29 research outputs found

    Pengaman Brankas Menggunakan Voice dengan Media Bluetooth Berbasis Mikrokontrller Atmega 328

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    As the development of mobile technology which is not only used as telephone and text messages, but also can be used as a devices for controlling a safe. Such as a smarthphone that contained the computer\u27s features. So, the technology can be controlled remotely and according to what the user wants. Safe is a tool that is capable for helping human\u27s high risk work. That is why people make a safe for minimize the risk of crime and for securing, securing the valuable objects. Therefore, a safe\u27s security is designed by using motor servo as an output of the safe\u27s door movement,microcontroller as the brain, bluetooth as a communication media to send the data or input from the app, and android smartphone is taking role as a device which is contolling remotely the saf

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kinerja Dan Prestasi Pekerja Dalam Menentukan Keunggulan Bersaing

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    Sistem informasi manajemen penting dalam mengarahkan segala sumber  daya. Tujuan mengetahui oftimalisasi sumber daya dalam meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing.  Sistem informasi sebagai inti dalam organisasi. Meningkatkan dan megembankan organisasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan sistem informasi yaitu: (a). Keunggulan sistem informasi (b). Pengembangan sistem informasi (c). Meningkatkan sumber daya yang ada (d). Dimensi Sistem informasi. Suatu kemajuan dan dalam  teknologi informasi yang perlu dalam proses data secara baik dan benar. menjadi output dan outcomes yang variatif dan bermanfaat bagi organisasi. Kesimpulan: (1). Optimalisasi teknologi sistem informasi menjadi faktor penting bagi pengguna (2). Dapat menningkatkan kemapanan dan penentu kelangsungan organisasi. (3). Sebagai instrument sistem informasi dalam prosedur organisasi. (4). Dapat mengantipasi terhadap perubahan (5). Menjadi  faktor penentu  pada organisas.   Kata Kunci: Analisis SIM, Efektifitas, Organisas


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    Sepeda motor merupakan alat transportasi yang sangat luas pemakaiannya karena harganya relatif terjangkau dan mudah pengoperasiannya. Populasinya berkembang begitu pesat akhir–akhir ini. Aplikasi berbasis komputer ini diharapkan akan membantu mekanik pemula maupun masyarakat pemilik sepeda motor dalam mengidentifikasikan kerusakan mesin sepeda motor tanpa harus datang ke pada pakar mekanik motor. Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosa Kerusakan Sepeda Motor ini dilakukan dengan mempalajari beberapa literarur tentang kerusakan-kerusakan dan gejala yang biasa muncul pada sepeda motor 4 tak maupun 2 tak dan diimplementasikan dengan bahasa pemrograman Borlan Turbo Prolog 2.0, guna menghasilkan sistem yang berbasis cerdas. Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosa Kerusakan Sepeda Motor dapat melakukan diagnosa kerusakan berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ada pada basis data, fakta-fakta baru dapat ditambahkan sehingga sistem akan lebih cerdas. Database sistem terdiri dari dua database yaitu database untuk motor empat tak dan database untuk motor dua tak Kata kunci : Pakar, Diagnosa, Kerusakan, Motor, Pengetahua

    Prototype Media Sosial Pertanian di Indonesia untuk Perangkat Bergerak Berbasis Android

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    Meskipun terkenal sebagai negara agraris, kebutuhan pokok masyarakat Indonesia masih tergantung pada negara asing. Produksi pertanian Indonesia tidak mengalami peningkatan, bahkan cenderung menurun. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pengetahuan petani dan tidak adanya komunikasi atas kebijakan yang telah dibuat pemerintah kepada penggerak pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi media sosial bidang pertanian di Indonesia yang disebut dengan ASMI (Agriculture Social Media Indonesia). Perancangan prototype menggunakan metode Mobile Development Life Cycle (MDLC) dengan tahapan identifikasi, perancangan, pembangunan, prototype, pengujian,dan perawatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prototype ASMI dapat digunakan untuk melengkapi kebutuhan informasi dan komunikasi bidang pertanian. Prototype ASMI dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat, petani, pemerintah, pemerhati pertanian, peneliti, dosen, dan pakar sebagai media komunikasi bidang pertanian

    Kemampuan Pemangsaan Menochilus Sexmaculatus F. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Terhadap Rhopalosiphum Maidis Fitch (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    The objective of this research was to study the functional response of M. sexmaculatus. The hypothesis of this study was that age of predator and the numbers of prey will effect predation rate. To test this hypothesis, a set of prey (first and fourth instar and adult R. maidis) was separately placed together with first and fourth instar larval and adult female of M. sexmaculatus at different densities. The length of the exposure of the hosts were respectively 13, 14 and 2 hours for 1st instar larval predator, 4th instar larval predator and adult predators. In addition a combination of 1st and 4th instar nymph of R. maidis were exposed to adult M. sexmaculatus for 24 hours. The result of this study showed that the ability to predation of young and adult M. exmaculatus was type II, indicating that M. sexmaculatus can be categorized as effective biological control agent. Adults of M. sexmaculatus are better predators than the larval stages. Based on non linear regression analysis, the maximum numbers of preys consumed by adult females of M. sexmaculatus was 300 individuals of various stages of R. maidis per 24 hours

    Kemampuan Pemangsaan Menochilus sexmaculatus F. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) terhadap Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    In nature many different types of prey encountered, but information concerning the ability of predators to preys on the prey is still less The goals of this research was to knew functional response i.e. the relationship between ability of individual M. sexmaculatus to eat prey (R. maidis) on differential population density. The hypothesis of The study was the more availability of prey (R. maidis) and the older of predator stages M. sexmaculatus), then predation ability would growing up. The research method is to place directly larvae (first instar and fourth instar) and adult female M. sexmaculatus predator was on its prey, R. maidis, in a variety of population densities with first instar nymphs, the fourth and adult The result of this study shown that the ability to predation of young and adult of M. sexmaculatus was Type II to R. maidis, so it was categorized as effective biological control agent. Ability to predation of adults stages of M. semaculatus is better than young stages. Based on analysis of non linear regression, to the maximum predation of female adults of M. sexmaculatus was 300 various stage of R. maidis per 24 hours. . KEY WORDS: Functional response, M. sexmaculatus and R. Maidis

    Keanekaragaman Serangga Hama Dan Musuh Alami Pada Lahan Pertanaman Kedelai Di Kecamatan Balong-Ponorogo

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    The study aims to determine the presence of pests and natural enemies on soybean plants and to study the effect of insecticides on the diversity. Methods for observation of insects was done by using different type of traps i.e. yellow pan trap, pitfall trap, light trap, sweeping net and direct observation (visual). The presence of pests and natural enemies of soybean plants on plots without insecticide was lower than on the plots that was treated with insecticide. Composition of the population of pests found in soybean plots that were not treated with insecticide were dominated by Aphis sp. followed by Phaedonia inclusa, Riptortus linearis, Nezara viridula and Ophiomyia phaseoli. Composition of the population of natural enemies (predators) found in soybean cropps that were not treated with insecticide was family Coccinellidae followed by Syrphidae, Chrysopidae, Mantidae and Oxyopidae. The highest composition of natural enemies (parasites) found in treated and untreated soybean plots were family Braconidae then followed by family Ichneumonidae

    Keanekaragaman Serangga Hama dan Musuh Alami pada Lahan Pertanaman Kedelai di Kecamatan Balong-Ponorogo

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    The study aims to determine the presence of pests and natural enemies on soybean plants and to study the effect of insecticides on the diversity. Methods for observation of insects was done by using different type of traps i.e. yellow pan trap, pitfall trap, light trap, sweeping net and direct observation (visual). The presence of pests and natural enemies of soybean plants on plots without insecticide was lower than on the plots that was treated with insecticide. Composition of the population of pests found in soybean plots that were not treated with insecticide were dominated by Aphis sp. followed by Phaedonia inclusa, Riptortus linearis, Nezara viridula and Ophiomyia phaseoli. Composition of the population of natural enemies (predators) found in soybean cropps that were not treated with insecticide was family Coccinellidae followed by Syrphidae, Chrysopidae, Mantidae and Oxyopidae. The highest composition of natural enemies (parasites) found in treated and untreated soybean plots were family Braconidae then followed by family Ichneumonidae. KEY WORDS: Diversity, pests, predators and parasite