392 research outputs found

    The tension between "risk" and "guilt" in the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer's exploration of responsible life

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    CITATION: Radler, K. S. 2020. The tension between "risk" and "guilt" in the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer's exploration of responsible life. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 6(4):113-138, doi:10.17570/stj.2020.v6n4.a5.The original publication is available at: http://www.scielo.org.zaThis article discusses the two definitions for a responsible life and action that the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer provides in his book Ethics, which suggest that accepting Schuld - taking on guilt, debt, or an obligation - seems to override the risk involved in responsibility. A comparison of Stellvertretung, Schuldübernahme, and Zurechnung of the German codified civil law and their dogmatic intricacies shows that Bonhoeffer adopted jurisprudential thought into his theology of acting responsibly through taking on Schuld in accordance with Jesus Christ, the incarnated God who once existed in human reality and acted on the cross as Stellvertreter for humanity. Embracing elements of the sub-constitutional German civil law tradition of the bourgeois liberal-democratic movement of the 19th century served Bonhoeffer to emphasize, as part of his resistance to a dehumanizing totalitarian political system, an independent private space of freedom that is removed from the public sphere.Publisher's versio

    Nanoscale FasL Organization on DNA Origami to Decipher Apoptosis Signal Activation in Cells

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    Cell signaling is initiated by characteristic protein patterns in the plasma membrane, but tools to decipher their molecular organization and activation are hitherto lacking. Among the well-known signaling pattern is the death inducing signaling complex with a predicted hexagonal receptor architecture. To probe this architecture, DNA origami-based nanoagents with nanometer precise arrangements of the death receptor ligand FasL are introduced and presented to cells. Mimicking different receptor geometries, these nanoagents act as signaling platforms inducing fastest time-to-death kinetics for hexagonal FasL arrangements with 10 nm inter-molecular spacing. Compared to naturally occurring soluble FasL, this trigger is faster and 100x more efficient. Nanoagents with different spacing, lower FasL number or higher coupling flexibility impede signaling. The results present DNA origami as versatile signaling scaffolds exhibiting unprecedented control over molecular number and geometry. They define molecular benchmarks in apoptosis signal initiation and constitute a new strategy to drive particular cell responses

    Blockade of T-cell activation by dithiocarbamates involves novel mechanisms of inhibition of nuclear factor of activated T cells.

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    Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) have recently been reported as powerful inhibitors of NF-kappaB activation in a number of cell types. Given the role of this transcription factor in the regulation of gene expression in the inflammatory response, NF-kappaB inhibitors have been suggested as potential therapeutic drugs for inflammatory diseases. We show here that DTCs inhibited both interleukin 2 (IL-2) synthesis and membrane expression of antigens which are induced during T-cell activation. This inhibition, which occurred with a parallel activation of c-Jun transactivating functions and expression, was reflected by transfection experiments at the IL-2 promoter level, and involved not only the inhibition of NF-kappaB-driven reporter activation but also that of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). Accordingly, electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) indicated that pyrrolidine DTC (PDTC) prevented NF-kappaB, and NFAT DNA-binding activity in T cells stimulated with either phorbol myristate acetate plus ionophore or antibodies against the CD3-T-cell receptor complex and simultaneously activated the binding of AP-1. Furthermore, PDTC differentially targeted both NFATp and NFATc family members, inhibiting the transactivation functions of NFATp and mRNA induction of NFATc. Strikingly, Western blotting and immunocytochemical experiments indicated that PDTC promoted a transient and rapid shuttling of NFATp and NFATc, leading to their accelerated export from the nucleus of activated T cells. We propose that the activation of an NFAT kinase by PDTC could be responsible for the rapid shuttling of the NFAT, therefore transiently converting the sustained transactivation of this transcription factor that occurs during lymphocyte activation, and show that c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) can act by directly phosphorylating NFATp. In addition, the combined inhibitory effects on NFAT and NF-KB support a potential use of DTCs as immunosuppressants

    On the rotational evolution of solar- and late-type stars, its magnetic origins, and the possibility of stellar gyrochronology

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    We propose a simple interpretation of the rotation period data for solar- and late-type stars. The open cluster and Mt. Wilson star observations suggest that rotating stars lie primarily on two sequences, initially called I and C. Some stars lie in the intervening gap. These sequences, and the fractional numbers of stars on each sequence evolve systematically with cluster age, enabling us to construct crude rotational isochrones allowing `stellar gyrochronology', a procedure, upon improvement, likely to yield ages for individual field stars. The age and color dependences of the sequences allow the identification of the underlying mechanism, which appears to be primarily magnetic. The majority of solar- and late-type stars possess a dominant Sun-like, or Interface magnetic field, which connects the convective envelope both to the radiative interior of the star and to the exterior where winds can drain off angular momentum. These stars spin down Skumanich-style. An age-decreasing fraction of young G, K, and M stars, which are rapid rotators, possess only a Convective field which is not only inefficient in depleting angular momentum, but also incapable of coupling the surface convection zone to the inner radiative zone, so that only the outer zone is spun down, and on an exponential timescale. These stars do not yet possess large-scale dynamos. The large-scale magnetic field associated with the dynamo, apparently created by the shear between the decoupled radiative and convective zones, (re)couples the convective and radiative zones and drives a star from the Convective to the Interface sequence through the gap on a timescale that increases as stellar mass decreases. (Abstract is truncated here.)Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures (4 in color), accepted by Ap

    Dynamical evolution of neutrino--cooled accretion disks: detailed microphysics, lepton-driven convection, and global energetics

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    We present a detailed, two dimensional numerical study of the microphysical conditions and dynamical evolution of accretion disks around black holes when neutrino emission is the main source of cooling. Such structures are likely to form after the gravitational collapse of massive rotating stellar cores, or the coalescence of two compact objects in a binary (e.g., the Hulse--Taylor system). The physical composition is determined self consistently by considering two regimes: neutrino--opaque and neutrino--transparent, with a detailed equation of state which takes into account neutronization, nuclear statistical equilibrium of a gas of free nucleons and alpha particles, blackbody radiation and a relativistic Fermi gas of arbitrary degeneracy. Various neutrino emission processes are considered, with electron/positron capture onto free nucleons providing the dominant contribution to the cooling rate. We find that important temporal and spatial scales, related to the optically thin/optically thick transition are present in the disk, and manifest themselves clearly in the energy output in neutrinos. This transition produces an inversion of the lepton gradient in the innermost regions of the flow which drives convective motions, and affects the density and disk scale height radial profiles. The electron fraction remains low in the region close to the black hole, and if preserved in an outflow, could give rise to heavy element nucleosynthesis. Our specific initial conditions arise from the binary merger context, and so we explore the implications of our results for the production of gamma ray bursts.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Ap

    The case for a distributed solar dynamo shaped by near-surface shear

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    Arguments for and against the widely accepted picture of a solar dynamo being seated in the tachocline are reviewed and alternative ideas concerning dynamos operating in the bulk of the convection zone, or perhaps even in the near-surface shear layer, are discussed. Based on the angular velocities of magnetic tracers it is argued that the observations are compatible with a distributed dynamo that may be strongly shaped by the near-surface shear layer. Direct simulations of dynamo action in a slab with turbulence and shear are presented to discuss filling factor and tilt angles of bipolar regions in such a model.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Astrophys. J. 625 (scheduled for the 1 June 2005 issue

    Determinação de compostos de massa molecular alta em folhas de plantas da Amazônia

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    The fractIons of dichloromethane extracts of leaves from andiroba (Carapa guianensis - Meliaceae), caapi (Banisteriopsis caapi - Malpighiaceae), cocoa (Theobroma cacao - Sterculiaceae), Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa - Lecytidaceae), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum - Sterculiaceae), marupá (Simaruba amara - Simaroubaceae) and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis - Euphorbiaceae), were analyzed by HT-HRGC and HT-HRGC-MS. Esters of homologous series of fatty acids and long chain alcohols, phytol, amyrines and tocopherols were characterized. The characterization of the compounds was based mainly in mass spectra data and in addition by usual spectrometric data (1H and 13C NMR, IR)

    Interference of flavonoids with enzymatic assays for the determination of free fatty acid and triglyceride levels

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    Flavonoids are bioactive food compounds with potential lipid-lowering effects. Commercially available enzymatic assays are widely used to determine free fatty acid (FFA) and triglyceride (TG) levels both in vivo in plasma or serum and in vitro in cell culture medium or cell lysate. However, we have observed that various flavonoids interfere with peroxidases used in these enzymatic assays, resulting in incorrect lower FFA and TG levels than actually present. Furthermore, addition of isorhamnetin or the major metabolite of the flavonoid quercetin in human and rat plasma, quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, to murine serum also resulted in a significant reduction of the detected TG levels, while a trend was seen for FFA levels. It is concluded that when applying these assays, vigilance is needed and alternative analytical methods, directly assessing FFA or TG levels, should be used for studying the biological effects of flavonoids on FFA and TG levels

    Lipid-Based Passivation in Nanofluidics

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    Stretching DNA in nanochannels is a useful tool for direct, visual studies of genomic DNA at the single molecule level. To facilitate the study of the interaction of linear DNA with proteins in nanochannels, we have implemented a highly effective passivation scheme based on lipid bilayers. We demonstrate virtually complete long-term passivation of nanochannel surfaces to a range of relevant reagents, including streptavidin-coated quantum dots, RecA proteins, and RecA-DNA complexes. We show that the performance of the lipid bilayer is significantly better than that of standard bovine serum albumin-based passivation. Finally, we show how the passivated devices allow us to monitor single DNA cleavage events during enzymatic degradation by DNase I. We expect that our approach will open up for detailed, systematic studies of a wide range of protein-DNA interactions with high spatial and temporal resolution