67 research outputs found

    Urban Design Education for Placemaking: Learning From Experimental Educational Projects

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    Placemaking is a people-centred, multi-faceted approach which aims at strengthening connections between people and the places they share as a basis for sustainable urban development. It creates a new context for urban design practice, a context in which urban designers should value the lay knowledge of "ordinary people" (who are considered to be place-makers too); should recognise the importance of both cognitive and emotional connections between people and spaces for creating a sense of place; and should participate as partners in a collaborative process of making a place. Traditional studio-based urban design education, featuring solipsistic, elite, and abstract design practices, proves to be inadequate in relation to the placemaking paradigm of urban development. In search for a new approach, we argue that for urban design education to be relevant for the placemaking practice, it should broaden its basis to include not only gaining knowledge and developing skills in urban design, but also valuable site-specific and community-based learning experiences aimed at developing cognitive and emotional connections between people and spaces so as to produce a sense of place and a sense of sharing a place. Opportunities and constraints of urban design education for placemaking, relying upon place-based and community-based learning approaches, were explored and discussed within the frames of two experimental urban design educational projects at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, that were conducted in collaboration with local communities in Belgrade and Negotin (Serbia). Lessons learned from these projects have been further used as recommendations for shaping a curriculum of urban design education for placemaking

    Legal institute of spatial and urban plans endorsement in Serbia

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    Резиме: Тема докторске дисертације "Институт одобрења плана у Србији: примена и перспектива развоја" до сада није била предмет комплекснијих истраживачких интересовања просторних и урбаних планера професионално посвећених изучавању српског планирања и законодавства. Томе не противуречи чињеница да је радова на блиске теме било и да су их спорадично исписивали правници, политиколози, историчари, архитекте, културолози, са свог, особеног и тематски и усмереног аспекта. Ипак, запаженијих истраживања оквира и компоненти ове регуле, њених корена, места, улоге и значаја у развоју српског простора и насеља није било. Сто тридесет година дуго присуство института одобрења плана у српском законодавству и пракси отвара широк тематски круг питања везаних за његову појаву, правце развоја/еволутивност, садржај, улогу, значај, потенцијал и сл., вредних пажње. Истраживање на особен начин дотиче и проучавање специфичних односа у политици и друштву који су омогућили прихватање/увођење и развој овог института и његово, још увек, активно присуство. Стојановић каже да аутор бира своју тему на основу на разне начине формираних афинитета и интересовања, али и емоција, и да избором свог предмета истраживања он покушава себи да објасни феномене који њега лично интригирају, опседају, који га терају на непрекидно преиспитивање (Стојановић, Д., 2012), што у овом случају сасвим одговара истини. Но, разлози и подстицаји за овај рад садржани су и у чињеницама које се јавно износе, а везане су за стање у простору Србије, институционалне слабости и професионалне пропусте. Све поменуто наводи на размишљање, преиспитивање и отвара простор за тражење нових, бољих и ефикаснијих модела и решења. Дисертација, суштински, има два велика дела – први обухвата глобални, национални и локални амбијент управљања просторним развојем, као и њихов међуоднос (коегзистенцију), док други чини анализа институционалног оквира и праксе института одобрења плана/сагласности на план.Abstract: Until present, the topic of this doctoral dissertation "Legal Institute of Spatial and Urban Plans Endorsement in Serbia: Its Application and Development Perspectives" has not been in the focus of more complex research efforts of spatial and urban planners who are professionally dedicated to studying the Serbian spatial and urban development planning and relevant legislation. This is not in contravention with the fact that research papers on similar topics have been sporadically published by lawyers, political scientists, historians, architects and culturologists who were driven by their particular and thematic approaches. Still, we have not witnessed any significant research studies related to the framework and components of this regulation, its origins, place, role and its importance for the Serbian spatial and urban development. The 130-year long history of the legal institute of spatial and urban plans endorsement in Serbian legislation and practice opens up a wide range of topical issues related to its existence, directions of development/evolutivity, contents, role, significance, potential, etc. which are worth exploring. In its own way, the present research also touches upon specific political and social relationships, which made the acceptance/incorporation and development of this legal institute and it’s, still active presence, possible. According to Stojanović, each author chooses a research topic based not only on its own affinities and interests formed in different ways, but on emotions, as well, and that with its choice of research topic the author endeavours to explain the phenomena he/she is personally intrigued by, obsessed with, and which call for permanent re-examination (Stojanović, D, 2012), which in this particular case fully corresponds to the truth. However, the reasons and a true impulse for this dissertation can also be traced back to facts in public domain regarding the territory of Serbia, institutional weaknesses and professional failures. All of the above mentioned call for reflection, re-examination and opening a new leeway in search of fresh, improved and more efficient models and solutions

    An Integral Approach to the Modeling of Information Support for Local Sustainable DevelopmentExperiences of a Serbian Enabling Leadership Experiment

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    Collaborative strategic decision making has to be widely informed, communicated and knowledge-based in order to innovate transformations toward local and global sustainability. It is unimaginable that this process could be effective without computer-aided information support, but the research indicates the utilization constraints within human capacities to recognize their usability and usefulness. These constraints seem to be even more challenging within the intensively transitional social contexts, such as Serbia. We argue that understanding the relationships between sustainability, governance, and planning in a specific social context has profound importance to gain usefulness of information support and to ensure its increasing utilization. Identifying the practical path of information support modeling requires an operational framework that encompasses innovative and socially valid initiatives. Therefore, an integral theory framework was chosen to comprehend all social influences on the information support of successful utilization. This article presents the integral framework of the information support's conceptual setting, which was used to build up community-based collaborative action research (CBCAR) as a transformative social learning process that enables information support utilization, and it was tested in six municipalities of Serbia. The implementation of pilot territorial information support (TIS) initiatives resulted in continuous and proactive local community efforts in information support development and usage

    Nodes and Networks: The Generative Role of Cultural Heritage for Urban Revival in Kikinda

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    Using heritage as a cultural artifact in city development is not new, but little has been explored about how urban heritage can be utilized as new generative value and a new planning instrument for the revival of cities. The purpose of this paper is to show the creative and the generative use of urban heritage, both for the extension of cultural and tourist offer of the city and for the improvement of the quality of life in physical, social and economic terms for the community. The case study method was used for the adaptive reuse of projects for heritage buildings and urban revival in Kikinda. We argue that urban heritage has to be used, bearing in mind its spatial, economic and social sustainability aspects, and become a generator of urban revival. We go beyond recognition of the value of heritage as a cultural artifact that should solely be preserved and used as a static element in urban development, and view it more as a dynamic asset for city revival processes. We found that for the heritage nodes to be utilized as the new generative value for the revival of cities, they have to be perceived from the network perspective, thus influencing the urban environment in a sustainable way

    Hyoid Bone and Thyroid Cartilage Metastases from Sigmoid Colon Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report

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    Background: Secondary tumours of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage are extremely rare. In this paper, we present a case of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage metastases in a patient treated for sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma. Case Report: Four years after sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma was diagnosed and treated with surgery and chemotherapy, the patient developed bone metastases in the left sacroiliac joint and right proximal humerus. Although the patient did not complain of any related symptoms, in a bone scintigraphy the accumulation of Technetium-99m was incidentally detected in the two sites of the anterior neck. On ultrasound examination there were two hyperechoic and heterogeneous masses with calcifications placed in front of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage. Computerized tomography demonstrated massive hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage destruction. Conclusion: In patients with progressive sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma, destruction of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage could be suspected for metastases

    Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects

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    Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of “natural risks” in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996) and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were reconstructed by use of ″hydraulics flood traces″ method. Computations of maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the “Erosion Potential Method”. The actual state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470 (Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna). The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wа=24357 m3 to Wа=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wа=19974 m3 to Wа=14434 m3 (Kamišna). The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3•s-1; QmaxhKam=76.3 m3•s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration (QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 •s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3•s-1), indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply, rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs (Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels

    Urban design education for placemaking: between cognition and emotion

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    The paper explores possibilities for linking knowledge and emotions in urban design education for placemaking. The concept of placemaking emphasises the need for strengthening connections between people and the places they share. These connections are based not only on knowing but also on experiencing and loving particular places. Besides that, place making refers to a collaborative process of shaping public realm in order to maximize shared value. In this process, urban designers are just one of the actors involved. Therefore, placemaking, as a new paradigm in urban design, asks for reconsidering and strengthening links between aesthetic, social, and technical dimensions of urban design process. All of this implies not only changes in professional domain, but in the education for urban design as well. The research is based on experiences of two urban design projects from the elective course “Art in Urban Public Spaces – PaPs” at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. We analyse various paths of educational urban design process that have been conducted in collaboration with local communities in Belgrade and Negotin, and discuss different possibilities of linking cognitive and emotional aspects in urban design process for placemaking

    Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects

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    Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of 'natural risks' in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996) and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were reconstructed by use of 'hydraulics flood traces' method. Computations of maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the 'Erosion Potential Method'. The actual state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470 (Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna). The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wa=24357 m3 to Wa=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wa=19974 m3 to Wa=14434 m3 (Kamišna). The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3·s-1; QmaxhKam=76.3 m3·s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration (QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 ·s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3·s-1), indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply, rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs (Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels


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    Entrepreneurial urban governments around the world use large urban projects for promoting cities as a place for enhanced quality of life and attracting investment from an international level. However, large urban projects frequently challenge democratic planning and public interest, and break up conventional city planning models. We argue that the entrepreneurial role change of city governments call for reframing the public interest, taking into consideration both global private interests and sustainable impacts and benefits for varieties of local public interests. The paper presents the case of Belgrade Waterfront Project. Results show an efficient entrepreneurial direction of the Serbian national government, contrary to the worldwide experiences where urban governments take the lead. Still, it is questionable whether the outcomes will be just and fair, especially when it comes to ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. We place equity at the top of agenda for public officials and planners in the creation and implementation of large-scale projects. Therefore, we believe there are varieties of public interests on various spatial levels, defined by politicians, explored by planning experts’, and accepted by the citizens for obtaining broader social support

    The visualization of the medieval site of the Savinac monastery

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    Contemporary visualization techniques rely on new technological achievements which offer information data collection in the form of a three-dimensional model. Such 3D model is significant in the area of cultural heritage protection and specifically in the restoration processes of ruined monuments. The results of applications of both methods, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetry, is 3D data in the form of point cloud, which is a base for 3D modelling process in adequate software, and accordingly, a creation of an objects’ 3D shape. In this paper, the results of data collecting at the medieval site of the Savinac monastery (twelfth century ), performed in 2018, by using both contemporary methods, is presented. The visualization of this particular site is of the major importance for cultural heritge of Serbia