91 research outputs found

    Serbia and Russia: 1913-1918

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    Руска империја је представљала најважнији спољнополитички ослонац Краљевине Србије на почетку 20. века. Током Анексионе (1908–1909) и кризе поводом изласка Србије на Јадранско море (1912–1913), услед унутрашњих проблема и незавршене војне реформе, Русија је била приморана да попусти пред притиском Аустро-Угарске. Ствари су се промениле после балканских ратова. Министар иностраних дела Сергеј Сазонов уверавао је да његова земља на немирном полуострву „има вере“ само у Србију и да ће „учинити све за њу“. Постојала је линија преко које Русија није смела да попусти, што се показало у јулу 1914. године. Бранећи „малог савезника“ од уништења, Русија је уједно штитила своје интересе и углед велике силе. И поред тога, немерљив је политички и морални значај одлуке царске владе да стане у заштиту Србије, насупрот експанзионистичким тежњама Аустро-Угарске. Штавише, она је пружила Србији шансу да се избори за опстанак и испуњење својих ратних циљева. У току Првог светског рата, Русија је наставила да пружа обимну дипломатску, хуманитарну, материјалну, финансијску и војну помоћ. Промене, које су наступиле 1917. умногоме су утицале на Србију. Њен најближи војно-политички савезник нашао се у вртлогу бурних унутрашњих потреса. Због слабљења утицаја Петрограда, иницијативе које је Русија покретала у корист Србије, нису више имале значајног успеха. Долазак бошљевика на власт у Русији потпуно је промени карактер српско-руских односа.The Russian Empire represented the most important foreign policy support of The Kingdom of Serbia at the beginning of the 20th century. During the Annexation crisis (1908-1909) and the crisis over Serbia's outcome into the Adriatic Sea (1912-1913), due to internal problems and unfinished military reform, Russia was forced to yield to the pressure of Austria-Hungary. Things changed after the Balkan wars. Foreign Minister Sergey Sazonov assured that his country in the troublesome peninsula "has faith" only in Serbia and that he "will do everything for her". There was a line beyond which Russia shouldn’t cross, what was demonstrated in July 1914. While protecting its “small ally” from devastation, Russia simultaneously protected its own interests and the reputation of great power. Nevertheless, the political and moral importance of the Imperial government's decision to stand up for the protection of Serbia, against the expansionist aspirations of Austria-Hungary, is immeasurable. Moreover, Serbia was given the opportunity to fight for its own survival, and to accomplish its war aims. During the First World War, Russia continued to provide extensive diplomatic, humanitarian, material, financial and military assistance. The changes that came in 1917, in many ways, had an impact on Serbia. Its closest military-political ally was stacked in vortex of internal turmoils. As the position of Petrograd weakened, Russian initiatives in favor of the Serbia were also becoming less successful. The Bolsheviks’ arrival ahead of Russia totally changed the character of the Serbian-Russian relation

    The effect of grammatical context on processing inflected noun forms in Serbian language

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    Uvod. Razvijena flektivna morfologija srpskog jezika omogućava morfološko (gramatičko) slaganje različitih vrsta reči koje se realizuje ili pomoću flektivnih sufiksa ili pomoću gramatičkog pravila kojim je određeno slaganje između dve vrste reči. U ovom radu je u okviru pet eksperimenata ispitivan efekat gramatičkog primovanja imenice pridevom (npr. lepoj : kući) /eksperiment 1/, imenice prisvojnom zamenicom (npr. mojoj : kući) /eksperiment 2/, predlogom (npr. na : kući) /eksperiment 3/, imenice predlogom i pridevom (npr. na : lepoj : kući) /eksperiment 4/ i glagola ličnom zamenicom (npr. ti : ideš) /eksperiment 5/. Pitanje efekta gramatičkog primovanja razmatrano je u kontekstu informacionog pristupa obradi flektivne morfologije koji polazi od pretpostavke da je vreme obrade reči sa flektivnim nastavcima determinisano količinom informacije (bit) koju ti oblici nose, a koja je izvedena iz frekvencije i gramatičkog faktora1 (Kostić, A., 1991, 1995; Kostić, A., Marković & Baucal, 2003; Moscosso del Prado Martin, Kostić, A. & Baayen, 2004). Cilj. Ispitati da li je na osnovu količine informacija (bit) moguće izvršiti predikciju vremena reakcije na flektivni oblik reči mete kada joj prethodi određeni gramatički kontekst, kao i na koji način prikazivanje određenog gramatičkog konteksta modifikuje količinu informacije...Introduction. Serbian is highly inflected language characterized by morphological (grammatical) agreement among different parts of speech. The agreement is based either on inflectional suffixes of two open class words (e.g. adjectives/nouns), or is guided by grammatical rule (e.g. preposition/noun). In five experiments presented in this study the effect of grammatical priming of inflected noun and verb forms had been examined. In experiments 1 to 4 inflected noun forms were preceded by inflected adjective /e.g. lepoj : kući/ (experiment 1), inflected possessive pronoun (e.g. mojoj : kući) /experiment 2/, by preposition (e.g. na : kući) /experiment 3/, and both by preposition and inflected adjective (e.g. na : lepoj : kući) /experiment 4/. In experiment 5 personal pronoun preceded inflected verb forms (e.g. ti : ideš). Target words were preceded by congruent, incongruent and neutral prime. The effect of grammatical priming is inspected within the framework of the information-theoretic approach which assumes that processing latency is determined by the amount of information (bit) carried by an inflected word form. The amount of information is derived from inflected form probability and grammatical factor2 (Kostić, A. 1991, 1995; Kostić, A., Marković & Baucal, 2003; Moscosso del Prado Martin, Kostić, A. & Baayen, 2004). Study objective. The aim of this study was to investigate predictive capacity of the information-theoretic approach when an open class word is preceded by grammatically congruent and incongruent context. In addition, the study is aimed at better understanding of the mechanism of grammatical priming, i.e. in which way grammatical context modifies the amount of information carried by an open class target..

    Pyrotechnological connections? Re-investigating the link between pottery firing technology and the origins of metallurgy in the Vinča Culture, Serbia

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    The present paper re-examines the purported relationship between Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic pottery firing technology and the world's earliest recorded copper metallurgy at two Serbian Vinča culture sites, Belovode and Pločnik (c. 5350 to 4600 BC). A total of eighty-eight well-dated sherds including dark-burnished and graphite-painted pottery that originate across this period have been analysed using a multi-pronged scientific approach in order to reconstruct the raw materials and firing conditions that were necessary for the production of these decorative styles. This is then compared to the pyrotechnological requirements and chronology of copper smelting in order to shed new light on the assumed, yet rarely investigated, hypothesis that advances in pottery firing technology in the late 6th and early 5th millennia BC Balkans were an important precursor for the emergence of metallurgy in this region at around 5000 BC. The results of this study and the recent literature indicate that the ability to exert sufficiently close control over the redox atmosphere in a two-step firing process necessary to produce graphite-painted pottery could indeed link these two crafts. However, graphite-painted pottery and metallurgy emerge at around the same time, both benefitting from the pre-existing experience with dark-burnished pottery and an increasing focus on aesthetics and exotic minerals. Thus, they appear as related technologies, but not as one being the precursor to the other

    Transfer Learning with ResNet3D-101 for Global Prediction of High Aerosol Concentrations

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    In order to better predict the high aerosol concentrations associated with air pollution and climate change, a machine learning model was developed using transfer learning and the segmentation process of global satellite images. The main concept of transfer learning lies on convolutional neural networks and works by initializing the already trained model weights to better adapt the weights when the network is trained on a different dataset. The transfer learning technique was tested with the ResNet3D-101 model pre-trained from a 2D ImageNet dataset. This model has performed well for contrail detection to assess climate impact. Aerosol distributions can be monitored via satellite remote sensing. Satellites can monitor some aerosol optical properties like aerosol optical thickness. Aerosol optical thickness snapshots were the input dataset for the model and were obtained from NASA’s Terra-Modis satellite; the output images were segmented by comparing the pixel values with a threshold value of 0.8 for aerosol optical thickness. Hyperparameter optimization finds a tuple of hyperparameters that yields an optimal model that minimizes a predefined loss function on given independent data. The model structure was adjusted in order to improve the performance of the model by applying methods and hyperparameter optimization techniques such as grid search, batch size, threshold, and input length. According to the criteria defined by the authors, the distance domain criterion and time domain criterion, the developed model is capable of generating adequate data and finding patterns in the time domain. As observed from the comparison of relative coefficients for the criteria metrics proposed by the authors, ddc and dtc, the deep learning model based on ConvLSTM layers developed in our previous studies has better performance than the model developed in this study with transfer learning

    Algorithm for Implementation of Wavelength Division Multiplexing in EPON

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    Today, implementation of wavelength division multiplexing in the Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) is considered as one of the most perspective solutions for the bottleneck problem in the access network. With the development of new applications and services, multimedia applications above all, quality of service (QoS) support becomes a major concern in WDM EPON, as it was the case in EPON. In this paper, WDM EPON architecture is presented along with a novel algorithm for wavelength and bandwidth allocation with full QoS support. Besides theoretical analysis, simulation results are presented and they confirm a good performance of presented solution

    Changes in Soil Erosion Intensity Caused by Land Use and Demographic Changes in the Jablanica River Basin, Serbia

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    The aim of this research is to determine the change in the spatial distribution of erosion intensity in the territory of the Jablanica River Basin in the period 1971-2016 caused by land use and demographic changes. The Erosion Potential Method (EPM) was used to quantify changes in erosion intensity and to estimate the total annual sediment yield. The research results show that the value of the erosion coefficient decreased from 0.432 in 1971 to 0.360 in 2016. Specific annual gross erosion in the Jablanica River Basin was 654.41 m(3)/km(2)/year in 1971, while in 2016 it was 472.03 m(3)/km(2)/year. The analysis of proportional changes was used to determine demographic changes and land use patterns in the basin area. In terms of the scale and intensity of the erosion process, three types and one sub-type of population dynamics of settlements and land use changes were distinguished, respectively: progressive, stagnant, regressive and dominant regressive. It was concluded that the results show the significance of demographic and land use changes in the control of the intensity of erosion. The Soil Erosion Map may be useful to planners and land use managers to take appropriate decisions for soil conservation in the basin

    Uticaj BA i BA+GA4+7 na formiranje prevremenih grančica na jednogodišnjim sadnicama sorti jabuke

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    This study presents the influence of BA (6-benzyladenine) and BA+GA4+7 (6-benzyladenine + gibberellic acids 4 and 7) on feathering of one-year-old apple trees of two cultivars Jonagold and Čadel. Different concentrations of BA (300, 600, 1,200 and 1,800 mg L-1) and BA+GA4+7 (500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 mg L-1) were applied, and two treatments for both chemicals were performed. The first treatment was applied at 70-cm height of nursery trees and the second 2 weeks later. Comparison was performed in relation to untreated control. An application of BA and BA+GA4+7 did not affect both rootstock and nursery tree diameter at 10 cm above the grafting union. Nursery trees of cultivar Jonagold were not influenced by treatments applied, whereas in cultivar Čadel, the treatment with BA+GA4+7 decreased apical growth of nursery trees. The development of sylleptic shoots in both cultivars tested was influenced by the type of growth regulator and concentration applied. Treatment with BA at 300 mg L-1 concentration in both cultivars tested did not influence total length and number of sylleptic shoots, as well as the number of sylleptic shoots longer than 20 cm. The most positive influence on all studied parameters was observed on nursery trees treated with the concentration of 1,200 mg L-1 BA. The lowest concentration of BA+GA4+7 (500 mg L-1) caused the low feathering of both studied cultivars. The higher concentrations (1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 mg L-1) similarly increased the number and total length of sylleptic shoots of nursery trees.U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj BA (6-benziladenin) i BA+GA4+7 (6-benziladenin + giberelinska kiselina 4 i 7) na bočno grananje jednogodišnjih sadnica dve sorte jabuke Jonagold i Čadel. Primenjene su različite koncentracije BA (300, 600, 1.200 i 1.800 mg L-1) i BA+GA4+7 (500, 1.000, 1.500 i 2.000 mg L-1) pri čemu su kod oba hemijska jedinjenja tretmani izvedeni dva puta. Prvi tretman je izveden kada su sadnice bile visine 70 cm, a drugi tretman je izveden dve nedelje kasnije. Kontrola je bila bez tretiranja. Primena BA i BA+GA4+7 nije ispoljila uticaj na prečnik podloge i sadnice na visini od 10 cm iznad spojnog mesta. Kod sadnica sorte Jonagold nisu registrovane razlike u vršnom porastu pod uticajem primenjenih tretmana, dok je kod sorte Čadel tretman sa BA+GA4+7 uticao na smanjenje vršnog porasta sadnica. Ustanovljeno je da su tip hemijskog regulatora i primenjena koncentracija uticali na razvoj prevremenih grančica kod obe ispitivane sorte. Tretman sa BA u koncentraciji od 300 mg L-1 nije ispoljio uticaj na ukupnu dužinu i broj prevremenih grančica, kao i na broj prevremenih grančica dužih od 20 cm. Najpozitivniji uticaj na sve ispitivane parametre je zabeležen kod sadnica tretiranih sa BA u koncentraciji od 1.200 mg L-1. Najniža koncentracija BA+GA4+7 (500 mg L-1) je izazvala slabo grananje sadnica kod obe ispitivane sorte. Veće koncentracije (1.000, 1.500 i 2.000 mg L-1) su uslovile slično povećanje broja i ukupne dužine prevremenih grančica na sadnicama

    Statistical analysis of water quality parameters in the basin of the Nisava River (Serbia) in the period 2009-2018

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    This paper analyzes water quality from four hydrological stations in the Nisava river basin from 2009-2018 based on the following parameters: pH, conductivity, O-2 saturation, BOD5, suspended solids, total oxidized nitrogen, phosphates, turbidity and coliform bacteria. Authors have applied WQI (water quality index) as the most reliable indicator of the watercourses pollution for setting of surface water flow quality. Statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) using t-test inferential statistical analysis and post-hoc Tukey test were applied to evaluate statistically significant differences between specific data groups. The results show that bad water quality was registered on all the profiles on an annual basis (WQI = 65-71). The river water pH decreases downstream, while values of BOD5, suspended solids, turbidity, TON, phosphates and coliform bacteria gradually increase. The waters of the Nisava at the station Nis belong to the third class of waters and they are mostly loaded with organic matter originating from waste sewage and industrial waters of both urban and rural areas

    Statistical analysis of temperature regime change on the example of Sokobanja basin in eastern Serbia

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    The changes and oscillations in air temperature during the second half of the 20th and in the early 21st century, have become one of the major concerns of almost all scientific disciplines. Such changes are noticeable both at the local and global level. The objective of this paper is to point out that the changes of this climate element can also be detected at the local level. The research underlying this paper is, in terms of territory, limited to the Sokobanja basin in Eastern Serbia. The analysis relies on the data on air temperature for the period 1946-2012 taken from the Meteorological weather station located in Sokobanja. The obtained data were processed in line with the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization. The evidenced statistically significant changes in air temperature were examined using the following statistical tests: Pettit test, Standard Normal Homogeneity test, Buishand range test, and von Neumann test

    The impact of Mediterranean oscillations on periodicity and trend of temperature in the valley of the Nisava river - a fourier and wavelet approach

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    Periodicity of temperature on three stations in the Nisava River valley in period 1949-2014, has been analyzed by means of Fourier and wavelet transforms. Combined periodogram based on fast Fourier transform shows considerable similarity among individual series and identffies significant periods on 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 5, 6-7, and 8.2 years in all datasets. Wavelet coherence analysis connects strongest 6-7 years spectral component to Mediterranean oscillation, starting in 1980s. Combined periodogram of Mediterranean oscillation index reveals 6-7 years spectral component as a dominant mode in period 1949-2014. Wavelet power spectra and partial combined periodograms show absence of 6-7 years component before 1975, after which this component becomes dominant in the spectrum. Consistency between alternation in temperature trend in the Nisava River valley and change in periodicity of Mediterranean oscillation was found