105 kg ha-1 under foliar fertilization. The positive effect of the foliar treatment with phosphorus and potassium was attributed to the need for these elements in many plant processes. The results showed that the foliar application of mineral fertilizers in red clover seed production on acid soils can be an acceptable practice under conditions favoring high yields.Poljski ogled sa četiri sorte crvene dateline K-39, K-17, Una i Viola je postavljen na zemljištu tipa lesivirana smonica, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4.8) sa ciljem da se odredi uticaj folijarnih tretmana fosforom i kalijumom na prinos i komponente prinosa semena. Folijarna primena fosfora i kalijuma (P52K34) je izvršena u fazi intenzivnog rasta tokom drugog porasta u drugoj godini proizvodnje. U periodu od cvetanja do žetve su analizirane najvažnije komponente prinosa i prinos semena. Folijarna primena fosfora i kalijuma je imala značajan pozitivan uticaj na prinos semena i komponente prinosa semena pojedinih sorti crvene deteline u pojedinim godinama. Najpozitivniji uticaj je zabležen kod sorti K-37 i viola. Različit uticaj folijarno primenjenih mineralnih hraniva na sorte je rezultat njihovih fenotipskih razlika. Folijarni tretman mineralnim hranivima je dao najbolje rezultate u 2011. godini, kada su klimatski uslovi za uspevanje crvene deteline bili najpovoljniji. Generalno posmatrano, prinos semena sorti crvene deteline je povećan pod uticajem folijarne prihrane za 105 kg ha-1. Pozitivan uticaj folijarnog tretmana fosforom i kalijumom se pripisuje neophodnosti ovih elemenata u mnogim procesima u biljci. Rezultati ukazuju da folijarna primena mineralnih hraniva u semenskoj proizvodnji crvene deteline na kiselim zemljištima može biti prihvatljiva mera u uslovima kada su obezbeđeni i ostali uslovi za postizanje visokih prinosa

    Influence of blackberry leaf extract on the copper corrosion behaviour in 0.5 M NaCl

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    The research presented in this paper is focused on blackberry leaf extract (BLE) as a environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor for copper in 0.5 M NaCl. The caffeic acid, quercetin-3-O-glucoside and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside were identified in BLE by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). The BLE functional groups were identified (ATR-FTIR). The electrochemical methods (potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical frequency modulation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) show that BLE acts as a mixed type of inhibitor (max. IE is 97.19 %). The corrosion process is controlled by diffusion (BLE lower than 15 g/L) and charge transfer (15 g/L BLE).This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Zdravković, M., Grekulović, V., Šuljagić, J., Stanković, D. M., Savić, S. D., Radovanović, M.,& Stamenković, U.. (2023). Influence of blackberry leaf extract on the copper corrosion behaviour in 0.5 M NaCl. in Bioelectrochemistry Elsevier., 151, 108401. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioelechem.2023.108401

    Influence of blackberry leaf extract on the copper corrosion behaviour in 0.5 M NaCl

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    The research presented in this paper is focused on blackberry leaf extract (BLE) as a environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor for copper in 0.5 M NaCl. The caffeic acid, quercetin-3-O-glucoside and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside were identified in BLE by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). The BLE functional groups were identified (ATR-FTIR). The electrochemical methods (potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical frequency modulation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) show that BLE acts as a mixed type of inhibitor (max. IE is 97.19 %). The corrosion process is controlled by diffusion (BLE lower than 15 g/L) and charge transfer (15 g/L BLE).Peer-reviewed manuscript: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5805