6 research outputs found


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    The relevance of the article is determined by the need to study models of public-private partnership that are successfully implemented in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries to take into account their positive aspects in establishing cooperation between vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions with state and non-state partnership entities in Ukraine. Objective: based on the research results, to identify modern models of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries, to find out their peculiarities and positive aspects for use in establishing cooperation between similar partnership entities in Ukraine. Methods: studying legislative, regulatory documents, empirical data - to determine models of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries; analysis and synthesis, generalization of views on the investigated problem - to clarify the peculiarities of public-private partnership models in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries; drawing conclusions. Results: based on the analysis of legislative, regulatory documents, and empirical data, modern models of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries have been identified, their peculiarities and positive aspects for use in establishing state-private partnership in the field of vocational (vocational-technical) education in Ukraine have been clarified. Conclusions: modern models of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries have been identified: social-normative, focused on ensuring the quality of vocational education and training; resource-oriented, characterized by the presence of an investment climate, verified databases, contractual relations; institutional-communicative, focused on the development of interaction of educational service providers in the field of vocational education and training with the labor market to improve knowledge, skills, competences, qualifications. It was found that there is high activity in the implementation of public-private partnership projects in the field of vocational education and training in the European Union countries, which allows government authorities to invest in infrastructure development, support fundamental research, improve educational programs, etc., and businesses - to achieve their own goals in terms of increasing profitability, growth of charter capital value


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    To ensure the safety of passenger carriages by rail ferries, mathematical modeling of dynamic loading is performed. The accelerations are determined as components of the dynamic load acting on the body of a passenger car. This takes into account the actual hydrometeorological characteristics of the water area of the railway ferry. The calculations are made in relation to the railway ferry "Mukran", which moves the Baltic Sea. The model takes into account that the car body is rigidly fixed relative to the deck and during the oscillations of the railway ferry follows the trajectory of its movement. The solution of the mathematical model is implemented in the Mathcad software environment using the Runge-Kutta method. It is established that the maximum value of the acceleration acting on the car body is 1.8 m/s2. Determination of the dynamic loading of the passenger car body during transportation by sea is also carried out by computer simulation. The calculations were carried out in the CosmosWorks software package using the finite element method. Numerical values and acceleration distribution fields are obtained relative to the carriage body structure of a passenger car. A modal analysis of the car body during transportation by rail ferry is carried out. The numerical values of the critical frequencies and waveforms are obtained. To check the adequacy of the developed models, a calculation is made according to the Fisher criterion. It is established that the hypothesis of adequacy is not rejected. The research will contribute to the creation of recommendations on the safety of passenger carriages by railway ferries, as well as the manufacture of their modern structures in terms of car-building enterprises

    Activity approach to the development of professional competence of civil security specialists in postgraduate education (the Ukrainian experience)

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    The practice of developing the professional competence of civil security specialists requires thorough study and experimental confirmation of existing problems. In the study, the authors propose the application of a pedagogical concept for the development of professional competence of civil security specialists in Ukraine, based on an activity approach. In the presented structural-logical scheme, separate elements of the activity approach to the development of professional competence of civil security specialists operate and interact with each other, and also focus on larger contextualizing systems to achieve the target result - the acquisition of new knowledge. The main goal of the study was to compare the level of development of the activity component of the professional competence of specialists in the process of improving their qualifications using educational and cognitive (project training, modeling, performing situational tasks, cases of various types) and practice-oriented (command and staff, object training, analysis of the professional situation, problembased training) teaching methods with the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods, which are based on the informative and illustrative activities of the scientific and pedagogical worker (narration, demonstration, lecture) and reproductive activities of specialists. The unit of analysis is a group of specialists with the appropriate category (for example, heads, deputy heads of structural subdivisions of executive power bodies and local self-government bodies, whose activities are related to the implementation of civil protection measures), who interact to achieve goals that characterize the development of their professional competence in the field of civil security. Based on the obtained results, the authors believe that the activity approach involves better mastering of knowledge, skills, personal and professional qualities by specialists, increasing their activity and motivation to study compared to the use of traditional methods. The authors of the study present their conclusions about the impact of the activity component on the professional competence of specialists, obtained after diagnosing the training process conducted in a higher education institution and institutions of the field of civil security. The presented research used theoretical (analysis and synthesis of research data), empirical (survey, questionnaire, pedagogical experiment, expert evaluation), statistical (quantitative and qualitative analysis) methods and infographics on three levels of development of professional competence of the specified specialists. The results of Pearson's χ2 test confirmed the significance of the differences between the indicators in the groups before and after the experiment at three levels of observation


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    Актуальність статті зумовлюється необхідністю обґрунтування принципів розвитку в Україні державно-приватного партнерства у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти особливо для досягнення цілей, що становлять суспільний інтерес, здійснення інвестицій в будівництво і відновлення освітньої інфраструктури, особливо в повоєнний час. Мета: визначити та схарактеризувати принципи розвитку державно-приватного партнерства у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти; з’ясувати можливості їх урахування в налагодженні співробітництва закладів освіти з державними та недержавними суб’єктами. Методи: вивчення наукових джерел, законодавчих, нормативно-правових документів, емпіричних даних – для з’ясування стану розвитку державно-приватного партнерства у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти; теоретичний аналіз і синтез, узагальнення поглядів щодо досліджуваної проблеми – для визначення принципів розвитку державно-приватного партнерства у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти, формулювання висновків. Результати: на основі аналізу сучасних законодавчих, нормативно-правових документів, наукових джерел, емпіричних даних визначено та схарактеризовано принципи розвитку державно-приватного партнерства у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти; з’ясовано можливості їх урахування в налагодженні співробітництва між закладами освіти, органи державної влади, місцевою адміністрацією, соціальними інститутами та приватним сектором. Висновки: виокремлено основні принципи розвитку державно-приватного партнерства у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти: інтегративності, зв’язку теорії з практикою і продуктивною діяльністю, децентралізаціє управління, рівноправності партнерів, узгодження інтересів сторін партнерства, соціальної відповідальності, бенчмаркінгу, спільного фінансування, розподілу ризиків між партнерами; удосконалено зміст поняття «державно-приватне партнерство у сфері професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти» як система довгострокових взаємовигідних договірних економічних та організаційних відносин державних і недержавних суб’єктів з метою залучення додаткових інвестицій у розвиток професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти, підвищення рівня спільної відповідальності за прийняття рішень, що становлять суспільний інтерес, досягнення педагогічного, соціального, педагогічного та економічного ефектів

    Model of formation of professional activity safety culture of future occupational safety and health engineers

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    The purpose of the article is to consider the model of the formation of the safety culture of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The urgency of the implementation of the stated research within the Concept of sustainable development has been substantiated. The study establishes the structure of the model represented by five blocks: prospective-target, theoretical-methodological, content-technological, diagnostic-resultant. The prospective-target block defines the goals and objectives of the research; the theoretical-methodological block provides for a concept, methodological approaches, principles, factors, pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the culture of safety of professional activity; content-technological is expressed by a complex of didactic units that include content components, forms, methods and technologies of teaching; the diagnostic-resultant block contains diagnostic tools for the formation of the safety culture of professional activity among future engineers on labor protection. The conclusion is made about the dynamism and balance of the components of the proposed model, aimed at the personal growth of future occupational safety and health engineers and the development of their creative potential, most significantly focused on the prevention of the risks and harm caused by occupational hazards

    Pedagogical Aspects of the Formation of Ecological Competence of Specialists of the Maritime Branch

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    The negative anthropogenic impact on the biosphere has caused the deterioration of the ecological situation throughout the world. In Ukraine, this process was aggravated by the consequences of Russian aggression. The modern post-industrial society needs highly qualified specialists who are able to think critically, act quickly and decisively in non-standard situations associated with damage to the natural environment. Our study is devoted to various aspects of improving the methods of using modern pedagogical technologies aimed at developing environmental competence among future specialists in navigation and management of marine vessels. Based on the results of our study, the pedagogical conditions that have the greatest impact on the formation of environmental competence of future specialists of the maritime branch were identified and characterized. To such conditions, we attributed the increase in the motivation of applicants for environmental protection and careful use of the environment in the process of carrying out future professional activities; introduction of modern forms of education (environmental trainings, project method) to enhance the educational process; increased attention to problem solving and decision-making in stressful situations, taking timing into account. It should be noted that future specialists have significantly increased level of environmental competence, which primarily affected the quality of solving practical problems of an environmental nature and the speed of decision-making. The results obtained in our study were used in the development of curricula and educational and methodological support in order to improve the environmental preparation of applicants for education for their practical professional activities in matters related to ensuring environmental safety, environmental conservation, etc. Our practical research has had a positive impact on the formation of environmental competence of applicants for education of ships in the process of professional training through the introduction of modern forms of education and the implementation of the pedagogical conditions we have defined