7 research outputs found

    Copper nanoparticles supported on silica coated maghemite as versatile, magnetically recoverable and reusable catalyst for alkyne coupling and cycloadditon reactions

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    A versatile and magnetically recoverable catalyst consisting of copper nanoparticles on silica coated maghemite nanoparticles (MagSilica®) is presented. The catalyst has been prepared under mild conditions by fast reduction of anhydrous CuCl2 with lithium sand and a catalytic amount of DTBB (4,4’-di-tert-butylbiphenyl) as electron carrier, in the presence of the magnetic support. The catalyst has been fully characterized and its performance in different coupling and cycloaddition reactions of terminal alkynes has been studied. This new copper-based catalyst has shown to be very efficient and easily reusable in the Glaser alkyne dimerization reaction in THF, the multicomponent Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction in water and the three-component synthesis of propargylamines under solvent free conditions.This work was generously supported by the CONICET (Project no. PIP 738), ANPCyT (Project PICT-2010, no. 669) and SGCyT-UNS (Project PGI 24/Q044) from Argentina. F. N. also thanks the CONICET for a doctoral fellowship

    Alkenes as Azido Precursors for the One-Pot Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazoles Catalyzed by Copper Nanoparticles on Activated Carbon

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    A one-pot protocol for the synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles has been developed starting from inactivated alkenes and based on two click reactions: the azidosulfenylation of the carbon–carbon double bond and the copper-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). High yields of the β-methylsulfanyl triazoles have been attained using CuNPs/C as catalyst, with other commercial copper catalysts being completely inactive. The versatility of the methylsulfanyl group has been demonstrated through a series of synthetic transformations, including direct access to 1-vinyl and 4-monosubstituted triazoles.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO; CTQ2007-65218, CTQ2011-24151 and Consolider Ingenio 2010-CSD2007-00006), the Generalitat Valenciana (GV; PROMETEO/2009/039), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

    Multicomponent click synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles from epoxides in water catalyzed by Copper nanoparticles on activated carbon

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    Copper nanoparticles on activated carbon have been found to effectively catalyze the multicomponent synthesis of β-hydroxy-1,2,3-triazoles from a variety of epoxides and alkynes in water. The catalyst is easy to prepare, reusable at a low copper loading (0.5 mol %), and exhibits higher catalytic activity than some commercially available copper sources. The regio- and stereochemistry of the reaction has been revised and unequivocally established on the basis of X-ray crystallographic analyses. An NMR experiment has been implemented for the rapid and unmistakable determination of the regiochemistry of the process. Some mechanistic aspects of the reaction have been also undertaken which unveil the participation of copper(I) acetylides.This work was generously supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN; CTQ2007-65218 and Consolider Ingenio 2010-CSD2007-00006), the Generalitat Valenciana (GV; PROMETEO/2009/039), and FEDER. Y.M. acknowledges the ISO of the Universidad de Alicante for a grant

    Reductions of challenging organic substrates by a nickel complex of a noninnocent crown carbene ligand

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    The first crown-tetracarbene complex of Ni(II) has been prepared, and its crystal structure determined. The complex can be reduced by Na/Hg, with an uptake of two electrons. The reduced complex reductively cleaves arenesulfonamides, including those derived from secondary aliphatic amines, and effects Birch reduction of anthracenes as well as reductive cleavage of stilbene oxides. Computational studies show that the orbital that receives electrons upon reduction of the complex 2 is predominantly based on the crown carbene ligand and also that the HOMO of the parent complex 2 is based on the ligand

    Group 4 Metallocenes Bearing η 5

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