1,327 research outputs found

    Ideas about “Consciousness” in Fifth and Sixth Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, and the Chinese Background to *Amalavijñāna

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    In this book, an international team of fourteen scholars investigates the Chinese reception of Indian Buddhist ideas, especially in the sixth and seventh centuries. Topics include Buddhist logic and epistemology (pramāṇa, yinming); commentaries on Indian Buddhist texts; Chinese readings of systems as diverse as Madhyamaka, Yogācāra and tathāgatagarbha; the working out of Indian concepts and problematics in new Chinese works; and previously under-studied Chinese evidence for developments in India. The authors aim to consider the ways that these Chinese materials might furnish evidence of broader Buddhist trends, thereby problematizing a prevalent notion of “sinification”, which has led scholars to consider such materials predominantly in terms of trends ostensibly distinctive to China. The volume also tries to go beyond seeing sixth- and seventh-century China primarily as the age of the formation and establishment of the Chinese Buddhist “schools”. The authors attempt to view the ideas under study on their own terms, as valid Buddhist ideas engendered in a rich, “liminal” space of interchange between two large traditions.In this book, an international team of fourteen scholars investigates the Chinese reception of Indian Buddhist ideas, especially in the sixth and seventh centuries. Topics include Buddhist logic and epistemology (pramāṇa, yinming); commentaries on Indian Buddhist texts; Chinese readings of systems as diverse as Madhyamaka, Yogācāra and tathāgatagarbha; the working out of Indian concepts and problematics in new Chinese works; and previously under-studied Chinese evidence for developments in India. The authors aim to consider the ways that these Chinese materials might furnish evidence of broader Buddhist trends, thereby problematizing a prevalent notion of “sinification”, which has led scholars to consider such materials predominantly in terms of trends ostensibly distinctive to China. The volume also tries to go beyond seeing sixth- and seventh-century China primarily as the age of the formation and establishment of the Chinese Buddhist “schools”. The authors attempt to view the ideas under study on their own terms, as valid Buddhist ideas engendered in a rich, “liminal” space of interchange between two large traditions

    Documentary photography/postmodern commodities

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    This honours project is divided into two parts. Part one is the written thesis. Part two is the photographic component. Part one discusses some of the practices and discourses associated with \u27documentary\u27 photography. Some documentary practices and discourses of the past can be seen to be culturally divisive. These practices and discourses were based on being, white, male and European. This ideology and its discursive modes are in conflict with contemporary photographic practices and the relevant social and cultural theories that define it. The thesis defines the discourses and practices of the modernist and postmodernist documentary photographer. It highlights the discursive modes and locates a common link. In the consumerist postmodern world, the image, whether it is modernist or postmodernist becomes a commodity. Part two is a photographic book called \u27roses\u27. The book component works with the notion of the \u27commodity\u27, forming a link with the written thesis

    Health as an Individualized Project: Gender Bio-Authenticity and Responsibilization Governance in Functional Medicine

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College

    Floresta e sociedade: um percurso (1875-2005)

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    Este texto procurou relacionar os diferentes intervenientes na floresta portuguesa ⎯ os seus proprietários privados e comunitários e ainda o Estado ⎯ com as funções que esperavam dessa mesma floresta ⎯ articulação com os sistemas agrários, produtiva, de lazer e recreio, ambiente e de conservação, simbólica ⎯ e com o resultado global, que foi o aumento da área florestal, a qual, admite-se, pode ter passado de uns 7% a aproximadamente um terço da área do continente português, entre 1875 e 2005. Ao longo do tempo considerado, a relação entre intervenientes, funções esperadas e ampliação da floresta variou, o que levou a delimitar três períodos, 1875-1938, 1938-1974, 1974-2005. Assim, o enorme acréscimo da área de floresta no primeiro destes períodos foi impulsionado pelos particulares que tinham em vista as produções florestais. Nos períodos que se seguiram, a área continuou a crescer, embora de forma mais moderada, pesando então a acção do Estado. Este, no primeiro período, assumiu sobretudo a função de conservação e protecção do território juntando-se seguidamente aos particulares em torno da floresta produtiva. No terceiro dos períodos, a função ambiental passaria a ser exigida pela sociedade e pelos acordos europeus. A função lazer afirma-se igualmente no tempo mais recente, captando então o interesse dos proprietários privados. Como apoio aos sistemas agrários, a floresta foi importante até aos anos sessenta, declinando no seguimento

    Combined population dynamics and entropy modelling supports patient stratification in chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Modelling the parameters of multistep carcinogenesis is key for a better understanding of cancer progression, biomarker identification and the design of individualized therapies. Using chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) as a paradigm for hierarchical disease evolution we show that combined population dynamic modelling and CML patient biopsy genomic analysis enables patient stratification at unprecedented resolution. Linking CD34+ similarity as a disease progression marker to patientderived gene expression entropy separated established CML progression stages and uncovered additional heterogeneity within disease stages. Importantly, our patient data informed model enables quantitative approximation of individual patients’ disease history within chronic phase (CP) and significantly separates “early” from “late” CP. Our findings provide a novel rationale for personalized and genome-informed disease progression risk assessment that is independent and complementary to conventional measures of CML disease burden and prognosis

    El arquetipo del antihéroe y su modo de representación en teleseries contemporáneas

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    En el nuevo siglo los diferentes formatos de ficción televisiva han ido evolucionando y adaptándose a los tiempos. Actualmente el consumo de series de televisión es un fenómeno global que viene de la mano conel surgimiento de un nuevoparadigmaen torno a un estilo diferente de relato ficcional. Lo cierto es que esta nueva tendencia teleserial propone productos audiovisuales de altísima calidad que se ubican al nivel del gran cine . Como sucedió con el lenguaje cinematográfico a comienzos de la posmodernidad, lateleficción contemporánea propone una fuerte carga intertextual con guiños, referencias, metarreferencias, homenajes, proporcionando un pensamiento crítico que deja a la vista la modificación de la historia del propio medio. Dentro de este contexto se ha observado que crecen exponencialmente las series de televisión donde el protagonista es un antihéroe,figuras con doble moral que se caracterizan por tener problemas reales y pendular entre el bien y el mal, aportando una gran cuota de realismo y empatía con el espectador. Se analizarán, mediante un corpus seleccionado, los modos de representación del arquetipo del héroe/antihéroe en las teleseries actuales