343 research outputs found

    Cechy osobowości a przeżycia religijne młodzieży artystycznej

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    Religijność subiektywna młodzieży o uzdolnieniach artystycznych – analiza jakościowa

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    This article discuses the role of subjective religiousness among contemporary people. The theoretical and empirical approaches showing that while modernization does have secularizing effects, it also provokes a reaction that more often strengthens religion (especially subjective, intensive, autonomic religiousness). In this paper projection method were used to examine the functioning of subjective religiousness among artistically gifted young people. Ss (N=296 aged 15–20 yrs) had to finish sentences: 1. “I’m sadly …”, 2. “I treasure, I like …”, 3. “Rational analysis…”, 4. “God in my life...” . The results of qualitative analysis suggest that subjective religiousness have common and specific dimensions (conditioning, consequence meaning and typology). The findings revealed that the majority of the youth define themselves from one hand as nontraditional and not orthodox, from second hand as ultra religious and mystical. His religiousness is deep, latent and emotionally very intensive. Implications are considered for future research on religiousness.Artykuł zawiera wyniki oraz analizę badań przeprowadzonych na grupie licealistów, uczniów krakowskiego liceum plastycznego. Autor bada problem religijności subiektywnej młodych respondentów. Analiza poparta jest szczegółowymi przemyśleniami teoretycznymi. Wynikiem interpretacji wypowiedzi uczniów jest zestawienie między innymi klasyfikujące typy religijności oraz motywacje podejmowania relacji z Bogiem

    Stan wiedzy ratowników medycznych na temat dawstwa narządów na etapie przedszpitalnym

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    State of knowledge of paramedics on organ donation at pre-hospital stage The development of transplantation medicine allows saving human’s health and life, when the effective and commonly used methods of treatment are unavailable. The most commonly transplanted organs and tissues include kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, marrow and cornea. Although according to Polish law, every deceased person can be considered as a potential donor of tissues and organs, if he has not objected to it during his lifetime, the number of organ donations remains highly underestimated in relation to the recipients' needs. One of the possible ways to improve this situation is to increase the involvement of paramedics in the process of obtaining organ donors at the pre-hospital stage. The subject of the undertaken research is to discuss the issues related to medical rescue in the context of transplantology and the knowledge and experience of paramedics in this area. The studies carried out indicate clearly the high state of knowledge of medical rescuers on the subject of transplantology. The work confirmed the legitimacy of increasing the involvement of paramedics in the pre-hospital qualification process of potential organ donors for transplantation purposes.Rozwój medycyny transplantacyjnej pozwala na ratowanie zdrowia i życia ludzkiego, w sytuacji braku skuteczności powszechnie stosowanych metod leczenie. Do najczęściej przeszczepianych narządów i tkanek należą nerki, serce, wątrobę, płuca, tr zustka, szpik oraz rogówka. Pomimo, iż w edług polskiego prawa każda osoba zmarła może być rozpatrywana jako potencjalny dawca tkanek oraz narządów, jeżeli za życia nie wyraziła na to sprzeciwu, liczba pobrań narządów pozostaje wysoce zaniżona w stosunku do zapotrzebowania biorców. Jednym z możliwych sposobów poprawy tej sytuacji jest zwiększenie zaangażowania ratowników medycznych w proces pozyskiwania dawców narządów na etapie przedszpitalnym. Przedmiotem podjętych badań jest omówienie problematyki związan ej z ratownictwem medycznym w kontekście transplantologii oraz wiedzy i doświadczenia zawodowego ratowników medycznych w tym obszarze . Przeprowadzone badania wskazują jednoznacznie wysoki stan wiedzy ratowników medycznych na temat transplantologii. W pracy potwierdzono zasadność zwiększenia zaangażowania ratowników medycznych w proces przed szpitalnej kwalifikacji potencjalnych dawców narządów do celów transplantologicznych

    Opętanie i egzorcyzm w świetle badań antropologicznych i neurologicznych

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    The aim of this study is to present the phenomena of possession and related exorcism rituals in the light of anthropological (analysis of the possessed people) and neurological research (systematic investigation of people with disorders that are similar to possession states such as epilepsy, dissociative identity disorder, meditation and mystical experiences). The research studies show that we have two different forms of possession: positive (controlled, enriching the life of the individual, i.e. shaman, exorcist) and negative (uncontrolled, diminishing the life of the individual). Women, male homosexuals, epilepsy patients, and people with dissociative identity disorder, heightened religiosity, experienced in meditation and with mystical experiences, are more likely to become possessed. The neurological mechanism which appears to be primarily responsible for spirit-possession phenomena is reduced asymmetry of brain activity (hemispheric synchronisation increases risk for possession). The implications for diagnosis and treatment of “possessed” people are presented (exorcists and deliverance ministers often succeed where psychiatry fails, but faith healers should be discouraged from exercising violent attempts at exorcism, because misconceptions such as possession by demons are still believed to be a cause of mental illness)

    Metoda dialogiczna w szkole (opis i weryfikacja narzędzia diagnostycznego na przykładzie lekcji religii)

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    In this article was discussed the role of new theoretical suggestions in education.  Considerations were based on results of empirical research in pedagogy, psychology  and religious education. Proposals of dialogic education (Person Centered Approach)  were searched, where student-centered dialogue is cited as essential in facilitating the  development of critical and creative consciousness. Next, such a model of dialogic  education was used as a point of departure for constructing the Dialogic Education  Questionnaire (DEQ). SS (N=250) were administered questionnaire measures.  Descriptive statistics (frequencies) and bivariate correlations were used. The results  confirmed validity of Dialogic Education Questionnaire as well as usefulness of  considerations based on new theoretical suggestions in education, pedagogy and  religious education. W wielu współczesnych opracowaniach teoretycznych występuje krytyka tradycyjnych form pedagogicznych i katechetycznych opartych o metodę scholastyczną („trzy zet” = zakuć, zdać i zapomnieć), technologiczną (stosowanie wypracowanych dawno technik) i paradygmatyczną (akcent na aspekt przedmiotowy, poznawczy, empirycystyczny)1. Wnioski wypływające z powyższych prac teoretycznych prowadzą do sformułowania tezy potwierdzonej empirycznie, że uprawianie samej dydaktyki wiąże się z przemocą strukturalną sankcjonowaną prawnie oraz prowadzi do niedostosowania społecznego, przestępczości nieletnich i innych dewiacji

    Corrosion study of resorbable Ca60Mg15Zn25 bulk metallic glasses in physiological fluids

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    The corrosion activity of amorphous plates of Ca60Mg15Zn25 alloy was investigated. The biocompatible elements were selected for the alloy composition. The electrochemical corrosion and immersion tests were carried out in a multi-electrolyte fluid and Ringer's solution. Better corrosion behavior was observed for the samples tested in a multi-electrolyte fluid despite the active dissolution of Ca and Mg in Ringer's solution. The experimental results indicated that reducing concentration of NaCl from 8.6 g/dm3 for Ringer's solution to 5.75 g/dm3 caused the decrease of the corrosion rate. The volume of the hydrogen evolved after 480 min in Ringer's solution (40.1 ml/ cm2) was higher in comparison with that obtained in a multi-electrolyte fluid (24.4 ml/cm2). The values of opencircuit potential (EOCP) for the Ca60Mg15Zn25 glass after 1 h incubation in Ringer's solution and a multielectrolyte fluid were determined to be −1553 and −1536 mV vs. a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The electrochemical measurements indicated a shift of the corrosion current density (jcorr) from 1062 μA/cm2 for the sample tested in Ringer's solution to 788 μA/cm2 for the specimen immersed in a multi-electrolyte fluid. The corrosion products analysis was conducted by using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The corrosion products were identified to be CaCO3, Mg(OH)2, CaO, MgO and ZnO. The mechanism of corrosion process was proposed and described based on the microscopic observations. The X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) also indicated that Ca(OH)2, CaCO3, Zn(OH)2 and Ca(Zn(OH)3)2·2H2O mainly formed on the surface of the studied alloy.The work was supported by National Science Centre under research project no.: 2013/09/B/ST8/02129

    Skuteczność metody dialogicznej w katechezie (eksperymentalne studium empiryczne)

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    This article validates the role of dialogical methods in religious education. Pedagogical and psychological research suggests that a dialogue between teachers and students is essential to facilitating the development of critical and creative consciousness. An experiment was conducted to predict the effectiveness of the dialogical method in religious education. 250 students took part in a survey compiled for the purpose of the test. Descriptive statistics was applied to carry out the survey analysis. The results confirmed that a student-centered dialog is an effective method in religious education.This article validates the role of dialogical methods in religious education. Pedagogical and psychological research suggests that a dialogue between teachers and students is essential to facilitating the development of critical and creative consciousness. An experiment was conducted to predict the effectiveness of the dialogical method in religious education. 250 students took part in a survey compiled for the purpose of the test. Descriptive statistics was applied to carry out the survey analysis. The results confirmed that a student-centered dialog is an effective method in religious education