15 research outputs found

    A review of length-weight relationships of freshwater fishes in Malaysia

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    This manuscript reviews the length-weight relationships (LWRs) of freshwater fishes in Malaysia. A total of 102 LWRs of fishes gathered from literature pertaining to 64 freshwater fish species were analysed. A meta-analysis from 13 previous reports showed that the b values was ranged from 2.19 (Clarias batrachus) to 4.106 (Barbodes binotatus). Out of 64 observed species, 47 species (11 families) experienced positive allometric growth, while another 23 species (eight families) and 31 species (12 families) were recorded under isometric and negative allometric growth, respectively. The fish LWRs observed can be used as an indicator of environmental changes and fish ecological health for freshwater fishes in Malaysia

    Effect of 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazodium chloride (BMIMCl) pretreatment on structural and glucose yield of the rice husk

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    Ionic liquid (IL) are of great interest as solvents for production of fuels from lignocellulosic biomass. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium (BMIMCl) pretreatment on rice husk (Oryza sativa) based on it structural changes and glucose yield production. The pretreatment was conducted by heating 5% (w/w) rice husk in BMIMCl solution at 80 °C for 48 hours. The structural changes of regenerated rice husk were observed and characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It was found that the regenerated rice husk was less crystalline and higher amorphous upon BMIMCl treatment. The total sugar yield before and after fermentation by saccharomyces cerevisiae was analysed using dinitrosalicyclic acid (DNS) method. The regenerated rice husk produces higher total sugar yield compared with untreated rice husk

    An intelligent approach for enhancing the Quality of Service in IoMT based on 5G

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    The concept and growth of superior individualized healthcare technologies are influenced in significant ways by the emerging areas of “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)”. Most people use wearable devices for mHealth, hence there are many potential applications for the “Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)”. Only 5G can provide the necessary support for smart medical devices to perform many different types of demanding computing activities. Today, heart disease was the major mortality on a global scale. For patients who need a greater accurate diagnosis and treatment, the advancement of medical innovation has created new obstacles. Although many studies have focused on diagnosing cardiac disease, the findings are often inaccurate and fail to fulfill patients' expectations of quality of service (QoS). So, this paper introduces a novel “feed-forward Bi-directional long-short term memory (FF-Bi-LSTM) algorithm to predict heart disease more accurately with enhanced QoS in IoMT based on 5G”. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and min-max normalization are employed, respectively, for preprocessing and feature extraction. The efficacy of the suggested approach is measured using several different metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. The proposed method is also compared to certain existing techniques. These results show that the suggested strategy outperforms existing strategies in terms of improving QoS


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    Tujuan dari Workshop pelatihan perpajakan UMKM di kabupaten garut ini adalah sebagai salah satu kontribusi akademis dosen terhadap negara dan masyarakat serta sebagai pemenuhan kewajiban tridarma dosen, sehingga di harapkan meningkatkan kepatuhan wajib pajak UMKM di kabupaten garut. Adapun Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemerintah kabupaten garut. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini melalui pemaparan materi, simulasi perhitungan, pembuatan e-billing dan pengisian SPT. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pelaku usaha UMKM di kabupaten garut dapat mengetahui kewajiban perpajakan nya mulai dari perhitungan, penyetoran dan pelaporan pajak. kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik dengan banyaknya peserta yang antusias mengukuti pelatihan ini

    Evaluating the surrounding physical habitat for Thynnichthys thynnoides's spawning areas using a visual-based habitat assessment at Rui River, Perak

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the physical habitat of spawning areas for Thynnicthys thynnoides (T. thynnoides) in the Rui River, Gerik, Perak. Five sampling sites of Rui River's floodplain were chosen. Sampling was conducted between May and October 2015 by using a visual-based habitat assessment developed for Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish. This study showed that T. thynnoides still migrated to the upper stream of Rui River during spawning season mainly in August. Habitat assessment scoring indicated that the physical habitat structure of Rui River fell into a suboptimal category, which was most likely able to support fish populations and thus providing a suitable habitat for T. thynnoides during the spawning season. Conclusively, it was observed that the T. thynnoides population was dependent on environmental conditions

    Masterpiece Ltd : Satay Grilled Machine / Mohd Azzad Ab. Rahim ...[et al.]

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    'Satay' grilled machine is one of the most popular product at our company. Masterpiece Ltd. with tagline "Turning Ideas Into Reality" is located at No.40, Jalan Lembah 19, Bandar Seri Alam, 81750 Masai, Johar. Masterpiece Ltd. is a company which focuses on machine production in Malaysia. 'Satay' is one of most popular food in Malaysia. Differences meat and spices that used makes it look interesting and suitable to serve for any occasion. The light and tender texture makes people love it to eat. Moreover, the preparation to serve this food is so simple. To ease it more simple to serve, we decided to make some innovation by implying our creativity and modern element through our machine. Nowadays, speediness is one of the important things in chasing national development trend

    Benchmarking Methodology For International Oil Companies Based On The Hybrid Strategy And Strategic Performance

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    Porter's new strategy (from now on referred to as the hybrid strategy) is based on a mix of differentiation and cost leadership. The literature on hybrid strategy confirms the investigation of such a strategy is mostly limited. With the suspicion of the pure strategies (i.e., differentiation, cost leadership, and focus) are active in strategic performance. Several open issues and challenges facing the implementation of a hybrid strategy and not been observed yet. This study aims to explore the influence of the context factors for the hybrid strategy on the strategic performance through the mediating variable, the content factors for the hybrid strategy. In addition, the researcher explores the strength of the relationship between the content factors for the hybrid strategy and the strategic performance through the interaction of readiness for change. To this end, this study completes the previous literature with a combination of the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and multicriteria decision-making (MCDM). Thus, the MCDM (i.e., best-worst-method [BWM] and vlsekriterijumska optimizcija i kaompromisno resenje [VIKOR]) are effective approachs to solving the problem of complexity and evaluation (i.e., multiple evaluation criteria, important criteria, and data variation)

    Activation of calcium bentonite for use as a drilling fluid: Physical and chemical methods evaluation

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    This study explores the activation of calcium bentonite through physical (ultrasonic) and chemical (carboxymethylcellulose and starch) methods. The bonding between bentonite and polymers was analyzed, and X-ray diffraction characterized the effect of ultrasound. Physical method considered water to bentonite ratios, while the chemical method focused on bentonite to polymer ratios following the API method. Results showed that physically activated bentonite met OCMA type specifications, with a density of 1.125g/cm3, suitable for desert drilling fluids. Chemical activation using polymers effectively regulated properties to meet OCMA, API, and high yield grade specifications, making it the preferred method for versatile drilling fluid applications